Living With A Narcissistic Brother In-law

Chapter 201 - Going To The Spring

"No, I think that I respect you even more" Mimi said with a smile.

"Team leader, what are you still doing here? Everyone is at the hall playing games" Damien walked over and said to them.

"Games?" Mimi asked.

"Yes, on the night we all arrive we gather to play Truth or Dare games. Everyone loves to play it because they can to ask nosy questions about the private lives of others"

"Team leader, they are waiting for you, everyone is there already except you and sister in law" Damien said and Wales and Mimi flushed, looking at him with shocked expressions.

Meanwhile, after saying that Damien didn't​ stay back so he didn't see their expressions. He simply walked on to call the others that were not in the hall.


"Don't let his words get to you. I will explain properly to everyone later on"


"Then, let's go" Wales and Mimi turned and went towards the hall.


''Truth or dare'' Alex asked the female officer who was caught in the middle.

''Dare'' the female officer said.

Wales and Mimi found a place beside Alex and sat down. They were all sitting in a round position on the floor.

''Turn and kiss the first place your eyes meet'' Alex announced and the officers hailed.

The female officer turned and her eyes landed on Wales. They looked at each other and Denis spoke.

''Looks like Diana has finally gotten a chance to kiss her crush''

''You…'' Diana blushed as she looked at Wales.

''What are you waiting for? This is your chance to kiss him, but sister in law might not be too happy about it'' Damien spoke turning the place into an awkward silence.

''I didn't know you two were dating?'' Denis asked and looked at Wales and Mimi.

''We are not dating. I hope you will stop spreading baseless rumors'' Mimi said, looking at Denis sternly.

''Aye, the game is no longer fun. How about we do something else?'' Parker suggested when everyone became silent.

''Excuse me, I need to go to the washroom'' Diana said and stood up.

''This is all your fault. Everyone knows that Diana has a crush on Wales but we are all keeping it to ourselves. Did you have to put her out there like that?'' One of the female officers turned to Denis and asked.

''What did I do? I just said this was her chance to make Wales take a second look at her before he is snatched by someone who isn't in the Violent Crimes Unit''

''I will be back'' Mimi said to Wales and stood up.


Mimi stood at the entrance of the washroom when she heard sobs. It took her a while before she could go inside and stood by one of the stalls.

''Are you alright?'' Mimi asked the person inside.

Diana opened the stall and looked at Mimi before going to wash her face.

''Why are you crying? You didn't do anything wrong''

''You must think that I am a fool, right?'' Diana asked as she washed her face.

''No. I don't have the right to think anything about you because I do not know you. But, you shouldn't allow what other people think to define you''

''I never thought I would be here talking with you. I really enjoy watching your movies and dramas. I was sad when I heard that you were retiring''


''Mm, but seeing you here with Wales. I think that I don't stand a chance. But I don't mind losing to you either''

''What do you mean?''

''Detective Wales likes you. It's so obvious, how could you not notice it?'' Diana said and chuckled.

''Detective Wales is probably the last person to like me. He… knows me the most so I doubt he likes me in that regards. He is just looking out for me because my mother is his aunt. We do not have such kind of relationship''

''Detective Wales is so handsome. Don't tell me you haven't for once seen him as a man?''

Mimi became tongue tight when she heard Diana's question. She was silent for a moment. She realized; she didn't really know the answer to that question.

Did she ever see him in that light? She didn't know.

''I always thought that celebrities were haughty but it seems not to be the case. I met Alice Jun once and she was down to earth. Meeting you too, it feels as if celebrities are just as normal as us''

''We are humans just like every other person. Tell me, since when did you start liking Detective Wales?''

''When I first joined the Violent Crimes Unit. He commanded so much respect and he did his work so well that I fell for him instantly. It's been almost eight months now. I used to think that Detective Wales was immune to human feelings but seeing you, I think it was because he had his eyes elsewhere''

''Diana, you are really misunderstanding our relationship. Detective Wales can never be together''


''Because we are too different''

''That's the more reason why you are attracted to each other. Because of your difference, you are naturally drawn to each other''

''Let's go. Everyone must be worried about you''

''Miss Mimi, you should be careful around Denis. He has been in competition with Detective Wales since forever. I have a feeling that he has his eyes set on you now that he knows Detective Wales likes you''


''To him, everything is a competition and he always wants to come out as the winner. Blame it on his inferiority complex. He thinks that Detective Wales is able to get to where he is because of his father but that is not true. Before becoming a police officer, Detective Wales was in the military''

''Detective Wales was in the military?''

''You didn't know about this? Detective Wales was in the military before but he suddenly left and joined the police force. No one knows why. Maybe, Chief Alex might know the reason''

''I see''

''Diana, Miss Song'' Denis lowered his strides when he saw the two women walking towards his direction.

''Why are you outside?'' Diana asked.

''We couldn't continue with the game. Everyone went back to their rooms to get ready for tomorrow instead''

''I see. Mimi, let me send you to your room'' Diana suggested.

''We stay just a door away from each other. I will send Miss Song to her room. Detective Wales must be worried looking for you''

''No need. I still need to ask Diana a few questions about tomorrow's programme. You can go without me. When I'm done, I will call Detective Wales over if I can't find my own back to my room'

''Sure, whatever floats your boat'' Denis looked at them before going away.

'That was so cool. You kept Denis in his place without coming off so strong and obvious about it'' Diana said excitedly.

''I just don't like men who want to lord it over others'' Mimi replied as they walked away.

''Right, let's go to the springs. Everyone must be inside; it will be quiet. We can chat more over there''

''Springs, do you have a spring here?''

''Well, it isn't a normal spring. The group dug it last year and filled it with water that warms up by itself. Usually, the men always take over it but now that everyone is asleep, I think we can go there and have a chat over some beer''

''That isn't bad''

''Come with me, did you bring swimwear?''

''No, I did not''

''No worries, I brought a new set. I think one will fit you'' Diana pulled Mimi along as she hurried towards her room.

At the elevator, Wales and Alex saw them but it was too late as they had gotten into the elevator already.

''Where are they going?'' Wales asked and turned to look at Alex.

''I heard them talking about going to the springs'' one female officer walked to them and spoke before going away.

''The springs? I heard Denis saying he was going over there. Wales, I think you should go and get Mimi. I have a bad feeling about Denis and his intentions towards her''

''Mm'' Wales got into the elevator and pressed the down floor number.


Mimi held two cans of beer as she followed Diana towards the springs.

''This place is really good. You will see'' Diana bragged. They were almost there when her phone started ringing.

''Let me answer this'' Diana said and removed her phone, ''hello… what? I will be there immediately. Don't eat all of it without me'' Diana hung up and turned to Mimi.

''They are having squids. Dried squid goes well with beer. Mimi, wait here, I will go and get us some. You can get into the water first''

''Oo'' Mimi collected the other two beer from Diana before the latter ran off. Mimi went to the spring and placed the beer down. She looked at the water and smiled before taking off her bathrobe. Leaving just the swimwear that Diana gave her, she walked into the water and found a rock to lean against.

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