Living Life In Naruto Relaxed.

Chapter 79 - Naruto Part 2 What is your choice Naruto?

*We made it a million views! I am quite happy. Thanks, everyone.*

"I want my parents back!" Naruto cried. Hot tears coming down his cheeks. "You .. Ku-La.. the others have done everything to make feel like I belong. I am grateful for that. But my mother and father.. I want to see them. I want them to hold me and tell me I did a good job." He didnt break his gaze from Kai. "Big bro.. Kai.. No.. Nine-Tail Fox Kurama & Warlord of Uzu.. I would do anything for them to return."

"Very well then. Your heard him Ku-La." Kai said with a smile. The mask mimicking his facial expressions. As if it was alive.

"Haaa," Kurama sighed heavily. "Do not die Naruto." Kurama then performed some hand signs and divided into 10 equal versions of himself. "Return of Souls!" In his eyes, the Rinnegan could be seen. As soon as he activates the seal, both eyes exploded out of him. "Ughh!" Groaning in pain he cared on with it. Blood leaking from his eyes onto the floor. The blood followed a path lead by Kai's chakra. Naruto lost consciousness as chakra floated him up.

"Fwoosh!" The 9 copies sent foxtails into Naruto. They burrowed into his soul breaking the seal of the remaining Nine Tails part. Instantly the fragment souls of Kushina and Minato appeared.

"Tsk, tsk cant have that." Kai said coldly. He was waiting on this part. Circulating his chakra he summoned the hands of Zero-Tails. They reached in and snatched the two soul fragments out. "If you fight me, Naruto will die!" Kai said to both souls. Kushina instantly froze as she knew the voice. Minato paused for just a moment. He then to stopped moving. "Good children."

"Thump!" Kai kicked the ground and summoned the two scrolls he placed there on his last visit. They broke from the stone and stood upright. "Poof!" They opened instantly revealing two bodies. That of Kushina and Minato. Zero-Tail's inserted the soul fragments into the bodies. Moving along connecting everything to the body.

"Ughh," Kushina grumbled as she woke first. "Naruto!" Her eyes went wide seeing her son. The body contained a seal that broke when she was placed inside. Running she grabbed the floating boy and hugged him tightly. "Naruto!"

"Heh! She couldnt even wait a minute." Kurama said. "Here you were right." He passed Kai a scroll and undid his technique. The other versions turning into chakra returning. His eyes healed back but would be unable to use the Rinnegan again. "Hah at least it worked."

"Uh huh. Get up Minato." Kai said to the down man. "You have 23 hours left with Naruto, so make it count."

"There is a time limit!?" Naruto asked. "You have to do something!"

"Yeah.. no I don't." Kai shook his head. "They have less than a day. Then they will go to sleep for awhile. Not like it is permanent. Their souls need to gain strength."

"Oh... for how long." Minato said more than asked. "How long will it take for us to regain our strength to stay?" He tried circulating his chakra and found he had none. 'The body works.. but I cannot mold any chakra. Are there seals in place?'

"Mehh not really thinking about it, so not gonna say or think about it. Right now, you have less than a day. Take that time to be parents. Not a Hokage or his wife. But the boy's family." Kai shook his head at them. "We will be in the main area." Kurama and Kai walked out. Zero Tail's retreated back inside.

A few of it's hands touched the walls trying to feed on any Negative chakra. There was none available. It wrapped around Kai's throat in frustration before retreating completely. Only way it would be fed is if it listened to him. It still hated it. Slowly it was becoming intelligent. It was also learning fear. And it feared Kai greatly.

'My ability to understand techniques has improved. But not by a lot to take any risks. A pity. The others will have to suffer a little bit more." Kai thought about the other sealed tailed beast, no way he could risk a full extraction. Especially the stronger ones.

-Main Room-

"How are you feeling?" Kai asked Kurama. His eyes were scanning the man's chakra network and the body itself for abnormalities. Nothing was wrong so far. But that could always change. "The remainder of your soul is not fighting is it?"

"No. Everything is fine old man." Kurama grinned. Seeing Kai act like a fussy parent made him smile. "Your gonna make a good grandpa. You need to come visit Kurenai and the kids again. They are doing great."

"Hmm maybe. Then again she does not like me much." Kai shrugged his shoulders. "That goes without saying though."

"You should not have outed us in front of so many people. She was embarrassed." Kurama grinned. "Oh and why did you not give them any chakra coils?"

"Because if they want it.. it will cost them." Kai said looking around the temple. "You are still not complete. Minato still has a part of you inside him. Currently, his soul Is to weak to extract it from. We could try the technique me and TenTen developed, but.. most likely his souls will be completely destroyed. Both here and the afterlife. Not counting what it will do to you."

"Yeah let's not do that." Kurama had a wry grin on his face. "The woman Kushina is a relative.. why not allow it for her?"

"Mehhh a grudge." Kai shrugged. "Besides, she can enjoy her life without it. If she needs chakra to be happy, then what's the point?" Moving his hand on the wall surface, a door on a seal activated. All around the room lit up with chakra. It then gathered into a ball and entered Kurama. A lot faster than either could respond to.

