
I guess it's like the image of a rich man, huh?

Large garden, big dog.

Outside cars, freshly released consoles, that or this in fashion.

There would be a lot of images...

What I think of as a rich man is a private pool.

I envy the pool you can put in anytime from me not so interested in swimming.

It's not the same size as an aero bike or walking machine, isn't it the king of house tres for the price?

Most importantly, a summer pool is basically a mix of idiots.

Avoid such crowds, don't worry about people, swim all you want, play with water.

Don't you think it's the most celebrity-filled act?

No, no, there's a pool in this world.

Because there are just so many places without water supply, the cost jumps much more than it did in previous life.

There is, but it means it's unrealistic.

It feels like "The bath in the house is a hot spring," I guess it's somewhere if you look, but in terms of prevalence, it's essentially the same as it isn't.

But I'm vulnerable to that.


You look so rich.

"Sir, we have just planted a rare shrub sapling in the garden"

"Hmm, a little narrow where I pulled that out..."

I just told my gardener grandfather the plan, but the garden of the house. Then the pool seems difficult.

Besides, right next to the garden is usually the road.

I don't have a hobby for showing Laura her selfish body to other men.

I can't help it...... give up the pool at home.

Nah, we're going to leave for a little while, but there's land.

There's a huge lot of land on the university campus.

"Dear Sawadi, salute your wife!

It was all the guards who guarded the planned theatre building that gave us military salutes under such an order.

It's okay to work part-time for an off-duty adventurer if it's a base or something, but just because this place is different in size, a new dedicated guard has been created to bring together those who want it.

Wearing an aligned shirt, the chest is patched with a design that looks like a child rewrote the Schenker family's payment stamp freehand.

Fine swords on the hips, short spears on the hands, giraffes on the eyes, killer Munmun guards.

There are quite a few former adventurers and other retired slaves in Fumiko, but, well, I wonder if there's simply an aspect of measures to employ more slaves.

There's an independent aspirant there who wants to do business for himself to retirees, but not everyone can have a store or a stall.

Some people make money here and have their own stalls.

The captain of the guard is still an active slave, a daughter named Rubica, a werewolf.

They have some kind of blessing that they can use against their enemies.

"You seem young, but you're the captain?

"It is!

"Why was he chosen?

"Because I had the protection of a wolf god!

"Wouldn't it be the Divine Son if it were the patronage of the god of wolves to the werewolves? Why into slavery?

"Ha! They poisoned me in the village to see if I was really the Son of God!

"Well, don't listen to what happens in the country."

"Ha! It happens all the time!

Something about Mr. Laura and the captain of the guard talking so noisy, but I guess it's a blessing or a curse to have a god over here.

If God existed, he existed. So, it's actually an annoying story.

"How do we detect the enemy?

"Ha! I can sense the herd separately from the other being!

"Well, what's the distance?

"This land is totally foreseeable!

"That's comforting."

"Thank you!

Apart from the interchange I hear, I'm super scared that neither of you has a laugh in your eyes.

I was wondering if you could just show me around.

Eventually, after a while of waiting, the guidance on the premises finally began.

"We're putting up piles on the outer edge for now, but we're gradually building walls with bricks"

Of course the outer edge is not straight.

There are still some places where the building is left, and the land itself needs to be reworked with irregularities, gnarly.

It's good to have all the experienced people in civil engineering.

In the distance, I can see people with short spears on the outer edge roaming and patrolling.

Sounds tough, can you sleep properly at night or something?

"How's this going at night?

"Ha! We only keep people in our supply stacks at night! If in the morning there are any suspicious people, it's the form of kicking them out every time!

"Oh, yeah... like I can't help it"

"Thank you!

Momentum will push you.

Anyway, the reason I'm here today is to order the construction of a pool.

We allowed the territory to be unobstructed, comparing the blue photographs for the construction of the theatre that once existed to the locality.

"I need you to dig around here more or less to your chest. Connecting to sewage at the time of foundation works because drainage is necessary. Stiffening is my magic."

"Yes, I did!

It has been proven underground that enhanced magic can also be used in civil engineering.

I also feel that I am becoming more and more familiar with the use of backgammon magic, but I would normally use anything I notice in action.

Of course, it seems very likely that an authoritative wizard will not bother with civil engineering work...

