Ren Yuanyuan blushed at this moment, Wang Yuan looked up at her, then suddenly pointed behind her, and said, "Look, there is a boat!"

Ren Yuanyuan turned her head to look in surprise.

At this time, Wang Yuan was holding Ren Yuanyuan's ankle with one hand, and her little foot with the other, twisting and sending, only to hear a "click".

"Ah!" Ren Yuanyuan screamed.

"Stop shouting, there's no boat."

"I'm not calling for a boat, I'm in pain." Ren Yuanyuan said angrily, with tears still on her face.

"Then does it still hurt if you try it?"

"Hey, it doesn't hurt anymore." Ren Yuanyuan twisted her little foot and said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to have this skill!"

"Well, I often go to foot massage, and I learned it from my young lady. If I have time, I will make you a foot bath package. It doesn't need three nine eights, no two nine eights, just ninety-eight, that's all."

Ren Yuanyuan was dazed at first, but suddenly thought of something, "Bah! Hooligan!" spat lightly, blushing in embarrassment.

"Stand up and walk around, does it still hurt?"

Wang Yuan supported Ren Yuanyuan to stand up, and took two limping steps.

"No, I can't use my left foot."

"It's okay, it will be fine in one day. I'll carry you there." Wang Yuan pointed to the suitcase on the beach. Say

He bowed and turned his back to Ren Yuanyuan.

With a blushing face, Ren Yuanyuan slowly lay down on her stomach, wrapping her arms around Wang Yuan's neck.

Wang Yuan got up and supported Ren Yuan's thigh with both hands from below, walked to the suitcase, and put her down gently.

Ren Yuan sat on the ground, Wang Yuan opened the suitcase, found a box of Band-Aids, and tore it open.

"Come on, I'll stick it on for you." Saying that, she took Ren Yuanyuan's left hand and carefully put the band-aid on the wound on her arm.

"Thank you."

"It's okay, let's help each other. Wait for me for a while." Wang Yuan picked up four mineral water bottles and a fruit knife and walked towards the reef.

When I came to the reef, I cut a mineral water bottle in half with a knife, threw away the upper part, and kept the lower part as a cup, scooped water out of the puddle, poured it into the bottle, and just filled two bottles The water is a bit cloudy.

Wang Yuan took the water and walked back, found a white cotton T-shirt in the suitcase, unfolded the cover to the cup, picked up a bottle of water and poured it into the cup through the cloth, when the cup was full, picked it up took a look.

"Well, it's time to drink. Here, let's just drink it." Wang Yuan handed the cup to Ren Yuanyuan.

"Thank you." Ren Yuanyuan took it and drank it in one gulp.

that's it,

The two shared a bottle of water, and there was one bottle left, Wang Yuan said: "Keep this bottle for emergencies."

"it is good."

Wang Yuan filtered the remaining water, put it in a bottle, and put it in the suitcase.

"It's already noon, you take a rest, I'll go find something to eat." Wang Yuan looked up at the sun, the sun at noon was very sinister. It is estimated that the temperature at the moment is thirty-five degrees. Biqu library

"Okay." Ren Yuanyuan's big eyes were on Wang Yuan the whole time.

Wang Yuan went to the bottom of the big reef, turned around the reef, and suddenly found a rock gap, that is, a large rock leaning on the reef, and a herringbone-shaped rock gap underneath, with transparent sides and a small gap inside. Blocked by a big rock, the outer exit is large, and the inner space is eight or nine square meters, which is a natural shelter.

Wang Yuan hurried back.

"Yuanyuan! Come on,! Let's go there, there is a rock crack over there, where people can live, and don't have to worry about the wind and the sun."


"Well, come on, I'll carry you over." Wang Yuan hurriedly carried Ren Yuanyuan on his back.

"Ah, it's still cool in here!" Ren Yuan said while sitting inside.

Wang Yuan brought the suitcase in again, got up and wiped his sweat.

"I'm going to find something to eat, just wait for me."

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