Ah Piao.

In the air.

A lot.

That's what you see.

It's like watching a night market.

There are people in the night market, but here, there are Ah Piao in all kinds of clothes and colors.

There were a lot of Ah Piao who saw Su Chen coming out at night, and they were quite curious, and several waves came around.

"People... Kind... "Incense",

"Good fragrance!"

"Incense... Poof..."

Bang Bang Bang!"

A few special sounds sounded, and Ah Piao floated away.

I didn't dare to stay any longer.

It's horrible.

Before he could surround him, this human actually made a move.

Shoot and die.

It was Ah Piao who used Su Chen as a ration to die.

It disappeared without even a word left.

This Terran shot really hard.

Su Chen: "I need information in the city, if you don't have information, you don't want to die, go away, come here and queue up if you have information, these things can be chosen at will according to the information."

As soon as Su Chen waved his hand, he was in the middle of the street.

Some supplies were placed.

There are ingredients, water, melons, fruits and vegetables, and even arrows.

These are all black iron arrows, and later all the camp defense towers became gold-level, and the black iron-level ones that opened the treasure chest by themselves are not used.

No, take it out as an exchange now.

It's kind of waste utilization.

It has been placed in the space and occupies a space.

Ah Piao was surprised and even more frightened.

Su Chen's ruthless shot just now scared Ah Piao a lot.

"My lord, really exchange, any information is fine?" asked a person wearing a robe and holding a ring ruler in his hand.

It's far away, and he stretches his neck to ask, which is a little funny.

Su Chen: "I'm going to take this city, what you think has to do with it, you can do it with a good way or a means or something! Here, I don't know for the time being, if someone tries to deceive me, I think those dead of your kind should be very looking forward to matching you!"

Actually, I didn't expect much.

Uncooked, really.

"I'll give you a new person, I know a formation of this city, once during Halloween, two drunks stepped on it and were crushed, and as a result, the city barrier was broken, and we were able to get out of the city, but we were later captured by the Netherworld. Those who didn't catch them were all absorbed by the Nether King!This, is it?" Speaking of the back, he was a little uncertain.

Because Su Chen listened to it, his brows furrowed higher.

Ah Piao felt that he might have said it in vain.

Su Chen said at this time: "Count, you can choose one of these piles yourself, and take me to the place where the formation is tomorrow!" "

No problem, my lord, then I... OK... Have you chosen?"

"Let's choose!"

Ah Piao was very excited.

I chose an ingredient.

As soon as he got it in his hand, he threw the ingredients directly into his mouth in front of Su Chen.

"It's so fragrant, I haven't eaten such a rich ingredient for thousands of years!"

"My lord, can I take you over tomorrow and have another one?"

Today is the formation that I said, and tomorrow I will look for it.

I think I can take two copies, right?

At that moment, two more came floating at the same time.

"My lord, I also know where that place is

! I'll take you there in a while!" Su Chen was stunned, he took a little longer to prepare tonight, and closed the stall earlier, so he said, "No problem, you choose an ingredient! That one, I won't bother you tomorrow!"

Eat it in one bite, and your face is full of pleasure.

Ring ruler Ah Piao: ... The ingredients were robbed by other drifters.



it!" "Do it, whoever is afraid of whom!"

Su Chen didn't care, and continued to trade with Ah Piao.

With the beginning of these two, the latter ones are much more normal.

Interesting facts about the previous city lords.

The shortest time is that the city lord only has half an hour to get it.

The longest tenure of the city lord is only three days.

Even the monster tide that appears every three days is very detailed.

The monster tide attacks the city every three days in the evening when the red moon rises.

It ended in an hour.

What's more, after the monster tide is over, there will always be a guy dressed in black and wearing a mask who calls himself the Night Beastmaster to come to the city to kill the Drifting Spirit.

Especially the older Ah Piao will have ghost beads on his body.

Devouring Ghost Beads can be cultivated, especially for those with dark attribute elements, cultivation can be doubled.

The information is messy.

But the usefulness is quite great.

Looking at the time, he was still worried about the two small ones in the house, so Su Chen closed the stall: "That's it for today, let's disperse!"

The two who were fighting on the side also quickly stopped.

They are all existences that cannot be killed.

It is said that it is a dry frame, but it is only dry.

He didn't intend to kill the other party.

It's not easy for Ah Piao to live for so many years.

Just get out of the air on the dry frame, there is no need to rise to the point of dying or living.

"My lord is here, we can't go any further, we will be devoured by the formation!" Su

Chen sensed it, and sure enough, there was spiritual power rolling around.

And these spiritual powers also have a powerful devouring power.

No wonder Ah Piao didn't dare to move forward.

"The deal is complete, let's go

!" "Thank you, sir!" The

reward had already been consumed, and Ah Piao hurriedly floated away.

He wouldn't dare be here anyway.

In fact, I have an idea to continue to see what this adult wants to do.

However, I'm worried that I'll be misunderstood that I'm going to rob treasures, so I'd better stay away from some safety.

This grown-up is not very good-tempered.

Don't speak, just do it.

It can also make their souls scattered.

Su Chen's hand moved, and a spiritual power shot out.


The whole group of spiritual power is gone.

Su Chen hit one again.

Along with the spiritual power group, there was also Su Chen himself.



After devouring the spiritual power group, Su Chen had already arrived in front of him.

The devouring power didn't react, and Su Chen was also included.

It's too late to push it out.

"So that's the case!The son-mother array, hey, how can I know the formation?!No matter, let's take a look at the formation first, well, it can be done!"

Su Chen's words fell, and the summoning array was thrown out.

"Contract Array, Devouring Array!" "

Mother and Child Array: ... No, it's not like that, is it

? Okay, let's see

? Why did you just start devouring it?

Yes, the Beast Mountain, as a sub-array of the cage of heaven and earth, has the ability to devour.

The Devouring Formation could even be resolved into Su Chen's own possession.

The Zimu Array was a little small in front of the beast mountain backed by the cage of heaven and earth.

A quarter of an hour.

The child-mother array is gone.

What changed was that there was an additional skill book in Su Chen's summoning space: the Skill Book

of the Son-Mother Array! After the Son-Mother Array disappeared, there were many more things in place.

Su Chen's consciousness moved, and he didn't look at what it was.

All received the summoning space.

What if it's too late

and you can't use it? Try it now, don't expire and you can't use it again...

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