After picking a few dresses, she heard chattering at the entrance and turned. She saw Mimi Song and Solace Song entering the department store. Zeya looked at them as they walked closer to her.

''Zeya, this looks a little big on me…'' Alice paused when she saw the two people inside the store. Outside the store, a few people crowded at the door watching them. They couldn't get in because of the tight security.

The four people looked at each other. Mimi especially was surprised to see Alice and Zeya together. From what she could remember, Zeya hated Alice. Which was because she had badmouthed her to Zeya, making her to misunderstand Alice a few years ago when they were both new in the industry.

''What is this?'' Mimi chuckled and asked, 'did you two suddenly become friends after becoming label mates?''

''Mimi, stop it'' Solace scolded her and her face changed slightly.

Solace looked at the two ladies and smiled saying, ''if I knew I would meet you two here, I would have brought a t-shirt for your autographs. How have you two been?''

''We are fine, Mrs. Song'' Zeya answered and turned to Alice.

''I will go in and change first'' Alice suddenly said and snatched the clothes from Zeya. She turned and hurried into the changing room without speaking to Alice.

Solace smiled. Actually, she held no malice against Alice for behaving that way towards her. They have never really interacted much except when they were on set but those were also for short moments. She knew Alice felt awkward around her.

''Mom, did she just ignore you?'' Mimi asked in an exaggerated tone.

''I'm sorry, Mrs. Song. Alice is just not used to interacting with people'' Zeya said and Mimi sneered.

''My mom isn't just anyone. My mom is the mother of her sister. What kind of attitude is that supposed to mean?'' Mimi pressed on.

''That's enough, Mimi. Anyone in Alice's shoes would feel awkward. Actually, you don't have to be awkward around me, Miss Jun. I will take my leave first'' Solace said and turned to go.

The door opened and Alice came out and spoke, ''you don't have to go. You came to shop. The store is big enough for everyone''

Solace smiled and turned to face her, ''that white gown will definitely look beautiful on you, Miss Jun''

''Thanks, I will try it'' Alice smiled and went back inside.

''Mom, that woman is my enemy. How could you smile with her and even suggest a dress for her?'' Mimi became furious.

''Mimi, people are watching. You don't want to be on the news for the wrong reasons, do you?'' Solace asked coldly and Mimi calmed down. She walked away to another lane and started looking for a dress.

Zeya bowed and turned away from the drama. Solace looked around and found a simple gown and went to pick it. She didn't wait for Alice to get out but instead, she went inside.

When Alice heard the curtain moving, she turned and saw Solace in front of her.

''Can I use the room too?'' Solace asked politely.

''Yeah, sure. I am done'' Alice said and stretched her hand to zip up the dress but Solace stopped her.

''Let me help'' she said and zipped the back of the dress up for Alice. She finished and looked at the mirror and murmured, 'perfect. You look perfect, Miss Jun''

Alice smiled and bowed. She turned to go and heard Solace asked.

''Thank you, Miss Jun''

Alice turned and looked at her. For a second, she felt like she was looking at Natalie, except that she was a lot older than Natalie.

''For what?'' Alice asked.

Solace smiled. ''For a lot of things. Things I can't say out loud, but, thank you, Miss Jun''

''Is strange'' Alice suddenly said.

''What is strange?''

''You… you are different. This is the first time we are having a real conversation. It's strange but I suddenly feel that this is originally you. The rest of the time, whether you are in the public or with your family, it feels fake to me''

''Natalie said you have a deep gaze that seem to dig deeper into people's souls. I guess she was right''

Alice looked at her. A feeling of confusion enveloped her. She didn't know why she was even talking to her. She was supposed to hate her but oddly, she felt that the woman in front of her didn't look as happy as she made people think.

''Mom…'' Mimi opened the curtain and paused when she saw them.

''Excuse me!'' Alice said and bowed before going out. Solace's gaze followed her until she could not see her again.

Seeing how her mother looked at Alice, Mimi felt uncomfortable. She has always been insecure about herself. She craved her mother's attention and hated it if she paid attention to someone else besides her. She bit her lips and her hands squeezed the dress.

''What did you pick, Mimi?'' Solace asked and Mimi came back to her senses.

''I picked this dress'' Mimi showed Solace the dress.

''It's beautiful. Try it on'' Solace urged her on.

Alice walked to Zeya, still looking a little confused. Zeya looked at her and frowned, she waved her hands at her.

''A penny for your thoughts, Alice?''

''Huh?'' Alice shook her head and sighed.

''What is it? did that Mimi bully you inside? Wait, Solace is your sister's mother. Does that make her your stepmother?''

''Zeya, do you think that I am overthinking things?'' Alice asked. She remembers she clearly saw a bruised mark through the mirror when Solace lifted her hands to zip up her dress.

''Alice​, can you speak in a language I can actually understand? I am confused by your half sentences''

''Forget it. I am overthinking. Look at the dress, what do you think?'' Alice said, bringing Zeya's mind back to the dress.

''Whoa, this is beautiful Alice. You should pick this''

''You think so?''

''Yes. Wait here, I need to go and change into this'' Zeya said and turned towards the dressing room. She saw Solace coming out and she waited before going in.

Zeya saw Mimi looking at herself in the mirror when she entered. She went to the other side and placed the dresses now.

''I thought you knew better. Turns out you are easily bought'' Mimi commented.

Zeya smiled and remained quiet. It seems Mimi didn't know she had a more uncouth mouth than she thought.

''Did the label silence you into beginning friends with Alice? Well, it could happen. Since it belongs to Mikael Sun''

Zeya chuckled and remained unbothered. She didn't reply Mimi.

Mimi turned to look at her. her facial expression looked ugly. ''Zeya, in this industry it is more about who has your back. Alice might act like she likes you but at the end of the day, both of you are actresses. You shouldn't trust her so much. I looked into your family. Your father is just a low construction team leader and your mother passed away a few years ago. You got discovered by Sister Lylia, who brought you to BB Agency''

Zeya turned to face her. She lifted her lift brow up at her questionable without saying anything. Her attitude rendered Mimi speechless for a moment. She looked at Zeya with a confused expression. This made Zeya burst into a fit of laughter.

After calming herself down, Zeya curved her lips up in a mocking tone and said to her, ''you are so cute, Mimi, so cute'' Zeya kept laughing as she walked out of the dressing room. Her gaze turned cold and distant when she came outside.

Zeya walked to Alice and said to her, ''Alice, let's go before I lose the innocent image I've spent so many years to build''

''Did she piss you off?'' Alice asked.

''What do you think? If not because there are a lot of people here, I would have made her life miserable. She is one of the reasons why the police exist. To protect them''

''Zeya, calm down. For legal reasons, let's ignore her for today. This industry is so small; we will definitely meet again''

''You are right''

''Now, smile. Mrs. Song is looking our way''

Zeya faked a smile and turned to see Solace looking at them. She pulled Alice to the counter to pay for their dresses and leave the place.

Solace looked at them from a distance. She knew very well that Mimi had said a few unpleasant things to Zeya. Solace watched them pay for their things and leave the store with their bags.

''Mimi, what do you think of this one?'' Mimi walked out of the dressing room and said to Solace.

Solace turned to look at her, she nodded her head. ''It's beautiful. It will look beautiful on you''

''If only big sister was here. We could have shopped together. Right, mom?''

Solace looked at Mimi and smiled. Mimi would never know that all these years, she had just been tolerating her. She was aware of all the things going on.

It was just that.

That person was like a gum, sticking on her everywhere she went. Monitoring how she behaved towards Natalie.

She could never treat Natalie well for fear of losing her!

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