Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 29 - At the Doctor office's

Pakura looked at Naruto. She couldn't believe how cute he looked. His streaks of red hair looked like her own. If her hair was blond as well, it would be perfect.

"Such a cute little boy. I wonder what he will look like when he gets older." Pakura couldn't help teasing Naruto's cheeks as he slept. The moment they had reached the hospital, Naruto took a nap.

A nurse came out and called for them. Looking at the boy, she had trouble getting use to his increase in sleep time. Since Kai-La said it would be for the best, she left it alone.

As they sat down another medical ninja came in. This woman had a green overcoat with a diamond tattoo on her head. Her pale blonde hair made Pakura mistake her for a Yamanaka clansman. Once she saw the eyes she tried to figure out what was going on.

'This woman doesn't know this is Tsunade. How the hell did she get this appointment without connections? Is she a foreign ninja by chance.' The first medical ninja thought to herself. 'I will just follow her lead then. What a pain in the arse. I became a medical ninja at this hospital to not have to deal with clan b.s.'

"Why are there two of you?" Pakura asked going on guard. "This is just a simple check-up is all. No need for both of you."

Startled the blonde medical ninja paused. "Have either of you ever been treated by our ninja before. Usually two people for important cases."

"That is terrible. So my name allows for preferential treatment. Didn't know this village operates that way." Pakura said with her eyes forming into slits. 'Yeah right. Don't believe that for a second.'

"Calm down, mam. I will just do a checkup is all. It is routine. I will tell you everything I do before I do it. Will that soothe your concerns?" Tsunade said calmly.

"Fine then. Please go ahead." Pakura placed Naruto on the bed. She took two steps away and watched.

"First I will draw a little of his blood to see if anything is wrong. We will test it for any infections he may have come across. From what I was told he had a little trouble in the orphanage growing up." Tsunade grabbed the needle from the other medical ninja.

Placing the needle against his skin, she met no resistance. Drawing the blood was quite easy and fast. The wound closed up slowly afterward.

'Odd. Why did it take so long for that to happen? According to the reports, his Uzumaki blood should be active.' Handing the vial of blood over, she paused and watch for any reactions. Tsunade then moved her hand up to check his pulse. Finding no trouble she decided to move to the next task.

"Ok next, I will check his overall condition." Tsunade removed her gloves and activate her medical technique. The moment she did, she noticed Pakura had an intense look in her eyes. 'If I try to hurt Naruto in any way, I believe this woman will try to kill me. I am grateful for her dedication to protect him. But I am not her enemy...'

Feeling the stifling energy in the air, the first medical ninja reacted. 'Oh crap. What is with this battle intent. Everything was going so well so far. This is becoming a real hassle. Shikaku I am going to kick your a.s.s next time I see you. You said nothing goes wrong at the hospitals!'

"Ah, Mrs.Uzumaki. It is just a medical technique. It will not harm him in any way." The medical ninja said stepping up.

"That is a lot of chakra. Why so much? It looks like you are getting ready to use a deathblow against him." Pakura said creating a small sphere behind the two. 'Hopefully, they stay distracted and won't notice. I will be damn if something happens to Naruto!'

"The technique has not been completely mastered yet. The excess chakra will not hurt him at all. I have been doing this for years. Just watch, I promise it will all be ok." Tsunade said touching Naruto. The moment her hand made contact Naruto started to giggle.

"Hehee," he said still asleep. Tsunade felt a burning sensation in her c.h.e.s.t. 'Why is grandfather's necklace reacting?'

Pakura relaxed hearing Naruto giggle. She dissipated the sphere and sat back down.

The rest of the visit went perfectly fine for Naruto. Tsunade asked a few questions that Pakura answered to the best of her abilities. After Pakura had her blood drawn and it checked out, they left.

As soon as the door closed Tsunade and the medical ninja collapsed to there butts.

"That was way more stressful than it should have been." Looking over she couldn't help asking Tsunade, "did you notice she was ready to attack the moment you built up chakra?"

"What!? I didn't. Damn it! I am getting rusty. I didn't even feel a thing." Tsunade said getting up. 'Why did the necklace act that way? I must tell Teacher right away.'

"Do you want me to bring the samples?"

"Yes, please do. I have something else to take care of. Your help is always welcomed Shuba" With that Tsunade left out of another door.

Outside in the lobby, things were becoming quite heated. Pakura was arguing with a receptionist.

"What do you mean I can't sign up for the class?! Who the hell would prevent a mother from participating in a mothering class." As Pakura anger rosed her hair became more vibrant. A few spheres of heat danced around the receptionist.

"I am sorry mam. You have to fill out the form and wait to see. The class is for a small group." The receptionist said with a scowl. 'There is no way I am allowing the mother of that monster to participate in that class.'

Most of the people in the lobby watched. A few of the ninja decided they would not intervene unless it gets dangerous.

