Living With A Narcissistic Brother In-law

Chapter 169 - Stopping Him From Accessing Her Money

''Eat more meat, Natalie''

''I can eat carbohydrates too mother. Don't worry too much''

''Mikael must have found you weird, right?''

''He did but he understood me and took time to teach me. He would blend the vegies and make me drink them. Just thinking about all that he had to do to make me start eating anything apart from meat, he really did suffer a lot''

''He is a good man. Keep him well''

''I will''

Solace's phone rang and she removed it from her bag, ''I have to answer this''

''Go ahead''

Solace stood up and went towards the washroom to answer the call. Natalie looked at her suspicious but didn't say anything.

''Wales, what is it?''

''Aunt, Daniel Song just requested to empty your joint account. He wants to close the account. I just got the message from my friend at the bank''

''How? I didn't sign any cheque''

''He brought a cheque which has your signature on it. It's just that, he seems to be contacting the people you did insurance with. He wants to take everything you have''

''Okay, I will call the bank and the insurance company. Those are my hard earned money. Even though the account is in our name, he never put any in it. Everything in that account is my money''

Solace hung up and made a call to the manager of the bank.


Natalie finished eating and Solace wasn't out yet. She stood up and decided to go to the washroom to check.

When she got to the washroom, she heard her mother's voice.

''I was the one who stopped the bank from giving you the money. Daniel, that account is just in our name but everything in it is mine. I worked hard for that money and you dared to take it without my consent. You even forged my signature. Are you that desperate for money?''

Natalie stood at the door and looked at her mother.

''That money is for my daughter and I will not allow you to touch it. I've already asked the bank to transfer all of it into Natalie's account. You will not get a single dime from me. I've been saving that money all my life to give it to my daughter and you want to use it for your business? I don't care whether you are in a difficult situation or not''

Solace turned and saw Natalie at the door.


''Mother, I waited for you and got worried'' Natalie said.

Solace hung up and walked to her, ''did you hear everything I said?''

''Did you really transfer all the money you made to me? Why did you do that?''

''Natalie, you are my daughter. I never gave you a lot of things while growing up. This is the least I can do''

''Is Daniel facing some difficulties?''

''I think so. I heard that Black Horse terminated their contract with him. I think he was supposed to receive some investment from them but now it fell through, he wants other means to come up with the money''

''Mother, can I ask you something?'' Natalie asked as they walked out of the washroom.

''Mm, ask''

''Why did you agree to marry Daniel Song? Did he threaten you?''

''Do you remember what happened back then?''

''Not everything. Just bits and pieces. I just remember that Daniel Song used to work with my father. But I don't know what exactly they did''

''You don't have to worry about him. Daniel Song is just an empty barrel''

''It's getting late. Will you be fine going to that house? What if he gets angry with you?''

''He can only get angry, but he won't be able to do anything. Don't let him bother you too much''



Xia's house.

Karl's room.

''And the Prince fell in love with Cinderella'' Connor closed the book and turned to Karl who was sleeping.

''He is already asleep'' Xia chuckled as she looked at the small boy.

''Let's leave him to sleep'' Connor said and stood up.

''I… I still have dishes to wash'' Xia said and ran out of Karl's room. Connor looked at her and laughed.

Xia stood in front of the sink, washing the bowls. Connor walked closer and stood next to her. He took the plates and rinsed them in the other sink.

''Let me help you with this''

''What will happen now that you've cut of ties with Song Group? Daniel is not someone you can get rid of that easily. What if he decides to do something that will affect the company?''

''He won't be able to do anything. This step is just one of the other things that we plan to do to him. Daniel Song is a proud man. now that Black Horse has terminated our contract, he is going to try to come up with the investment himself''

''What exactly is he funding?''

''I suspect whatever it is, it has to do with your best friend''

''I don't know but I feel guilty about Natalie not knowing what Daniel's true motive is''

''You don't have to feel guilty. Mikael doesn't plan on keeping her in the dark anymore. He is looking for the right time to tell her about it''

''That will be good''

''Now that we have your friend's problem out of the way, let's talk about us''

''We… what is there to talk about? We are already dating, right?''

''Oh, so you do know that we are dating. Then, tell me, why have you been avoiding me, Miss Kim?''

''I've just been busy. I never avoided you''


''Then…'' Connor turned to face her. he stepped closer and leaned towards her face.

''Why are you looking at me like that?''

''I love you, Xia. I've loved you since the first time I saw you''

''This is so sudden''

Connor kissed her and smiled, ''you won't be able to get away from me tonight''

Connor lifted her and made her sit on the table. ''Prepare yourself, tonight, I am going to do a lot of things to you. All the things I dreamt of doing since the first time I saw you''

He kissed her neck and Xia wrapped her arms around him, responding to his kisses.

''Looks like you are ready for this too'' Connor whispered.

''Been looking forward to it'' Xia said and they continued to kiss.


Song mansion.

Daniel and Mimi were eating when Solace arrived. Even though she left the restaurant early with Natalie, she had not gone home straight. She went to meet Wales.

When Solace entered the house, Mimi stood up and hurried over to her.

''Mom, where did you go? I couldn't get through to your phone'' Mimi looked at Solace. She seemed to have had a lot of alcohol to drink.

''I was at a meeting''

''A meeting with her real daughter. Mimi, she said she doesn't want you anymore. She has now reunited with her daughter so she is throwing us under the bus''

''Daddy, what are you saying?''

''That is nothing compared to what you two did to Natalie all these years, right?''

''Mom" Mimi's face turned pale.

''Why? Don't you know how obsessed your father is with my daughter? He even loves her more than you, Mimi''

''Solace, remember who you are and know your place. Don't spout nonsense''

''Tell her the truth, then. Tell her how you forced me into marrying you. You made me take care of this brat who has no respect for anyone. But, I am done, Daniel. You shouldn't have messed with my money. How dare you try to steal my money?''

''Shut up, Solace''

''Why? Don't you want your precious daughter to know the kind of person her father is?'' Solace laughed as she walked to her room.

Mimi turned to her father. The truth was she had actually suspected her father of having an obsession with Natalie but she didn't want to believe it. She thought that her father was simply bullying Natalie because of her.

Now that she was looking at him, she felt that he was like a stranger to her.


Mimi covered her mouth and ran into her room. She entered the washroom and started vomiting out all the food she had eaten.

She washed her mouth after vomiting and looked at herself in the mirror. Her skin was a little too pale.

''What is wrong with me lately? Everything I eat, I vomit it out. I seem to have gained some weight too''

''What is wrong with you?'' Daniel asked and Mimi got frightened. She turned and looked at him. She didn't know when he had entered her room.

''Nothing, I'm fine''

''Are you pregnant?''

''Huh? No, I am not pregnant''

''Take care of your health. Tomorrow morning, we will be going to meet a business partner. I will introduce you to his son who just returned from overseas''

''Dad, about mom…''

''Don't worry about her. She is drunk and just spouted some nonsense. Tomorrow she won't even remember what she said''


''Sleep early'' Daniel turned and left the room.

Mimi touched her stomach and frowned. Her face turned pale when she remembered the intense sex she had with Director An, two months ago without protection. Her heart skipped a beat.

''No way. It was just a one time. That is not possible, right?'' she shook her head.

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