Liyue Fengxiangren of the original god

Chapter 1333 The end? I'll slap you to death!


Stars, fall!

Teyvat, the land of the three realms.

The cycle of energy can be summed up in one sentence.

It begins with light, returns to emptiness, and flourishes here.

But after the reincarnation of the three realms was broken, the problem became a bit big.

Even if a passerby uses human life stars to prop up a false curtain, as the human race gradually becomes stronger, the curtain will theoretically become stronger and stronger.

But here's the problem.

Passerby B came and cleaned the ground round after round, and even figured out the magical law of wear and tear that even capitalists shed tears after seeing it.

The so-called power of the curtain is stuck there, neither up nor down.

If the human world is a huge building block kingdom, even a professional building block player would be so excited to die.

The false sky is another "sky module" that can be stitched together to firmly cover the "top"!

Jedi Tiantong, pull down the last part of the building blocks and press the card slot to death, completely making the human world complete!

Reincarnation in the three realms?

As long as Passerby Yi is around for a day, the reincarnation of the three realms will never be able to be reintegrated.

But Gu Sanqiu didn't intend to do this.

You like to occupy space without moving, right? I won’t play with you anymore!

There is no connection between heaven and earth. We in the human world can play our own tricks. Anyway, reincarnation and other things can be slowly reshaped when the time comes.

The curtain falls, it is the complete human world, the last piece of the puzzle!

Exile, Light Realm!

There were lightning and thunder, and endless stars shone, but it did not cause any changes in the celestial phenomena, and there would be no disasters such as super tsunamis.

Instead, everyone on the continent of Teyvat is steadily getting stronger!

Falga opened his mouth wide and looked at the star in the sky that belonged to him and was shining brightly, emitting a will that said, "Look, your uncle hasn't come to pick me up yet."

As the strongest human being, to be honest, even Falga himself felt vaguely that his training in martial arts had come to an end, and he felt like there was no way forward.

However, why is the power of the destiny star stronger than before? Could it be that my previous practice posture was wrong?

And this will doesn’t seem to be my own!

"Grand Commander, there is no need to panic."

Abedo slashed out a set of alchemical formations that were so large that they were boundless.

"The will you sensed was operated by a friend of mine behind the scenes, but it is definitely only good for you, not bad."

At most, it's just that lunatic Sanqiu who is taking advantage of the development of things to harm others.

For example, for him, the will transmitted from his life star turned into nonsense like "Good brother, look at your chest muscles."

If I hadn't known that you were facing the strongest enemy, I would have used the Life Star Contact Method to curse you to death right now!

"Then here's the problem."

The doctor left the battlefield and came to Gu Sanqiu's side.

"How can we run?"

The exile of the light world has begun, and the "gas of chaos" in the sea of ​​​​stars in the universe has begun to infect. In other words, a certain operating law of the universe is starting.

Prepare extra meals.

"You still have to ask, guess who is not here with us now."

Before Gu Sanqiu finished speaking, a colorful beam of light shot straight up from the world and enveloped everyone except Passerby Yi.

"Hey, it's finally time for us to go on stage."

Paimon stood beside Sora with his head held high. Sanqiu said that they were the last guarantee, so in other words, the biggest hero is that they have nothing wrong with them.


Kong gently held Bai Mao Feifei's hand: "Let's go together."

"Well, together!"

Traveling sword, unsheath!

The blazing sun sword!

The people from the Abyss Cult looked down, and then were stunned at the same time. If Zhongli hadn't set up his shield in time, he might have been decisively sent away by Passerby B.


"After hiding it for so long, I can finally take it out and see people."

Kong gently raised his sword, and the light of the seven elements turned into vortices around his body, and finally blended with each other, giving birth to a completely different kind of power!

The power of light!

Paimon's figure also grew up slowly like Qiqi. The children's clothes on his body also turned into a gorgeous long skirt. The small cloak on his back still shone with the light of the star sea and the universe.

Her gentle eyes were always looking at Sora, who was high-spirited and smiling confidently.

Feel the warmth in your hands.

"Come on, everyone, now I can finally achieve mass teleportation."

Kong's sword swung downwards: "Come back here!"


In an instant, all the members of the Anti-Bone Brigade were teleported to the vicinity of the vault. The soldiers of the Qianyan Army were stunned when they saw the large number of members of the cult with terrifying auras.

The composition of Xiang Zun's team seems to be quite complicated.

