This is also the reason why Yunan now chooses to go through the East China Sea, the reason why it is the East China Sea, and not the other four seas, is because the East China Sea is the most special ocean in the original anime.

The East China Sea is the place where Luffy went to sea, and it is also the place where One Piece Roger, the execution, represents the beginning of the dream and the end of the dream.

The group of people did not stay long in the East China Sea, but entered the Great Voyage directly from the East China Sea. After all, a few of them were really moved to tears by those weak and unusually confident pirates in the East China Sea.

These people are not very strong, but they are all very confident.

Limited by their vision, in their opinion, the pirates with tens of millions of bounties were already sea pirates, so they saw that there were many pirates in Yunan, so they rushed over directly. Because Yu Nan had not done anything in the name of this pirate group before, these pirates also felt that Yu Nan was a very easy person to bully, so they never stopped attacking Yu Nan.

At first, I didn't think it was anything, after all, sailing on the sea was too boring, and I could change my taste when I met some people, so that I could avoid complete rust in this boring life.

But if these people come occasionally, it's fine, but if there are several waves a day, and they keep rushing forward without their strength, then this thing is particularly disgusting, it's the behavior of flies, I can't kill you, you can't kill me, but I can kill you.

This is also the reason why Yunan decided not to stay in the East China Sea for long, but to leave directly.

There is one thing that is particularly strange, even if Yu Nan has entered the great voyage with his own pirate group, but Yu Nan's pirate group still has not received a reward, and the reward mentioned here is not Yu Nan's own, but his pirate group. Because their bounties haven't gone up since they formed the Pirates, and that's because they haven't done anything to threaten the Navy or the World Government.

Back then, as the captain of the Chef Pirates, the Red-Footed Jep naturally offered a very high reward, but after all, the Red-Footed Jep had been in the sea restaurant for so many years and had never shown up. And all the crew members of the Chef Pirates had to die in that disaster, so the Navy also thought that the Chef Pirates had been wiped out, so the current Red-Footed Jep actually has no bounty.

That is to say, the current Hokage Pirates can basically be defined as a pirate group, they are still a nameless situation, after all, what Yu Nan did before was done in his personal name, and after the Hokage Pirates in his city, few people knew that this Hokage Pirates were sailing in the East China Sea, and they didn't go to other places, so now everyone doesn't know the existence of the Hokage Pirates. In their impression, Yu Nan is still a lone ranger, so there are really few people who know about the situation here.

After all, the sea is also a very realistic place, just those who are strong or those other people on the sea, they will not pay attention to those who are weak at all, if they want to pay attention, they will also pay attention to those who are strong sea thieves, for those who are weak, no one will care about them at all, just like leeks on the sea, they will grow again after cutting a stubble, there is no meaning at all.

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