Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 23 - Another child?? Good news bad news.

Early in the morning, Kai-La came out of the room. He sped to the bathroom and did a quick clean up of himself. He left Pakura in the room to continue to sleep.

In the kitchen namely the dining area. Hisa was showing TenTen how to make something. It looked to be sewing of a shirt.

"Watch carefully TenTen. Sewing can help train your fingers to be more nimble. As well as your eyes to notice smaller things too." She told her. "Once you can do it without poking yourself you have mastered it.

"Teaching her to sew how nice. That reminds me. I may need to brush up on my own skills as well." Kai-La said looking over at the two.

"Morning papa. Mama Hisa said it is good for everyone to know how to sew. It is an essential trait to have. I can't believe you know how as well. Ku-La said it's for wimps." TenTen said from her seat. She continued to fiddle with the sewing utensils in her hand.

"Haha. I bet he only said that cause he doesn't know how to." Kai-La laughed as he sat at the table opposite the other two. "Morning TenTen. Morning Hisa." He looked at the two smiling. Looking back he saw Anko and Oreo in the kitchen. "Morning Anko, morning Oreo. Have any of you seen Ku-La and Naruto?"

"They are in the bath!" Oreo screamed from the kitchen. "Don't put all that in there it will make the food taste terrible!"

"No, it won't. Sweet pancakes are better.! Just you wait." Anko said as she added more sugar.

"You are gonna kill someone with all that sugar! What is the point of me showing you how to cook if you are just gonna do whatever you want?" Oreo asked exasperatedly.

The two continued to argue about food.

Looking over he looked at Hisa who was staring at him. "Is there something wrong?" Kai-La asked. "Also why are those two in the bath still?"

"Chk" Kai-La imagined he heard as Hisa eyes changed to her camera eyes. Blinking them normal she looked at him softly.

"No there isn't. Ku-La had gathered some herbs to give Naruto a bath. He said they will help with the smell he has." Hisa said.

"Smell? What smell?" Kai-La asked as he stared back at Hisa.

"He says Naruto carries a scent that animals can track. These herbs will seep into his pores and mask it." Looking away Hisa felt a blush rise to her cheeks. "Ok, TenTen that's enough practice. Get ready for school ok?"

"Ok!" TenTen said as she put the needles down and ran to her room to get ready.

"Hisa," Kai-La said getting her attention. "I want you to come with me as we walk TenTen to school ok?"

Blushing even more Hisa nodded. "Of course. Is there anything going on I should know about?"

"I just want you to see some of TenTen's friends is all," Kai-La said. Noticing the flush leave her cheeks and hearing the grip of her clothes he hurriedly added. "Also I want to walk with you. Just spend a little time together. Unless you have something else you want to do?"

" I don't. I will be glad to." Hisa said excitedly.

The two stopped when they were interrupted by a shout.

"Hey who burnt the food!" Ku-La said coming from the stairs. Naruto walked behind him. Most of the locks of his hair were now red.

"Eh he he." Anko said coming from the kitchen. "Sorry but I burnt the last batch of pancakes." Rubbing the back of her head she set a burnt stack of cakes on the table.

TenTen had come around and taken her seat. She looked at her plate and waited like everyone else. She was slightly confused about why no one started eating. Not being able to see the bad stack behind the good ones she just looked around at everyone.

Everyone present stared at the stack like it was a monstrosity. "If no one will eat it. I will." Anko said somewhat angry. She moved slowly as if she didn't want to eat it herself.

Kai-La reached over and grabbed the stack. Cutting it into fours he started to eat while sipping his water. In a few minutes, it was all gone.

"Burpp," wiping his mouth, he then looked at Anko. "She was right to much sugar. Ease up a little on it. To much can make you sick ok?"

"Uhm yes." Anko said with her cheeks a little rosy. 'He ate it all.'

Ku-La looked at Kai-La. 'You brave soul.' Looking back down he noticed Naruto had grabbed his side dish without him looking. "Give that back you brat!" He growled.

"To slow!" Naruto said as he ate the food. He kept dodging with the plate as he continued to eat the food.

TenTen laughed at the antics as well as Oreo.

Anko just stared at Kai-La.

"Is there something wrong?" Kai-La asked when he noticed her gaze. He was chatting with Gemini about any activities he should be aware of in the compound.

"Huh, no," Anko said looking away.

"Ok," Kai-La said to her. Finishing his talk with Gemini he looked to Anko. "How was your mission the other day? Everything turn out ok?"

