"What the fuck! are you arguing about, don't you want to live!" "

A bunch of living garbage, do you want to play a rebellious trick with Lao Tzu!" Quinn

looked at the criminals who had gathered together to strike, and the bruises on his forehead suddenly burst out, and his face was cold and roared.

"The Mitsuki family has returned, and you won't be proud for long!!"

"Wano Country will return to the Mitsuki family sooner or later, Quinn, your end is coming!!"Wash your neck and wait for death!!"

"Mitsuki returns, Kaido will die!!" "

Mitsuki returns, Kaido will die!!" "Mitsuki returns, Kaido

must die!!


... ......

Tens of thousands of criminals immediately raised their arms and shouted in unison, Xiao Zi's declaration and the head of the black charcoal snake directly aroused their passion for rebellion

! After so many years of fucking hard work

, it's finally time to end!" "What about the return of the Guangyue family, just because their group of wastes are also delusional to fight against us

!" "This return is just right, we won't give them another chance to escape, and completely eradicate everyone who has something to do with the Guangyue clan!"

Quinn frowned, and with a wave of his big hand, he grabbed the nearest prisoner directly in front of him.

"What are you going to do, bastard Quinn!!" the

prisoner struggled violently with both hands around Quinn's big hands.

"A bunch of damn scum, it seems that Lao Tzu has made you live too comfortably lately!"

"What did you just say, do you dare to say it again?"

Quinn grabbed the prisoner by the collar and slapped himself in the face, staring at him fiercely.

"Just say it!!The return of the Kwangyue clan will be the day of the destruction of your Kaido Pirates!All of you will not be able to die!You..."

Before the prisoner could finish speaking, a dagger suddenly appeared in Quinn's hand and stabbed directly into the prisoner's heart!!"It's

a pity, you can't see the scene of the complete destruction of the Guangyue family. "

But it doesn't matter, it won't be long before those bastards will be sent to hell by us and reunited with you!" Quinn

sneered, and immediately pulled out the dagger, and suddenly blood gushed out from the wound like a fountain!

No way... You're going to hell... Kaido... All of you will be punished, I will wait for you in hell!!!"

The prisoner stretched his neck and shouted these words, his head tilted directly, and he completely lost his breath and lost his life.

Seeing this scene, everyone instantly gasped, and hurriedly took a few steps back, looking at Quinn with a vigilant face.

They didn't expect Quinn to directly

kill the killer!"Whoever dares to beep in front of me again, what is the return of the Guangyue family, Lao Tzu will kill him immediately! I will do what I say! I see who still wants to die!!"

Quinn's face was cold, and his eyes full of murderous intent swept over the prisoners.

The prisoners felt Quinn's murderous intent, and they all closed their mouths, and now it is obviously unwise to be brave enough to speak again, it will only cost them their lives in vain

!"A bunch of waste, hurry up and work for Lao Tzu!Lao Tzu is in a bad mood today, don't come to me again!"

Quinn snorted coldly, and then prepared to leave here for the flower capital, he wanted to catch Xiao Zi and completely understand what was going on!



"Boom Click!!" Just

as Quinn was about to leave, suddenly there was a huge roar like thunder

in the sky! Immediately, a terrifying electric ball shining with a strange blue light instantly roared down towards Quinn from the sky

! ! The speed was extremely fast, and the air in the entire sky seemed to be rippling one after another!

Before all the guards could react to what was going on, the lightning ball fell instantly, hitting Quinn directly!!

"Bang!!" "Boom!! The

entire ground instantly raised bursts of thick smoke and dust, and the impact aftermath of the explosion instantly blasted out all the dozens of guards around Quinn!


"Mistress Quinn, are you alright?

!!" the guard shouted in response.

After a few moments, the smoke finally cleared, and Quinn's figure was finally revealed.

At this time, his whole hair exploded and stood upside down, directly turning into an explosive head! His clothes were also scorched black by the thunder and lightning just now!

However, Quinn's own defense was extremely high, although he looked embarrassed on the outside, his body was not fundamentally harmed.

"Ahem.. Ahem, ahem, who the fuck did it!Who the hell did it!Dare to sneak up on Lao Tzu!!"

Quinn coughed twice, and wisps of black smoke suddenly erupted from his throat.

Looking at his embarrassed appearance, a terrifying killing intent suddenly erupted from his body

! In his own territory, Rabbit was actually attacked by someone, which made Quinn extremely angry!!

"Hahahaha, dead fat man, are you still satisfied with this meeting gift? I think this look is very suitable for you." A

burst of laughter rang out, followed by a stirring in the space, and Hanan appeared directly among the rabbits, staring at Quinn with a smile on his face.



"You... You are... You're the guy named Yunan!!"

Quinn frowned and looked at Yuenan, and then suddenly exclaimed! In

the original top war, Quinn watched the live broadcast on Onijima, and he will never forget Yunan's performance

! Defeating Admiral Pheasant as a rookie, he remembered every scene of the original battle! Because it was so shocking!

"Hanan, why did you come to Wano Country, what do you want to do!" Quinn

subconsciously took two steps back, staring at Yunan with wary eyes.

He knew Yu Nan's strength, and he didn't dare to act rashly at all.

"What am I doing here? Rabbit is your territory, of course I'm here to find you.

"Have you forgotten what you did when Marin Vando was up, dead fatty.

Yu Nan put her hands in her pockets and stared at Quinn with a cold look in her eyes.

At the beginning of the war, the Whitebeard Pirates could have retreated, but Quinn suddenly used a cold arrow! Sprinkled a deadly virus on the island

! It directly led to heavy casualties on the Whitebeard Pirates and the navy, although all of this was instructed by Kaido, but Quinn was the actor, so he naturally wanted to settle accounts with him first!

"I don't know what you're talking about... What Marin Fando, Marin Fando Isn't it that you fought with the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy, what does it have to do with me..."

Quinn's face changed, and then he immediately returned to normal, and said loudly. It is clear that he does not intend to admit it at all!

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