Look at the time, hurry up.

Su Chen had to get the things before the Water Elemental Spirit could finish dealing with a sufficient number of monsters.

Bypassing the monster and the water elemental spirit, Su Chen frowned, pinched his nose, and closed his eyes into the area of the water elemental spirit.

That's why it's because Su Chen found out that the water elemental spirit was actually in that swamp.

Next to the swamp was the place where Su Chen was born when he was awake.

Ahem, go into the place of the dungeon.

I don't know if I'm going to go from there when I leave?

There was no swamp at all, and it turned out to be a vacuum.

If it weren't for the stinky swamp mud still stuck to Su Chen's body, he would almost think that he hadn't passed through the swamp just now!

"It turns out that this is where the water elemental spirit lives, it's really good!"

Su Chen swept around, in addition to a large amount of spiritual water, there were also clouds of mist.

"Di, have you found a soul that can be absorbed/traded, do you absorb/trade?"

At this moment, the system unexpectedly spoke out for the first time.

Su Chen: "What kind of absorption/trading method?"

"If you absorb it, each soul can improve your skills

by 1 level, and ordinary people can last for 1 year!" "If you choose to trade, you can get 1 interstellar immigration ship for every 10

!" "Please choose as soon as possible, time is limited, the elemental spirit has sensed your existence and is speeding up!"

Su Chen: " Then I will definitely choose: absorb, please help me put it away first, I don't have to think about it anymore, thank you!" One in one hand, Su Chen put all the souls into the space of the system.

System:...... You're using the space as a warehouse, and you can put everything in it.

Well, you can put it in.

Su Chen made up his mind to absorb it, and the system had to silently play the role of a warehouse.

In the middle, Su Chen held a transparent bead in his hand.


stream of heat drilled into Su Chen's eyebrows.

"Congratulations on obtaining the Water Elemental Spirit Core, mastering the Water Elemental Skill, and reaching the peak level!" As

soon as he was happy, Su Chen began to harvest.

200 souls, as well as countless beast cores, spiritual water, and even some of the stones in it, Su Chen didn't let go.

It's all put away.

I didn't leave it to anyone.

The geese have plucked their feathers, and they are clean!

Great harvest! Not

in vain!

The system prompts: "It's at the door!"

Su Chen's figure flashed and hidden.

The water elemental spirit flew in, furious.

"Thief, thief, steal my things, and steal them all for me!Stinky thief, bad thief, woo woo woo!" said

the curse, and the water elemental spirit cried.

Su Chen was quietly moving out.

Suddenly, he heard the cry of the water elemental spirit, and stopped for the first time.

He glanced back in confusion: "Ah!" A magnified water droplet was in front of him, and when Su Chen turned around, the water droplet suddenly poured onto Su Chen's body.

Su Chen was taken aback, and his figure was immediately revealed.

"Haha, I've caught you!I'll let you go!" The water elemental spirit was very happy and rushed towards Su Chen.

Su Chen: ...

I've put away all the things, and I can still give you back, I'm afraid you're not thinking about stinky food!

Turning his head, Su Chen ran away.

The water elemental spirit was still shouting in the back: "You stop for me, take me away

!" Su Chen: "Don't think about it, it's mine

!" "You bastard, stop

!" "Don't stand!"

while running, chasing, teasing.

In the blink of an eye, he left the habitat of the water elemental spirit and entered the swamp again.

Su Chen's consciousness moved, and he hidden.

Turned in a few directions.

The water elemental spirit really couldn't find Su Chen.

Everywhere in the swamp, it's going crazy.


?" "I asked you to take me, you come out, I won't scold

you!" "Did you hear that?"

"Villain! hurry up

!" "Damn, you actually pretend to be dead, don't let me catch

it!" "You look good!"

Su Chen didn't respond.

Su Chen naturally wouldn't agree, and finally got rid of the pursuit of the water elemental spirit, if he agreed, he would be stupid.

It shouldn't have stopped just now, or it wouldn't have been chased like a rabbit for so long.

Only then did Su Chen know that this water elemental spirit was actually a chatterbox.

I don't know if it's because there has been no one to chat with in Fengshan for a long time, but I talked to myself all the way.

Even the words that scolded him were just a few words of the car, which didn't hurt or itch.

This water elemental spirit is still quite pure.

These relationships with Su Chen are not direct enough, and he is now trying to figure out a way to leave.

Hurry up.

Now that the water elemental spirit core has been absorbed by itself, if it is caught up by the water element spirit, it will be dead! Without the water element spirit core

, the water element spirit will soon become ordinary spirit water, so pitiful.

But now the water elemental spirit core is in hand.

It is impossible to let go out again

, jump into the swamp and quickly run to the place where he came from, Su Chen wants to leave immediately.

After all, I was from here when I came in, and when I left, I should have walked from here...

It turned out that it wasn't! It didn't


, because just when he thought he had escaped, there was an aqua blue shadow standing in front of him.

The water elemental spirit stood in front of Su Chen, the kind that was very close.

Visually: A fist away

!"Huhuhu!How did you find it this time?I didn't make a sound, and I didn't breathe!" Su Chen was really depressed this time.

Not only was it found, but the road was blocked.

One step further is the place where you appeared, or you can leave by stepping over!The

water elemental spirit turned into a figure, with disdain: "You run away with me, I can't find

it, are you stupid?" Su Chen's face was full of question marks: "What?" "

The water elemental spirit core is me, I am the water elemental spirit, it's just a differentiated body, what's the matter, if you separate a pot of water in half, it's not water!" This contemptuous and mocking tone.

Su Chen: ... Dumbfounded!

So I've been lonely for half a day.

"Then you go back with me and play with Xiaotu!"


" The water elemental spirit clapped his hands and jumped.

Su Chen took the opportunity to take a step forward.

I was standing right where I came from...

The wait is long.

Even if it's only for a few breaths.

In Su Chen's view, these breaths are as long as centuries.

Water Elemental Spirit: "Are you waiting to leave automatically from here?"

Seeing the defeat slip away in front of him, Su Chen's mentality was about to collapse.

The water elemental spirit guessed correctly, Su Chen couldn't walk when he saw it, and they were one step closer to each other.

He nodded his head stiffly: "Yes, isn't

this the right posture to leave?" "You are so stupid, how did you survive for so many days?" You know that this place is called Annihilation Fengshan, and those guys are companion beasts, right?"

Su Chen looked at the water elemental spirit, not knowing what he wanted to express.

The water elemental spirit's disdainful look at a fool made Su Chen want to make a move...

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