Without looking at Fuzz Fu's tragic situation, Yu Nan kicked him directly to the side.

Then he looked at the rest of the crowd.

Feeling Yu Nan's cold eyes, everyone suddenly subconsciously took a step back, none of them wanted to be Yu Nan's next prey now

!" This son is invincible, retreat first, and then find a way after going back!!"

Black Maria's face changed greatly when she saw this, she didn't expect that even Fuzz Fu couldn't catch Yu Nan's move and was defeated, so she didn't hesitate to flee directly with the rest of the people!

The fate of Fu and the others is her fate, and she doesn't want to die here for no reason.


"Hey!!Why are you all gone!Don't go!What should I do if you're all gone!"

The big snake saw that the six sons of the volley failed one after another, and now the black Maria ran away directly, so what should he do! Seeing the black Maria

fleeing, Yu Nan didn't make any moves, just let her leave, and Yu Nan didn't bother to do anything about her, so he left.

The next moment, Yu Nan directly aimed his gaze at the black charcoal snake, which was already panicking.

"You, you, what do you want to do! I can warn you, I am the general of Wano Country, if you dare to be presumptuous, only death awaits you!" Seeing

Yu Nan's cold gaze, the black charcoal snake's face suddenly turned pale as snow, and cold sweat suddenly broke out involuntarily.

As the strongest existence under Kaido's subordinates to eliminate the three calamities, the six sons of the volley were enough to clear any obstacles in the eyes of the big snake, but he didn't expect to be defeated by Yu Nan's men, which made him suddenly don't know what to do!

Although there are hundreds of guards around him at this time, all of them are fully armed, but he doesn't have a sense of security at all, Yu Nan can even solve the volley six sons effortlessly, with the ability of these guards around him, even if there are tens of thousands and ten thousand, what can he do, he is not the same as being slaughtered

! The strength shown by Yu Nan has far exceeded his imagination

!" I'm afraid that only three big kanbans can suppress this bastard!!".

The Black Carbon Snake thought so in his heart, but how to contact those three now

, it's too late! Feeling Yunan's killing intent like a tide, the Black Carbon Snake trembled all over, completely panicked, he didn't want to die, he hadn't had enough of the general's life!

"That... Brother Hanan, right, how about we have something to say? You don't look like you're from Wano Country, I think there must be some misunderstanding!"

Orochi barely squeezed out a smile and said with an embarrassed expression.

"Misunderstanding? There is no misunderstanding, if you want to spare your life, give me a reason, give me a reason not to kill you.

Yu Nan sneered.

"Yes! Of course, there is! As long as you don't kill me, I can give you whatever you want in this Wano country! I can promise you any request!" said

the black charcoal snake quickly.

"Any request is yes, my request is actually very simple, I want the country of harmony.

Yu Nan said with a slight smile.

"Wano Country... What, what does it mean??"

The big snake was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Yu Nan with a puzzled expression.

"I said I want the country of harmony, don't you understand?"

"I want to give this country to the little purple girl, do you have any opinions?"

Yu Nan raised his eyelids and said in a cold voice, his voice was as cold as if it came from hell.

"Yunan-sama, you..."

Xiao Zi's voice sounded excitedly, but she didn't expect Yunan's request to be this.

The next moment, Xiao Zi walked out directly from behind the crowd under the protection of the mad dead man and appeared beside Yu Nan.

"Xiao Zi!Crazy Death Lang!You two know him?!What the hell is going on!Are you colluding?"

Seeing this, the snake's face suddenly turned ugly, and a trace of anger suddenly appeared in his eyes.

And the next moment, a scene that everyone didn't expect appeared, the always arrogant Mad Death Lang actually knelt down directly to Yu Nan in public!

"I apologize to you for my previous suspicion and recklessness, Your Excellency Yu Nan!" said

Mad Death Lang with a serious face.

After seeing Yu Nan's thunder methods, Mad Death Lang no longer has any doubts about Yu Nan's identity, no matter what, there is no doubt that Yu Nan is the one who is on their side, and he has defeated Kaido's senior cadres one after another, and every time he makes a shot, it is an understatement, this strength has deeply impressed

Mad Death Lang! Every time Yu Nan makes a move, Mad Death Lang feels the terrifying power contained in his body!

If you start with the six sons of the volley, I'm afraid that you won't have to show one-tenth of your strength, and if you use all the firepower, how strong will it be

! The person who can form an alliance with Whitebeard is really not to be underestimated

! In this way, it is no longer a fantasy to regain the country of Wano! Is the glory of the Guangyue family finally coming back?

The more Mad Death Lang thought about it, the more excited he became, and the smile on his face was irrepressibly revealed.


"Mad Death Lang! What are you doing bastard! Haven't you already betrayed

General Ben!" "And you Xiao Zi, it's in vain that General Ben likes you so much, what the hell is going on with you!" "

Crazy Death Lang

! What are you doing bastard! Haha, hahahahaha, it's ridiculous, Orochi, you actually told me about rebellion?"

"Then I'll tell you today, so that you can understand why, my name is actually not Mad Death Lang, my name is Denjiro, Big Snake!!"

Crazy Death Lang's black eyes suddenly burst into a chilling cold light! The target is directly aimed at the Black Carbon Snake!

Things have reached such a stage that there is no need for Mad Death Lang to conceal his identity anymore, so he simply reveals his identity directly to the Great Snake

!"You!What are you talking about!!You are one of the Red Sheath Nine Heroes, Denjiro, a retainer of Mitsuki Mita!!You are not dead!!"

Chuan Jiro!!The true identity of Mad Death Lang turned out to be him!My God, no one has found out for so long

!""Is there anyone else alive in the former Red Sheath Nine!!"



Mad Death's words instantly detonated in the crowd like a bombshell! Everyone, including the Black Charcoal Snake, instantly changed their faces! Red Sheath Nine Heroes, Guangyue Mita, these words are taboo in today's Wano Country

! "Mad Death Lang, you bastard turned out to be Chuan Jiro..."

"Then what about you Xiao Zi! What are your identities!" The

face of the black charcoal snake was pale, so gloomy that it seemed to be able to drip water!

Since the mad dead man is the old man of the Guangyue family, what about Xiao Zi!

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