Natalie cleared her throat and asked when she couldn't bear with the silence anymore. ''Mikael, where are we going? This is not the way to our house''

''Our house?'' he muttered and looked at her.

''Did I say something wrong?'' Natalie asked genuinely confused.

''It feels good to refer to it as our house. You just gave me a sense of belonging. Standing up for you didn't go in vain'' Mikael said and smiled.

''So, where are we going?''

''To the movies. A director friend of mine gave me two tickets to a movie I stared in. it's out in the cinemas today. I wanted to take you there. have you gone to a cinema before?''

''No. I always watched all the movies at home''



''Then, this is our first date. Glad it's with me'' Mikael said and Natalie's face turned red and she asked.

''What do you mean? I don't understand anything you are saying''

''What's your favourite drink?'' Mikael asked, changing the topic.


Mikael chuckled and looked at her, 'I didn't know you were such an alcoholic?''

''I learnt to drink when I was at the University. Thomas would always pull Xia and I out to meetings, gatherings and parties. first, I couldn't hold my alcohol but now, I'm pretty good at it except that I haven't being drinking lately so I might find it difficult''

''I see. We are here. Put this on, we wouldn't want to be distracted by my fans'' Mikael handed her a black mask and put on one himself. Natalie did same and picked her bag and they got down.

''There are so many people here. You have so many fans. All these people came just to watch your movies?'' Natalie asked as she walked behind him.

Mikael waited for her to get closer and he held her hand and they walked inside. ''A lot of my fans but most of them came to have a chance to see me after we trended on the internet yesterday''

''Safe to have a mask on. now, I am beginning to understand the lives of superstars. It's almost like you don't have private lives. Everyone is curious about you''

''True, but that is not as much as I am curious about you'' Mikael said and stopped at a spot. ''Wait here, I will go and get us our popcorn and coke. You like coke, right?''

''Huh? Yes, I do'' Natalie said and he nodded and walked away. She quickly removed her phone and typed a search.

''Signs a man is flirting with you'

''Whether it is the little things like small touches or subtle eye contacts, or a more obvious clue like a flirty compliment, flirting is fun''

Natalie frowned her face and muttered as she bit her lips, ''what are they talking about? I don't even understand anything here'' she looked up to make sure Mikael wasn't coming before she started to read the article again.

''His body language changes'

''Okay, let's look at this one'' Natalie clicked on the link and begun to read it.

'Play touches can be one of the surest and quickest ways to tell a man is flirting with you. he will pull you closer when you are walking closer, hold your hand when crossing the road'

'He holds my hand all the time. Does that mean he is flirting with me? He even gave me a nickname. He called me Natie'' she sighed, 'am I overthinking this? am I sick?''

''Are you sick?'' Mikael asked as he stood in front of her.

''Huh? No'' Natalie put the phone into her pocket. 'Let me help you with the popcorn''

''No, I can handle them. Let's go, Natie''

''He called me Natie, again!' Natalie shook her head and hurried after him when she saw him walking towards the door.

Mikael waited for Natalie to go in first before he went in and sat next to her on the seats. He placed the popcorn in the middle of their seats and handed her one of the cups of coke.


''Anytime'' Mikael said and looked at the screen. When the movie started, he pointed at the screen and said to Natalie who was looking at him the whole time. 'I know I am handsome but if you stare at me for too long, I might just misunderstand you''

''You confuse me'' Natalie suddenly said to him.

''Is that good or bad? Does the way I make you confuse you excite you or put you off?'' Mikael asked and turned to look at him.

''I don't know… yet''

''Make sure you tell me when you figure it out. No matter the outcome, I will take responsible for what I did''

''You promise''

''Yes, I promise you, Natie''

Natalie looked at him for a while before she turned to watch the movie. They soon became engrossed in the movie and didn't talk much again.

Meanwhile, a few seats away from them, Laura was watching them with an intense gaze. Her face appeared annoyed as she looked at how closed they seemed.