"Pakura calm down," Hisa said arriving in the lobby. She walked up quite quickly to help placate the situation. Looking at Pakura she talked to her a little before looking at the receptionist. "May I have the form please?"

Looking smugly the receptionist asked, "who might you be. You and your friend are creating a problem."

"I am Lady Senju. This is Lady Uzumaki. First wife to the Lord of Uzu. Are you sure we are causing a problem? Do check your list again and see if there are any new openings." Hisa said with a smile.

The receptionist's face paled for a moment. "Right away mam." Looking over the list over and over again she turned the page. "There are no openings. However, I can put you at the top of the list for the next class. Sorry for the trouble." Her smile was anything but sorry. But what could she do?

"No trouble at all. Thank you." Hisa said grabbing Pakura's arm. "Come on, we have more things to do today." As the two walked out of the lobby, everyone watched them leave. Looking over to the receptionist most people had looks of pity.

Shuba walked out into the lobby. Noticing the faces of everyone she moved to the receptionist. "Who died in here?"

"Ahh, don't say that." The receptionist said tearfully grabbing Shuba shaking her.

'What the hell did I miss?' Shuba thought as she was getting shaken fiercely. 'Why is my day so crazy? I should have just joined the interrogation division.

Later that day. At the Hokage Tower.

The Hokage was in a secret room talking to both Tsunade and Jiraiya. The discussion was just getting started.

"I am glad you both could make it so timely. Tell me what is the problem." Sarutobi said.

"Today I drew blood from Naruto and the woman called Pakura. Something strange happened. Initial reports say Naruto's bloodline was active. However, I noticed it activated quite slowly compared to what was originally reported. There is a 15-second delay."

"Should we be alarmed?"

"I don't think so. His Uzumaki blood is becoming dominant it seems. Red streaks of hair are starting to show up. The only thing we should be alarmed about is the seal. It has shown signs of being tampering with. But the Nine-tails has calmed down. More like it has become dormant actually. From what I can tell, his cells have become more compact as well. His chakra reserves have grown astronomically. These are the first findings on him." Moving about Tsunade started to wonder about something. 'Is the Uzumaki blood suppose to do that? I have never heard of anything like that happening before. Should I talk to Kira? No that's a bad idea. But there is her sister.'

"I see." Sarutobi rubbed his head. "What about the woman?"

"Her blood dissolved. We can not do any testing at all on it. There is nothing left remaining DNA wise. From the looks of the tube, it appears we never drew blood in the first place."

"How can that be. Do you think someone exchanges the vials." Jiraiya asked.

"No. The medical ninja who delivered has been vetted. The tubes show no tampering with." Tsunade said.

"Who do you think tampered with the seals on Naruto? Couldn't have been an enemy ninja could it?" Jiraiya asked. He grabbed at a scroll he saw last time he was here. Thumbing through it he wondered what would become of the future now.

"I do not know. I doubt it is any of the women at the Uzumaki compound. The woman Pakura showed extreme hostility the moment she felt Naruto was in danger. I can't see them tampering with the seals risking Naruto's health." Tsunade said sitting down. She was exhausted.

"Teacher what should we do about the seal?" Jiraiya asked.

"I will look into it personally my self. Good work you two." Sarutobi said getting up to leave himself. 'It most likely is that woman Ouroboros. Should I have a talk with her?'

"Wait!" Tsunade said. "Are you planning to give him the Senju or Uzumaki seat on the council." For some reason, this bothered her. 'If he becomes the Head of the Senju clan.. then what? Will I be able to face Grandfather in the afterlife?'

"I plan to give him both. From my guesses, he plans on placing his future wives as the head. Most likely he will show up every now and then. But for standard meetings, it will most likely be them. From my guesses, Hisa will go for the Senju clan. Pakura will go for the Uzumaki clan. The latter training she will receive from Hisa will make her someone to contend with."

"Why allow it then?" Tsunade asked. Her anger getting in the way of her judgment.

"Do you plan on staying in the village? Will you take on the duties of the Senju clan. I have no problem not giving it to you." Sarutobi said sternly. Looking back he stared at Tsunade. "I figured as much. You do not care for politics. So I will not interfere in your personal affairs. If you want to take the position it is yours. If you decide to take it later you will have to fight her for it. From my understanding, she is at least Jounin level. That was in the past. With everything that I have heard so far, she will most likely reach Kage level in a few years." Sarutobi said leaving.

Jiraiya and Tsunade looked at one another. It had been a long time since he yelled at them truly.

"You look good, "Jairaya said to Tsunade.

"Thanks. I need to go check on Shizune."

"Oh is that the name of your daughter? You look good for a mother. Nice h.i.p.s too." Jiraiya said leering at her.

"Bam." Tsunade punched Jiraya in the stomach knocking him to his knees.

" that hurts."

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