Suzaku said that it is a pity.

Nirvana Mirror.

The former home of the Phoenix Clan.

The Suzaku clan is also there.

Later, the Phoenix clan left.

He was the only one left in the Suzaku clan.

The Feng clan was suppressed.

There is not enough spiritual power.

If it weren't for Feng Jiu mentioning this matter, Suzaku would have almost forgotten the leisurely days in the Nirvana Mirror.


Blue Star.

The Blue Star Alliance still exists.

The cat-bear country did not go through.

Just when the Panda made an order to buy an interstellar immigration ship and planned to go to the interstellar fortune.

As a result, they were notified: "You are not eligible to purchase, please make sure the following information is correct and try again!"

On closer inspection, it's not.

The requirements for the purchase of an interstellar immigrant ship are simple:

non-affiliated and non-slave countries, and pass the audit.

The resources are sufficient to purchase and deduct and pass the review.

At the time of seeing the last one.


The cat-bear country never thought that it would be stuck on this last one.

The reason is not on the side of the Dragon Kingdom.

but the reason for the nationals of their own bear country.

The last rule is: confirm that the life value of the purchased country is 100 million or more, and there is at least 30

million life value to survive after deduction!The audit fails! The current life value of your country (070 million/130 million) (Reminder: you need to increase enough life value to buy again!)

The bear country is powerless.

No more thoughts.

The quickest way to increase life expectancy is to increase the number of citizens.

The number of citizens of the cat-bear country is not only not increasing every day, but also decreasing.

Some people would rather join the realm to earn points and get the realm residency than leave the bear country.

When people give up their identity as a bear country, the lifespan value of the bear country will also be reduced.

People don't belong to the cat and bear country anymore, and the life value will naturally be deducted.

You can't do without it, you can only join.

Union or Union.

It's just that the new cat and bear country has even fewer rights.

To say that it was equal before, now it can only exist as a subsidiary alliance, which is worse than the Bala Sheep Country.

For this wavering alliance state, the dragon kingdom has given enough freedom.

If the former Lighthouse Country were to deal with it, the Panda Country would be a slave at most...

After this time, the cabinet of the Bear Country was completely honest.


No more thoughts.

People have gone straight to 50 million and lowered again, Buddha.

The key is that you can't leave if you want to.

Bala Sheep Country is still salted fish.

With the eldest brother here, they just lie down and accept the arrangement.

What do you do! The

cat and bear country just can't figure out where it is.

The other countries are gone, and they are the only ones in the entire Blue Star.

Don't lie down quietly to win, make those stunned.

Su Chen learned the news when he came back.

In this regard, Su Chen smiled: "Well done!" The

heads of all departments were proud.

They all participated

! They were praised by Su Shen, what a sense of accomplishment! Su

Chen came back and brought the news.

Some gossip about the battlefield of all races.

10 to 100 people are selected at random.

The opponents don't have to be monsters, but they may also be old opponents you've met before.

There is a certain chance that it is a friend alliance person.

"Then we have to conduct a thorough survey of the personnel, rest assured, it will be completed within two days!"

Before that, the moths inside the dragon kingdom must be cleaned up.

This wave of dissidents must not be allowed to be selected into the battlefield of all races.

Maybe they'll be moths up somewhere.

Hundreds of millions of life values, sky-high resources, any one of which can make all their efforts come to naught.

Just look at the existence of countries on the blue star that can now be counted on one hand.

The game of God's Domain

is cruel! It is more cruel than imagined

!" "There is another one, whether it is the old or the young, the sick, the disabled, or the pregnant, you must not have the idea of escaping from being chosen in any way, if you are chosen, you will go, you are not even afraid of death, are you still afraid of going to war? I and all the camp guardians will guard the Dragon Kingdom with them!" Li

Qing and the others all nodded heavily.

They understand what Su Chen said.

This kind of meeting was held before Su Chen came.

More than a hundred times.

Big and small.

It has been suggested that if someone who is too weak is chosen, it can be self-defeating.

Let yourself disappear.

You can lose your life, but you must not drag the dragon country back.

There is a reason why Su Chen brought it up like this.

There is a water sticker in the water bar.

It is about this aspect that is paid and extraordinarily expensive.

1000 gold.

Su Chen spent money to read it.

Very useful.

The content is that there is a friend's guardian country that has selected some random characters who are old and weak to participate in the battle of all races.

In order not to let these people pull back, they were secretly dealt with by their friends' countries.

When it came time to settle, it was clear that he had won.

The country of friends was deducted 6 times the amount of failed resources.

Because of the drill holes.

And those who were secretly dealt with were exactly 6 people.

The loopholes in God's Domain are not so easy to drill.

Last time, Su Chen was discovered in the Destroying Phoenix Country.

It's just that this time it was man-made and not too many people died.

Both the Guardians and the Phoenix Clan mostly returned alive.

It was also a loophole, but it was within the scope of the rules, so only part of the reward was deducted.

If it fails, it will also be deducted, which will naturally make matters worse.

Su Chen deliberately wrote down this case in a notebook.

That's so important.

Li Qing and the others all understand that they will ensure the safety of all the chosen ones.

Of course, it's not for personal protection, and not so many people are arranged to go out.


! The strength of the National Movement Docking Department!

Su Chen came and went in a hurry.

A few minutes is not enough.

But this time the captivity cow was taken away.

The other few from the magic dungeon were left behind, allowing them to continue building teleportation arrays throughout the Dragon Kingdom.

In the past, the fastest way to get from Kyoto to the city was three hours.

Now, the teleportation circle has been built.

It only takes five minutes at the earliest.

This kind of efficiency has given hope to the divisions of the Dragon Kingdom.


Manpower for on.

Everything you need is provided.

Just to build a teleportation array where it is needed.

It's faster than any other way to get around.

The only thing that gives me a toothache is the high cost

! 10 gold coins at a time! Gold coins!

It's not ordinary gold coins, it's the kind of God's Domain.

Ordinary people don't.

This is also something that cannot be helped, and the operating expenses of the teleportation array are also high.

If the price is low, anyone will come and use it.

The dragon kingdom has to be exhausted by the teleportation array.

When Su Chen left, he changed another batch of resources, and of course, there were also a lot of resources such as gold coins.

The prison cow that returned to the Divine Domain was not idle.

He also deliberately transferred the dwarves over.

"Build a teleportation array with me, in the Dragon Kingdom camp and the camp to which you belong, if you want to use it, you must pay a fee, ranging from 100 gold coins to 1000 gold coins according to the distance

!" "You guys have an extra income of 1 gold coin per person per day! If you don't want to do it, you can quit!" "It's



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