Living With A Narcissistic Brother In-law

Chapter 164 - A Weird Feeling...

Natalie finished washing up and stepped out of the bathroom. She looked around the big bedroom but didn't see Mikael so she went outside. With the small towel in her hands, she started wiping her wet hair.

''Mikael, where are you?'' Natalie called as she walked to the hall. She looked at the balcony and saw Mikael standing there.

Natalie stood at the doorway and watched him as he smoked. She sighed and walked up to him and hugged him from the back.

''Natalie'' Mikael quenched the cigarette in his hand and turned to look at her. he put it in the ashtray.

''What's wrong? This is the first time you are smoking. I remember you said you quitted smoking and would only smoke when you are under a lot of pressure. Tell me, is there something going on with you?''

''How was work today? Did Daniel Song give you pressure?''

''You don't want to answer my question. It's okay. I will press on with it''

Mikael kissed her forehead and hugged her.

''Work was smooth sailing today but the greater part will begin when I start to work there''

''Why are you going through this yourself? We could still get Daniel without you putting yourself in danger. He is dangerous''

''I know but, this is about me. I have the right to know why he kidnapped me. He even put efforts into tracking me, there must be a reason, right?''

''Natalie, my love. You are so stubborn and it scares me. I don't want you to end up hurting yourself''

''I have you, I will be fine''


Xia got down from the car and yawned as she walked towards her apartment. She slowed down when she felt that someone was following her. Her steps became calculated and her hand went into her bag, ready to take out her pepper spray.

The person behind her wore a black outfit and she couldn't see him that well. Judging from his stature, he was most probably athletic. Xia cussed her short legs for not being able to help her run.

As she walked towards her apartment, the man kept an equal pace with her, but he was catching up to her.

Xia stepped up and was about to run when she bumped into someone and almost fell. The person held her quickly and pulled her back.

''Xia, are you alright?'' Conner asked.

''Conner…'' Xia turned and didn't see anyone behind her. she looked flustered.

''What's wrong?''

''I was being followed, I swear I saw him following me after I got down from my car''

''It's alright, you are safe now'' Connor hugged her.

''What are you doing here? I thought you were at the hospital, is Via okay now?''

''I am just from the hospital. Something happened to Via, so I brought Karl here''

''What happened to Via? Is she alright?''

''Xia, let's go in first. Karl is sleeping''


Xia clenched her hands tightly around the glass of water. Her hands quivered as she sipped the water before putting the glass down.

''How… didn't the doctors say that she could live a few more months after the surgery? How could she suddenly die? What about Karl, what is going to happen to him now?''

''Via lied about her condition. She made the doctors tell us hopeful things but the truth was she knew she didn't have much time left. Karl doesn't know yet. He kept asking for his mother so I decided to bring him here first. He likes you''

''All of this is too sudden. I don't know, I am confused. I planned to go and visit her tomorrow after coming back''

''Xia, can you help me take care of Karl first? I need to plan the funeral''

''Don't worry, I will be with Karl. I'm sorry Connor. No matter what, Via is the mother of Karl. Don't hesitate to ask me for anything if you need it''

''Thank you, Xia''

Xia stood up and stretched her hands saying, ''let me share my energy with you''

Connor smiled and stood up, hugging her.


Two days later.

City X Funeral home.

Natalie arrived with Xia and Alice at the funeral house where Via's funeral was organised. They paid their respects and went to shake the hands of Conner and Via's mother.

''Thank you for coming, Kim Xia. Via talked about you until her last breath'' Via's mother said.

''Aunt, I'm sorry for your loss''

Via's mother nodded her head and hugged Xia, ''you will have to be in charge of Karl, Via said you would be the best person to leave the boy with''

''I will do my best'' Xia replied and turned to Conner. She hugged him.

''My condolences, Conner'' Natalie said and shook his hand.

''Thank you for coming''

''My sincere condolences to you, Mr. Cobbs'' Alice said, shaking his hand.

''Thanks for coming''

Natalie held Xia's hand as they walked away.

Josh, Mikael and Sebastian also went to show their support after Natalie and the others left.

Walking out of the funeral home, they met the Song family arriving. When they saw each other, they both slowed down.

''Natalie, you are here'' Daniel asked as he looked at her.

''Mm. Via was a friend of Xia so we came to pay our last respects'' Natalie replied.

''Was she really your friend? You were clearing messing with her man and now you are here to pay your respects after she is dead? I didn't know Reporter Xia was so shameless''

''If sharing a kid together automatically makes them a married couple then I guess your father cheated on your mother even before she died. My apologies Miss Ash, I didn't intend to be rude to you''

''You are simply stating facts. That also means I cheated even before my ex-husband passed away. Mimi, you should choose your words carefully. They have serious implications''

Mimi's face twisted and she clenched her fists tightly. She looked at Xia and chuckled sarcastically before walking away.

''Let's go'' Daniel said and held Solace's hand, pulling her along.

''Let's go'' Natalie said to them.

''I am going to wait for Josh'' Alice spoke.

''I will be waiting for Connor''

''That's leaves only me. I will wait for my husband then. Let's talk outside''


Mikael turned to look at Natalie as he drove them home. He noticed that she was unusually quiet after leaving the funeral home.

''Natalie, what are you thinking about?''

''Huh?'' Natalie came back to her senses and turned to look at him. She sat up and said to him, ''Mikael, I have a weird feeling''

''Tell me about it''

''It's about my mom. I feel that she is hiding something from me. She is strange and that's not all. Haven't you noticed that she has grown thin?''

''Has she?''

''Mm. They say people suddenly change when they are about to die, I hope that is not the case with her?'' Natalie suddenly felt goosebumps and shook her head, ''no, I take back my words''

''Maybe you are thinking too much''

''No, I know what I feel the most. When I feel something is wrong, it is always wrong. I have to look into it. turn the car''


''Turn the car. I want to go and meet with my mother''

''Natalie, what are you saying?''

''Mikael, take me to the Song family residence right now. How didn't I think of this earlier?'' Natalie suddenly became anxious.

''Think about what?''

''Daniel Song kidnapped me five years ago. My mom must have known about it but she didn't do anything. Why? Because Daniel must have threatened or blackmailed her. Wait, I remember now''

Mikael pulled over and looked at Natalie with a serious gaze. The memory of Solace's words came to mind.

''Natalie is smarter than anyone I know and have ever met. Once she bits unto something, she never lets go. She is clever than you think and very analytical'

''Mikael, I remember Daniel Song''


''Just now. I remember seeing him once before he came to pick my mom that day she left my father. I remember him. He came to see my father. Wait, ah!" Natalie gasped and chuckled.

''That son of a bitch! He and my father were friends. I remember him now, he came to our house when I was little. He came to meet with my father but he wasn't at home. The first time I saw him, I knew he was bad news. He had this ominous vibe around him so I berated my mother for sending him to the study room''

''Natalie, can you calm down and tell me into details what you remember? I can't wrap my head around it''

''Mikael, send me to the Song residence first. I should have known there was something wrong. the woman who gave birth to me suddenly started acting like I was a nuisance. It wasn't right''

Mikael held Natalie's hands and tried to calm her down.

''Natalie, if you remember him and know that he is dangerous then we shouldn't go to them first. It will only put your mother in more danger. Let's do one thing, I will take you home and then you will take a rest. When you wake up, you can tell me everything you know about your childhood and Daniel Song''

''You think so?''

''Yes, trust me on this one. Please?''

''Alright, let's go home then''

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