''I'm happy to hear that and guess what? If you hate her, then, I hate her too. She tried to hurt you''

Natalie chuckled saying, ''that's the power of money''

''Natalie, get the file ready and come down with me. Lucy, how are you?'' Jason walked out of his office and said to Natalie.

''I'm fine, Jason''

Jason nodded his head and got into the elevator and Natalia stood up to arrange the profiles in the file,

''When we first got here, I thought he was being arrogant; who knew that's his usual self?'' Lucy commented.

''Let's go, Lucy''

''Okay. I'm so happy for you, you get to be in the same room and space with all the stars''

Meanwhile at the reception of the company, Amy met with Eunice Gardener as they arrived at the company. As she walked closer to them, she smiled and stretched forth her hand, ''hello Eunice, hello Miss Song'' Amy said politely.

''Amy dear, it has been a while, how are you?''

''I'm fine and you look amazing as always, Eunice''

''You know Mimi Song, right?'' Eunice turned to Mimi intending to introduce them.

''Yes, who doesn't know Mimi Song? She is so popular. Welcome to Janice, Miss Song''

''Thank you and please call me Mimi''

''Yes, sure. Let's go that way'' Amy said and turned with them towards the private elevator.

''Mimi is the daughter of Solace Arnold Song. She is my friend from way back. Mimi takes after her mom, a lot, right?''

''I feel flattered by your praises, aunt Eunice'' Mimi said shyly and Amy was tempted to roll her eyes.

''I see. Jason and William are already inside. Let's go'' Amy said taking the lead. Mimi kept her hold on Eunice's hand as they walked inside while her assistant walked behind them. Natalie and Lucy stood at the second floor watching them.

Shortly Alice entered dressed in a light blue coloured dressed that seemed to match Janice's colours with Niania at her left hand side. When she saw Natalie, she raised her hand excitedly like a kid to call her and Natalie shook her head slightly and Alice quickly understood and retracted her hand. The workers stood at other sides watching her and murmuring. Alice smiled brightly and waved at them making the workers happy.


The elevator opened and Eunice entered with Mimi, Ailee and Amy. Just as Amy touched the floor number, Niania ran and stopped it speaking.

''Sorry, someone is coming'' Niania stepped aside and Alice appeared in front of them. Mimi glared at her and looked away immediately, pretending to not notice her.

''Alice Jun?'' Amy asked in a surprised tone and Alice chuckled looking at her old school mate.

''In the flesh, sorry to keep you waiting'' Alice said as she entered into the elevator.

Eunice looked at Alice with contempt as she asked, ''Miss Jun, didn't you read the plate in front of the elevator? This is the president's elevator. Is a private elevator''

Alice smiled and responded, ''My apologies, I didn't check since I saw Amy and Mimi getting into the elevator. I assumed is the right one''

''Why did you assume? I read that as arrogance'' Eunice said and Alice turned angrily to speak and Amy subtly held her hand and stopped her.

''Miss Jun is new here, Eunice. I told her to take this elevator when she arrived'' Amy defended Alice after stopping her from challenging Eunice.

Eunice wasn't pleased the least with Amy defending Alice, so she said to her, ''this is a private elevator, Amy, you shouldn't allow just any wannabe to get into it''

Alice gave a sarcastic chuckle and Eunice removed her spectacles to look at her and asked, ''did you just chuckle?''

Amy knowing Alice very well turned and looked at Alice pleading with a pleading gaze and Alice calmed down, but that didn't stop her from replying Eunice with a sarcastic comeback.

''Yes, I did, but that was because someone just sent something funny to me'' Alice showed the phone in her hand to her, ''I was laughing because I'm chatting with someone. You didn't think I was laughing at you, right?''

''Alice, how can you act so smug in front of a senior? Aunt Eunice is our senior in the industry. You should apologise for acting like that'' Mimi decided to come to the defence of Eunice, but it was to fuel Eunice's hatred for Alice at the same time.

