Living With A Narcissistic Brother In-law

Chapter 7 - When Reality Hits You...2

''Sis, look. I got this from him. This is the camera he was using'' Xia snatched back the camera and showed it to Natalie.

''Tell me, what is your aim for coming here to take pictures even though we made it clear that no reported was allowed inside?'' Natalie asked the man sternly.

''What is going on here?'' Mikael walked to them.

''He is a reporter. He was secretly taking pictures and my friend caught him'' Natalie explained to Mikael.

''Where are the guard? I told them not to allow any reporter inside''

Xia snatched a card from him and chuckled, ''I knew it. He disguised himself as a worker and entered inside. See the card'' Xia showed the card to Mikael and Natalie.

Seeing that his cover had been blown, the reporter smirked and looked at Natalie, ''I didn't see any of your family members here, are they not coming to mourn with you?''

''What business of yours is it? Here I am. I am her family'' Xia said and knocked her chest proudly.

''Leave here right now or you will hear from my lawyers and it won't be a pleasant one'' Mikael said to the reporter.

''Fine'' he said and walked away.

''Wow, I should have just squashed that camera'' Xia said.

''Behave Xia'' Natalie said to her best friend.

''You go back, I will be here till everything is over'' Xia said and Natalie nodded her head. She was about to turn away when she saw a slender lady that looked like the version of herself walk in with her assistant.

Natalie's heart warmed up when she saw her sister but she didn't show any reaction and simply walked back to stand next to Mrs. Regina Sun and Mikael.

Alice looked at her sister before handing her bag over to Niania. She went to offer her respects before greeting everyone.

''Alice, I thought you were out of the country shooting?'' Mrs. Regina asked Alice when the latter hugged her.

''I came back with a private jet. I just couldn't concentrate after hearing the news. My condolences, Mrs. Sun'' Alice said and looked at Natalie. She smiled and bowed before her and Mikael who looked at the two of them curiously.




Xia walked to the hall with a glass of water and handed it over to Natalie.

''How are you feeling?'' Xia asked with concern.

''You want the truth? I don't know. All this is still like a dream and I think I'm yet to wake up from it. Someone I spoke to two nights ago is suddenly gone. I don't know what to make of that'' Natalie felt lost and confused. She didn't even know how to articulate her own feelings. She still felt everything that had happened was still a dream.

''I know. I was shocked out of my wits too when I received your message. I took the earliest flight and came right away. I don't know, everything feels weird and I don't even know how to console you. I haven't lost a husband before so I would be faking it if I said I knew or understood how you were feeling but Thomas was also my friend so I understand how hard it is going to be without him. someone we were with a few days ago is no more. It hurts like hell''

''Thanks for coming. I really needed someone by my side. So, this is how death happens? I didn't feel this devastated when my father passed away''

''That was because uncle was already sick and we knew he wasn't going to survive either way but this is different. He was here with us. He was here with you and then just like the wind, he is gone far away''

Natalie sighed as her tears dropped down her face, ''I don't know what I am going to do, Xia. My head feels so empty, heck I don't even know where to start from and then there is his brother who doesn't like me''

''So, that guy is really your brother in law? Mikael Sun''

''Mikael Sun, the famous actor is my brother in law'' Natalie said sarcastically.

''I couldn't believe it. Who would have thought that the famous Mikael Sun was your brother in law?''

''I know, right? Thomas only told me about him a few days ago before he travelled. We only officially met yesterday at the hospital''

''Nat, what are your plans now? You said Mikael Sun was against the marriage''

''I don't know. I still need time to get over this. I will just stay indoors for some time. If I dare go out now, some people will just find trouble for me'' Natalie said as she placed her head on the sofa head.

''I can't believe she didn't even call. I'm sure she must have heard what happened to you. Are all mothers like her in this world?''

''Xia, I stopped hoping she would care a long time ago. right now, I just want to live peacefully. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I realised that actually I don't need to avenge the Song family for anything. The best revenge would be me living a good life. I was so hocked up in planning my revenge that I didn't listen to Thomas. He always told me that living a good life was the best revenge. I have to do that for him. Forget this stupid revenge and live a good life''

''But, they still need to pay for what they did to you and your father. Especially, that little bitch who goes around acting innocent. Such a white lotus. I heard she was casted as the lead to act alongside your brother in law?''

''Where did you hear that from?'' Natalie looked at Xia.

''Huh? Don't tell me you didn't know?'' Xia frowned.

''Is being quite chaotic here that I don't even get time to check the internet''

''Nat, you look so outdated. I'm worried about you. how are you going to live when I go back? Should I get a transfer back here and stay with you? I am scared that you will become a cave woman once I leave you and go back''

''Don't be silly, I can take care of myself. I just need time''

''Nat, if I apply for a transfer, it will take at least three months for it to be approved. Do you think you can stay alive till then?''

''What are you talking. Don't come back here because of me. I'm perfectly fine''

''What about food? You can't even cook anything better besides the hotpot that Thomas taught you and boiled eggs. I am afraid that you will go back to eating just protein the moment I leave you alone''

''I will order or eat out if I'm hungry''

''Always order the meat separate and make sure you peel out the back part. Because of you spices allergies, you can't even enjoy food that normal people love. Okay, just survive on takeaway for a few months. I will come back and feed you till you become plump''

Natalie chuckled and said, ''Alice will get jealous when she hears you saying this''

'I feel bad for Alice. She wants to tell the whole world that she is your sister but, you threaten the poor girl into pretending to not knowing you''

''Is for her own good. She went into the entertainment industry despite all my pleads. Do you think Mimi Song will let her be if she finds out I am related to her? The Song family will use all their connection to destroy her career. I can't let that happen to her. She is my only family. The only one I have left in this world''

''But, she did well. She is really an actress. She pretended not knowing you at all. I am so proud of her''

''That's one of her charms. She is doing a good job''

''Let's talk about your brother in law. What do you think he is planning now?''

''I don't know. He is unreadable, no one can tell what he is thinking''

''That's right. I tried to read him back at the funeral hall but nothing. He is really mysterious. No wonder he has been able to keep his privacy despite all the popularity. I heard he shut down an entertainment magazine company last year after they wrote news about him dating an A-list actress''

''Make sure your company don't write anything about him. You can't fight against such kind of people. He is cunning and merciless''

''You seem to know him well''

''I heard all that from Thomas. He said his brother was very headstrong. I need to also stay away from him'' Natalie shook her head.

''Do that. Stay far away from him. If push comes to shove, run and hide whenever you see him''

''Xia, thanks for making me laugh'' Natalie said as she chuckled.

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