Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 4 - So how was it...?

"Warning s.e.x.u.a.l content. Viewer descrtion is advised. You have been warned."

"I wanna see how fast you get those clothes off. Both of ours if you can manage it." Pakura said as she continued to pull.

"Heh. You got it." Kai-La said. Using a burst of super speed he removed both of there clothes in an instant. 'It will best to weaken my outer body cells some but not my bones. Just enough to not cause injury.'

As soon as they were in the room clothes were thrown to the side. As they reached the bed Kai-La touched his mask again causing it to retreat into his face.

Looking down with a smile at the speed. She was happy to see the way he d.e.s.i.r.ed her so. The standing erection was also a good indicator.

Noticing all the scars on his body she was overwhelmed. D.e.s.i.r.e ignited in her blood somewhere. But also confusion. 'What was that just now.?' Pakura thought to her self. She touched the scar right across his c.h.e.s.t gently.

"Later we will share war stories," Pakura said quietly to him. "I want to do this a different way." Pakura shook her head quickly. "No, we cant. I can't shake this feeling that you will disappear. So for now make me feel alive."

Pakura jumped and wrapped her legs around Kai-La. "Heh. Easy there ok. You are still healing." Kai-La said as he laughed.

"Don't care. I almost died today. Right now I know what I want. Are you gonna give it to me or do I have to go somewhere else." Pakura said tightening her legs.

Angrily Kai-La moved them against the wall. Pakura pushed against the wall causing him to stop instinctively. "The hell I will let someone do that for you. You are mine!"

Pakura looked at him with mischief in her eyes. "Prove it." She said in a singsong voice.

Bypassing her full t.i.t.s that swayed defy gravity. Kai-La dipped his left-hand low passing over her tight stomach. His fingers gliding slowly downward he sent little strands of chakra along a path to her p.u.s.s.y. Creating little small build-up of nerves to prepare for more stimulation.

His hand passed over her p.u.s.s.y and move to her rear but not before plucking her c.l.i.t with his middle finger.

"Ahh, that tingles." Pakura m.o.a.n.e.d.

His thumb and pinky finger spread Pakura's a.s.s cheeks. He sent a little jolt of chakra to those cells. This elicited a little surprise form her. Her a.s.s started to get hot. As did the room itself.

Kai-La glanced down from her b.r.e.a.s.t at her p.u.s.s.y. He noticed how it was smooth for the most part with a little triangle of hair on it. Her lips did not protrude nor was it ugly in any way. It was extremely pretty by his standards. And looked really tight.

"You have a pretty p.u.s.s.y Pakura," Kai-La said with a smile.

"Ah, thanks," Pakura said. She didn't know what to say to that really. It did make her happy on the inside though. She started to get into the s.e.x.u.a.l act more. She started to move her body around

more. Doing a little titty dance for Kai-La. She was doing basic kunoichi seduction moves.

While Kai-La had his middle finger circling the folds of her p.u.s.s.y. He started slow and then moved it back and forth in quick bursts. With each burst dipping slightly in her opening at the beginning. Never real penetration just enough to touch and spread it a little. Then back out around the folds.

As the next burst came he changed it up. Going slightly deeper this time. Allowing his finger to curl at her entrance. After a few minutes of this, he placed his other arm, the inner elbow area to be exact. Behind her back for support. His hand that had her by the a.s.s moved around the rim of her opening.

"Ahh, that's nice. But you are a tease!" Pakura hissed in his ear as she leaned down.

Grabbing his head she moved in for a kiss. Pakura used her tongue to slowly entwined hers with his. Every chance she could, she nibbled his bottom lip before going back to the tongue. It was a little fight to see who would stop there tongue first. Unfortunately for her Kai-La had Kryptonian stamina on his side. With the way they were going she would need air soon.

"Huff, huff damn you," Pakura said as she caught her breath.

Using that chance Kai-La lifted her above his head. Caught off guard Pakura screamed. "What are you doing? Ahh!"