"Ooh!" Kurama m.o.a.n.e.d. "That feels warm."

"Uh huh..." Kai took a step back. "Your ok. So I will not even bother asking."

"New chakra!" Kurama yelled. "I can use light chakra like you!" All around his hand, a golden white hue formed. "This stuff is really warm."

"I bet. To bad you cannot use it again." Kai shook his head sadly. "The laws prevent me from creating those once again. Glad I never made any for myself. That looked painful."

"Yeah, it did for a little. But I have defintely felt worse." Kurama smiled. "It was great having insight into the power that was used to create me. I... checked into the otherworld while doing the ritual. I couldnt not try." His voice turned low.. "He was not there. Father is somewhere else. I want to know where. Can you tell me!"

"Shit I dont know." Kai shrugged. "He will make an appearance when Naruto fights the Ten-Tails. That is all I know." Trying to remember the fight was to hard. And Pandemonium would not allow him to dig furthur. Doing so would allow something to look back at him. Self-preservation came first. "Ten-Tails is key that much I remember. As well as stopping that crazed version of Madara."

"You bang his daughter might not make him to happy." Kurama added. "But he did give you permission. I swear that man is still nuts."

"Pft, right right " Kai laughed and just summoned a chair and sat down. "Just try not to mix the use of it with your body's natural chakra." Kurama just nodded and played with it. He was defintely curious.

"Excuse me." Kushina had walked back alone. "I wanted to talk with you. Naruto is talking to Minato currently. May I sit?"

"This is your village," Kai said. Kurama thought it odd how he said it. "Do as you please."

"It could be yours as well. Very easily from the way Naruto spoke." Kushina voice was low as her head was lowered sadly. Her eyes were puffy she had been crying once more. "Kuh.. I miss the village even more so that I am alive again."

"I think it is nostalgia. Maybe, I duno." Kai shrugged. Sealing his emotions away on this matter helped a lot. Despite everything that happens, Pandemonium would not allow him to forget. It was a source of strength that he would need. "But no.. visiting is enough. I have my own villages to look after. They are a lot more relaxing than this one was."

"I see... can you give us more time?" Kushina asked. Kai just gave her a stare. Kushina flinched but wanted to fight back. But she stopped. Naruto was more important than losing her temper. "Deals.. you were found of deals I remembered. Also making deals with me and the rest of the kids before I left. Are they ok by the way? Did you save others?"

"Save.. not really. Less than a 100." Kai shook his head no. "I was unconscious a good deal during the end of the battle at the village. Exhausted my strength and ended up floating in the water at one point. What deal could you possibly make with me?"

"I will give you the techniques from my part of the family. Show you each of them.. just give me more time with him." Kushina said.

"I need the sealing methods of the tailed beasts and for you to convince your husband to hand over the other part of Kurama's soul." Kai gave her a hard stare. "If he willing gives it up it will be quite easy to accomplish. Of course, he might still die in the process."

"I cant give you those. It is forbidden for you to learn them." Kushina responded after some time. "As for Minato.. he won't do it. He already knows that is most likely what you are looking for."

"A pity." Kai said coldly. He then closed his eyes and relaxed. Ignoring the woman entirely.

"You look well Kushina. Not being dead suits you." Kurama grinned at her. "You should go back to Naruto, every bit counts."

"Kurama.. thank you." Kushina turned and ran back to Naruto and Minato.

"Hah, defintely not like the others that one." Kurama then turned to Kai. "You doing ok? Your mask looks different somehow."

"Maybe, in time. Your sibling's temples are taking a tad bit to long to restore." Kai said plainly. "Shukaku, has done wonders with his temple. Anyway, the seal will open for you all the time now. Try to not let it fall. It's in your hands now." Kurama gave him a nod and the two remained in silence for the finishing hours.

-Time is up-

"We will be together again soon Naruto. Just be strong." Minato said. He gave Naruto a pat on the shoulder as Kushina was hugging the boy. He stared at Kai doubtful about his decision. "Will you.. still take care of him?"

"For a little while longer." Kai said neutrally.

"Doom!" A pulse of chakra wrapped around Kushina and Minato. They both then went stiff. Breathing labored but unmoving otherwise.

"Mom! Dad!" Naruto yelled. "He shook the two till Kurama and Kai grabbed them each. "What is going to happen to them?"

"They are going to sleep and build up chakra that is all." Kurama told the boy. "Do not worry. Two years maybe till they get back up." Sealing Kushina in a scroll, Kurama placed the scroll back into the floor. He watched as it sealed back up. The same as Minato's scroll did. "There all safe."

"Kai what will it.." Naruto stopped when he saw Kai shaking his head at him. "Tch!" Gritting his teeth he remained quiet.

"Time to go now."Kai said. He felt something was happening back in Fire Country. "As in now!" Naruto walked over slowly and tentatively grabbed his hand. "Ku-La be safe. We will meet again later."

"Woosh!" In a burst of speed, both Naruto and Kai was gone.

"Haaa." Kurama sighed heavily. "Everything has a price Naruto. Everything."

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