Brother Grace didn't care about other people's eyes, but just stared into the air.


Kong looked calm: "After Sanqiu's resurrection."

Gu Sanqiu didn't hold back: "Fart, I'm not dead, at most I just faked my death to escape!"

Brother Grace fell into deep thought. Is there anything different after resurrection?

Zhongli was stunned for a moment, he seemed to understand something.

This person is a serious star sea traveler.

Question: What exactly is egg liquid?

Answer: The best of the world.

Another question: What kind of world is Teyvat?

Answer: In a world composed of seven elements, everything is an element.

It is impossible to answer this kind of question wrongly for a child.

So, for a star sea traveler with a special level of magic, who has obtained the essence of this world and still has four elemental powers in his body, is it possible to perfectly recreate the seven elements?

The answer is, yes!

It's just that after one of the two hearts absorbed it, it only showed some benefits to itself, such as the repair of the equipment on the body.

For the rest, nothing was said, it was all based on tacit understanding.

As we all know, the golden retriever's equipment will appear in different colors when you resonate with different elements, such as earrings and clothes.

What Gu Sanqiu saw was not just the handsome set of equipment on the golden retriever, but also the conspicuous colors on the obvious "Ultra timers"!

The so-called "take it off and let me wear it" is to further confirm whether the effect of the world essence is real.

Let the Golden Retriever become the Lord of the Light Realm in a short period of time, and let the Golden Retriever become a "temporary worker" and "adhesive" to ensure that the sky in the human world can fall perfectly!

If Golden Retriever is an extremely powerful piece of hardware, then based on the relationship between Paimeng and Passerby A, and the laws she contains, it is the most powerful system program CD!

Together, husband and wife can accelerate the process of the human world and become a complete world as soon as possible!


The voice of Passerby B came from the air, angrily and fearfully bombarding the barrier of the human world, intending to put his own territory back in and visit Teyvat again!

Paimon's body has been entangled in death like mud, and the people under his command are all traitors. Passerby B's condition is not good to begin with.

If the universe were to add a side dish, this giant spider might be the main course.

The doctor frowned: "The barrier of the human world seems not enough to stop the opponent, even if something goes wrong with him."

"The banishment will most likely have no effect."

Gu Sanqiu didn't care: "I know, the plan has been going smoothly."

"Paimon Three actually reached a consensus with Egg Yolk King and helped me solve the dick problem. I can only say that this saves me a lot of time."

Dragon, Paimon:?

Here we go again, strange name.

"Tyvat, gun salvo!"

Outside the sky, changes are coming!

The silent annihilation attack hit Passerby Yi, leaving terrible scars on his body as he kept attacking the barrier of the human world!

Everyone hurriedly looked over with their own special powers, and then were stunned.

On a battleship that was slightly smaller, about the same size as Qun Yu Pavilion, there was a figure standing on the top of the battleship's main gun, looking at passerby B with a dull expression.

And, the world in front of you!

"I have been sitting idle for several years, but now I can see the sky open!"

The figure laughed loudly: "Tivat, I'm back!"

Gu Sanqiu couldn't help but smile: "Lao San!"

The figure on the battleship gave a thumbs up.

“It works perfectly together!”

"As expected of us!"

The source of everything, that letter!

Looking at it normally, the content of the letter, apart from complaining about Gu Sanqiu's failure to find a wife who can beat him, the hidden content is just a variation of what happened before the sun and the moon.

Apart from telling Gu Sanqiu that two passers-by influenced each other and that there was an Egg Yolk King lurking in the world, there seemed to be little else.

To be honest, even if Lao San couldn't find a way to send this letter, Gu Sanqiu would still be able to get all the truth through his own methods.

It's just another story.

But there is only one thing, which is the implicit condition that many people subconsciously ignore, shallow logic.

Of letters, per se!

Being able to deliver letters means that even if the third child is not prosperous outside, he is at least able to live like a human being.

This letter has another meaning!

The third child is telling Gu Sanqiu about his situation through the act of "sending letters"!

He is ready!

Passerby Yi rushed out of the sky, intending to deal with this guy first.

They can't fuse, they absolutely can't be allowed to fuse!

The devouring process of the universe is not slow. If Gu Sanqiu becomes stronger again at this time, he may not be able to defeat him in terms of hard power, and he may even be crushed!

