Living With A Narcissistic Brother In-law

Chapter 86 - What Is Your Reason For Not Wanting To Know?

''Eat this, it will make you feel less nervous. You used to like eating it'' Conner said as he placed chocolate in Xia's hand. This was after they sat down to do the interview but haven't started yet.

Xia looked at the chocolate in her palm and suddenly remembered about the past. He used to pass this same chocolate to her in class before going to his whenever he was going to lectures. She used to think it meant something until that day.

''No need, I am fine'' Xia pushed the chocolate back into her hands before opening the document in her hands. She turned to face the crowd with a smile as she started.

''It is an honour to be the one interviewing you today. When I first found out that I was the one chosen, I felt lucky and elated to be chosen. A lot of people wished to be in my position, so I want to thank Mr. Cobbs for the opportunity''

''You don't have to thank me. I picked you because it was you. I've read all your magazines, bulletins on your website and I find it intriguing so I should be grateful that you agreed to here to do this interview. I hope we get along well and that you do write a good report about me and the hotel today'' Conner's gaze was soft as he looked at Xia.

''Then, on behalf of everyone I want to ask this question, which a lot of people want to know as well as myself. Tell us, who is Mr. Conner Cobbs?'' Xia asked as she looked at him.

'Conner has a lot of descriptions and it's funny how those sometimes fit. But, one thing clear is that, I show a new side of me to everyone but there is only one person whom I've ever shown my true self to apart from my brother. She is here and she knows herself very well. everything there is to know about me, she does and I never regretted showing her who I was''

Alice furrowed her brows and turned to ask Josh, ''Josh, why do I feel that the person your brother is talking about is our Xia? What kind of past do those two have? I am so curious''

''Maybe we will find out soon. Even I am curious what kind of past my brother has with Xia''

Mikael's phone buzzed as he sat beside Natalie. He smiled and excused himself, standing up to go and answer the call.

Natalie kept her gaze on Xia, noticing the fake smile pasted on her best friend's face, she knew all was not well.

''You can do this, Xia. Don't let me down, babe'' she said determinedly and Mikael returned and sat down next to her.

''Who are you talking to?'' he asked curiously.

''Nobody, I was just giving Xia my moral support. She doesn't seem alright, but I know she will be able to pull through''

''That is… I just found out something interesting. Do you want to know?'' Mikael asked and Natalie leaned closer and nodded her head.

''I didn't know you were such a gossipy. I don't know anything''

''What? Hey!'' Natalie frowned as she spoke softly.

''You seem really disappointed that I didn't know anything. But, I do have some news for you''

''What is it?''

''The lawyer just called me. He is done with all the necessary documents. So, we are officially married''

''Huh? So fast?'' Natalie flushed.

''Yes, so that brings me to my first question. We should do something about our sleeping arrangement after we get home tonight. Would you like to sleep in my room or should I go to yours?''

''Oh, Xia is asking an important question…'' Natalie said and leaned back into her seat, turning her gaze towards Xia.

Mikael chuckled as he looked at her reddened face. He decided to let her off and turned to watch the interview.

''They seem so happy together. I want to tell them I am alive'' Thomas said at a distance.

''You know you can't do that now. Whoever tempered with your jet might still be out there. We need to find them or else the moment you appear in front of them, your family will be in danger. Especially that woman that you care so much about. We should leave this place now before you get recognised'' Aurora said and turned towards the exit and Thomas followed.

Xia looked at Conner for a moment and shook her head. She couldn't allow herself to think too highly of herself. She couldn't have been the one he was talking about. She shook that idea away and asked her next question.

''Throughout the years, you have managed to keep your privacy intact. A lot of people didn't know anything about the man behind Black Horse but this time around, you decided to take part in this homecoming and even accepted a public interview. What is the reason behind it?''

''You are right. Over the years, I have been really mysterious but that is because there were some things that I was trying to take care of and I needed concentration. I didn't want the public's eye to be on me. But the most important reason why I decided to do this interview was because I was looking for someone. I was hoping that person would attend and then I would be able to find them''

''That is interesting''

''Are you not going to ask if I have found that person or not?'' Conner asked and the crowd laughed at his sense of humour but he knew and Xia knew he was never a humorous person. He rarely smiled in the past until they met. She knew that for a fact and that was probably the reason why she got confused.

''I don't want to ask you'' Xia suddenly said and the audience gasped in shock. Even Conner's secretary was about to stand up and go over but Conner stopped her.

''What is your reason for not wanting to ask me, Miss Kim?'' Conner asked with an amused gaze.

''Well, maybe because the person you are looking for doesn't want to be found. So even if you find her, you shouldn't confuse her anymore but instead let her go. That is what a real man would do''

''But, will that be what she really wants? To be left alone and not have answers to the many questions that she might have been having?''

''Sometimes, some things are better left alone. Feelings once gone has expired and shouldn't be invoke for memory sake. Don't you think so, Mr. Conner?''

''You have a point but unfortunately, I am not one to let go easily. She knows that for a fact so I don't think I can let her go that easily''

''What if she doesn't want to visit the past with you? forcing her to remember something she obviously has forgotten is selfishness on your part''

''The interview has definitely shifted away from course, right? they are talking about themselves right now, right?'' Alice asked Josh.

''That seems to be the case''

''Whoa. This is so interesting''

''Miss Kim, have you ever felt that you needed a closure from the past in order to move on?'' Conner asked and noticed the flicker of emotional change in her even though she tried to act normal.

''No, I always leave the past where it belongs; in the past!'' Xia replied.

''Is that why you chose to run away instead of staying to hear whatever I had to say to you back then?'' everyone gasped.

''You!'' Xia flushed.

''I wasn't referring to you, Miss Kim. This is our first time of meeting. I was just trying to ask that question to you on behalf of her. Shall we proceed with the main questions?''

''Yes, sure'' Xia glared at him and he smirked. ''Our next question is one that a lot of people are interested in. Mr. Conner, what is your marital status?''

''I am single''

''I hope the ladies in the room heard that. You are single, not attached and don't have something that will come later on to claim you are telling lies. My next question is… who is your type? a lot of people are curious about the kind of woman that you like''

''Since my first year at the University, my type of woman has always been the same kind. A smart, intelligent woman. Someone who is not afraid to speak her mind but also has a mysterious side to her. I love to discover things so I always want to find out what she is thinking. Sometimes she is an open book, other times I have to watch her closely and try to figure out what she is thinking''

''Mr. Conner, I think you are not telling us your type but seem to be talking about someone else''

''That's right. I am talking about the woman I like. The woman who decided to run away from me without finding out what my feelings were, since she is here, I wanted her to know as well. She hurt me by running away without asking about my thoughts''

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