Liyue Fengxiangren of the original god

Chapter 267: The Opinion Followed by Tianling

Gu Sanqiu honed his strength in the back of the dojo, and Araki Ichidou also gained a little comprehension, making some achievements on the road to becoming a qualified adult.

And the upper echelon of Tianling, or the leaders who control the power, are having a headache about Gu Sanqiu.

"Master Tian Zhong, what are you saying, under the attack of His Excellency Long Hai, you can't even get through a single move?"

Tian Zhongji showed embarrassment on his face: "Strictly speaking, from the time he threw the knife until he knocked me into a daze, it should be regarded as catching the opponent's knife, right?"

Listening to the other party's forceful behavior to save oneself, but one can hear a tone of being strong on the outside and doing nothing on the inside, even the people who follow the Heavenly Leader are a little uncertain.

"Master Tian Zhong is the person in charge of Xin Yuliu, and also the person with the highest strength, and Xin Yuliu is also considered a high-level existence in the school of Inazuma."

A high-level person knocked on the table subconsciously: "Could it be that that person has reached the level where the highest school is not allowed to be passed on?"

The level of general completion and exemption is roughly equivalent to the difference between a 60-point test paper and a full-score test paper. The former is just a pass, and the latter is a full score.

To give a simpler example, if you play an event level, you can barely collect all the rewards, which is completely two different things from getting the full score of the boss to pursue speedrunning.

What they are considering now is whether Gu Sanqiu possesses the kind of saber technique that is not allowed by the highest school.

If this is true, then coupled with the opponent's killing intent and fighting spirit from fighting in the wild, Dao's wife can now stabilize the opponent's head, and basically will not obey their will to compete with the opponent.

"Can you invite Lord Kujo Saura to compete with the other party?"

"No, if that's the case, what would Lord Kujosara think? Do you want us to be labeled waste in the heart of the Lord?"

"What about the family of the gods?"

"She Fengxing and our Tianling Fengxing are constantly at odds. With that guy Shenli Ayato in front, if She Fengxing sends a master, I dare not think about the price I will have to pay."

"Then, keep the most basic monitoring, as long as the other party doesn't do anything too outrageous, just turn a blind eye?"

"I heard that there is a little guy down here who can talk to that samurai, how about letting him hand it over."

Everyone glanced at each other: "We will report his information now, and hold our ground until Lord Kutiao comes to a conclusion."



After Tian Zhongji saw this scene, he felt certain that it was almost the same as what he expected.

Before they are completely sure, the people who follow the Heavenly Law will definitely choose not to do anything, but wait for higher-level people to come and deal with this matter.

Because this matter is not a big deal, after all, it is just a wandering samurai who settled in Inazuma Castle.

But if you want to get to the bottom of it, this is a samurai who can cause a "major public security risk". The people who practice Tianling don't know what the other party is thinking, and they don't know whether this samurai who wandered because of the war will hold resentment towards Inaozuma .

Due to various reasons, they will temporarily give up their high vigilance against Gu Sanqiu and switch to continuous surveillance, and this time is exactly what Tian Zhongji needs.

"If I am like this, I may not be able to be called a warrior anymore. However, I am still willing to contribute my own strength to the warrior world."

After coming out of Tianling's office, Tian Zhongji stared at the sky in a daze.

The current samurai world is basically at the bottom of the chain of contempt. The shogunate soldiers look down on these idiots who only play around in the dojo, and the wandering samurai look down on the fixed sword moves and genre concepts.

But the strength is not as good as others, and the principals who inherit the dojo can only swallow their anger if they say anything.

But now, Tian Zhongji saw an opportunity.

"Master Longhai, I hope that your arrival will give the warriors of Inazuma City another burst of vitality."

As night fell, the people who came to visit Longhai Gymnasium returned, and there were rumors of a powerful warrior opening the Gymnasium in Inazuma City.

Longhai Gymnasium does not have a genre name, nor does it advertise to recruit apprentices.

If it wasn't for the fact that the rumored character was from many genres, and some accompanying disciples deliberately "leaked the secret", the people of Daozuma City might have taken this incident as a joke.

However, when everyone believed it, they also became curious about this gymnasium.

What is the gymnasium that can be admired by so many samurai adults?

"Hehe, it's a big news."

Gu Sanqiu turned into a cleaner and restored the terrain of the backcourt to a normal level.

For him, the battle with those so-called warriors was a boring battle.

Xingqiu is better at fighting than them!

However, the reason why I set up a gymnasium by myself is to bring these people together, even if I am bored, I have to endure it.

"However, it's not that there's nothing to gain."

While chatting with them, Gu Sanqiu also knew the current form of the war. Both sides had a tacit understanding not to invest all their troops, but were in a mutual training state.

In other words, the idea of ​​the shogunate is to use the rebel army on Haizhi Island to awaken the blood of the soldiers, and Haizhi Island is the one that trains soldiers.

And the stalemate in the battlefield ahead is a great opportunity for the shogunate to clean up the internal affairs.

In addition to the wandering warriors, the surveying party is also vigorously rectifying internal governance, trying to find opportunities to generate income during the special period of the lock-down order. After all, whether it is fighting wars or cleaning up bandits, this is a job that requires money.

Under Gu Sanqiu's deliberate guidance, he also knew the information from Sister Beidou.

When he was doing big things here in Daozuma City, the Southern Cross fleet had already completed the commodity delivery this time, and set foot on the sea route back to Liyue a day before.

Being able to leave safely, Gu Sanqiu must have breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He has a way to leave. What he is afraid of is that sister Beidou will find a reason to stay in Dao's wife, or find a way to leave some information and supplies.

Fortunately, the other party is also a decisive person, or she believes that Gu Sanqiu will not do anything unprepared, and she took away the fleet safely, which is the best support for him.

"Manyo, if the work of cleaning up bandits and wandering samurai continues, sooner or later they will show up in Inazuma Castle."

He also thought about taking the opponent away forcibly without waiting for the dungeon of the castle tower to start, but this obviously contradicted Youren Jun's idea.

He valued these two people very much. In order to avoid the so-called estrangement in the future, he still chose to take some risks.

Gu Sanqiu casually threw the broom aside: "Well, regarding this point, there should be room for manipulation."

the next day.

"My lord, if I didn't confirm it repeatedly, I really can't believe that this is something you did in a short period of time."

"Why, are you surprised by the matter in the gymnasium?"

"No, this is no longer surprising, but incredible."

Jing Lianghui smiled and said: "You taught me a vivid lesson, what does it mean to be strong enough to be able to do whatever you want."

"It's not doing whatever you want. If I could do whatever I want, I wouldn't be here now."

Gu Sanqiu looked at the other party: "You said, the people who followed the Heavenly Leader ordered you to keep an eye on me, or monitor me?"

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