"It seems that you haven't been doing a lot of work these days, Marko. "

I actually memorized such a piece of paper so slowly.

Yu Nan took the paper handed by Marco, looked at the dense small words on the paper, and immediately laughed.

"The city is under the management of Drought Jack, one of the three plagues, the plague Quinn is responsible for managing the rabbit well, and Kaido's base camp Ghost Island is the strongest Flame Ember guard, and at the same time, the number of guard pirates on Ghost Island is also the most, and it is not easy to attack.

Yu Nan carefully read the contents of the paper.

"Well, I'm not working in vain these days.

Marco smiled and said smugly.

"Yes, yes, he is worthy of being the captain of the white-bearded old man's team, and his ability to gather intelligence is not covered.

"When the white-bearded old man arrives, I will tell him all these credits for your achievements, why don't you let him reward you with a few good-looking little ladies to accompany you hahaha!" Yu

Nan patted Marco on the shoulder and laughed.



"Ahem, ahem... Brother Yu Nan pay attention to his words, there are still female comrades here!"

Marko's face changed, looking at Xiao Zi, whose face suddenly turned red, and hurriedly stabbed Yu Nan with his elbow.

"Ao, yes, yes, Xiao Zi is still here, you see I forgot about this stubble, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Yu Nan scratched her head and smiled awkwardly.



"Uncle Marko, didn't you say that Grandpa Whitebeard was rushing to Wano Country, right?"

Xiao Zi looked at Marco with expectant eyes.

Although she didn't have any doubts about Hanan's words, but now that she saw Marko, the captain of Whitebeard's boat, Xiao Zi still wanted to confirm it again.

"Yes, that's right, Dad, they are still on the way, Brother Yu Nan and I wanted to come in advance to collect information, so we rushed here first, don't worry, Xiao Rihe, Dad, they will definitely come."

Marco said with a smile.

"Great, Grandpa Whitebeard, when will they arrive?" Xiao

Zi had an excited little expression on her face.

"Hmm... According to my estimates, it should be there in about two or three days, if it goes well.

Marco said after a moment's thought.

"Two or three days... Great, when Grandpa Whitebeard arrives, plus Yunan-sama, there will be hope that Wano Country will be taken back!"

Xiao Zi clenched her small fists excitedly.

"It's going to take two or three days, it's really slow enough, white-bearded old man, shouldn't his broken ship be repaired?"

"It's not much faster to change a warship or something.

Yunan sighed and muttered.

"Then what are we going to do next?Do we want to slowly disintegrate Kaido's forces?Wait until Grandpa Whitebeard arrives and they are attacking in a big way?"

Xiao Zi looked at Yu Nan and asked, all this has to be decided by Yu Nan.

"Attack?hahahaha, it's ridiculous, just because you want to attack Kaido too, this is really the funniest joke I've ever heard in my life!!"

Before Yu Nan could speak, the black charcoal snake who was tied up by the five flowers suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, as if he had heard some terrible joke.

"Bastard, what the fuck are you laughing at!" the

mad man's face changed, and he suddenly shouted.

"What am I laughing at? What do you say I laugh at? I really don't know if you are really stupid or fake?"

"Just because you three-legged cats want to move to Kaido's monster? Don't pee and take care of your own virtues! Kaido's horror you can't even imagine!" "

And not to mention Kaido himself, you can't fight the three plagues at all! Drought Jack, Plague Quinn, Flame Plague! Any one is enough to destroy you all! Why do you say that you people have recaptured the country of Wano, and it depends on your mouth, hahaha!" said

the black charcoal serpent, full of mockery.

"There is a prisoner under the stairs, and you dare to be presumptuous in front of us, you are really not afraid of death, dog offal!!" Madness

Death Lang was furious when he heard this, and kicked it directly, and the black charcoal snake instantly screamed and rolled on the ground more than a dozen times.



"Your Excellency, our situation is not good now, let's not provoke them with our words! This will not do us any good, my lord

!" "What if they are too angry and lose their minds and kill us!"

Fu Lushou on the side hurriedly persuaded when he saw this.

At this time, he had already scolded the eighteenth generation ancestor of the Great Snake in his heart, it didn't matter if he wanted to die, but don't bother himself

! "Hehe, hehe, kill me? I lent them ten dares, would they dare!If they dared to kill me, they would have killed me a long time ago, would they have kept us until now?"

"Fu Lushou, why didn't they kill me, don't you know, they are afraid!" I'm afraid that if I kill me, Kaido will be furious, and all of them will not be able to eat and walk around!That's why they tied us up and stayed here!I'm right, guys!"

The Black Carbon Snake sneered and said with a confident expression.

He was sure that Yu Nan and the others would not kill him because he was afraid of Kaido himself

!, so he began to have no fear! "You really don't change your dead nature, black charcoal snake! You dare to make a big deal out here in such a situation!" Xiao Zi's

face was cold, and he wanted to kill him directly.

"Hahahaha, Xiaozi, I advise you to turn back as soon as possible, don't continue to make mistakes!" "I'm

giving you a chance to live now, as long as you are willing to follow me honestly in the future and be my little wife, I will never tell Kaido about your identity as Guangyue Rihe, you can live in the country of Wano in peace for the rest of your life!

The black charcoal snake looked at Xiao Zi with a greedy look, and even unconsciously stretched out his tongue and licked his lips.

Seeing the appearance of the big snake, Xiao Zi only felt a chill in her heart, her stomach churned, and she even felt that she was going to vomit out her breakfast after looking at her a few more times.

"Dog offal, you dare to insult Xiao Zi again, believe it or not, I will kill you directly!" "

The mad dead man grabbed the big snake by the neck and glared angrily.

"Kill me, do you dare! Lao Tzu lent you ten dares, you don't dare hahaha!" The

black charcoal snake didn't care, and still kept provoking and mocking.

"You bastard miscellaneous!!" Mad

Death Lang wanted to directly tear the black charcoal snake alive at this time, but he really didn't dare, because the role of the big snake was very important, and Yu Nan didn't have his own plan to kill him, and he didn't dare to do it without permission, for fear of missing the overall event!

"A group of guys who should have died a long time ago, living to this day is already your great creation!" "

I really think that I can bring down Kaido by finding someone at random, if it were that simple, would he still sit on the throne of the Four Emperors for so long! A group of frogs at the bottom of the well, ridiculous!".

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