At this time, the country of Wano is stormy.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Princess Mitsuki Hiyori and Mad Death's speeches fired the first shot of the Wano country's rebellion. The

ronin warriors with their hearts to the light moon gathered at the first time to the mad death Lang's family and swore allegiance to the princess Hiyori. At the same time, the ninjas and warriors of the Great Snake and the Hundred Beast Pirates also organized several large-scale attacks.

They were ready to rescue the general Black Charcoal Snake, completely destroy the last hope of Guangyue, and completely destroy the remaining Guangyue clan!

It has been operating in the flower capital for so many years.

The power that the Mad Death Lang has secretly accumulated cannot be underestimated.

Coupled with the addition of other ronin martial artists in the Flower City, the strength has increased greatly.

At this time, the kilometer radius of Rakshasa Street was completely controlled and occupied by the mad dead man.


"Hiyori, Denjiro!" a

little old man with an explosive hairstyle appeared in front of Hiyori Mitsuki with an excited smirk on his face.

"Daddy, Daddy!"

Guangyueri and the smirking little girl behind him cheered happily, threw themselves into the arms of the little old man with the explosive head, and laughed affectionately.

"Uncle Kang".

"Lord Kang Family"

Guangyue Rihe and the mad death man exclaimed in unison.

The little old man in front of him who looked stupid and stupid was the Daimyo of the White Dance of Hara and the Country of Hara, and the Frost Moon Yasuke family.

It's just that because of the side effects of the artificial Devil Fruit's ability, he has now become a poor giggler.

Except for a smile, he can't show any other expressions.

"Kohiwa and Denjiro, can you tell me what happened and urge you to suddenly launch a rebellion?"

"This is a very dangerous thing!" said

the Frost Moon Kang family, putting down their beloved daughter, and asked solemnly.

"Uncle Kang, this time we will definitely be able to drive the Hundred Beast Pirates and Kaido out of this country!"

When even told the Frost Moon Kang family everything that happened since Yunan's appearance in the morning.

When it is learned that the former Mitsuki Mita's pirate companion Whitebeard Pirates are coming, there is also another super powerful Hanan to help. The whole Frost Moon Kang family was stunned, shocked to the point of being incomprehensible.

"Really... And the country of Wanoguo is saved?"

After the shock, there was endless joy.

Because he knew that this country, which had been shrouded in darkness for eighteen years, really had !! saved

"Lord Kang, in order for the country to settle down as soon as possible, we also need your strength!"

Crazy Death Lang said.

The Frost Moon Kang family solemnly nodded.

The live broadcast that spread throughout Wano Country continues.


to the passionate speech of the Frost Moon Kang family, the martial arts who were still afraid and hesitant of the Hundred Beast Pirates finally overcame the fear in their hearts. Join the fight against the Black Charcoal Snake and the Four Emperors Kaido.

In the evening.

A group of people from Rabbit Well arrived in the Flower City, and it was the prisoners who had served their sentences!

The excited samurai were immediately introduced to the door of the mad dead man.

"Hiyori Princess!" shouted

the kappa with the hat.

"You're... Kawamatsu?"

When he saw the familiar face, Rihe suddenly covered his mouth excitedly and widened his eyes.

His red eyes were full of tears.

The surprise of the reunion immediately occupied her whole heart, and she didn't expect to meet her again here!

The green fish-man who arrived was one of the red sheaths that protected Princess Hiyori when Wano Country was killed, Kappa Kawamatsu.

In order not to add to the burden on Kawamatsu back then, Mitsuki Rihe thought about leaving alone.

However, Kawamatsu, who couldn't accept the princess's departure, was desperate and was finally caught by the big snake. For ten years, Kawamatsu has been imprisoned in Rabbit Well and eaten poisonous fish for ten years.

It wasn't until today, when Yunan arrived and Rabbit Well was liberated, that he was able to regain his freedom.

After learning the news that Princess Rihe was still alive, Kawamatsu rushed back to the flower capital as soon as possible.

"Kawamatsu and Boss Hyogoro!"

"Hahaha, great, Kawamatsu, you're still alive, I thought you kid was already finished!".

The Mad Death Man recognized the two of them and couldn't help but laugh.

"Denjiro, you've really changed a lot, even I almost can't recognize you, wow. Kawamatsu laughed.

"It's a great feeling to meet an old friend, and we must take back the country of Wano!" the

thin Hyogoro was also so excited that he burst into tears.

"Boss Hyogoro, since you are here, does it mean that Rabbit Well has been liberated by Lord Yunan?"

asked Mad Death.

"Is that the name of that mysterious powerhouse?"

"That's right, now the thousands of compatriots in Tujing have been liberated and ready to join the battle at any time.

Hyogoro nodded heavily.

"It's worthy of Lord Hanan, it's really terrifyingly strong!"

"Denjiro, the Lord Yuenan you just mentioned should be that terrifying man, where did you find such a powerful helper?"

Kawamatsu and the others asked in shock.

The cell he was in happened to be able to see the full scene of Yu Nan's shot.

After witnessing Yunan's monster-like strength, Kawamatsu was completely convinced.

Even he was wondering, compared to Kaido, will Yunan be stronger?"

"Kawamatsu, about Yunan-sama, let me introduce it to you." "

Light Moon Day and Laughter stepped forward.

However, at this moment, Hiyori was just about to speak, when a gust of wind suddenly sounded outside the door.

"Wait, I'd like to hear from the princess too.

Yu Nan, who was carrying a pair of tusks on his shoulder, slowly stepped in under the frightened gaze of the martial artists.

"Lord Hanan!" Seeing Hanan

come back, Hiyori's beautiful eyes flashed, and she hurriedly stepped forward with a smile.

At the same time, Kawamatsu, Hyogoro, the Frost Moon Yasuke family, and more warriors also stepped forward in unison and solemnly saluted Hanan.

Because they know that the country can get a chance to be reborn is all thanks to Yunan.

Who dares to disrespect this strength?

"You're welcome.

Yu Nan waved his hand calmly.

"Yunan-sama, is this tusk behind you!".

Mad Death's pupils shook, and he had a terrible conjecture in his heart.

"Aang, this is Jack's mammoth tusks.

"You put it away first, and then find a conspicuous place to hang it up, it's a great collection!

." Yu Nan said lightly, and then threw the ivory to the mad dead man.


I understand, Yunan-sama. A

simple sentence stunned everyone.

One of the three disasters, Jack's tooth was actually used as a collector's item by Hanan... Is this something that a man can do?

"It's not too early, everyone, I'll rest first. With

that, Yu Nan walked upstairs.

After running all day, even he was a little tired.

Watching Yu Nan leave.

Crazy Death Lang, Kawamatsu and the others retracted their awe-inspiring gaze, this man was too terrifying.

After the shock, everyone turned to a heated discussion about the next battle plan.

On the other side.

Hiyori looked in the direction of the upstairs, and his eyes never left for a long time.

Immediately, as if a decision had been made, Hiyori's beautiful face suddenly appeared with a touch of determination.

She walked lightly and slowly upstairs.

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