Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 36 - Picnic day Part 2

After the kids had all finished playing to there hearts content, they were all gathered around on the blanket resting. Food was served and everyone just relaxed and enjoyed themselves.

"This is nice. We should do this more in the future." Anko said as she watched the children yawn and fall asleep. She went over and put a blanket over Karin, Rock, and Ino. Looking over to Kai-La, Anko paused taking in the sight of how peaceful everything was. 'Haven't had many days like this.'

"I agree," Hisa said from her seat on the blanket. "Kimimaro." She called softly. As the young five year old looked towards her she notice the pale skin he had like Oreo. 'I wonder if he can tan? Can Oreo tan for that matter?'

"Have you seen Pakura and Naruto?"

With a little bow of his head, he pointed to the left at the two people who were just mentioned. "Both went into that clearing that way. Naruto said he saw something he wanted to show her."

"Do me a favor and wake Kai-La," Hisa said thinking about something. This area if the forest was known for having stray chakra beasts.

Kimimaro reached over and poked Kai-La. Making sure he didn't wake the others made it difficult. After the first poke, he moved his hand to Kai-La's nose and tickled it with a piece of grass. Seeing him only move from that a little. He reached over and tickled his ears as well. With all the movement Kurama woke up.

"Ah," Kurama said as he stretched his hands above his head. As he looked over he saw what the new child was doing. 'Eh.. why is this boy doing this? How come this batch of humans are so weird. Then again...' Kurama thought back to when he was free. After a particular memory of him fighting alongside a young man, he stopped reminiscing. 'he looks really like someone from that clan.' Starting at Kimimaro while he tickled Kai-La, Kurama remember a little more about the boy's clan. 'Descendant of one of their children. But didn't that family die due to Battle L.u.s.t? Or was it due to them going crazy eating each other? I should most likely warn the old man.'

"Hey, kid move over." Ku-La said flatly. Touching Kai-La's c.h.e.s.t with his hand, Ku-La sent a pulse of chakra through.

"I'm up, I'm up!" Looking around startled, Kai-La looked at the others. "What is it? Everything ok?"

"Hehe, everything is fine old man," Ku-La said snickering. Looking at the former man's face panicked made him snicker. "They wanted you awake for something I guess."

"Ok... well what is it?" Kai-La said looking at Kimimaro since he was the closes. Noticing the pieces of grass in the boy's hand, Kai-La felt a funny feeling in his nose.

Kimimaro didn't know why but he felt a little nervous. Thinking quickly he pointed at Hisa.

"She asked me to wake you." Letting the grass go and fly into the wind he looked at the sky to keep from looking at Kai-La. 'Maybe I should have let him sleep... he did look tired earlier.'

"Husband, " Hisa called softly. "This area is guarded is it not? There shouldn't be any problems with the family gathered here would there?"

"Huh, no there shouldn't. There are also security set in place. If anything too dangerous comes through I would wake up instantly. There are another ninja on guard duty during this picnic. I believe Oreo set up some of her seals for added defense." Kai-La said to her. After he finished he did a sweep of the picnic area with his enhanced vision.

After a complete turn, he circled his head back to the direction with Pakura and Naruto. Before he could say anything he felt the chakra rise in Kurama. Reaching over with his speed he stopped Kurama before the later took off.

"What is it?" Kai-La asked quietly.

"There is the scent of my kind nearby," Kurama whispered. "They are injured I must go at one."

"It is not I. But we." Kai-La assured him. Standing up he looked at Hisa. "Me and Kurama are going to check on Pakura and Naruto." Noticing her frown Kai-La quickly added in, "don't worry everything is fine. Neither of them are hurt. We will be back in a jiffy." Looking at Kimimaro, Kai-La placed his hands on his shoulder. "Watch over your sibling till I get back."



In a gale of light wind, Kai-La and Ku-La were both gone. Right around that time the two left, a group of ninja came up.

"Woosh, woosh" Both Ku-La and Kai-La appeared right behind Pakura. Naruto was on the ground tending to a few hurt animals. Foxes to be exact.

Looking back Pakura had a sad smile as she greeted the two. "Hey there. There is not much we can do. The wounds are too extensive for my first aid. I also don't want to try moving them and making it worse." Stopping in front of Kai-La, Pakura started to tear up a little. She whispered to Kai-La "I don't like seeing him like this. Naruto hasn't started crying yet, but I can tell he is holding it in."

Kurama just stood there watching Naruto. He was observing his actions and judging how the boy acted. 'You are just like her. I can feel it. Mito.. how different could you have been if this boy was birthed by you instead of that child. Such a kind soul.' Walking up Kurama placed his hands on Naruto to console him. "There, their kit. Tell me what happened."

The moment Naruto felt Ku-La's hand he started crying. No longer could hold his tears in. He hugged Kurama and cried.

"Pakura if you will. What happened." Kai-La said as he looked over the wounds of the foxes. 'Extensive bruising and multiple breaks throughout the body. Damaged organs and a slight hematoma in each.' Stopping his checkup he listened to Pakura tell how they arrived here. 'Deliberate acts and calculated to keep them alive. A message perhaps?'

"Naruto said he saw them running when he was playing earlier. He didn't think anything of it till later. He remember what you two taught him."

"Keep your eyes open. Always pay attention."

"I thought it was good advice. Especially for a ninja." Kai-La said walking up with Pakura to the little foxes.

