Living With A Narcissistic Brother In-law

Chapter 160 - My Mother; Your Stepmother.

''I wanted the police to investigate what happened to you but I was surprised when you suddenly called, asking for the case to be dropped. Is everything alright? Why did you suddenly ask Jason to accept the project from Song Group.

''Song Group is a big company and doing business with them is going to fetch the company a lot of profit. I didn't want the company to suffer loss because of something that happened with me. I simply didn't want that to happen, so I asked for the case to be dropped and Jason to accept the project''

''Natalie, Mr. Song wants only you on the project. He even plans on getting you an office in his company building so that you won't have to travel back and forth. But, I don't trust that man. He is your stepfather, and you two don't have the best relationship. What if something happens or you end up getting hurt? The company will indeed incur loses but even without the money from the project, the company is able to move on. You don't have to sacrifice yourself''

''This isn't about sacrifice, William. If this project succeeds, I will be getting a raise and a lot of bonus and maybe a promotion. I don't want to miss out on such a thing because of my past relationship with the Song family. Don't worry, I am not sacrificing myself. I am not that angelic to do such a thing''

''Natalie, do you remember what happened in the past?''

''No, I don't remember anything. William, I really want to do this project, so please just let me go with it. I will be careful''

''If you insist, but if you get there and there is anything wrong, just let me know''

''Sure, thank you''

''Natalie, have you heard from Laura, lately?''

''Why do you ask?''

''Nothing, just be careful when you go out alone''

''Alright'' Natalie asked, ''is there something I should know about?''

''No, don't worry''

''Okay'' Natalie stood up and left the office.


Song Group.

Natalie and Lucy walked into the company building after arriving. Lucy looked at the interior of the building and smiled.

''Nat, I didn't know this place was so developed''

''Of course, this is a big company. Let's go'' Natalie said and slowed her pace when she saw Solace walking out from the elevator with Mimi Song.

''Natalie, what are you doing here?'' Solace asked when she saw them.

''Hi, I came to discuss the details of the upcoming project with Mr. Song''

''You are out of the hospital already? I was planning to visit with your favourite fruits, elder sister'' Mimi said sarcastically.

''No need to make the extra trip since I am out already''

''You should have called me before coming. If I knew you were coming, I wouldn't​ have made plans to leave''

''This is just a discussion. When the project kicks off, we will get to see more of each other. Today, I just came to get some information from Mr. Song''

''Alright. I have a meeting, so I will be going first''

''Sure, go ahead with your business''

''Call me when you are done, let's have dinner together''

''Mom, I will join you two. Since it is going to be dinner, let's tell dad too''

''Mimi, she wants to have dinner with me… her real daughter. There is no need for extra or outside people to be there. Haven't you heard? Two is company, three is crowd'' Natalie finished and looked at Mimi with a smug expression.

Mimi's face turned ugly and she clenched her fists tightly. She wanted to jump at Natalie and tie her apart.

Solace looked at Natalie and smiled. ''Call me when you are done, Natalie. Mimi, I will drop you off before I go'' Solace walked away after speaking, as she did, she couldn't hold back her laughter. Her mood became lighter and she felt pleased.

''Don't think I can't do anything to you, Natalie. This is my turf; no one will be able to save you''

''Hold you claws, little cat. Don't keep my mother… your stepmother waiting. Be a good girl and bounce'' Natalie said and walked away.

''Hey!'' Mimi screamed and watched as Natalie and Lucy entered the elevator. She turned and stamped her foot before going out.

''Nat, is it alright to provoke Mimi in this manner? What if she does something to you?''

''Don't worry. If I wasn't prepared to face her, I wouldn't have dared to come here. This might be their turf, but I intend to destroy everything in this place by the time the project is over. This place… needs a total clean-up'' Natalie replied and stepped out of the elevator with Lucy. They met Daniel's secretary outside the elevator.

''Miss Jun, welcome to Song Group. Mr. Song is expecting you. I will take you with him''

'Thank you'' Natalie and Lucy followed the man towards Daniel's office. When they arrived, the man knocked once before opening the door.

''Natalie, you are finally here'' Daniel stood up from his desk and walked to them as they entered the office. He pointed at a couch in the office saying, ''sit down. What would you like to drink?''

''We are fine, Mr. Song'' Natalie said as she sat with Lucy.

''You can leave us alone'' Daniel said to his secretary.

''Yes, boss''

Natalie opened the file bag in her hands and brought out some documents. There were different designs on each paper and a little definition attached to them. These were all suggestions on the necklace types that were suitable for the designs they were going to work on. Natalie had personally designed them the previous nights.

''Mr. Song, here are a few designs I brought for you to check out. These are all new ones that I did last night. But, you have the final say so if there are any changes that you would like to add, feel free to do so''

Daniel picked the papers and looked at them. he smiled. They were detailed and exquisite and refreshing. He had to admit that Natalie had a talent in that aspect.

''These designs are exquisite and refreshing, very detail and have a lot of essence. You depicted the history of Song Group in each design. I am very satisfied with these designs but how about we do it this way? I want to take you on a tour around Song Group and Song pharmaceuticals. I will also provide you with some insight on our clientele base. I believe you will be able to come out with even better designs than these ones.

I want to give our clients with something special, something that can leave a lasting homely feeling in them for a long time''

''I don't have a problem with that''

''Then, it's settle. Your office is almost ready and it is right across your mother's office. Since you two will be working together. would you like to go and have a look at it?''

''Sure, no problem. This is Lucy, she will be helping me out while I am here''

''You are welcome to Song Group, Lucy''

''Thank you, sir''

''Let's go, I will show you around the building and your office''

''Okay'' Natalie and Lucy stood up with Daniel.

''Right, how is the plant?'' Daniel looked at Natalie, studying her gaze as he asked.

''The plant… a patient wanted it so badly so I had to give it out''

''I see. You should have told me; I would have gotten one for you''

''Since I am going to be here, I won't get time to take care of it. Mikael is quite busy lately so it's better not to bother yourself with that''

''Alright, let's go''



Solace sipped her wine and looked at Mikael with a smile. ''I was quite surprised when I got your invitation. This is considered our very first office meeting without Natalie, right?''

''Yes. How are you, Miss. Ash?''

''I am doing well''

''You don't need to lie to me. I am aware of what is going on with you''

''Does Natalie…''

''No. She doesn't know yet but I don't know how long I will be able to keep it from her''

''I understand''

''Why don't you want to go through with the surgery? You can live up to a year and half at most if you do the surgery. Why don't you want to do it?''

''I don't really have much to live for anymore. Let's say that… I am simply tired of living this way'' Solace let out a bitter chuckle which didn't reach her eyes. Even though she was trying hard not to show it, she was afraid, really afraid of what was going to happen to her.

''Don't you feel guilty towards Natalie?''

''It is because I feel guilty and unworthy of her forgiveness that I want to leave her with no pain''

''That is not true. What you are doing is going to cause her even more pain. What you are doing is going to make her feel guilty for not being a worthy daughter. There is no need for forgiveness as long as what you did was justifiable, right?''

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