"Go slower! Your tongue is moving to fast. Not so deep!" Pakura screamed. "F.u.c.k.i.n.g hell! Do whatever you want." The p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e started to make her body turn slightly s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e.

Pakura grabbed for the wall but had nothing to hold onto as she started to wiggle on Kai-La's face. She was getting more anxious for release. As she became wetter her voice rose. The movement of her h.i.p.s became faster as she moved them back and forth now. The heat in the room kicked up another notch.

Pushing more against the wall for support Kai-La used just his head to keep her there. He then placed his hands around her t.i.t.s. Grabbing them in his palm he pinched her between his fingers.

"Ahhh. What the hell!?" Pakura tried to gain some kind of balance. She needed to get control of the situation.

"You should take a deep breath," Kai-La said to her quickly before starting again.

"Why should I..." She was cut off by his next action.

Kai-La placed his tongue back in. And rapid fire it inside. Not enough to hurt or cause a fire or anything like that. Just enough to see if she was someone who likes rapid strokes. His tongue moved around touching all the right locations causing a sensory overload. If you couldn't find the right spot fast enough, move to touch every spot fast enough that they can't tell the difference.

" tha..s a little to fast." Pakura managed to say before she just focused on breathing.

Grabbing Kai-La by the head she started to move her waist in a way that allowed her to f.u.c.k his face.

Outside the room. Downstairs.

"So I think it would be better if you come back tomorrow," Anko told a Hyuga man at the door. She had a slight blush on her face. "The Lord is busy right now." Thinking about what the two were up to bothered her.

"Hmph. Very well then. I will return tomorrow." The Hyuga left.

Sighing Anko closed the door and looked upstairs stamping her feet. "You couldn't wait till it got really dark. The sun is still out. Arggh hurry up Hisa I need to get out of here."

Inside the room Back upstairs.

"F.u.c.k keep going, "Pakura said. The room rose again in temperature. "Right ..there... shit." At that, a few fireballs popped around the room.

"Schup" Kai-La inhaled them all in with his breath. "Woosh," he belched the smoke out in the direction of the window. He changed his tongue sensitivity back to normal afterward. Which in hindsight he should have done beforehand.

"So how was it?" Kai-La asked as he placed Pakura completely on the bed. 'Yeah, I need to train with these powers more. I was worried more about killing her by mistake more than anything. I need to ask Anko who that was downstairs.'

"It..was.. fine. Better than ok. You were right about the injuries part. Definitely, try again when I am fully healed." Pakura said slowly. In a matter of moments, she had her breathing under control. "I will rest now like you said. Thanks for that."

'It is quite amazing ninjas' recovery speed.' "Very well then. I will downstairs just rest for now." Kai-La said before speeding to Anko.

'That was slightly dangerous. I am more injured than I thought. Even with the healing, he gave me I think I miscalculated my deeper wounds. If this still hurts in the morning I will let him know.' Pakura said rubbing her stomach a little. She turned over and went to sleep after thinking a little more. A content happy smile on her face.

"Fwoosh," Kai-La made a little breeze stopping in front of Anko.

"So who was it that left a few minutes ago. Also thanks for the groceries." Kai-La said.

"No problem. It was one of the Hyugas. I think it was Hisa's uncle or father. He will return tomorrow." Anko said turning away from the fridge. She had a dango in her mouth. "Yeah, he seemed real...." She trailed off as she noticed Kai-La came down n.a.k.e.d. "Where are your clothes?! Are you a pervert what's wrong with you!" Anko screamed as she threw the Dango stick at Kai-La.

"Chk." The stick broke against his skin. Reaching down he picked it up and went to throw it away.

"What the hell are you made of? Don't worry about that. Why are you n.a.k.e.d?!" Anko asked red face. "Huh your completely n.a.k.e.d. Your face is actually kind of handsome. Here I thought you would look ugly under that mask. You have a shitload of scars."

"My clothes are in the room upstairs. As far as being a pervert..." Kai-La shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe. I am made of flesh the same as you. I am n.a.k.e.d cause Pakura was having a little trouble dealing with something personal. She is asleep now. Besides this is my house temporarily. I thought it would be fun to walk around n.a.k.e.d for a while." Kai-La said with a grin. "It is very liberating."