"For a ninja yes. But Naruto is still a boy. I don't think he should look at them. I should have pulled him away. But I just couldn't... he looked so heartbroken. I froze." Pakura said as she started to well up like Naruto.

"Eh, I suppose. But you didn't leave him. You stood by and watched as he dealt with his emotions. There is nothing really wrong with that. Besides death is a way of life. Naruto has seen worse in that orphanage he was in." Reaching over Kai-La removed one of the condensed beads he made back at Root. "Well, cells are generally the same at the base level. Using these, they should become right as rain in a few days."

Pressing the bead in his hand, he split them into pieces. Placing one of the four pieces in each of them, Kai-La circulated his chakra and started to mend the bones and damaged tissue. The compressed cells he placed in them went to key locations to boost vitality and growth. After a few minutes, each of the four foxes fell asleep. The energy consumption was too much for them.

After fifteen minutes the bones had been reset and the bleed had been taken case of.

"Ok, they are stable," Kai-La said as he stood up stretching. 'Need to read some medical books in the future for animals. Definitely on the list of things to learn.'

Naruto ran from Pakura's embrace and looked at the foxes. Looking up with a big smile he looked at Kai-La. "Thanks, big bro. I didn't know you were a veterinarian." Looking over each of them Naruto touched their noses. " See I said everything would be fine."

"Naruto," Kai-La called out getting his attention. Once the boy looked up he saw Kai-La serious expression. "It's ok to want to help them. But never promise anything you can't deliver on. What would you have done if I wasn't around?"

Looking down Naruto didn't know what to say.

"You didn't do anything wrong really. You are still young we make mistakes all the time. We have to learn from them early on." Reaching down Kai-La placed his hand on Naruto's head and smiled at him. "I am proud of you though."

"Um for what?!" Naruto looked up shocked.

"You wanted to help these foxes, despite the way the village views them. You know this would make some people upset just letting them live."

"Helped because it was the right thing to do. That's all. I would do it again." Naruto said proudly.

Before Kai-La could say anything else Pakura interrupted. "I think we should get back to everyone. They might be worried." Pakura sent a stern glare at Kai-La.

"She is right, we should," Ku-La said as he picked Naruto up. "I will take him back."

"That's good. We will be along shortly." Pakura said smiling and waving them away. She turned to face Kai-La who picked up the fixed and set them in a pocket dimension.

"Fwoosh" Ku-La and Naruto were both gone.

"Why..." Pakura said as she watch the man she married stand up. "Why are you so hard on him then nice right after? Was there even a point to chastise him about the foxes if you were going to saved them and take them with us?"

Standing up Kai-La turned and grabbed Pakura. "I am hard on him because he needs it. The future will not be kind to him. Even with our personal involvement, he will have to deal with some harsh life choices."

"I know that but still."

"I want him to be strong. Really strong. Strong enough to stand against me. He will need a resolve stronger than that to deal with what's coming."

"He is only two! What can he do at this age??"

"Physically not much. But mental and emotional training is a must."

"Why?! You are going out your way to make him deal with questions he shouldn't have to deal with. Can't you just wait a little longer?"

"Sure. I can wait. Besides considering the clan growth I should most likely become more involved with its affairs."

"Good. I like it better when you smiled all the time." Pakura wrapped her hands around Kai-La and kissed him. "We should have another night to ourselves once you had a pass with the others. I still wanna have my own kids soon."

"Oh. I can get on board with that. But I thought you would be happy you are already pregnant."

Pakura started at Kai-La confused. Her mouth kept opening and closing. "What did you day?'

" You are pregnant already. Didn't you know that?" Kai-La said with his own confused expression. 'Ninja have there own way of telling if they're pregnant I thought. Did I just screw something up.'

"How many?? How do you know?? It's been what a week." Pakura started to become excited and talking really fast.

"I don't know how many. But it will definitely be more than one. I know because of our guest we had the other day. Hold still. I think I have a method of checking." Placing his hands between the two of them, Kai-La sent a small amount of chakra through her body. "Yeah. there it is. A collection of cells here, here, and here. I have to check with some books to confirm but the process is going along as normal as far as I can tell. Studying to be a gynecologist would mostly likely be a good idea."

Looking up Kai-La was greeted by a crying Pakura.

"I am pregnant. We are going to have a baby." Wrapping here hands tighter around Kai-La she pulled him in for a stronger deeper kiss. Breaking the lip lock she looked at him breathlessly. Calming down she couldn't stop staring at him. "Even with everything that has happened, I didn't think it was possible."

"Huh, why is that?" Believing that he missed something Kai-La figured it would be best to ask now. 'Did I miss something.?'

"My bloodline makes it hard for me to reproduce. If you remember the first time we had s.e.x the danger to surrounding was pretty high. Then there is the pregnancy itself. Most bloodlines tend to complicate pregnancy and childbirth. There are seals to help prevent issues but they don't hold usually. There shouldn't be a problem with your durability. Our possible children will have a better chance than most in my family ever did."

"Pakura I am sorry. I didn't know you had that fear. I will definitely do something to fix that. And about the Kazekages wife and child."

"What about them? I know I am asking a lot but.."

Kai-La had learned in a gave her a quick peck stopping her from continuing. " I am working on it. I have a plan just need to figure it all out. We should get back."

"Fwoosh" they both disappeared back to where the others where.

Unknown to the two of them two ninjas were in the background. Both kunoichis to be exact heard everything.

Looking at one another but decide to never mention anything they heard or saw on there life.

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