"Yes. It all went fine. I just need to go report to the Hokage about the aftermath and I won't be home for a while." Anko said as she leaned back in the chair.

"That's good your safe. TenTen finish up. Ku-La make sure you guard the house well. You to Oreo. Also, Oreo check on Pakura later." Kai-La said as he rose from his seat. "Naruto are you ready for daycare or do you want to stay home with Oreo and Ku-La?"

"I wanna stay," Naruto said as Ku-La had caught him and pulled on his cheeks. He was still a little angry about the links Naruto took from him.

"Ok!" TenTen said as she stuffed the rest of the cakes in her mouth. Hisa reached over with water.

"Slow down. If you eat to fast you will get a tummyache." Hisa said as she handed her the water to sip.

Taking small gulps TenTen breathes out loudly. "Ah! Yummy!" She said smiling rubbing her belly.

"Why does Naruto get to stay, but I have to go to school?"

"Because you have to get your education and meet up with your friends. Naruto is only two. Day-care doesn't really teach that much at his age." Kai-La said as he summoned his suit and walked to the door.

Nodding her head Oreo went to check on Pakura. Walking over TenTen grabbed her little bag. Kai-La then picked her up and placed her on his shoulders. Hisa walked up following along.

"Bye Anko. See you later." Kai-La said as he walked out the door.

"Bye-bye Mama Anko. Have fun with the Hokage." TenTen said waving.

Hisa just gave a little wave.

Upstairs Oreo was having trouble standing. There was so a strong odor in the room she could barely keep it together. Her legs were wobbly and she felt dizzy. Her face was flushed and her breathing erratic.

"So strong." Oreo managed to get out as she stumbled out the room. She did not realize her present appearance looked unsightly. She had grabbed the hem of her clothing absentmindedly and was moving her hand in a circular fashion.

"Is everything ok up there!?" Anko yelled from downstairs.

Snapping out of her confusion. Oreo realized what almost happened.

"Oh dear. Can't let her come up her she won't make it. This is damn near a poison. How is Pakura still ok in there." Oreo said as she looked at Pakura's light breathing.

Back Outside.

Kai-La and company had been joined by the other clansmen again. Karin and her mother Kira had approached and joined in the conversation first. Kai-La just joined in every now and then as he mostly just listened. At one point he had grabbed Hisa and pulled her into his embrace. The woman walked the entire way beat red with a smile on her face.

Kira smiled as they walked. Karin had no idea why her mom was smiling like that but she was happy. TenTen just smiled and enjoyed the walk.

When they reached the school. Kai-La took TenTen off his shoulders. In an instant, a black-haired boy ran up to them.

"Hey, TenTen. Are you ready for today? The word is someone from the Uchiha clan is gonna show us some techniques are you excited?" Rock said smiling.

"Hiya Rock. Really hope they show us some good ones." TenTen said jumping up and down. Looking back she waved bye to everyone.

Kira stepped up to her daughter. "Listen I know the kids are bigger than you but have fun ok." She said looking at her daughter.

"No problem just leave it to me!" Karin said giving her mom the peace signs. Before she was too far ahead a blonde haired girl walked up to her.

"Hi, I'm Ino. Who are you? I haven't seen you before." Ino asked.

"Hello. I am Karin Uzumaki. Nice to meet you." Karin said as she reached her hand out.

Ino looked surprised. Looking over she saw Kai-La and a woman who looked like Karin but older. In her head, she just assumed it was Kai-La's other wife. Ino was very smart for her age. Coming to the conclusion in her mind she just nodded her head.

"Ah, so your old man Kai-La's other kid. Ok. The more friends the merrier." Ino said smiling at Karin.

"Umm. wait.. what.." Karin stumbled with her words. Her fidgeting set Kai-La off in a moment.

"Karin look at me." Kai-La voice transmitted.

Turning around Karin was panicking. 'Please don't be mad and send me and my mom back. I didn't mean for this to happen.' Karin thought to her self as she walked from Ino to Kai-La. She saw her mom's face and sunk her head lower.

"Am I in trouble?" Karin asked.

Kai-La squatted down to her level. "Calm down why would you be in trouble?"

"Because that girl called me your kid. I don't want to cause you any trouble. People are already staring." Karin said as she teared up.

"Oh, would it be so bad if I was your father?" Kai-La said looking at her. Reaching over he wiped away her tears that formed up. "I plan on having a big family would it be so bad for me to adopt you?"

Karin looked wide-eyed at him. Looking at her mother she saw her mother crying with Hisa.

"Are you serious?" Karin asked.

