The wind stopped, the waves were quiet, and the rain stopped.

The sky is getting brighter, and the whole island is shrouded in a thick fog.

Wang Yuan and Dahei woke up at the same time, looked at their watches, it was exactly seven o'clock, if according to the time here, it would be around six o'clock.

The two changed into clean camouflage uniforms and washed briefly. Wang Yuan turned on the gas stove, cooked two packs of instant noodles, cut a can of luncheon meat, and cracked two poached eggs.

No one said a word, and finished eating the noodles with a sigh.

"Dahei, let's go, we will move the supplies to the beach."

Dahei nodded, and the two moved the supplies to the cliff platform several times.

The machine gun positions set up in the woods were not used, and the machine guns and bazookas were moved back.

The weapons, ammunition and part of the fuel in the cave on the cliff were moved out.

"Dahei, you'll be back home in a dozen hours, and I'll still be there for a few more days. There are no drinks on the warship, so I won't bring any food, but I need to bring more drinks."

"Ah? Don't! Leave those Erguotou and Laobaigan to me, and the rest will be yours."

Wang Yuan shook his head and smiled, "Okay, then don't steal the rest from me."

Dahei was protecting the boxes of liquor, and waved again and again: "Take it, take it!"

The supplies were almost moved, all bundled up for easy hanging, the two took out the backpacks, and the speedboat was repaired.

Dahei picked a small cruise ship, and the remaining small cruise ship belonged to Wang Yuan, and the two each tied a speedboat to the cruise ship.

Dahei stayed on the cruise ship, ready to receive the supplies, and Wang Yuan climbed to the cliff platform again, started the tower crane, and hoisted the supplies down.

First hang the fuel, Dahei opened the lid, and slowly refueled the ship first, followed by weapons and ammunition, grain, oil, vegetables, and drinks.

When the ships were fully fueled, Wang Yuan's cruise ship loaded a few more barrels of reserve oil, and part of the remaining fuel was loaded into Dahei's cruise ship. It couldn't be too much, so Dahei had to go back and pick it up again.

The two of them worked hard all morning, and finally they had almost finished loading the big black cruise ship, and after loading it, it would exceed the highest position of the waterline.

The fog had cleared long ago, and the two sat on the deck of the big black cruise ship, with a case of beer in front of them, opened a few boxes of cans, hooked their shoulders together, and ate and drank.

"Dahei, we will go back to the team after we go back, and there will be fewer opportunities to meet each other, but you have more time. You can go to our country during your vacation and bring your wife, concubine and children with you.

Girls go to play together, if I'm not here, you can go to Jiang Yan and the big stars to ensure that you have a very pleasant trip. "

"Don't worry, I promise to see you."

Both drank too much and were a little incoherent.

In the end, Wang Yuan was still quite sober. He stuffed things into his backpack, such as convenience food, a few boxes of ammunition, and the most important two cigarettes. Then he disassembled the m16 and put it in the backpack.

The two hugged each other heavily, and Wang Yuan jumped onto his cruise ship without looking back, stowed the anchor, and entered the cab.

Dahei rubbed his eyes: "Damn, where is the wind and sand!" He lifted the anchor cursingly, and then started the engine.

After a while, two small cruise ships sailed away from the island. Wang Yuan circled the north of the island and sailed northeast, while Dahei sailed northwest.

"Woo! Woo!..."

The two sounded the whistle at the same time, and the sound resounded through the sky, lingering for a long time.

Wang Yuan wiped the corners of his eyes, lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, looked at the black box and laptop under his feet, and felt much better.

It was definitely a surprise to get this black box.

Reaching out to take out the laptop to charge it, and searching in the computer bag, there was no usb disk or the like.

Pulled out the watch with the micro-positioning of the hand, waved it and threw it into the sea through the window.

It was gradually getting dark, Wang Yuan turned on the navigation lights, it was time to meet the warship, could it be that yesterday's weather made them dock on which island to avoid the wind and waves?

It stands to reason that no, such a large warship would not be afraid of the storm like yesterday, and there would be no other accidents, would it?

Now we can only take one step at a time. If we don't meet again before dawn, we will hide the black box on an island first.

He picked up a can of luncheon meat and opened it. After eating, he ate two compressed biscuits, opened a bottle of drink and drank slowly.

The journey was very peaceful, and I didn't even notice a light. Finally, it was dawn, and there were at least thirty cigarette butts on the ground under my feet.

I stopped the cruise ship, found some water to wash, and then my mind was sober. I cooked a pack of instant noodles and ate it, and finally recovered. I swept out the cigarette butts in the cab, identified the direction, and drove the cruise ship to the east. go.

An hour later, an island gradually appeared, which was the island they set off from.

with the distance

Nearer, around the reef, I saw the mast of the sunken ship exposed on the sea.

After turning off the fire, I put down the anchor, lit a cigarette, and picked up the binoculars to observe the island.

The rusty wreckage of the helicopter, the place where Zhou's big sister is buried and the place where Xiao Wang is buried have not changed, only the bodies of those pirates and crew members have disappeared.

Put the black box and laptop on the speedboat, push the four barrels of gasoline into the sea, unlock the speedboat, start the engine, and push the gasoline barrels to the beach.

Four barrels of gas oil were buried on the edge of the beach, on the grass, in the reef area and in the bushes.

Then drag the speedboat into the mangrove forest and tie it with a rope, move the black box into the bushes, connect it to a laptop, import the files inside to the computer, and set a password.

A hole was dug under a clump of bushes, and the black box was buried in it, marked with three stones.

Then sit aside, put on headphones, and listen to the audio files inside.

The original intention was just to hear what happened before and after the plane crash, and whether my mission was completed. It was just the result of hearing what the man from the Mod family said, and then based on what I knew.

Most of the voices in the audio are voices in the cockpit. From takeoff, most of them are various reports and reports, and then there are replies and orders from the tower, etc.

Fast forward to before the accident, Wang Yuan listens carefully.

"Hey, hey! Captain, it's bad! We lost contact with the tower!"

"Hey, try another channel!"

"I tried it, it doesn't work at all! Beep..."

"What about the satellite phone?"

"It seems that our signal has been blocked, and we have lost all contact with the outside world!"

"Switch the navigation mode, and the call with the control tower cannot be interrupted!"

"Yes! Tower! Tower! Beep..."

"Report data!"

"Altitude, 11,000 meters, air pressure xx, wind speed xx, ship speed... not good! All electronic equipment fails, only the physical measurement equipment can still work!"

"Our current position!"

"Just at xx east longitude, xx north latitude, deep in the Atlantic Ocean."

"We are now at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters. If the plane crashes, no one will survive. We can only slow down and lower the altitude. You can report the data at any time and continue to contact the outside world."


"Altitude 10,000 meters, speed xx,..."

"The altitude is nine thousand meters..."

"Eight thousand meters..."


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