Guo Sinian is relatively calm.

Do you expect children to know the way?

Anyway, children are not embarrassed, but others are embarrassed.

Sure enough, Qiang Zheng laughed for a while and shut up.

It's really been stared at by three guys, hairy.

Su Chen said about the next task dungeon: "I want to continue to challenge the mission, now this is the Dragon Kingdom City, you can stay here, and go back when the time comes, don't wait for me!"

In this regard, Su Chen gave everyone great freedom.

It won't be prescribed to the dead.

Plans are not as fast as changes.

No one knows what will happen next.

Dayong: "City Lord, I'll go with you, I don't want to stay!"

I used to think that once I could cultivate, I would be able to do more meaningful things.



Obviously, I was able to cultivate, but it turned out to be a mess.

Dayong felt that he was a little useless, so it was better to follow the city lord.

Su Chen looked at the others.

"Let's go together, we will always have a response!" Qiang Zheng also agreed to go together.

Although they are old, old, young, weak, weak.

But if there is more than one person, there will be one more brain.

Isn't it possible to discuss things when they encounter them?

Although they are of little practical use until now, they are just lying down to win and make profits.

Su Chen: "Then it's decided, hurry up and rest, let's leave tomorrow morning

!" "Yes, City Lord!"

This Dragon Kingdom city has Su Chen's orders one by one.

The most banquet and strong Zheng, their force is not strong.

But the brain is online.

Together with Chiyi, the dragon country city was quickly smoothed out.

In particular, Su Chen also took out some seeds to plant for the people in the city, and he got a large wave of faith points.

Su Chen felt that his mental power had risen.

It turns out that being trusted can also improve one's cultivation?

That's great!

In the early morning of the next day.

The weather inside the dungeon is still dark.

However, Su Chen and the others had already packed up and were going to the next dungeon.

"It's too sooner or later, it's still the same sentence, be careful!" "


Then Su Chen nodded: Continue the mission, confirm!

A streamer flashed.

Su Chen disappeared in place.

There was silence.

Awkward and helpless silence.

Qiang Zheng: ....

The most feasting: ....

Dayong: ....

Are they disliked

? or are they left behind?

The three looked at each other and then again.

The face was full of helplessness.

"What's going on?"

"Don't talk about

it!" "I want to ask too!" Dayong

ran to the bulletin board outside and looked at it.

In the corner of the corner, an announcement was found: you can carry up to 2 participants with the strongest combat power to continue the mission, and when the number of participants exceeds the carry, it will be automatically randomly selected.

Therefore, Su Chen left alone with the two randomly selected children for the next mission destination.

Why didn't you discover this rule before?

Even if you are left behind, you can't be too laid-back.

After the embarrassing period, the mind has recovered, and everything in the Dragon Kingdom City has just begun, and they are also needed here.

"Let's build

the city together!" "That's all!" "

Then I'll take care of the gates and the stability of the city

!" "Okay!"

The three of them quickly discussed, and then went to work.

As the chief steward of the Dragon Mansion, Chiyi is still very serious and responsible in many things.

Knowing that these three people are attached to the master, they are quite cooperative.

Not to mention, the Dragon Kingdom City is almost the same every day.

Lively and energetic.

Energetic and energetic.

The next quest destination.

Su Chen also found out that he only brought two small bean dices.

Two little ones: "Huh, what about the adults, is it because of their physique and they are stuck?" Then what should I do, Brother City Lord?"

The corners of Su Chen's mouth hooked: "The rules are the reason, they are adults who will take care of themselves, so next you are..."

Before Su Chen, he showed that he was not pulling his heels.

Su Chen nodded: "Okay, let's go, don't be afraid, if you have something, go behind me, if you are really afraid, close your eyes, cover your ears, and pretend that you can't see anything and pass, do you know?"

As soon as he turned his head, there were a few people standing in front of him, and Guo Sinian, who was frightened, cried.

"Wow, wow, wow, wow, it's terrible!"

Great... Hell, ahh

Standing people aren't actually scary.

The terrible thing is that these people are not standing properly, but floating.

None of them have feet.

The face was also white and painted with a layer of white paint.

They don't move when they look at them.

Su Chen stretched out his hand to block the eyes of the two of them: "Listen to my brother's words, close your eyes, cover your ears and you won't be able to hear!" I'll deal with it!"

"Uh-huh-hmm!!" Guo Sinian's hands were tightly covered with his ears, and his eyes were tightly closed.

Little by little, the little head and the face were wrinkled.

Zhong Changshu also covered his ears, but his eyes were open.

I saw that Su Chen had already gone to clean up those guys.

Shoot that is called a Lisuo simply.

"Dare to scare my

children, look for death!" "Still look at it, get out

!" "I don't know how to write the rolling word, right?" "I'll

help you

!" "Bang bang bang!"

In order to solve these problems as soon as possible, Su Chen hurriedly went to coax the two children, but he was ruthless at all.

Ah Piao, this thing is indeed infiltrating enough.

Not to mention two small children.

Su Chen even regretted it a little.

The two little ones should have been left in the Dragon Kingdom Castle.

It's too late to regret it now.

Three under five divided by two.

A few Ah Piao were scattered by Su Chen.

A turn back.

happened to face the adoring eyes of Zhong Changshu's children: "Brother City Lord, Brother is so spicy!" Guo

Sinian's child didn't know when he opened his eyes, and when he let go of his hand, his little face was still a little white: "The pot is so powerful!"

is that the eye circles are still red, and he was obviously scared just now.

Su Chen walked up to them.

Squat down.

"If you're afraid, we'll go back first, okay?" Although this quest would fail, Su Chen didn't want to let the two little guys follow him anymore.

At such a young age, one should not accept these horrible sides.

When they are older, it's never too late to accept them.

Now I am still young and can last for a few years, waiting for them to grow up.

Zhong Changshu shook his head: "Grandpa said that you must have endurance in order to achieve great things and succeed, I'm not afraid, brother city lord, can you teach me to cultivate? I also want to fight those bad guys who frighten us!"

He also stretched out his little paws and clenched them into fists.

A small fleshy one.

Cute no.

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