In the end, magic is a tool for me, if you get results, that's fine.

"Excuse me! Lunch arrived!

"Let me through!

I'm happy with the rice, but can't you handle this reclining...

Is it personality or education?

I think it was more loosely fluffy before the ex-conventional Scale tribe mentor came in.

From far away, I can see the dogs with blame slowly walking in.

You've seen it, I guess you were discharged from service with amnesty for my marriage because you were only in the music team.

"Sorry to keep you waiting ~, it's a meat bun and a grilled mortar"

"Thank you. You were in the music team."

"Ah, yes! I'm Sheena. I'm in charge of the stall now."

"She was recently married and is pregnant now!

Rubica says with a humphung nose, is it also a blessing of the wolf god to know pregnancy?

"Heh, congratulations"

"Thank you"

Sheena laughed with a hang as she moved her pico ear.

I'm like an employer for once, too, and I wonder if I should even give you a gift.

I took one piece of gold out of my pocket and put it out in front of Sheena.

"Something's coming up, isn't it? This is a celebration."

Seeing the glow of that gold coin, the bickering around me stopped pitting.

The field is so quiet that I can clearly hear the sound of the sand flowing in the wind, and Laura is the only one who's smiling bitterly when I look around.

Sheena shuddered her body, hands in front of her chest and knelt.

"Forgive me, this child has a future to let her husband inherit his home. I'll be back when I have this child, forgive me..."

"What? What do you mean?"

When I was confused, Laura slapped me in the ear.

"They think you're buying a baby in your belly."

"What!? No, no! It's not!!

I rushed to get Sheena, a pregnant woman, to stand up and tell her that was not the intention.

Everyone around him looked obviously horrible, too.

I managed to get Sheena home, but I got tired.

"But what about slave children?

"Ha! It depends on my husband's policy!

"Then I'll adjust with the chicken again because my slave child is not a slave."

"Yes, I did! As far as I can tell, I will be well known!

"Well, that's the thing... I'm tired, so I'm going home"

"Yes, I did!

The werewolf guard captain, Rubica's mighty voice dropped us off, and we headed home.

By the way, I dropped off giving you the celebration.

I don't mind if my husband mistakes me...

Whoa, yeah, we need to stop by the clothes store and let them make something like swimsuits out of wet but impermeable fabric.

I have a lot to do, but I have to do it now.

Although it's my hobby, if I'm going to build a pool anyway, I want to incorporate it into my benefits.

I'm in trouble if the slaves swim naked.

Whatever the design is for the slaves, but I'll have to ask Laura for a well-colored one as well.

Because I'm in trouble.

Then for a week, I've been busy and completely forgotten about the pool.

You can't help it.

Though I was exempt from school classes, I went home tired studying from morning to evening......

I'll be home when I get home. I've got a lot to do, a play, a reading, a snooze, an occasional job.

I've been growing shiitake mushrooms lately.

So much so that the day before the holidays, I remembered bringing what the clotheshop who was asking for the bathing suit could have done.

I'm glad it turns out to be a pool for me, but I don't have to. It's not a problem at all.

It's just a substitute for meeting the status.

I'm not saying I regret making it, but I guess I could have made it next year.

Well, but I can't help what I told you to make.

Me and Laura took another trip to the theater building on the holiday morning.

"You're pretty quick, you're brilliant"

"Ha! Thank you!

Mr. Laura seemed pleased with the pool, which was made in a rind bowl, about twenty-five meters in diameter.

Not to the pool itself, but to its practical strength, I guess.

It looks pretty refreshing because it also lays white stones all over the pool and the ground around it, not soil out.

"I'm going to strengthen it for now, so hit me from the top with the workers."

"Yes, I did!

When I apply reinforced magic to the pool and its surroundings, the workers gang down with a wooden hammer where they want to consolidate.

This is sort of like a bug move.

It reinforces the ability to engage things and mix them together, forcing them to consolidate by physically tapping them there.

Strength has been practiced underground.

The underground ceilings and walls have not yet caused a single collapse, even if the super giant beasts storm around its twenty metres above.

By the way, I experimented with the shield of the Adventurers, but some of them are still using supplies from a year or two ago, so they're probably successful.

