Living With A Narcissistic Brother In-law

Chapter 120 - What If You Were Wrong About Your Mother....

''There is nothing much. Miss, you are feeling the pain because of the sudden twisting of your leg but it should be fine once you take the medication and have some rest. Josh, remember to massage her ankles with the ointment I broke. It will help to relieve her off the pain''

''Thank you Dr. Aryshama''

''Thank you, doctor'' Alice said after Josh.

'You are welcome. Make sure you give me an autograph once you are healed'' Dr. Aryshama picked his bag and Josh walked out with him.

Josh returned to the room after seeing the doctor off. he looked at Alice and asked, 'will you like a cup of tea?''

''Yes. Josh thank you for being here with me. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't here''

''I'm glad I am here. I will bring you a cup of tea''

Alice stretched forth her hand and picked her phone on the table. She sent a message to Lylia, informing her of her leg injury. She finished and looked at the door longingly.

A while later, Josh returned with the tea and handed it to her, 'here, it's a little hot. Be careful''

''Thank you. You must be tired; I am sorry for making things hard on you''

''I would rather you make things hard for me than for another man'' Josh sat on the chair and sipped the tea as he maintained eye contact with her.

''Tell me about yourself'' Alice said, genuinely interested in hearing his story.

''What do you want to know about me?''

''Well… everything I guess. How you were when you were a kid. The school you attended, what your dreams were and what made you decide to ran a private clothing line''

''That is going to take a lot of time''

''I have all the time in the world. I can't seem to fall asleep again''

''My story is nothing special. I grew up with my grandparents unlike my elder brother. My grandparents were into clothing design so I learnt a lot of things from them. But, I didn't really focus on it until one day I met a girl standing in front of our shop. She was looking at the shirt I clumsily designed and placed in our shop''

Alice smiled and asked, ''it must have been a really good shirt then?''

''Really, I guess it was to her. she came there to look at it every day and one day I asked her why she was always looking at it. this was what she said to them. 'I want to buy it and wear it for a school program but my sister doesn't have the money to give me for it'. What she said remained with me for many nights''

Alice looked at him and furrowed her brows. Why did that sentence feel so familiar? She wondered.

''Then, what happened next?''

''I went in to package the shirt for her but when I returned she was already gone. I didn't see her again, but she inspired me to start thinking seriously about designing clothes. Ironically. Everything I designed had her in mind. I thought about her while designing. I realised that each time I thought about her, I became even more inspired to do more. So I made a vow to myself. She must be the first person to wear my clothes''

''Who is this girl? Did you ever meet her again?''

''I did, but she didn't recognise me. I guess to her I was just another person she met on the road but to me, she was my muse. My inspiration to venture into designing''

''This girl that you are speaking about. It's me, right?'' Alice looked at him.

''You are right. the girl is you, Alice''

''I'm sorry. I didn't recognise you. a lot went on in my life back then. I didn't have the luxury to think about you but sometimes, you did cross my mind once''

''You should go to sleep; it's getting late''

'What about you?''

''I will be at the hall. I can sleep on the sofa''

''But, the weather is cold outside''

''Unless you want me to take it as you wanting me on the same bed with you, don't invite me carelessly, Alice. I might just take you up for it''


''I know that you are not ready. But, it's okay. I waited for you to notice me for a long time. I can wait for a few more time''

''There are spare bedspreads inside and clean loungewear that will fit in the closet. They are in the upper shelf. You can use them''

'Thank you''


Next day.

District C Grave tombs.

''I want this one. the sun will be able to shine brighter to this place'' Solace said as she turned to look at Wales with a smile. The man taking care of the tombs looked at them curiously.

''Aunt, there is still time. You don't have to do this''

''Wales, I made up my mind already. Let's visit my lawyer once we are done here'' Solace said and turned to the tomb giver.

''Can I sign now?''

''Yes, Ma'am'' the man hurriedly handled over the paperwork to Solace.

Wales watched her aunt as she signed the documents for her own graveyard. He looked helpless and somewhat bitter.

''Let's go, Wales'' Solace said to him after signing the documents.


GY Law firm.

Solace finished signing the document and passed it on to Wales to also sign.

'Miss Ash, all your assets and shares will be passed on to your daughter, Miss Jun once you die. Honestly, you still have a chance if you decide to take the surgery'' her lawyer tried to convince her.

''This wasn't a decision I made out of the whip. I thought hard about this. What I should do for my daughter. How I should pay for my sins and this is the only way''

''I will finalise the documents and send you a copy to see later on''

''Keep it and only hand it over to Natalie once I am no more. Do not let anyone else know about this''

''You don't have to worry. This is between us''


Wales kept looking at his aunt as he drove the car.

''Did you send what I asked you to, to the Sun family?''

''Not yet. But, I intend to pass it on to Mikael Sun later in the day''

''Make sure they get it. that flash drive contains information on how Daniel was able to temper with Thomas' jet''

''I don't understand this, aunt. If he hated your ex-husband and got rid of him after blackmailing you, why is he targeting Natalie?''

'Because his target has been Natalie from the beginning. That is why you must make sure nothing happens to her. As long as she bears the last name of the Sun, he will not be able to touch her. he knows he would be exposing himself''

''Why is Natalie his target?''

''Go and watch the videos in the drive. You will understand why Natalie is his target. Wales, I am living Natalie in your care. Please, protect her''

''I still think you need to come clean with Natalie before it's too late, aunt. Do you know how she would feel once she finds out that you didn't abandon her but you were forced to act that way towards her because you were protecting her?''

''Wales, in this world. Everyone has their own way of protecting what's close to their hearts. Mine is separating her from my side''

''I won't win this argument against you anyways''


Wales got out of the car when he arrived at the police station. He saw Natalie coming out of the building and he tried to hide but she saw him.

''I've seen you'' Natalie said as she hurried towards him.

''I wasn't running away. I left something in my car and wanted to get it back''

''I see. Well, get it. I have something to discuss with you. It will take a while so let's get a place and sit''

''Let's sit across the café over there'' Wales said and started walking away.

Natalie sipped the coffee and placed the cup down before asking, ''you know something about Miss Ash, that I don't, right?''

''I don't know what you are talking about?''

'Stop acting dumb. You know what I'm talking about. Tell me, what have you found out about her?''

''What about you? Did you find anything suspicious about her?'' Wales threw the question back at Natalie.

''It is because I think it's weird that's why I asked. She told me something that has been bothering me till now. I found her behaviour very strange. She definitely had a bruised mark but I didn't see anything else''

'It's that all?''

''No. the way she looked at me was different. She seemed to look at me with so much care but I know that was all her acting. I don't believe her anyways''

''Natalie, what if you were wrong about your mother? What if not everything is as you see it?''


''Go and think about it, I have a meeting that I must get to. I will see you around'' Wales said and stood up.

Natalie leaned back on the chair and watched him going away. She didn't stop him either.

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