The other party has two realms of resources behind him that can be squandered, and he only has one realm of light that is constantly being devoured by the universe!

A silent punch was thrown, but what was broken was just a layer of illusion.

"It's just a mirror image."

Lao San put his hands in his pockets and stood next to Gu Sanqiu, admiring the shocked expression of passerby Yi.

"There are always people who think that his enemies will be stupid enough to leave major things unfinished, stand there and talk nonsense and wait to be beaten, thereby reducing the error tolerance and increasing the risk of their own plans."

"Please don't think of me as that idiot, thank you."

After a salvo of naval guns ended, he had already sneaked in!

Gu Sanqiu held up the black dragon with one hand and fist-bumped Lao San with the other.

"Come on, final plan!"

"Final, fusion!"

Light and shadow flickered, and the world suddenly became heavier.

The human world that had just escaped from the disease seemed a little unable to bear the weight of the person in the center of the light and shadow.

But as the light ended, the heaviness completely disappeared.

Gu Sanqiu gently smoothed his white hair and calmly looked at passerby Yi who was dumbfounded.

Gu Sanqiu, perfect posture!

"Hey, Master, I said I wanted to liquidate, so of course it will be liquidated."

Gu Sanqiu flew up: "Everyone, I'll be back as soon as I go!"

Yixiao Daotian blinked, and then subconsciously bumped Zhongli with his big horn.

"Emperor, you taught me this?"

After all this, Yixiao Director Tianzhen felt that if he stood on it, he would probably be pissed to death by now, and there would be no need for the young master to take action himself.


How should I put it? When the traitor was weak, he did kill him with one sword and concealed a lot.

Is it because of this that Gu Sanqiu developed an extreme persecution paranoia?

The so-called reckless man who only knows how to throw punches is the illusion that this kid least cares about, but is also the easiest to believe.

If that's the case, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with saying he taught it.

Outside the sky, Gu Sanqiu stood in front of the barrier of the human world, looking at passerby B with a calm expression, and began to transmit his mental power.

"Successful king or defeated bandit, how do you plan to die?"

Passerby Yi's tone calmed down: "Yes, the winner and the loser are just a world that almost died at an early age, but I really didn't expect that I would fail in a place like this."

"Gu Sanqiu, even if you judge it based on my countless years of life."

"You are truly a rare genius!"

Gu Sanqiu smiled: "Thank you for the compliment."

"In that case!"

Passerby B also became alert for a moment, even though he knew it was a useless effort.

Even if he dies, even if he admits the gap, he will not be killed!

Gu Sanqiu roared: "I'll give you a ride!"

Let Teyvat's fate be finalized and brought to an end!

The wish of the human world, the power of the virtual world, and the power of the elements, become one!

The sun shines brightly!

"The Dao stick method can bring salvation to the three realms!"

The cosmic storm was silent, but it cut the passerby into pieces with terrifying speed and extremely violent power, leaving not even a faint ray of light behind!

Perfect gesture.

Perfect, full stop!

Gu Sanqiu held a stick in his hand and silently watched Passerby Yi disappear.

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a hero cherishing a hero, nor is it a melancholy version of the Sage’s Time after a victory in a war.

But be cautious.

What if Passer B is not completely dead, and by chance travels to other worlds in the Star Ocean universe, and then comes back after he is fully developed?

Gu Sanqiu was confident that he would not lose, but there was no need to go to such trouble and waste his time.

"Steady as an Old Dog"

The main thing is not to give a chance.

As time passed, Gu Sanqiu finally moved, then turned around and left the universe area.

"It seems that you really intend to let yourself die a little more openly."

"At least at this point, you are indeed a hero."

"Go well, the enemy I treat with the utmost caution."

Happy birthday Amber (*^▽^*).

I still remember when I was level 40 Amber, and my friend Fischer, who was level 40, went to fight Andrius, and we just relied on overloading for more than half an hour.

In my rental house, he used his cell phone and my computer. I was too lazy and asked him to hold on during the process. I went to the statue and took a sip to revive him.

At that time, I didn’t even know how to carry holy relics. I grinded for more than half an hour, but I did feel a sense of joy in playing black.

It's easy to play Andreus now, but I have less and less time to play games, and I don't keep in touch with that friend much.

I’m very grateful to Amber for bringing me so much joy, as well as the joy of losing blood like crazy when playing Phaseless Thunder, a lot.

Happy birthday to my first fire bow in Teyvat.

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