"Of course. I wanted to talk it over with your mother in the future if she was ok with it I would talk to with you as well. I figure you two had enough change already." Kai-La said softly petting the top of her head.

"I would be really happy if you did," Karin said with her head down.

"Ok dry your tears. Go to class we will all talk about this later ok?" Kai-La said as he looked at her before standing up.

"Yes!" Karin said beaming a smile. She rushed over to Ino who looked confused about the girl who went from crying to smiling.

"Ino, take good care of her. I leave her in your care." Kai-La said standing up straight. Walking over to Kira he looked apologetic. "Sorry if I overstepped. What I said was the truth though. You don't have to follow it or do anything alright?"

"Thank you, Milord. Thank You." Kira said.

Hisa stepped forward. "You are family now. None of that." Hisa said softly consoling the woman. Looking over at Kai-La she glared at him.

'Umm, what did I do?' Kai-La thought to himself. "What?"

"How could you make a woman cry like that in public your a big bully," Hisa said sticking her tongue out.

"Hehe right.. guess I could have handled it better."

"Ehem Lord Senju a word." A Jonin appeared to the side of Kai-La.

"What is it?" Kai-La looked at the man.

"The Hokage needs to talk to you." The Jonin said.

"I already have an appointment with my wife to go on a walk. It will have to wait till after that is done." Kai-La said. He then looked at Hisa who gave him a smile.

"You can't be serious!?" The Jonin said getting angry.

"No husband, go see what the Hokage wants. I will escort Kira back to the compound." Hisa said drying Kira's tears.

"Ugh fine," Kai-La said dropping his shoulders. Looking at the other clansmen that were still there he addressed firmly. "I need you all to make sure they get home safely. We will talk later when I get back from the Hokage." He then walked over to Hisa and kissed her on the lips.

"Eep." She squeaked out. her entire faced turned beet red. "What are you doing stupid! We are in public."

Shrugging his shoulders. "Well, I was gonna do that when we walked later. But.." Kai-La said as he glared at the Jounin. "Since that has been ruined. I might as well do it now."

"Come on Kari lets go before he does anything else!" Hisa said as she dragged the other woman away.

Kai-La then formed his mask around his face. Sending a quick message to Gemini he started to walk to the Hokage Tower.

"Make sure no one tries anything with the three of them. Only something serious should you intervene." Kai-La transmitted.

"Of course it will be done," Gemini said into her mic from her hiding location.

"Sorry about increasing your caseload. I will see about getting you some backup." Kai-La transmitted as sped up to the Hokage's tower.

"There is no need. I will double my training." Gemini said before ending the convo.

Arriving at the Hokage's tower Kai-La went straight to the office.

In the office, Danzo was to the side went a set of Anbu ninja. Kakashi was to the left of the Hokage, along with Gai, Kari in leaf ninja gear with a chunin vest. As well as Kurenai with an unknown Uchiha woman.

"Glad you could make it so promptly." The Hokage said. "Now before we begin, I have some people I would like you to meet." Gesturing to the side a door opened.

Out walked some Star ninja. The most surprising part was the people who walked with them. In front of them Jiraya and Tsunade lead. Behind Tsunade was a young woman.

"Ehh what in tarnation is going on here?" Kai-La said. If his mask didn't block his face they would be able to see his almost dislocated jaw.

"So you are the Warlord of Uzu huh. Not impressed." Tsunade said. "Why the mask?"

"Hehe." Kari chuckled.

"Shh," Kurenai said.

"Like I give a flying f.u.c.k how you feel," Kai-La said crossing his arms. "Why the attitude? Far as I remember I haven't crossed paths with you. There shouldn't be a need for the hostilities."

"I just don't like your attitude. That is reason enough." Tsunade said.

"Right... that makes sense on so many levels," Kai-La said dryly before looking at the others. "Hello everyone else. Good to meet you Warrior of the Sannin. Not her though. I will stay out of your way if you stay out of mine. If not I can break some of your bones to see how good a medical ninja you really are."

"I think we got off on the wrong foot here. Don't mind Tsunade. She is a little upset. Teacher asked us to come back early." Jiraiya said as he moved for a handshake. "How is Naruto doing? I would like to meet him if I can."

Reaching out Kai-La shook his hand. "Sure don't mind ignoring her. I will treat her like air. Naruto is doing fine. As far as seeing him I am sorry I don't think that is possible."

"Oh, why not?" Jiraiya asked as his brow furrowed.

"I don't see the point. You should just focus on the other Uzumaki. Nagato was it. You trained

him well I hear." Kai-La said plainly.

