"Mikael and I met when we entered the University. We have always been by each other's side. He never found me annoying or irritable. But all of that changed when he came back to City X and met you.

Tell me, Natalie, do you really love Mikael? Can you relate to his worries and help him reduce his stress? You know nothing about the entertainment industry…''

''That's enough, Laura'' Natalie stopped her.

''You are really the shameless type, right?'' Natalie brushed her hair behind her ear.


''After everything you did to me, you still feel that it is not enough so you came to my house to attack me before you leave. Laura, if you were with Mikael for so many years and he didn't see you in that light, then even if you spent another 100 years with him, he wouldn't have spared you a glance. It might not have been me he would marry but that wouldn't have been you either. Don't you dare come to my house and try to blame me for anything.

''The entertainment industry, right? It's true I do not know much about your so called industry but I don't need to know anything more than I already do, because in the end the only person I care about is Mikael and I trust him. a lot of women would still fall for him? I know that but the last time I checked, the only woman he has eyes for is me''

''The only woman he has eyes for is you? Do you actually think that you are his first love? When we were in school, there was a girl. Now that I am looking at you, you and that girl have a lot in common. Mikael was in love with her but she suddenly left the school without even breaking up with Mikael or telling him where she went to. Mikael was so devastated that he had to take a semester break from school. Even you know who this woman is because she is always on TV and guess what, she is older then Mikael''


''You are not the first older woman he has being with. Perhaps, Mikael Sun's taste has always been older women…''


Mikael finished buying the pregnancy test kit, he rushed out of the pharmacy and went towards his car. His strides slowed down when he saw the familiar figure standing by his car.

The slender figure was a tall woman with beautiful features. Her long black hair straightened down her shoulders. Her face was clean and detailed. She looked fierce and at the same time delicate. If Natalie were to stand next to her, one would think they were sisters.

''Hi, Mikael. It's being a while. How have you been?'' the lady spoke and smiled. Her white pair of teeth looked perfect.

''Susan?'' Mikael walked closer and stood in front of the woman.

''I came out of Park Studios and saw you entering the pharmacy. I thought I was mistaken but I decided to check anyways. Turns out it was really you'' Susan smiled again, ''you have really become even more handsome''

''What are you doing in City X? I thought you were based in D-City?'' Mikael asked and opened the front door. He placed the pharmacy bag on the seat and closed the door.

''I didn't know you were keeping taps on me?''

''I don't keep taps on you. You are always in the news for either a dating scandal or a project. We are in the same industry, so it's nothing new''

''I see. are you sick? You bought medicine''

''No, my wife needs it''

''I heard about your marriage. Laura told me. Wait, she didn't tell you about me coming, right?''

''Laura and I don't talk much''

''She told me. That woman came between you and Laura''

''Your people are waiting for you'' Mikael pointed at the van standing a few distance away from him.

''Well, I will be the lead in 'At Death's Door', Writer Purplebride's new script. We will be in it together''


''Don't hate me too much, Mikael. We will be working together and…'' Susan stepped forward and hugged Mikael before kissing his cheek.

''I missed you a lot'' she said and walked away.

Mikael got into his car and tilted the mirror. He picked a tissue and wiped away the lipstick mark on his cheek.


''Natalie, do you understand the situation you are in now? You are just a replacement for Mikael. He is trying to find that woman in you. Stop being smug all the time''

Natalie splashed water on her face as the words of Laura kept ringing in her head. She wiped her face and went to the hall and saw Mikael entering the house.

''Natie, I got the test kit'' Mikael said as he walked to her.

''Let's leave it for later on. I don't feel too well. I want to sleep for a while''

''What's wrong? should I call the doctor?'' Mikael lifted his hand to touch her and Natalie stepped back.

''I'm fine, no need to call the doctor. I just feel tired''

''Alright, go in and sleep. What do you want to eat, I will make it?''

''Anything is fine by me'' Natalie said and turned, going back to the room.

Mikael looked at her. He was confused. She was clearly happy before he left, he wondered what could have gone wrong but he also just attributed it to her pregnancy.


Susan's house.

Susan placed a glass of juice on the table for Laura and asked, ''so, did you meet with the woman?''

''Yes, and I did exactly what you told me too''

''That's good. I also met with Mikael. Very soon, the news about us will be all over''

''Sister Susan, do you really intend to get Mikael back?''

''Mm. I still love Mikael. All these years, I haven't forgotten about him. So what if they are married? Their marriage is just a piece of paper at the bureau office. It isn't fully documented so it's easy breaking them apart. Besides, how is that woman similar to me? She is indeed beautiful but what else does she have apart from that pretty face. She can't help Mikael in anything''

''I will be leaving tonight''

''It's unfortunate that you had to leave. I know that your feelings for Mikael are genuine''

''I don't have much feelings left after what Mikael did to me because of that woman. I just don't want that woman to win either. If I can't have him, then neither would she''

''It's William still interested in that woman?''

''Yes, he is so crazy about her''

''Then, I should help him get her. It will be good having an ally''

''William is obsessed with her. Even though he knows he doesn't have a chance, he still doesn't want to give up''

''Well, god has answered his prayers. He will surely have what he wants. Mikael belonged to me from the beginning. Since he got involved with her who looks like me, it means he still has me in his heart'' Susan smiled and sipped her glass of juice.


Natalie woke up after napping and looked at the time. It was already evening time. She went into the bathroom and took her shower and changed into a black jumpsuit. She picked her bag and saw her phone going off and she picked it up. It was a message from Laura.

''I told you, right? Look at this''

Natalie clicked on the link and saw a lot of pictures of Mikael and the lady. She logged out of the website and put her phone in the bag.

When she got to the hall, she saw Mikael speaking on phone. He seemed to be arguing with someone.

''I have nothing doing with her. I don't know why she came back and what she wants. I will take care of it. Susan is my past, I am not interested in her'' Mikael turned and saw Natalie. He said something to the person on the other side before hanging up.

''Natie… you are awake. I made supper for you since you didn't wake up again to eat lunch'' Mikael walked to her.

''I'm going to visit Mimi. I will go to Xia's place afterwards. Don't wake up for me, I might not return'' Natalie looked at him.

''Natalie I… did you…?''

''Mikael, I have a headache'' Natalie said, cutting him short.

''Let me drive you there. I am not doing anything''

''I want to go alone. Right, Laura was here'' Natalie said and walked away. She changed into her sneakers at the porch before going out.

Mikael sighed and looked at the door.

''She definitely saw it. Laura, Susan!


Natalie got into the car and started weeping. ''You are such a coward, Natalie. Why didn't you ask you? Why didn't you listen to him? You should have given him a chance to explain, even if he was going to lie to you''

Natalie wiped her tears and started the car.

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