When I was a kid my life is like a wheel for me, but just one day that wheel just stop and my life…. just f*cked up. First my family full of debts that almost a million, then after I graduated highschool I never chance to get a friend because I'm busy with the part time jobs. My father cannot walk, my mother has a heart enlargement, my brother is having complications too because of the drugs have been taken when he got a disease called hydrocephalus (it is a disease when there is too much excess of fluids in the brain). Yeah… it f*cked up, and almost not to believe in god because of this situation situation, but until one of teacher told me that there is a job in a factory.

Sir Jeric: Ken someone told me that you will not go to college? It is such a waste that you have good grades even you are working.

Me: Yeah sir…. It is better cause I need more money than go to college, and even I can get the scholarship I still need some money for transportation and food.

Sir Jeric: I know your life Ken... how about this there is my friend in some food company, maybe I can get you a job while studying in college.

Sir Jeric is one of my teachers in the school, he's first person who knows my situation because while I was working, he saw me and we talk about why I'm working even it is middle of the night. In school no one bully me because they know my situation and sometimes I saw in their eyes that "pity". I can't talk to them cause I'm still catching up to their lessons, and there was one time that one of teacher question us that who in our classroom that didn't know how to use computer, and that is worst time of my life cause I'm only one of them and they laugh at me but I didn't care.

When got to try the job recommend by my teacher, and I thought that 'this is it, this may my chance to reverse my wheel'. I want to be a teacher just like Sir Jeric because he is my ladder to goals and my life.

Sir Jeric: So did you get the job ken?

Me: Yeah sir…. Thank you very much, it is really bit help to my family and my life and I don't know how to repay you sir.

Sir Jeric: hahaha it's ok ken, I just want to help you. So what is your plan in college course?

Me: Education sir! Just like yours.

Four years later I graduated as a teacher, it is greatest experience in my life because I try to socialized I little bit and that is how I got hook in the animes, manga, novels, and most of all movies. In college I got a change to know how computer works and it is really embarrassing that it's like a guy from primitive era to modern, I just can't believe that I may able use it…' hahaha s*ck it in highschool but now …. sigh' I thought.

When I woke up in 6:00 am and yeah… im the one who get up early and clean my boarding room 'these guys, they are leaving again a lot of trashes'. It is not people I talk about it's about my cats, they just putting dead animals in my room and kinda hassle to pick up every day.

Me: Cloe!.. Rolly! It's time to eat your food 'why is it they are energetic when it is about food but they are always sleeping?' (by the way they are my cats)

Me: Oh no… I'm late again

I try to go to bus but there is too much crowd. 'I can't make it to school'. And after fighting for the seats in 30 mins I got my seat in front.

Me: I should go to sleep there is still hour to go…

It's like my one of my routine that I can't sleep more than 45 minutes so I can estimate it but….

Me: uhh… what…the… 'why it is so bright everywhere?... am I get kidnap by aliens?... I hope they don't experiment like those stories… or maybe… I'm in heaven…'

After a 30 minutes...

Me: uhhh…Mr. Alien!!? Anyone there!!?

I shouted but no one is answering my call…I'm still floating around this cube like room, still I'm not adjusted to it's bright. 'by the way I'm translucent similar to glass so I thought like how can a body made of muscles turned into translucent?... I'm not also a ghost because I can feel my heart beating and also my body is not a foggy like those movies...'

After a while there is a dark spot a can see on center …and its getting bigger

ME: Is it a blackhole? Is sucking its light but not me?... huh?... so weird …

So I made decision to touch it

Me: wow… so cold…

After a while a neon blue color chained me that come from the blackhole

Me: Oh sh*t … this is not good it sucking the chain and me… damn it…brace yourself ken!...

After that I lose consciousness…

[Defense of the Ancient System is Restarting]

[Body Modification – Access Denied] (poor mc)

[Got a 1x lottery spin – Access Granted]

[Body Stats Scanning – Access Granted]

[Skill: Eyes of Inspection – Access Granted]

[Inventory – Access Granted]

[Shop – Access Granted]

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