She could still remember when Mikael used to speak about how he hated his sister in law. But now, he had changed completely.

Laura felt that the unusual change in Mikael was due to Natalie seducing him. she used to be the closest female next to him, but lately, he hardly picked her calls and would give excuses when she finally gets to him. like today.

''Ah'' she chuckled. 'This is ridiculous. How could you be in love with a woman your brother died and left? Who would have thought Mikael Sun had such peculiar taste in women? How is she better than me?''

Laura put on her glasses and leaned back with a sly smirk. Her gaze hidden behind the pair of spectacles could not be read.

''Did you enjoy the movie?'' Mikael asked Natalie when they were coming out of the cinema.

''Mm, it's a beautiful movie and you did great. You have a talent in acting''

''You are praising me?''

''I give praise when is due''

'That's great'' Mikael was about to hold her hand when someone rushed from behind and snatched Natalie's bag.

'''My bag'' Natalie screamed as the person ran towards the entrance.

''Wait here'' Mikael said and was about to run when someone mentioned his name making the people around to turn towards him.

''Mikael Sun'' Laura said from a distance and soon a lot of people gathered around him. the crowd was so thick that he found it difficult to ward them off.

Natalie sighed helplessly and after a while she decided to run out after the man who took her bag.

Mikael saw her running out and tried to get rid of the people. ''You got the wrong person'' he kept saying as he walked pushing them apart. Someone suddenly took of his mask, revealing his face.

''It's really Mikael Sun'' the people gasped and started to take pictures of him.

Meanwhile Natalie ran out of the cinema into the parking lodge. She saw the man who snatched her bag at a distance and screamed at him.

''Hey!!!'' she gave chase when she saw the man running off again. He would often slow his steps when she was far away and hasten up when she was getting closer. It was as if he was teasing her purposefully.

Natalie kept running after him until she found herself in a dark corner. The man stood at the end of the wall smirking as he swung her bag.

''Give back the bag back to me'' Natalie said to him and he chuckled.

''Come and take it if you can''


''You are so much prettier in person compared to the photos in the internet. What do you say? Would you like to have fun with me?''

''Lunatic'' Natalie felt disgusted by the way he looked at her. her eyes well filled with lust and desire. Nothing like she had encountered before. Natalie turned to look at the dark driveway and suddenly felt a shiver run down her spine. She was still weak compared to the man in front of her. Even if she were to start running, she was sure it wouldn't be long enough before he caught up to her.

''Mikael, you said you would come running to me. please, save me'' Natalie prayed earnestly as she watched the man's steps. If push came to shove, she was going to have to fight with all her might.

''No one is coming to save you. Mikael Sun must be surrounded by so many people by now. He wouldn't even notice you are gone''

''You are wrong. His eyes are always on me. he will know I'm gone and when he finds you he will kill you. It will be in your own best interest to hand the bag over and leave right now''

''Really? I was told to just scare you but your body is so appealing'' the man said and started walking towards her.

''Stay away from me'' Natalie stepped back and lost her balance, she staggered backwards and was about to fall when a pair of strong hands held her back from behind.

''Close your eyes'' Mikael whispered into her ears and she did as soon as she recognised the voice.

Mikael looked at the man and ran towards him. Before the man could react, a kick came his way and he flew and hit his back against the wall and fell down. Mikael got closer and gave him a few punches as he said to him.

Purplebride's corner:

Hi guys, it's been a while since I went premium and I'm thankful to all those who buy my privilege, all paid readers and free readers.

I just want to say that I appreciate all your efforts and support, the love you have for this book is overwhelming. When I read your comments, I feel the love you have for the book.

I will do my best to write a book that will lift up your moods and bring smiles to you.

Now, if you could spare a few minutes to write a review for Natalie and Mikael, they will be feel loved and also motivate me to do more as creation is hard!

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