"What does that have to do with seeing him?" Jiraiya asked a little angry.

"Throughout the years Naruto has been born. How many times have you visited him? Maybe twenty odd times? Your his Godfather you should have been around more. Shit, you could have sent a clone to watch over him. But no, he was left in an orphanage. You don't deserve to see him plain and simple." Kai-La said a little angry. His eyes had gathered a tint around them.

Killing intent rolled off him slowly.

"I had an obligation to the village. Naruto will understand when he is older. I know what's best for him." Jiraiya said.

"Enough Kai-La! All of this can be discussed later." The Third Hokage said.

"Tch," Kai-La said as he tried to relax.

"Now onto business. Kai-La during the Grass mission awhile back you came across some Star village ninja. Can you tell me what happened to them? The Genin that traveled with you, said you ordered them to flee. What happen to those ninjas exactly?" The Third Hokage asked.

"They are dead. I killed them." Kai-La said plainly. "As for the bodies, those are gone too."

"What?!" One of the Star ninjas said. "You can't be serious. My brother was one of them."

"Huh. Yeah, I am. They attacked me after I warned them. I sent the Genin away since my chakra was acting... unusual." Kai-La said looking at the ninja in the corner of his eyes.

"I will kill your family and see how you like it!" The ninja said as he charged.

"Stop you..." The leader of the group started to say before it was too late.

"Rip," the sound of a gruesome tear echoed in the room. Blood spurted out of the man's sides.

"No," Tsunade let out a whimper. The girl behind her hid.

Kai-La had sped over and ripped the man's arms off. He now had the man by the throat.

"Stop you don't need to do this," Jiraiya said as he took a step.

"You were gonna kill have got to be kidding me?" Kai-La said as he looked at the man coldly. "Do not worry death is not that bad. Never threaten my family!"

"How would you know?" Someone asked.

"Easy. I have died before." Kai-La said not even bothering to look over. With that, he crushed the man's entire throat. Throwing the body over to the Star ninja, he looked at them all. "Shall I pay a visit to your village and kill the rest of them. I mean first, they attack me and my team." Walking over he looked at the leader. "Then you attack me here at a meeting. If I didn't know any better, I would think there was a problem. Is there one?"

"Not at all. It was our mistake Lord Uzu." The lead ninja said with a bow.

"Oh, how polite. Since you are so nice. You should know that chakra from that meteorite is killing your people. Good luck with that." Kai-La said walking back to his previous location.

"Why?" Jiraiya asked. "You could have just disabled him."

"You could have done that. My only option was to kill him. He served no purpose but to die. His life meant nothing the moment he said he would kill my family." Kai-La said as he stifled a yawn. "I don't like being threatened, especially by supposed allies."

"Maybe we should take a break," Danzo said.

"Agreed." The Hokage second.

The room had only Anbu, Gai, Kakashi, Kurenai, Danzo, and the Hokage. They talked about something but Kai-La wasn't paying attention as he was having a conversation with the Fertility God.

(Congrats on losing your v.i.r.g.i.n.i.t.y again. Just wanted to let you know conception has happened with Pakura. I want to tell you what to expect. But it may unnerve you. I'm telling you for your benefit. I am rambling. Anyway I want to tell you about what happens if you don't fulfill your mission.)

'What will happen?' Kai-La thought.

(You will have your soul shredded across existence. Your entire bloodline will die one by one. Basically Pandemonium on your loved ones. The good news is good though.)

'What's the good news?'

(You are the only one who died in your family back in the old world.)

'That's great. What's the bad news?'

(Well a member of the house of El will be making their way to the village in a few years. It has been decided for you to raise them. Best of luck!) With that, the Fertility God canceled the link.

"Well, shit!" Kai-La said out loud. About five minutes had passed since the break Kai-La had not said a word till now.

"Are you okay Lord Senju?" Kurenai asked.

"Umm yeah. Sorry about that. I just realized I was supposed to give a method to help the Star village but there isn't a reason to anymore." Kai-La said as he moved his head side to side.

"You don't say. Why not give it to them to make amends?" Kurenai asked.

"No reason to. But then again I know someone who would like to go to that village. She would most likely want me to trade info for that visit." Kai-La said as he looked at Kurenai. "You are good at Illusions right?"

"Yes." Kurenai beamed.

"I have some clansmen that I need to be trained. If you have the chance will you train them? I will pay accordingly." Kai-La asked.

"Of course. Just submit a quest and I will get to it." Kurenai said.

"Thank you."

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