Lin Group [City M]

Natalie Jun walked out of Lin Group and entered into Kim Xia's car. She closed the door and relaxed on the seat saying, ''I feel so drained''

''Oh, my dear Nat; you've worked hard. Here, drink some water'' Kim Xia unscrewed the bottle and handed it to Natalie Jun.

''Thanks'' Natalie Jun drunk the water and yawned.

''You look so tired. Did they make you do something apart from doing an interview? Tell me, did they bully you?'' Kim Xia asked as she started the car.

''No, the hours of waiting took all the energy in me. Wake me up when you get home''

''We are going grocery shopping first. I need to fill up your empty fridge and make a few dishes for you''

''My fridge is going to be cluttered, just leave it like that'' Natalie Jun said and looked at Kim Xia as she put her phone on silent, ''who was that?''

''Take a wild guess''

''Your boss son? Xia, this guy seems to be serious about you''

''No, he is not. He is a womanizer who is only tenacious because he wants to get laid. The longest he's dated a woman before is a month''

''Whoa, how did you know that?''

''Hello, I am a reporter. I know everything going on but seriously. He is not my cup of tea''

''Alice would say cup of coffee'' Natalie Jun said and they laughed.

''I miss Alice Jun, such a bundle of joy''

''Me too, I miss her every day''

''You know; she doesn't mind you letting everyone know that you two are related''

''This is not the right time. She is not starting her career in the entertainment industry, if those people find out that she is related to me, they would do anything possible to bring her down''



Natalie Jun and Kim Xia placed the groceries on the kitchen table and Natalie Jun opened the fridge and brought out two cans of beer.

''Beer?'' she asked Kim Xia.

''You know me best. The weather is always right for a cold beer'' Kim Xia opened it and took a gulp before adding, ''this just hits the right places''

''I will wash the vegetables. You shouldn't have bought a lot of vegetables; I hardly eat them''

''You can eat a little at a time. The marinated vegetables I am going to make will be good for a late night snack''

''Especially when you add some cold beer to it'' Natalie Jun added and Kim Xia gave her a thumbs up.

''So, your brother in law is coming to stay here with you?''

''Yes, his things were move over last month and that is his room next to Thomas' room''

''Are you alright with it?'' Kim Xia placed a saucepan on fire and leaned on the cabinet facing Natalie.

''Well, I don't really have much to say against it. Aunt was the one who proposed that idea''

'Then, what is going to happen with just you two around? I mean, won't he easily find out that you and Thomas weren't a real couple? I can't imagine the look on his face when he finds out that everything was fake, just a contract''

''I already cleaned all the clues here. I moved my things into Thomas' room so he won't find it suspicious that we were not sleeping in the same room''

''Whoa, he really is something. Didn't his mouth shake when he accused you of killing Thomas? He wants to stay with you so that he can torment you''

''That's why I must find a job asap before he returns''

''How old is he?''

''26, same as Alice but a few months older''

''That rude bastard should be calling us elder sisters; he is so pompous''' Kim Xia said and snatched the knife from Natalie Jun. She swung it before hitting the carrot on the table and added, ''should I just cut him like this carrot?''

''He is my brother in law and aunt loves him. Let's blame it on the fame and money. It has gotten into his head'' Natalie Jun said and took the knife away from Kim Xia.

'Don't worry, if he is being an ass, you can just pack and out to my place. Your room is still empty and clean. We can stay together like back then''

Natalie Jun chuckled and replied, ''no matter how I think about it, I need to stay and face him. If I leave, he will only think I'm guilty. Don't worry, I intend to stand up to him if he goes overboard''

''Yes, you must protect yourself and when is getting tough, call me and Alice. We will give him a taste of his own medicine. I can't believe such a beautiful man has a nasty character? I hate him'' Kim Xia psst and they laughed. ''How many interviews left?''

''4 more but, I'm getting disheartened. None of the ones I went to has called. Do you know the question they ask me first when they see my name?''

''What do you say?''

''They ask me if I am Thomas Sun's widow. Then, they ask me why I don't want to work at my husband's company. I think the tag ''Thomas' widow' is going to leave with me forever. That must be God punishing me for entering into a contract marriage with an innocent man. Now, my bad luck just got him killed''

''Natalie​, you don't have anything to do with Thomas' accident. It was an accident and you need to move on. Thomas would want you to move on too''

''I know, but it's so damn hard. It's been almost four months since he passed away but I still wait, I still feel that he is only gone for a while and that he will be coming back to me soon''

''I knew you were just acting strong. Actually, you can work me? I'm getting promoted to manager position soon. I will employ you as my assistant.

''No, let me try my hands on this first. Besides, we would end up fighting if I'm working for you. You wouldn't openly reprimand me and I would try hard to always do the right thing. It will be tiresome.

''You were always good with writing, proofreading and editing. I still have the national article you edited and sent to the President's secretary's office''

''Come on, you still have that? I was crazy back then, to have corrected the President's speech'' Natalie Jun said as she remembered that day and laughed.

It was the first inauguration of the President of Country Z and after giving the speech, Natalie Jun spent hours listening and writing it down and when she was done, she corrected it and mailed it to the President's secretary.

It had caused a huge sensation when the President's secretary personally visited the school asking for her and she pushed Kim Xia forward and lied on her.

''That was crazy, what you did back then, but, it paved the way for me to becoming a reporter so I am extremely grateful to you my bff''

''I know, right. I wonder where that woman is at the moment. I didn't hear much of her again after that scandal about her and the Finance Minister broke''

''I still am of the view that she was framed. That woman looked too humble and decent to be cheating with the old fart Finance Minister''

''Let's find her'' Natalie Jun said and Kim Xia furrowed her brows.

''You are joking right?''

''No, I'm not. If anything, she was the one who really helped you get enrolled into the University's Journalism department''

''Okay, let's do that and well, good luck with the rest of the interviews. I know you will get something at the end''

''I pray so''


Natalie Jun got down in front of the La Franc Restaurant. She was dressed formally and had just gotten there after her interview.

When she entered and looked around, she saw the person she was meeting and hurried over to the corner table and sat down.

''Are you not filming a drama, how come you have a lot of time to roam around?'' Natalie Jun asked Alice Jun.

''I missed you'' Alice Jun said as she looked at Natalie Jun's face. She was worried about what Mikael Sun would do to her sister. Even though she said those words to him, she knew he wasn't someone that she should mess with especially when he was related to her sister.

''Concentrate on your shoot and don't bother me. I just got out of an interview and I still have another one in an hour''

''Big sister'' Alice Jun's voice became soft and solemn. It made Natalie Jun stop her hand that had taken the glass of water to sip.

''Alice, what's wrong? Did something happen to you or did someone bully you? Tell me!!'' Natalie Jun said worriedly as she touched Alice Jun's hands.

''No, no one bullied me. It's just that… I met Mikael Sun and said a few words to him. I am just afraid that he might take it out on you, so I rushed over to check on you''

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