For once, the experiment had broken a slashed sword, but it's unclear how far it will work for giant beasts and super giant beast opponents.

Can I try it with Mr. Laura's magic once or so?

But we'll do that again.

I have to build a pool today.

If I had checked to see if I had forgotten to tap, or if the drainage mechanism was working properly, time would have flowed quickly, and the water intake was after lunch.

"Do I have to drain this thing two or three times?

"Well, maybe the water's cloudier than I thought."

Me and Laura get the water out of our hands and fill the pool, but the water is so cloudy.

There's still mud and sand.

As we watch the slaves rub the pool with a brush and clean it, we blow the water to the dirt like a high-pressure washer.

It took me a while to do this many times as well, and it quickly became time for the sunset to set.

The alternate clash in the dressing room that the detachment team was building was already complete, and all we have to do later is water the pool that's more or less clean.

You've turned into a nightpool without trying.

The workers who are done with the work just pull up, and the only ones left by the pool are me putting out the water while sleeping on the edge of the pool and Laura putting out the water while smoking in the chair.

The thinning sunset and the large demonic lights for construction illuminate the gradually rising waters in a kind of nice atmosphere.

The wind is blowing, but I wish it was cooler just to be near the water.

Oh, my God, if I'd thought of it, I'd have apparently been jealous.

My face woke up wet with the water that came up to the pool's edge.


"Ha ha, you slept comfortably"

"The moon's already climbing"

"Oh, isn't that pretty?"

When Laura looked at the tip of her finger, a golden moon floated in the middle of a round pool covered with white stones.

I took off all my clothes and jumped into the pool without any prep exercise.

Anyway, there's nobody around, and it's a deep place on private property.

I don't need to hesitate.

Cold water feels good for a body that wakes up and sweats.

Dive and proceed with a breaststroke at the bottom of the center.

It is surprisingly dark in the water illuminated by the magic light, and I see no shadow of the moon falling on the surface of the water anywhere.

Face out of the water and look for Mr. Laura.

Only her undressed clothes were blown in the wind by the pool twitching from the water.

I get my feet pulled out of the water.

In the water, the blonde goddess was smiling.

We go out on the water and we laugh at each other with our hair shaking.

"Feels good"

"Well, that's a good one."

"I really wanted to come in during the day."

"Night is fine. Look, there's only one other moon."

Laura, who turns all her hair back, bends her Rin eyebrows to her tea eyes and points to the moon, is very determined, and I've been watched by her for a while.

Wouldn't that be a nice woman who drips water?

I pull myself out, float in the pool and look up into the sky.

At night in this world there were few light sources, and I could well see sandy grainy stars spreading on one side of the night sky.

"Right, I'm renting out this night sky."

"Oh, isn't that luxurious?"

The moment I said, the white dragon accompanied the flash and ran through the full night sky at great speed.

Me and Mr. Laura had a laugh with Couscous, not from either side.

I knew summer was the pool.

Because it's a youth.

Besides that, a private pool would be great.

You're gonna be a celebrity youth.

And at night?

That's... that's better!

In the end, the water got dirty, so I put the water back in again and went home. By the time I left, I felt a little chilly.

I sneezed one, took a bath and then went to bed.

Again, the better of everything.

From the next day, the pool was to be opened as a sanctuary for the slaves.

The swimsuits I bought from the clothes store were not very reputable because of the plain design, and some of the retired slaves apparently bothered to have fashion designed clothes tailored for swimsuits.

I don't know because I didn't see it.

Though the employer, it's just tough to go to the glistening pool of a young woman.

He was already too popular along the way to be in a potato wash kind of situation...

By the middle of the week, they had a hard time losing about half the water.

They ended up transporting water from the water field with human sea tactics and putting it in...

Something's wrong, so maybe I should buy a magic water bottle or something for the magic crystal that spits out the water.

Our demon crystals are free anyway, so they're the best for running costs.

Well, it's mid-summer already, and can we start next year?

Me and Laura enjoyed the summer a lot, exclusively on weekends, but also as water replacements.

For the record, I only rented out the pool once this summer to my younger brother, who I heard from somewhere.

He and his crew barbecued by the water, drinking, jumping into the pool with their clothes on, drowning and dying, he said.

Let's not drink and swim.

I wrote that down in sign friendly language and gently installed it by the pool.

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