Living With A Narcissistic Brother In-law

Chapter 40 - Whose Side Are You On?

''Cheating on… oh there is the book I am looking for'' Mikael said, skilfully avoiding her question. Hem turned toward a shelf of romance books and Natalie followed.

''Romance of the cold feet man and his housekeeper'' Natalie snatched the book from Mikael and looked at it, ''what kind of books are the writers writing these days? What is 'Romance between the cold feet man and his housekeeper'?, this is weird if you ask me''

''That's why I'm not asking you, because you don't know anything when it comes to romance'' Mikael snatched the book.

''That's so rich coming from a rom-com actor. I'm sure you've been into a lot of whirlwind romances'' Natalie said and stretched forth her hand to pick a book and Mikael stepped closer to her without her knowledge. When Natalie turned after taking the book, she bumped into him and hit her face against his chest.

Mikael looked down at her and said, ''I haven't had a whirlwind romance before. Should we have one?'' his voice was seductive and his eyes seemed to look into her soul.


''Whirlwind romance, it will be exciting every…'' he leaned closer and whispered into her ears, ''day''

''Mikael, I'm hungry. Buy me lunch'' Laura walked to them with William.

Mikael stepped aside and Natalie blushed and lowered her gaze. Mikael looked at Laura and William and asked, 'are you two done with your discussion?''

''Yes, we are done'' Laura replied.

''Then, let's grab something together, let's go sister in law'' Mikael held Natalie's hand and walked away with her.

Laura smiled awkwardly and looked at William, ''let's go''

''After you''

Mikael walked into the restaurant with his hands in his pockets. His steps unhurried as he flashed his famous smile at the workers.

''He is such a flirt'' Natalie muttered and shook her head.

''He is not a flirt. He is naturally nice to everyone, don't misunderstand him'' Laura said to Natalie before walking past her to catch up with Mikael.

Natalie stopped and frowned, ''what is her problem?''

''Don't let her get to you. It is well known in the industry that she has a crush on Mikael for a long time now'' William answered Natalie.

Natalie and William entered the private room and saw that Laura was already sitting next to Mikael. Natalie and William sat across them.

Soon the food was served. A variety of dishes were placed neatly on the ring table allowing them to serve themselves and pick whatever they wanted.

''Natalie, here have this. Their pork cutlets taste good'' William said as he placed a few cuts of pork into Natalie's plate. The scene looked intimate. Mikael looked at them and furrowed his brows as he looked at them.

''William and Miss Jun must be very close. You even pick her food for her'' Laura commented.

''We are not close, we just have a good working relationship. I hope you don't classify everything you see'' Natalie gave Laura a stern glare which made Laura flushed.

''My apologies, I went over the board'' Laura said to her.

Mikael looked at Natalie and smirked as he ate his food. The atmosphere became awkward and everyone just wanted to finish their meal and leave the room.

After the rather tense meal, they walked out of the restaurant. William who was behind them spoke to Mikael.

''This was supposed to be my treat but Mr. Sun paid instead''

''You can just treat my sister in law well then as repayment'' Mikael replied.

''I always treat Natalie well. She is our esteemed employee''

''Natalie, you promised to help me pick up a few books after the lunch. Mr. Yun, since you are done can I borrow my sister in law? I need her to help me pick a few books'' Mikael asked William.

''You came to see me but you are leaving with your sister in law. Mikael, what if people misunderstand your relation with Natalie? You know the netizens are still talking about the recent scandal'' Laura said to Mikael.

''Who dares to speak nonsense about me? Let them continue if they feel they've lived enough. Let's go'' Mikael held Natalie's hand and walked away with her.

''I will see you off, Laura'' William said politely.

''No need. My assistant will be here soon to pick me up. I will come to the office as scheduled on Monday''

''Yes, I will see you on Monday. Thanks for agreeing to do business with us''


''Wait…'' Natalie said as she took her hand away from his, ''when did I agree to pick up books with you? Why are you doing this to me?''

''What am I doing?''

''You are bossing me around. I don't like it''

''Natalie Jun, I was saving you from an awkward situation earlier on and what you don't like it?''

''Yes, I don't like it. I can take care of myself. That writer spoke to me that way because of you'' As they argued in front of the library, Mikael saw a black van speeding passed them. His eyes widened as he looked at the van before calling out Natalie's name.

''Natalie'' Mikael screamed as he pulled Natalie into his embrace tightly, ''are you alright?''

Natalie's body tensed up and she shook her head. She wrapped her arms around him as her body quivered.

''Natalie... what's wrong?'' Mikael noticed her incoherent breathing and asked.

''I'm… I'm scared. I can't breathe, Mikael. Help me''

''Hey, listen. It's alright, you are fine'' Mikael tightened his arms around her trying to calm her down. ''You are doing great, Natalie''

Mikael helped her to the car before running off to buy a bottle of water. When he returned, he got into the driver's seat and unscrewed the bottle and handed it over to Natalie.

''Here, drink some water''

Natalie took the bottle and sipped some of the water before heaving a relief. She looked up to see Mikael staring at her with a worried gaze.

''Are you alright?'' he asked her.

''Mm, thank you''

''What happened, are you sick in anyway or do you have a condition that makes you get panic attacks?''

''No, I'm fine. Can you take me somewhere?'' Natalie asked as her breathing begun to stable.

''Sure'', where do you want to go?''

Natalie typed the address into her phone and handed it over to him.

A few minutes later, Mikael pulled over in front of Kim Xia's house and the latter who had already been informed by Natalie of her coming rushed towards them. She opened the door even before Mikael got down.

''Natalie​, are you alright? Hey, Mikael Sun, what did you do to my darling?''

''Hey, lady hold your horses. I didn't do anything to her''

''He didn't do anything to me. Thanks for bringing me here, I am going to spend the night here''

''Okay'' Mikael replied and went back to his car. Xia helped Natalie into her apartment.

Xia helped Natalie to sit before going to get her a cup of hot cocoa. Natalie's breath slowly returned normal as she became more relaxed.

Later in the night, after getting enough sleep, Natalie walked out of the bedroom to the hall and saw Xia working on some papers. She smiled and went to the kitchen and made a cup of tea.

''Drink this'' Natalie said as she placed the cup on the table and sat across Xia.

''Why are you not sleeping?'' Xia took the cup and sipped before putting back on the table.

''I'm fine now'' Natalie replied and took the paper from her bag and handed it over to Xia, ''this is the rules that Mikael set for us''

''What the hell is all this, Nat? Are you living in a boarding house?'' Xia found the paper ridiculous.

''That Mikael is so determined to make my life miserable. How could he even think to come to my own house and act bossy with me? I should have just wiped that smirk off his face. That little brat. He doesn't even respect the fact that I'm older than him''

''Whoa. Nat, why do I feel that your boring life is about to get really interesting? First you are living with your brother in law who is the nation's first love and now rules?''

''Xia, whose side are you on, seriously? Why do I feel that you're amused by what I'm going through?"

''That's because I'm amused. Who wouldn't be amused by your situation?''

''Sometimes I wonder if you're my best friend or an enemy in disguise?''

''Come on, relax, calm down''

''I can't calm down. My life, my house and everything I hold dear to my house is about to get snatched away from me by my brother in law. How do I calm down in this kind of situation? Tell me!!"

''Okay, I understand you're worked up and feeling distressed but, let's look at the brighter side, mmm? He didn't ask you to leave, so is all good"

''He didn't ask me to leave but he looked at me so daringly as if to say if I didn't accept the rules then, I might as well pack and out''

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