Three years later…

Janice Jewelry.

''Wales, oh my darlings are here already. How was your time with uncle Wales?'' Natalie asked as the twins got down from Wales' car.

''Mummy, I missed you'' Cherry, the elder one said as Natalie lifted her up.

''My baby, mum missed you too, but what about you, Claudia, don't you miss mummy?''

''I missed you but I missed daddy more. When is daddy coming home?'' Claudia asked and pouted her lips.

''Aye…'' Natalie sighed, ''I screamed and yelled in pain for nothing. She only wants to be with her father'' Natalie shook her head.

The twins were so opposite. Cherry loved to be with Natalie and Claudia loved to be with Mikael. Sometimes, Natalie wondered if it was because Claudia looked more like Mikael than her. Cherry had Mikael's nose and Natalie's eyes but what was weird was the fact that cheeks were round just like Thomas' face.

Claudia on the other hand didn't take after Natalie except their eyes. Everything about her screamed Mikael. Even their tsundere ways were the same. Claudia was just a cut copy of Mikael in all aspects.

''Wales, I have two important announcements to make. One is good and the other is bad. Which one do you want to hear first?'' Natalie asked Wales.

Wales put his hands inside his car as he leaned against his car. He hadn't shaved his bear and his hair was a little messy but he still looked handsome.

''Bad news first''

''Alright, Alice missed her flight so she won't be coming today. You need to go and help Josh out at the bar because he is attending a meeting at the hotel''

''Why are you always making me run errands for you? I am a police officer and need to work''

''You are on leave. You are not working at the moment'' Natalie said and Wales frowned.

''Tell me the good news''

''Alright. Mimi is coming home next work''

Wales' eyelids turned up and his fingers quivered a little. His face softened and his demeanor became a little unsure.

''Relax, Wales. You look like a high schooler who is unsure about meeting his first love''

''Has she asked about me?''

''Wales, I want you to pick her up at the airport''

''Huh? What do you…''

''I know what I'm doing. Mimi asked me to pick her up. But I will give her an excuse that day. When I do, she will likely call Alice or Xia. I will inform them not to answer her calls. You will go and pick her up. That is all I can do, Wales. The rest is now in your hands''

''That will be enough. Thank you, Nat''

''You and Mimi deserve a chance to be happy. Mimi still likes you. She never got into a relationship or relate with the guys in her class apart from that which has to do with her studies. She has declined a lot of blind dates too. That means she hasn't forgotten about you. Perhaps she was waiting for you to take the first step''

''Mm, I know what to do''

Natalie smiled and nodded her head.


City X Airport.

''Hi, Mimi, I am caught up in a meeting but I asked someone to pick you up. Be a good girl and don't act stubborn''

Mimi looked at the phone with a confused expression. She didn't even get to speak before Natalie hung up.

Mimi shook her head and was about to put the phone in her bag when she saw a familiar person walking towards her.

Mimi's body tensed up and her fingers around the luggage clenched nervously. Her heart fluttered. This was the first time she was seeing him again. It's being three years.

In these three years, she had dreamt about him. She had dreamt about meeting him again. She had thought about what kind of circumstances will bring them together when she finally arrives in City X.

Whenever she called or anyone from the family called, she would hold herself back from asking about him. It was Natalie who often volunteered to tell her that Wales was doing well and that he was busy with work.

Last month, Natalie told her, he was on leave and wouldn't go to work until after three months' time. She wondered what he did with his free time. The places he went to and the people he met. Did he meet any women that caught his interest? Did some girl make his heart flutter? Those were the questions that she asked herself.

Three years hasn't been easy for her. There were times she almost packed and ran back just to see him. There were nights, she would cry herself to sleep because she missed him.

She thought that he was just a mere crush that she would get over soon but after a while she realized that she really loved him and wanted to be with him. But she couldn't stop her dreams halfway. She had to finish what she started. That was the only way she would be able to come back and see him again.

Now, she was back and she had her teacher's diplomat and now, he was the first person she was seeing since landing.

Mimi felt like she was blessed. She didn't know but she felt assured and happy that he was the one picking her up.

She really missed him!

Wales wore red v-neck shirt with blue pants. He combed his hair backwards and had shaved. In short, he looked his best. He looked the part and he knew it.

Wales couldn't hide his smile as he walked towards Mimi. Even though he was nervous, he still felt happy. This was the face he hadn't seen in three years. He missed her and this time, no matter what happened. He was going to make her his woman.

''Hi Mimi'' Wales said, smiling.

''Hi… Wales'' Mimi took a deep breath and smiled nervously.

''Let's go'' Wales placed his hand on the luggage handle, brushing his fingers against Mimi before taking the luggage.

When their fingers brushed against each other, Mimi felt a shiver run through her body. She felt jittery and a little excited. She looked at her fingers and smiled before following Wales out.

Wales opened the front door for Mimi after putting her things in the backseat. His gaze remained on her until she got inside and strapped her seatbelt. Wales went to the driver's seat and started the car.

''How have you been?'' Wales asked as he drove off.

''I'm fine. How have you been too?''

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