Living With A Narcissistic Brother In-law

Chapter 31 - Press Conference 2

''Send her a message. She needs to meet with the press and clarify things. What if Mimi's career gets affected by this? our daughter is just starting her career and making a name for herself. Did Natalie really have to do this to her?''


Black Horse Hotel.

''That girl is so heartless. Going after her own sister in this merciless way. This time around, I'm not going to sit by and watch''


Janice Jewellery.

Natalia saw Lucy standing by the reception counter as she walked in. She hurried over excitedly and tapped her shoulder, ''Lucy?''

Lucy looked at Natalie surprised before she screamed and hugged her, ''Natalie, how have you been?''

''Quiet down, lady. I'm fine. What about you?''

Lucy nodded her head as she tried to contain her joy, ''I'm fine. Were you called?''

Natalie nodded her head, ''yes, you too?''

Lucy chuckled, ''what a coincidence. I'm so happy I'm going to be working with you. I can't believe we actually got called. When I didn't hear from them all this while, I almost gave up''

''But, they called us in the long run. Congratulations, Lucy and I hope we become good colleagues from now''

''Me too'' as they chatted, a group of young man in black suits passed by with their leader wearing a Bluetooth device in his ears speaking as they walked away.

''Who are those?'' Lucy asked as she looked at them.

''That must be their security. The head of security has a PHD in computer science and takes care of all their security. He also created an anti-hacking software for the company making it hard for anyone to hack into their system''

''Whoa, he must be pretty important in the company then. I bet his salary is at least 5 zeros or 6''

''Well, I heard it was actually 7 zeros''

''Fuck me!! that much?'' Lucy looked at the young man and felt the world wasn't fair to her.

Natalie chuckled looking at Lucy's cute face and said to her, ''Lucy, if we work hard and make ourselves as important as him, then our zeros will also go up''

Lucy nodded her head, ''I am going to work hard them. Right, Natalie I saw the news about you? I'm so sorry, I wanted to call but remembered I didn't have your contact number. I felt it was rude to come and look for you at your friend's place too''

''No, is alright. I'm not bothered by it''

''But, I must say you have a little bit of luck. Whoever exposed that reporter is my mentor from now onwards. She did it so marvellously. I felt that the saying, ''revenge is best served cold' was so true after seeing the news''

''I know, right? she did really well'' Natalie smiled as she thought about Kim Xia.

''Amy said we should wait here for the other two people. we can all go up once they arrived. She said we will know them when they arrive'' Lucy said and Natalie asked.

''They hired four people?''

''That is what I heard. Who do you think the other two are?''

Dindin and Anita walked closer to them and spoke, ''who do you think it will be?''

Natalie and Lucy looked at each other and ignores them.

''Ayah, and here I thought you wouldn't dare make a public appearance after what happened? Apparently, your skin is thicker than I thought'' Dindin crossed her arms as she said.

Lucy turned to face her and asked, ''did you eat a lot of lemon as breakfast? Why do you sound so sour? One would think Natalie has done something to hurt you personally''

''What? Hey, what business of yours is it?''

''Same way that it is not yours'' Lucy replied before Natalie stopped her.

''Lucy, is okay'' Natalie looked at Dindin and smirked. She was taller than Dindin hence she was looking down on her and it made her posture condescending as she spoke, ''I wonder if I have done something to hurt your feelings before? Because as far as I know, this is our third time of meeting. The first time I didn't even talk to you, the second time you acted so rudely and now this time too.

William and Amy walked out of the office to the reception rest area and noticed the exchange between the ladies. Amy stepped forward and William stopped her and signalled with his hand to let them go on.

Natalie who didn't see them continued to speak, ''if you have something person against me why don't you just say? And stop being so rude to me, I'm clearly older than you. Don't think just because I'm quiet, you can bully me? Didn't Mimi tell you? I might look patient but I have a very nasty temper, you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of it, trust me'' Natalie gave an eerie smirk which left Dindin scared.

Dindin looked at Natalia speechlessly as she stuttered, ''you…you…''

''What? Do you feel wrong? Or are you guilty about something?''

''You are the bully. Don't think I can't do anything to you just because you're married to Thomas Sun and have the backing of the Sun family''

Natalie chuckled and asked, ''have you forgotten? He is dead. Didn't you see the news you contributed to? Or did you think I wouldn't know the reason why you did that to me?''

Dindin's face turned red from embarrassment and she looked around just then and saw William and Amy. She quickly acted weak and innocent as she asked, ''why are you are attacking me for no reason? I don't even know what you're talking about. If you're not happy that I was hired, do you have to say such words to me?''

William and Amy walked to them, ''what is going on here?''

Amy asked as she stopped in front of them, ''what is the noise about? Is that the attitude you're going to bring to Janice?''

Anita who had been quiet all along decided to speak, ''it's her fault…'' she pointed at Natalie, ''she started attacking Dindin the moment we got here''

Lucy frowned, ''that's not true…'' Natalia touched Lucy's hand to stop her.

William looked at them and spoke, ''you're newly employed staff; I don't want to see this behaviour again. Amy show them around and send them to the HR for their appointment letters''

Amy nodded, ''yes, sir. Follow me''

As they walked away, William watched Natalie with a keen and interesting gaze.


Administration block.

Taking them around the various departments, Amy explained to them about the duties of each department, starting from the administrative department.


Marketing block

''This is the Marketing Department. Here, they design new marketing strategies and plan promotions''

Finance department

Natalia's phone buzzed as she followed behind at the Finance Department. She removed the phone and read the message from Mrs. Solace.

''Mimi is coming to City M this morning. Make time and attend the press conference and clarify issues. If you don't come, then, you leave me with no choice but to tell the world that we are a family''

Natalie turned off the phone and clenched her fist, chuckling at herself, feeling disgusted as she murmured, ''you just keep getting good at your game of making me miserable and disgusted. While you act like the victim''


Creative ring

Lucy noticed Natalia left behind and signalled her with her hand. Natalie quickly walked over to listened to Amy.

Amy stood at the big office with separated desks and spoke, ''this is the Creative Ring Department and where you will be working. For now, you will be interns and your schedule will be circulated. You will work in all the departments for the probation period of three months and after that, we will decide where to put you. I suggest that, during this time, you put aside all personal grudges and work together. If anyone causes problems in the company, you will be fired immediately. Is there any question or clarification you will need?''

Dindin raises her hand and asked, ''why do we have to work in all the various departments for the probation period? Some of us majored in Jewellery designs and not HR or Marketing. Isn't that like wasting out talents?''

Amy smiled politely as she replied, ''I understand your concern, but here at Janice we require our workers to be fully equipped with all round knowledge because it comes in handy in the industry hence, all interns must go through this process by having real experience with all the departments here''

Anita also raised her hand and asked, ''does it mean after the probation period, we will be assigned to where we excel in and not where we actually want?''

''Sometimes yes. The probation period helps the HR to know where you fit or work best and let you handle that after your probation period is over''

''Then, the initial requirement didn't really matter?'' Lucy asked.

''It mattered because, based on that we were able to get you talented ones here. Any questions again?'' Amy looked at Lucy and smiled.

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