"You have got to be kidding me. She feels bad so you stick your d.i.c.k in her. That makes no sense!" Anko said with anger. With more anger than she should have given the situation.

In a blur, Kai-La goes and retrieves his clothes and comes back downstairs. Reactivating his mask when he does so. Fixing his collar he stared at her.

"Ok, that is not what's bothering you. I didn't stick my d.i.c.k in her we just did a little oral is all. She came on to me I did not really resist mind you. But I needed it just as bad as she did if not more actually. She wanted to feel alive and so did I. Is there anything wrong with that?" Kai-La said as he relaxes in a chair. "Both of us just dealt with a very deadly experience recently. She came out better than I did."

"I ..don't know. But you are not gonna just stick your d.i.c.k in anything are you?" Anko asked worriedly.

"I don't plan on it. If it makes you feel any better I will refrain from touching you and Hisa in that way for a long time ok?" Kai-La said seriously. 'I can't very well tell her I kind of died yesterday. Ughh my head hurts a little. I wonder what the Hyuga wanted I will find out tomorrow so it's not a big deal.'

"Ok then," Anko answered somberly. "So what now?"

"Now you tell me about yourself and I will do the same for you. If you don't want to we can sit here in silence as we wait for Hisa." Kai-La said softly.

"Let's talk. You go first." Ankos said with a slight smile.

For the next three hours, Kai-La told her about his travels across the world. Describing different artwork and monuments. He was getting ready to tell her about what a Kraken was till Hisa came in.

Hisa was covered in rags. With a few bruises on her face. Blood was coming down the back of her head. In a blur, Kai-La was holding her head. Running his hands over her face and the back of her head sealing any cuts.

Anko came up and started to ask her some questions. Leaving Kai-La to heal her.

"What happened?" Anko was angry but as a trained ninja she was able to keep her kool. "Who did this to you?" 'Those are trained marks from a ninja. Who the hell would attack a Hyuga during this time? Especially in the daylight!"

"I was attacked by some rivals is all. Nothing big. Don't worry I am fine. Sorry for the trouble my Lord." Hisa said. She attempted to put her head down but couldn't with Kai-La holding onto it.

Kai-La moved her head up and looked her directly in the eyes. "Hisa never lie to me understand? In time I want you to stop bowing your head. Do you understand what I am asking? If you don't wanna say, then don't say it. Just nod or blink." Hisa nodded lightly. 'She is responsive this is good. Keeping consciousness as well.

Anko looked to Kai-La watching his movements. Each area he waved his left hand over the bruising decreased. When her hand touched his hand on Hisa's back she felt the warmth that travels out. 'Such gentle chakra. I didn't know he was a medical ninja.' Keeping her thoughts to her self she waited for any good news.

"These cuts are deep you could have died. I have sealed up the wounds and taken care of the bleeding issue in the back. Also, my technique is healing your other injuries slowly. You will stay close to Anko or Pakura or me in the next few days. I don't want any of your "rivals" getting the wrong Idea. I will alert the Hokage about this."

"No please don't. You said I will be fine in a few days so don't worry about it." Hisa said slightly agitated.

"OK, calm down we won't say anything," Anko said looking at Kai-La. He just stood there shaking his head no.

"I don't think so. I will not say anything for now but." Kai-La said the next part with his eyes glowing. "I don't allow anyone to just attack my family and get away with it. For now, we will shelf this for later. Anko stay with Hisa tonight. I will watch over Naruto. This has been a long day for all of us. Let's just go to bed and start fresh in the morning. If anything happens to either of you in the night, come to the room I am using with Pakura currently.

Both ladies shook there head in understanding. They walked off upstairs to get a room. Kai-La scanned the immediate area with his x-ray vision. Finding nothing he went to get baby Naruto crib and placing it in the same room with him and Pakura. At that, he snuggled in to go to bed.

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