In the blink of an eye, a year has passed.

In the year 1516 of the Haiyuan calendar, Hanan was eighteen years old.

In the past year, nothing major has happened in this world, but the elf island is very lively.

Garrod was elected as the first elven king of the elves after they moved to the elven island in the East China Sea.

The Elven Island was also officially established and recognized by the world, and Garrod, as the Elven king, will be invited to participate in the quadrennial World Government Conference to be held two years later (1518 in the Haiyuan calendar).

And the two parts of the Japanese and dark elves, with the joint efforts of Garrod and Linna, have broken the ice a lot.

Although the two have not yet returned to the intimacy they once had, the suspicions have been eliminated a lot, and the contacts between each other have not only increased, but also clearly stipulated that the sun and darkness are a family, and in the future, every year of the elf island competition, the dark elves can also participate.

In addition, several decrees were issued, one of which was that the two elves could be free to fall in love, and no elf should interfere or obstruct them at will for any reason.

After Yu Nan found out, he understood very well, thinking that it was Garrod and them, and they didn't want to let the old things happen again, so they could be regarded as having the intention of making up for their regrets.

However, the Elf Island also has troubles, since the news of the founding of the country, spread all over the world, the location of the Elf Island has also been announced.

As a result, this sea area, which was once unattended, suddenly became lively.

At the request of the world government, Elf Island has chosen a lot of new coastal ports, and there is an endless stream of ships coming and going, many of which are commercial fleets of some countries and some large chaebols, mainly to establish trade routes.

In addition, the slave trade, which was hated by the elves, was unstoppably born.

There was once a great man in the world of pirates who said that the source of all evil is capital, and the source of greed is profit. In the face of capital, once there is a proper profit, those who have bad intentions will be very bold.

What are elves? This is a legendary race, and there is no record of it in the history books that have survived to this day.

Moreover, as long as you have seen the elves, you know that all of them are handsome and beautiful, some of them are outstanding, and their beauty is even a hundred times beyond people's imagination.

Especially once, a certain Tianlong master of the world's aristocracy, at the grand banquet he held, several beautiful elf slaves appeared. The people who participated in the meeting, after going back, immediately had a show off to talk about, and did not hesitate to add oil and vinegar, and said that the elves were heaven and earth, unique.

This news immediately spread all over the world like a prairie fire, and now, anyone who has a little wealth does not regard owning elf slaves as a symbol of identity and status.

When there is demand, there are people who want to seek supply.

Soon after the Elven Island was launched, the Elven Kingdom was recognized by the World Government, and the slave trade was prohibited and illegal.

But as the saying goes, scarcity is expensive, elf slaves are very few, and thousands of dollars are hard to find, and at present, on the black market, the price of an elf slave is not only ridiculously high, but also has a large number of competitors, which makes the relationship between supply and demand seriously tilted.

As a result, there are various pirate groups, hunter teams, and other shady forces, which operate in the sea off Elf Island all day long, attacking and robbing elven villages, which occur from time to time.

For this reason, Garrod lodged a strong protest, and the world government only issued an official statement to criticize and condemn this kind of behavior, but the effect, not to mention, who let the biggest demanders be the Tianlong people?

In desperation, Garrod had no choice but to move the coastal villages as inward as possible, increase the number of coastal defense forces, and vigorously develop elven ships to strictly guard against the surrounding waters, but the number of elven disappearances is still increasing day by day.

These things, Yu Nan naturally can't control.

Yu Nan's original plan was to go to sea to find clues to his hometown after consulting various classics in the Elven Library, but since he fought against Lu Qi, he realized that his own strength was still far from the real powerhouse in this world.

Immediately calmed down, put all his thoughts and energy on cultivation, not only from old Sean, mastered the training method of spiritual power, but also learned many methods of extended application.

In addition, Garrod fulfilled his promise with Illidan in addition to his busy schedule, treating Yunan and the others equally, and teaching them martial arts, and Jessica also benefited a lot.

As for Joe, for most of the time, he practiced with the dark elves, learning from each other's strengths, and his strength also improved by leaps and bounds.

Several people spent the year in a busy and fulfilling way.

Time flies, and in the year 1517 of the Haiyuan calendar, Hanan was nineteen years old.

He continued to cultivate Elven Island, but his progress was relatively slow, so he used his night time to soak in the Elven Great Library and read a lot of literature.

During this period, Yu Nan was not worried about Harvey, and he and Ah Jin went to look for it once, and Jessica naturally accompanied him.

On this voyage, Yunan finally had an intuitive understanding of professional navigators.

During the journey, not only was it smooth and saved a lot of time, but it was also in the Upside Down Mountain that I really saw Jessica's super ability in navigation.

Afterwards, Yu Nan still had palpitations when he thought of the backward sea water and the towering red clay continent.

In front of nature, Yunan deeply felt the insignificance and helplessness of the individual.

If it weren't for Jessica's presence, it would be a miracle if Yu Nan and Ah Jin's half-hung boat management level could survive, let alone anything else.

At the cost of the "Hua Tuo Medical Book" given by Yu Nan, Harvey successfully worshiped under the sect of Kulokas and learned medical skills.

Moreover, the devil fruit has also been taken, and the ability that Harvey has obtained, which Hanan has never heard of, is called the 'Ma Ma' fruit, which belongs to the superhuman line, and the effect is unique.

As long as the living things that Harvey's hands touch, they will have a paralyzing effect, but they complement the medical skills he loves.

Yu Nan was very lucky, fortunately he didn't eat it, Harvey was very grateful to Yu Nan, Jessica saw Harvey, naturally she didn't have a good face, and she didn't even give him a chance to explain, it was a violent beating.

On this trip to the lighthouse, Kulokas happened to go to the surrounding villages for medical treatment, but he didn't meet him.

On the contrary, there was a huge whale, which evoked a little memory of Yunan, but I can't remember clearly, what specific scenes it has.

According to Harvey, this whale is a rare species, an island whale named Rab, which is extremely human, and has been here for almost 50 years.

However, this Rab is very strange, and he does not hesitate to self-harm every day, hitting the Red Earth Continent, so his forehead is covered with scars, and according to Harvey, he is waiting for his companion.

When Yu Nan heard the reason for the incident, he was immediately in awe, but he didn't expect the whale to be so affectionate and righteous.

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