"Want to escape?"

"Mr. Wang, you must not let this evil ghost escape."

"No matter what, we have to catch this evil ghost!"

Min Nan Feng said gloomily when he saw the woman's head swallow the little girl in the red skirt into her mouth and then disappear into the wall.

She didn't care about the life or death of the little girl.

But he was determined to catch this evil ghost.

He immediately ran into the alley, and Old Wang followed with the old ghost he controlled.

""Mr. Min, don't be impulsive!"

The captain of the task force changed his face and shouted anxiously.

But Min Nanfeng didn't listen at all.

The captain of the task force had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow him.

""Senior, what should we do?" Jiang Li looked at Li Ya and asked.

Li Ya looked distressed and said in a deep voice,"We can only follow him."

"If only the two of us go back, the director will definitely punish us."

Hearing this, Jiang Li held her forehead and was very angry about Min Nan Feng's unauthorized actions.

But who can blame him for having such a powerful father?

There was no other way, she and Li Ya had to keep up.

They ran quickly in the alley.

Min Nan Feng and Wang Lao were at the front, chasing the evil spirit of the evil ghost.

After passing through several alleys, Min Nan Feng and Wang Lao stopped outside an old house in the ancient town.

Outside the old house, they saw the evil ghost from before.

At this time, the evil ghost with only a head was floating in the air, and the black ghost hair was flying all over the sky, looking extremely terrifying.

"Give the order to attack!"

Min Nan Feng turned his head and looked at the captain of the task force and ordered.

The captain of the task force was reluctant to hear this.

After all, actively attacking a fierce ghost is a completely suicidal act.

But Min Nan Feng's order made him unable to refuse, so he had to order the attack.

The members of the task force took their guns and shot at the fierce ghost.

Golden bullets flew out one after another.

The fierce ghost waved her hair to block all the bullets flying towards her.

The fierce ghost became angry and roared.

The ghost hair rushed towards the members of the task force.

""Old Wang, it's your turn!" Min Nan Feng said.

Upon hearing this, Old Wang immediately asked the evil spirit under his control to take action.

A gray aura emanated from the body of the rotten old ghost.

The gray aura rushed towards the evil spirit with a human head.

When the hair of the evil spirit with a human head was covered by the gray aura, it immediately rotted.

"It seems that this evil spirit has just broken through."

"It's not a big problem to take her down!"

Seeing this, Wang Lao smiled faintly.

Hearing this, Min Nanfeng's face showed joy.

He stared at the head ghost with a greedy look.

"As long as I can control this evil ghost, I will be the strongest in this circle."Minnan Feng said excitedly.

The ghost hair of the human-headed evil ghost was constantly corroded by the gray aura.

She retreated to the door of the old house.

Facing the surging ghost hair, she could not resist at all.

Seeing that she was about to be swallowed by the ghost hair, the door of the old house opened.

The little girl who was swallowed by the human-headed evil ghost before appeared.

The little girl stood in front of the human-headed evil ghost with her hands open, shouting angrily,"Don't bully Big Head Sister!"

Seeing the appearance of the little girl, Wang Lao's face suddenly changed, and he immediately asked the rotten old ghost to retract the gray aura.

"Master, this little girl is not simple"

"Just now she was swallowed by this evil ghost with a human head, and I thought she was dead."

"But she is still alive"

"It seems that this little girl is very likely born with a strong Yin body, and this human-headed evil spirit may be the one protecting her."Old Wang looked at Min Nan Feng and said.

Min Nan Feng's face darkened.

He looked at the little girl with some jealousy.

He knew very well what a strong Yin body meant.

Any ghost master born with a strong Yin body, as long as he could grow up, would be a big boss.

"Wang Lao, is there a way to transfer a person's natural Yin body to another person?"Min Nan Feng's eyes flashed coldly, looking at Wang Lao and asked.

Hearing this, Wang Lao's eyes became a little surprised.

"Mr. Wang, I'm asking you a question, yes or no?" Min Nanfeng asked with a sullen face.

"No!" Old Wang shook his head slightly.

"If not, forget it."

"Kill this little girl"

"I will definitely get this evil ghost." Min Nan Feng said coldly.

When the people around heard Min Nan Feng's words, their faces changed drastically.

"Master Min, she is born with a yin body."

"If we bring her back to the Ghost Control Bureau and train her, then many years later, our Xia country will definitely be able to produce a powerful ghost control master!" The captain of the task force immediately said

"Master Min, she is just a little girl"

"She is innocent, why do you want to kill her?"

Jiang Li said to Min Nan Feng with an angry look on her face.

Min Nan Feng glanced at the two of them and said in a cold voice,"Are you qualified to talk to me like this?"

"You know your identity."

"Here, I have the final say!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Mr. Wang and said again,"Mr. Wang, do it!"

"Kill this little girl and suppress this evil ghost with a human head so that I can control her."

When Mr. Wang heard this, he didn't agree with it in his heart.

But his duty was to protect Min Nan Feng.

He couldn't afford to offend Min Nan Feng's father.

He looked at the little girl with deep apology in his eyes.

"Sorry, little girl."

"I will act faster!" Old Wang thought to himself, and asked the old corrupt ghost to attack again.

The old corrupt ghost opened his mouth and exhaled a turbid gray breath.

Seeing the gray breath spreading towards the little girl and the human-headed ghost, everyone else couldn't help but close their eyes.

They couldn't stand Min Nan Feng's crazy behavior.

Only Min Nan Feng had a crazy smile on his face.

"Born with a yin body?"

"How can such a wild girl have it?"

"Since I can't get her natural Yin body, I will destroy it!"Min Nan Feng's expression looked a little sick.

The gray breath approached again, and the human-headed evil spirit behind the little girl roared madly.

Her ghost hair once again pressed towards the gray breath.

But her strength was not as good as the rotten old ghost.

Her ghost hair was constantly corroded by the gray breath.

When the gray breath was about to engulf the little girl and the human-headed evil spirit, Jiang Li couldn't help it.

She rushed over, hugged the little girl, and ran away quickly.

"Stupid woman!"Minnan Feng smiled coldly.

Although he thought Jiang Li was pretty, but Jiang Li had rejected him before, it didn't matter if Jiang Li died here.

"Little sister, don't be afraid, I will protect you!" Jiang Li didn't know where she got the courage from now.

But she knew that if she watched the little girl die like this, she would feel guilty.

She looked at the gray breath getting closer and closer behind her, and ran desperately.

But her speed was always slower than the gray breath.

Seeing that she was about to be swallowed by the gray breath, the little girl she was holding suddenly covered her ears and screamed loudly.

The next moment, the yin energy in Yinsha Ancient Town became violent.

In the old house, the sound of dogs barking came out.

A seemingly ordinary black dog jumped out of the old house.

When the black dog jumped out, it opened its mouth and sucked hard.

All the gray breath was sucked into its mouth.

Seeing this, Wang Lao's face changed drastically.

"The second evil spirit?"

"This is trouble!" Old Wang frowned slightly.

"Thank you, Xiao Hei!"The little girl held by Jiang Li saw the black dog coming and waved and smiled.

"Mr. Wang, is this black dog also a ghost?

"That’s right!"

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