''Yo, look who we have here?'' Chile said as he looked a Mimi standing in front of him. They were in a private entertainment room. There were five men including Chile and two women who sat on both sides of Chile, serving him drinks and keeping him company.

''Is this the popular actress, Mimi Song who always appeared on TVs? Whoa, I never thought I would have the opportunity to be in the same space with her'' one of the men spoke.

''Didn't you say that you were too poised to come here and have fun? What are you doing here now?'' Chile asked.

''I came to apologise for my behaviour earlier on'' Mimi bowed.

''Such an insincere apology. Chile, I think this apology is forced. There is no sincerity in it at all'' golden hair man said sarcastically as he looked at Mimi with a lustful gaze.

''Mimi, I don't want to be hard on you. How about this? If you can drink this glass of liquor, then I will consider your apology as sincere'' Chile picked three different whiskeys and poured them into a glass, mixing them together. he set it before Mimi.

''A little something to give you more fun'' golden haired man removed a small bottle from his pocket and poured it into the glass. He mixed it up with the whiskey and clapped his hands.

''Or does Miss Song feel we are inferior to her because we drink?'' Chile added when he saw the hesitation in Mimi's eyes.

''That's right. She is definitely looking down on us. just because she is an actress, does she think that she is above us?'' the lady in neon dress said as she looked at Mimi with jealousy. They were both wearing neon dresses but Mimi seemed to own the dress more than she did. Neon fitted Mimi so well.

''You heard them. Show us your sincerity Mimi. Don't you want your father's investment to sail through?... aye, looking at you like this, it seems that you don't really love your father''

Mimi took the glass after been triggered. She gulped it down at a go. Her cheeks reddened and turned puffy.

The people in the room clapped for her. Chile picked another bottle of whiskey urging her on.

''Come on, another glass'' he said.

Golden haired man picked his phone and started recording Mimi.

''Now that you've drunk one glass, let's go for a second round'' Chile poured another glass for her.

Mimi took it and gulped it down the second round. Chile and his friends cheered her on.

''She is still acting strong. She is obviously drunk'' the other man beside the golden haired man spoke.

''Chile, how about giving her to me? You already have two companions'' golden haired man said.

At that moment, the door opened and Wales entered. He was followed by two other officials.

''Who are you?'' Chile yelled at them. at this point he was wasted and couldn't think straight.

Wales looked at Mimi and sighed. ''Are you alright?''

Mimi turned and looked at him. She shook her head before collapsing on him. Wales caught her in time.

''I'm leaving first, bring all of them to the station'' Wales gave the instruction before lifting Mimi and went out.

Wales managed to put Mimi into the car and was about to adjust the seatbelt when he noticed Mimi was bleeding.

''Shit! Hey, wake up, you are bleeding'' Wales quickly picked his phone and called Solace.

''Aunt, she is bleeding, I'm taking her to the hospital first''


First Hospital.

Wales paced around the emergency ward as he waited for his aunt. When he arrived, the doctors had taken Mimi into the emergency operation room.

The doors opened and a doctor came out. He walked to Wales and asked.

''Are you the lady's family or boyfriend?''

''I am neither of them. What is wrong with her? why was she bleeding?''

''I don't understand what goes on in the minds of you youths. She is pregnant yet she went about drinking liquor and doing drugs''

''Huh? She is… she is pregnant?'' Wales's shocked expression shocked the doctor even more.

''Are you her friend? How could you not know that she was 6 weeks pregnant? But, it's all wasted now. She just lost the pregnancy''

''Wales…'' Solace arrived and walked over to them.

''Aunt, thank God you are here. The doctor just said Mimi was pregnant but she just lost the baby because of the drugs and the liquor'' Wales explained.

''Are you the lady's mother?'' the doctor asked.

'Yes, I am. How is the situation. Is Mimi alright?''

''She is fine now but we couldn't save the pregnancy. She lost a lot of blood. She will be transferred to a ward soon. You can see her afterwards'' the doctor said before walking away.

''Aunt, did you know already that she was pregnant?''

''No, I just suspected it but I didn't know she was pregnant. She has been under a lot of stress lately. It is no wonder she lost the pregnancy after being triggered''

''Aunt, what are you going to do now? Forgive me but I don't feel pity for her. She deserves everything she is getting. She treated cousin with such cruelty. Now even her own father is using her to get funding for his research. Like father like daughter. They are all messed up''

''Go back to the station. I will stay here with Mimi. As for those boys that were doing drugs in the adult entertainment room, I want you to blow it up. Just send the information to Reporter Xia''

''But, won't Mimi be affected?''

"She will, but I already went against myself by saving her. She would have the face the wind herself from now onwards''

''Alright, then, I will be leaving''



Few hours later.

Song family house.

Daniel was at the study when he received a call from Mr. Fred.

''Hello Fred, it's late, is there any problem?''

''Daniel, is this how you intend to pay me back after I've decided to invest in your research? Why is my son at the police station for drug usage?''

''What do you mean?''

''It was your daughter who sent herself to my son. Why is my son now being charge for drugging her? tell me, what kind of game are you playing?''

''Fred, I don't understand…''

''Don't bother calling me. I will never invest in your company and I will make sure no one invests either'' Fred said angrily before hanging up the call.

Daniel clenched his fist tightly and hit them against the table. He walked out of the study and started calling Mimi's name.

''Mimi, where is Mimi?'' he asked the housekeeper.

''Sir, Madam told me to relay this message to you. The young Miss was rushed to the hospital so she went there first''



First Hospital.

Solace walked the hallway towards the private ward she arranged for Mimi. She was holding a flask bowl containing soup she had bought from a restaurant.

Solace slowed down when she saw Daniel pacing at the door of the private ward. When he turned and saw her, he hurried over.

''You witch, what did you do to my daughter? Why is she in the hospital?'' Daniel would have strangled Solace had they not being in the hospital.

''My question exactly, Daniel''


''I should be asking you what you did to your own daughter and family. You knew clearly the kind of person Chile was, yet you sent your daughter to him. Now you actually dare to ask me what I did to your daughter?''

Solace chuckled and continued, ''I admit, I intended to harm Mimi, make you feel what I felt but then again, I don't want to stoop so low like you. but, I guess karma really is a bitch. I didn't have to do anything because you would end up ruining your own daughter just to achieve your goals. You don't care the means you use, what matters to you is that you get what you want at the long run''

''Shut up''

''Daniel, did you know that your daughter was pregnant?''

Daniel's face distorted.

''You sent your pregnant daughter to an adult entertainment centre and she was drugged and made to drink hard liquor, all just to secure funding for you. You really make me doubt your sanity, Daniel''

Daniel held Solace's collar, pulling her closer. ''Don't you dare judge me. You don't have the right to judge me when you abandoned your own daughter for money''

''You know in your heart whether I left Natalie for money or not. All these years, that is what you made everyone believe. Do you have the guts to come out and tell the world the truth? You forcefully married me, made me turn my back on my child. You threatened me to stay by your side all these years.

Daniel, karma is getting back at you for all the terrible things that you did. And guess what, you brought up your daughter to be the same as you. She is selfish and things the world revolves around her. Will she still see you as her beloved father after what you did to her?''

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