Living With A Narcissistic Brother In-law

Chapter 125 - He Knows And Thinks It's Cute

''So, you and Connor?'' Natalie asked as they pulled out the chairs to sit.

''No, it's not what you think'' Xia said, blushing.

'Really?'' Natalie grinned and asked, ''okay. Tell me, what is it them?''

''Via came to my house last night''

''That b*tch, I should go and kill her at once'' Natalie said, standing up and Xia held her hand, stopping her.

''Sit down, Nat. She is already dying''

''I take my words back'' Natalie replied and looked at Xia. ''Are you alright?''

''Mm, I'm fine. But I'm worried about Connor and Karl. He is still so young and doesn't know the cruelty of this world yet. No matter whether Connor had feelings for her or not, she is still the mother of his son. That is a void no one can fill''

''That's true''

''Sometimes I wonder how did we get to this road? What different choices would we have made if we knew we would have this outcome?

''Life is a series of the decisions and choices that we make. In the end, each one of us have to pay a price for them. I know that she was a good friend to you and because there are still lingering feelings, you would find it especially hard, but all the same. Don't carry the burden alone. Let us help''

''You know, sometimes being there isn't just enough. Losing someone you care about is heart breaking, I don't know how I am supposed to help Connor get through the hurt''

''Maybe, all you need to do is just be there. Your presence could be the strength he needs. Xia, don't deny yourself the chance to be happy just because you feel guilty. Death… is something we don't have power against''

''I'm sorry, I totally dampened your mood'' Xia said and Natalie touched her hand.

''Don't say that. remember, there is nothing like sorry between us. Now, I want you to order something sweet''

''A sweet desert?''

''Mm, my treat''

''Whoa, you are so generous to me, Natalie''

''That's a given'' Natalie picked the two menu books and gave one to Xia. The phone in her bag started ringing. Natalie removed it and showed it to Xia, 'it's Alice''

''Answer it''

''Hello, Alice''

''Big sister, I'm lonely'' Alice said over the phone''

''You are lonely?'' Natalie put the phone on loudspeaker so that Xia would hear her.

''It's your lover boy finally gone? You now have time to call us?'' Xia asked.

''Oh, Kim Xia! You two are having fun without me, right?''

''We just came out to have lunch. What are you doing?'' Xia asked while Natalie turned to look at something at the roadside.

''I'm not doing anything. I'm waiting for Niania to come; we will be going to the company to rehearse our audition. What are you two doing this evening?''

''I will be going to the hospital to visit Via. But, I think Nat will be free since Mikael has started filming again''

At the mention of her name, Natalie turned to face Xia and smiled. ''I will be free. Do you want to come over?'' she asked Alice over the phone.

''Yes, I will come over after my rehearsal''

''Alright, take care''

''Mm, you too bye'' Alice hung up.

Natalie put the phone on the table and smiled, ''what would you like to eat?''

''Mm… let me see…''


Mikael was returning to his car after his five scene when he met Laura at the door side of his van. It was normal for her to be in the acting area because she was a cowriter of the series that Mikael was starring in.

''Mikael, you've worked hard. I brought coffee and sandwich, let's relax while we wait for the set up for the next scene'' Laura said as she turned to take the coffee and sandwiches from her assistant.

''Thank you, Laura. I was actually hungry'' Mikael said and beckoned on her to get inside the van first. Laura smiled brightly and got in first before Mikael joined in. Mikael purposefully left the door opened and sat just at the door side, a little distance away from Laura.

''It's been a while since we were together like this. Back when you were in Country C, we were both newbies and always learnt a lot from each other. I missed those times'' Laura spoke as they started eating.

''Those are the good old days''

''That's right. Tell me, how is life with Natalie? We haven't gotten around to talk since you moved in to stay with her. Mikael, I started to think that you had feelings for her. I know that you are naturally kind and you are only looking out for her because she is your late brother's wife'' Laura bit into the sandwich and studied Mikael's expression. She stretched her hand to pick something from his face.

''You had a little of the makeup left on your face''

Mikael remained quiet and continued to eat his sandwich. He didn't say anything to her and his expression remained the same.

''Mikael, you know how our industry is. A lot of people like to write a lot of unfounded news about us. I was afraid that she would misunderstand our relationship if she knows that we are close. As I promised you a few months ago, I genuinely want your relationship with Natalie to improve'' Laura placed her hand on Mikael's lap for a second and took it away again.

''Really?'' Mikael asked and lifted his left brow.

''Yes. Natalie is a good person. Right, I noticed that you left earlier with her. Did someone happen? Was she sick?''

''Laura, why are you especially curious about Natalie? I will say this only once; Natalie belongs to me. If anyone wants to be in my good books, then that person should start by respecting her and that also includes not having funny ideas or trying to mess with her. I don't mind being the villain in anyone's story for her. This is the last time I am going to be this nice to you for messing with Natalie. If you don't want to retire from this industry early, then you need to start minding your own business''

''Mikael… what are you saying? Are you misunderstanding my words? I didn't mean any harm; I was just speaking because I was concern as your friend''

''Of course. I just lost my appetite'' Mikael said and got out of the van.

Laura's face turned green. She bit her lower lip so hard that it started to bleed. Her body shook from the anger that was building up within her.

''Never! Never have I been humiliated this way. All because of Natalie Jun'' she became angry with Natalie as she blamed her for taking away Mikael's affection from her. Her eyes shifted back and forth and her gaze darkened.

Natalie was in the kitchen when she heard the sound of the doorbell ringing. She cleaned her hands and went to open it.

''Thomas?'' Natalie was surprised to see Thomas at the door.

''I didn't come to visit. I wouldn't come to my brother's wife at this time to chat too''

''Why don't you ever speak like a normal person?'' Natalie stepped aside for him to go inside.

''How are you doing, Nat?'' Thomas removed his blazer and relaxed on the sofa.

''I'm good. Juice?''

''Don't you have beer?''

''I have beer and I also have dried skewers''

''How about we compete tonight?''

''Alice will be coming over, let's wait for her''

''Okay. What are you cooking?''

''I was making some waffles for Alice. Do you want some?'' Natalie returned to the kitchen as they continued to chat.

''Mm, I'm a little hungry. I was busy the whole day and didn't get time to eat''

''You should slow down on the work, Thomas''

''There are a lot of things that needs to be done''

''Mikael said he would help with the Cinema opening and anything related to the entertainment industry. Thomas, I know that you feel pressured to do what needs to be done, but it doesn't mean you should stress yourself''

''Does Mikael know that you nag like a grandma?'' Thomas teased.

''He knows and for the record he thinks it's cute and shows how much I care for the other person. Someone like you will not understand''

''That hurts me''

''Oops'' Natalie went back to the hall with a plate of waffles and a glass of juice''

''I said I wanted beer''

''You need to drive''

''Assistant He will come for me''

''Aye, when will I have my own assistant?'' Natalie sat across him.

''Should I buy Janice for you?''

''I don't need you to buy anything for me. The money you left for me is still in my bank account. I haven't touched it because the amount frightens me. How could you give me such amount of money?''

''Because I knew it would come in handy. That money is yours. Take it as my gift to you and Mikael for getting married''

Natalie smiled, ''Mikael isn't happy that we are hiding our marriage. I just feel that now is now the right time for us to announce such a thing''

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