''She is simply jealous of you. But, let her have fun with the title of Mrs. Governor for a while. It won't be for long'' Daniel said meaningfully as he gazed at the couple with a complicated expression.

Mimi turned to look at her father. She took had a complicated gaze while watching him. Even if she hadn't expressed it, she always felt that her father was more dangerous than he let out. Since she was a kid, she had seen and heard a lot of things herself.

Daniel patted Mimi's back and turned towards Solace who was having a chat with another couple. He went closer to her and smiled at the couple before whispering something into Solace's ears.

Solace turned quickly and saw Natalie and Mikael taking their photos at the red carpet. Her gaze immediately softened as she looked at Natalie.

''Let's go and say hi to your precious daughter, Solace. Take this chance to ask her out on a dinner'' Daniel said to Solace. The latter's hands quivered slightly.

''Mr. Sun, is it true that you and Miss Jun are married?'' a bold reporter asked just as Mikael and Natalie were about to get out of the red carpet.

Mikael smiled and turned to look at Natalie before answering, ''yes, we are a married couple''

A lot of the invited guests gasped as they watched them with interest. Alice who was standing at a distance watched with interest.

''When did you two get married?'' the reporter continued to ask.

''We've been married for close to two months now. I ask that instead of writing baseless information about us, you should rather show us your support. I hope that my fans can support my new journey and show my lovely wife here a lot support. Natalie isn't a public figure so I don't want to make her worried all the time''

''Did you hear that? it's really cute how he things she belongs to him. don't you think so, Solace?'' Daniel leaned closer and whispered into Solace's ear.

''This is all your fault. now, your pretty little girl is going to end up losing yet… another husband'' his creepy voice continued to whisper to Solace, sending shivers down her spine.

''I am going to the washroom'' Solace said and walked away. Daniel watched her going and smirked. He turned and his gaze met with Alice who seemed to be watching him​, closely.

Daniel didn't look away. Instead, he tilted his head and lifted his brows questionably at Alice with a creepy smile. It was like he was daring her.

''Alice'' Natalie called and Alice came back to her senses. She looked at Daniel one last time and walked towards Natalie. Mikael stopped to chat with a couple, leaving the two to talk.

''Elder sister, you look beautiful tonight''

''You too, Alice. Where is Niania? Did you say you were bringing her along so she could have fun and meet the stylist of Mrs. Gilda Swift?'' Natalie asked. Earlier on, Alice had mentioned that Niania loved the stylist of Gilda so she wanted to create an opportunity for her to learn one or two things.

''My little babe's grand-aunt came visiting. The poor thing always has it tough this time of the month'' Alice replied.

''That's sad to hear. But, Mikael is close to the Governor, I can let him arrange something for her. Niania is good, so it will broaden her horizon if she is able to learn from the best''


''Alice'' Zeya arrived and called Alice as she walked to them.

''Zeya, come'' Alice stretched her hand forward to touch Zeya.

''Zeya, meet my elder sister, Natalie'' Alice did a quick introduction.

''I know her. Can I call you elder sister?'' Zeya said excitedly as she looked at Natalie.

''Sure, you can. It is nice to finally meet you in person, Zeya''

''It is my pleasure''

''The party is starting, let's go in'' Alice said when she saw the people moving away from the reception into the main hall.

''Go in first, I want to wait a little while for Xia'' Natalie said to them.

''Alright, we will get a big table. Join us there later on'' Alice replied before going in with Zeya.

Natalie stayed behind as everyone went inside. She turned and met her mother's gaze. The two looked at each other for a while.

For a moment, Natalie thought she saw something else in her mother's eyes. It was as if she was happy to see her but she shifted her gaze immediately when Mimi and her father joined her.

Mimi held Solace's hand with a smile. She said something to Solace and the latter didn't say anything back but simply walked away towards the washroom.

''Elder sister, I hope you are happy in your second marriage. But, I must compliment you. You play your cards very well''

''Mind your words when you are speaking to my wife, Miss Song. What kind of upbringing did you get to be this uncouth?'' Mikael walked out from the hall to Natalie. He had gone inside, thinking she was with Alice but when he didn't see her, he decided to go look for her.

''Mikael Sun, you got married to my stepdaughter without informing us, her family. No matter what happened to us in the past, Natalie is still a part of the Song family. Even if she is still filled with grievances and is unwilling and wilful, shouldn't you as the man informed us her family about your marriage?'' Daniel asked Mikael.

''I have no relations with your Song family. Everyone in that family made me aware of that a long time ago. What right do you have to demand such things from me? Unwilling and wilful? Well, you could put it that way since you weren't the one who went through what I did''

''You seem to have a lot of grudge towards me, Natalie?'' Daniel said with a smirk.

''I don't have grudges against you nor anyone in your family. To me, you are simply people who don't mean anything to me. It will be exhausting to hold a grudge against someone I don't care about''

''Natalie, mind the way you speak to my father''

''Natie, let's go. There is no use in talking to people who only think of themselves as perfect'' Mikael held Natalie's hand and they went inside.


''Stop it Mimi. Go inside, I need to make a call'' Daniel said and walked away. Mimi frowned and went inside.

Inside the washroom, Solace was speaking to Wales on the phone.

''Are you out of the house, already?''

''Yes, aunt. I just got out of the house but I didn't find anything tangible. It seems that he doesn't keep any important things at home''

''Alright. We will just have to find another way out then. If we are not able to get the evidence, then it means all my efforts these past years are in vain. Could he have suspected something? What about the safe in the study? Did you check the safe?'' Solace spoke anxiously.

''Aunt, calm down. Don't get worked up. If we fail today, we can find another way out. Remember, we are doing this to save your daughter and also let the world know the kind of monster Daniel Song really is''

''Alright, I'm calm. Go home, I am at the party. Let's talk later on'' Solace hung up and sighed. She turned to the mirror and looked at herself.

After calming herself down, Solace removed her medicine bottle and took a small pill out. She swallowed it and sighed. When she turned towards the door, she saw Natalie, looking at her.

''Are you sick?'' Natalie asked. She looked at the bottle.

''No'' Solace replied as she forced the bottle into her purse. Her hands were shaking as she did that.

Natalie went to the sink and placed her purse on the side. She looked at her mother's back while touching up her makeup.

''If you abandoned me to have a better life, shouldn't you at least live well? Why do you look sick? Your bones are showing, Mrs. Song'' Natalie spoke.

Solace chuckled and muttered, ''right! I guess even money can't buy age when it's catching up with you''

"Are you alright? Your face is pale'' Natalie asked.

''Are you asking because you are worried or because you are curious to know how I am not doing well?''

''Just because''

''Knowing that you got married to Mikael Sun, I am assured of your safety''

''Even I am assured''

Natalie finished touching up and picked her purse, she turned to Solace.

''You never let me have the final word'' Solace said to her.

Natalie sighed. ''Mom, please take care of yourself''

''This is the first time you are calling me your mother. I am happy''

Natalie smiled and walked to the door. She opened and saw Mimi in front of her. Natalie looked at her with a cold gaze. Because Solace was blocked by Natalie's back, she couldn't see the door. Mimi's lips turned up into an unpleasant arc as she looked at Natalie.

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