Alice looked at Amy and bowed slightly and apologised, ''I'm sorry, senior. I didn't know that by not doing anything, I ended up offending you''

Eunice put her shades back satisfactorily and muttered, ''what do you expect from someone who grew up in the orphanage?''

Alice clutched her fists tightly and fought the tears in her eyes when she heard Eunice's words. She did stay in the orphanage before but it was just a year before Natalie came for her.


The elevator stopped and opened when they got to the waiting room. Alice and Niania waited till Eunice and Mimi got out with Ailee. They meet Natalie and Lucy as they got out. Natalie and Lucy bowed slightly in greetings and waited for them to go.

Mimi turned and looked at Natalie for a moment and went away with Eunice. Natalia looked inside the elevator and saw Alice who hurried out as she asked Amy.

''Amy, where is the washroom?'' her eyes were watery as she asked.

''I will go with you' Amy said as she held her hand.

Natalie and Lucy watched as Amy held Alice's hand and they walked towards the ladies' washroom. Niania got out and looked at Natalie and shook her head.

''Big sis, Alice was bullied inside the elevator'' Niania said and Natalie squeezed the file in her hand angrily and Lucy noticed it.

''Natalie, are you alright?'' Lucy asked and Natalie shook her head.

''What era is this? That people still bully others because of their connection?'' Natalie walked away and Lucy followed.

At the ladies' washroom, Amy removed a stack of paper rolls for Alice and spoke.

''I'm sorry. I didn't know Eunice was going to be that harsh''

''This is all your fault. Why did you stop me? She was clearly targeting me. I regret for not speaking my mind, it wouldn't have hurt so much if I gave her what she deserved'' Alice said, regretting her silence.

''I know, that's why I had to stop you from making things worse. Eunice coming here with Mimi means one thing. She wants the contract for Mimi. She is one of the judges. If I allowed you to act rashly, you would find yourself in trouble when you enter the interview room'' Amy explained.

''I didn't come here to be bullied. I didn't even do anything wrong. She just targeted me because of that green tea bitch''

''I'm sorry. And thank you for keeping it down for me''

''I only did it because we were once classmates. Don't expect me to keep calm when we encounter something similar again. I would rather lose with my dignity intact than make them look down on me''

''I know. You don't have to worry. The other two judges are good people, Jason and William are fair people''

''Arrogant pants Jason is among the judges? Then, I'm is officially over for me'' Alice sighed as she took her bag from Niania.

''Arrogant pants Jason? Do you know Jason?'' Amy asked and Alice nodded her head and pouted her lips.

''Yes, and I also know I've lost even before the fight has begun''

Niania looked at Alice face and suggested, ''Alice, let me redo your makeup''

''Yes. Niania, make me prettier than all the other artistes present. If I'm going to lose then I will lose while looking drop dead gorgeous'' Alice said and Amy chuckled.

''That is the Alice I know. Then, I will leave you to it'' Amy patted at Alice's shoulder and went out.

Dindin rushed to Mimi as the latter and Eunice entered the waiting room where three other actresses were already seated.

''Mimi, whoa. You look beautiful as ever'' Dindin said as she looked at Mimi.

Mimi smiled and felt satisfied to be acknowledged. She replied gracefully, ''thank you, Dindin. Aunt Eunice, this is my friend Dindin, she works here''

Eunice smiled and shook Dindin's hand as she said, ''Dindin, I will remember you''

Mimi's face changed as soon as she saw Natalie going into the interview room and Eunice noticed it and asked, ''is she someone you know?''

Mimi sighed as her face suddenly turned gloomy, ''yes, she is my sister. The one who left the house and made my parents worried''

Eunice watched Natalia as she entered with Amy and closed the door behind her. she turned to Mimi and asked, ''Natalie? The same girl who has made Solace's life miserable?''

''Yes, but aunt don't say that. no matter what, she is still my sister'' Mimi said and Eunice became even more angry.

''Does she work here?''

''Yes. We started working together last month'' this time, Dindin answered.

Eunice snorted, ''has Janice dropped their standards? How could William allow such a person with questionable character work here? I will have a talk with William later. People like her will only tarnish the image of Janice''

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