Charlie also turned his head to look at it, and couldn't help scolding: "These people are really unreliable, the time set by Yu Nan has not yet arrived, show up so early, don't scare the enemy away."

Harvey frowned and said, "It doesn't seem right, the distance is too far, and their acting skills can't be so good!" Yu

Nan has outstanding eyesight, and vaguely sees that the black line is a strict cavalry array, it seems that there are many knights, and it is not something that can be impersonated by two people at all.

Ah Jin said in a muffled voice: "Reinforcements are really coming!"

As if to confirm Ah Jin's words, the Farafula array erupted in earth-shattering cheers, and soon a knight came over and told Yu Nan that it was indeed reinforcements arriving.

Yu Nan sent the knight away, shook his head helplessly at his companions, and said, "Okay, let's rest, don't be busy." "

Why?" asked Jessica.

Yu Nan pointed to the bottom of the mountain, and everyone turned their heads to see that the front of the king's army was in chaos, countless figures were scurrying around, several flags had also fallen, and some officers were wielding knives to slash and kill deserters, but they couldn't stop the sloppy military spirit at all.

Jessica's eyes lit up, and she said happily to Yu Nan: "Isn't now a good opportunity to raid? Just take advantage

of the chaos to kill in!" Yu Nan crossed the line of the king's army and sighed: "It's too late, they ran away as soon as possible!"

Jessica squinted her eyes and took a closer look, and sure enough, she saw a large area of sand rising high in the distance to the north, and about a few hundred knights rode away.

As night fell, outside the city of Dia, inside the rebel camp, the lights were bright.

In the makeshift tent of the Chinese army, a dozen or so people sat around a long table, the leader of the rebels - Kosha in the main seat, on the left was Farafola and a woman, and on the right was a young man wearing windbreakers.

On the other side of Kosha, the right-hand brother looked tired and was reporting the situation, and Yunan and several people were also invited to participate in this temporary military meeting and sat next to the right-hand man.

When the rebel reinforcements appeared, Palu withdrew with the 'secret troops' as soon as possible, and did not greet the defense forces.

The defense army belonged to the third-rate troops of the Kingdom of Alabastan, and its combat effectiveness was not strong, and when it suddenly encountered a large number of enemies, it immediately became chaotic and fled in chaos.

The rebel army is an elite old battalion led by Kosha himself, and he will not miss a good opportunity, and he will not take a break, so he will immediately launch an attack, and return with a big victory and a lot of losses.

The right-hand man was saved because of this, and he was overjoyed to see Yu Nan and the others who had not been seen for a long time, but after all, he was serving in the rebel army, and there were many aftermath matters that needed to be dealt with.

Before he had time to catch up with Yu Nan and the others, he had just finished his busy work and came to participate in the temporary meeting.

"Kosha, our brother has failed to trust you, there are only more than 300 people left in our department, please punish him!" the left

arm bowed his head sadly, and first admitted his mistake to Kosha.

Kosha already knew that the losses were heavy, but he was still shocked to hear that there were only 5,000 men left.

But his city is not bad, and the look of pain on his face flashed, and then he said: "Brother Zuo, don't be like this, although the battle damage is heavy, it is not a war crime."

You are facing the god of war Maha, who can save the lives of hundreds of brothers under the siege of the royal army several times your size, which is already a great achievement.

Farafola, who was beside him, also said to his left arm: "Kosha is right, if you are still guilty in this way, then I should not be shown to the public, we brought the most elite brothers of the rebel army, and we were almost made dumplings." A

few people comforted the left arm and the right arm for a few words, and the left arm no longer blamed himself, and the right arm didn't seem to be interested in the meeting, and kept squeezing his eyebrows at Yu Nan and a few people, and the left arm glared at him, and the right arm turned back stupidly.

Kosha didn't see the small movement of his right arm, and said to Yu Nan gratefully: "Brother Yu Nan, Farafula has already told me what happened.

Thanks to you this time, otherwise, the rebel army will lose two generals, and the consequences will be unimaginable, please accept my worship. With that

, Kosha got up and bowed deeply to Yu Nan, who couldn't help it, and then returned the salute.

After Kosha sat down, he said to his right-hand man: "As long as you are safe, it is a great blessing, and the rebels will have to rely on two more in the future."

After a few polite words, Kosha got back to business and asked what had happened to his right-hand man during this time.

The left arm's face sank, and he explained the matter in detail.

On Kosha's orders, they led an army of 5,000 men to the outskirts of Dia.

The siege began almost without rest, with their unparalleled artillery skills, coupled with the small number of defenders and the lack of will to resist, they quickly broke through the city gates, and the army immediately entered the city.

The street fighting in the city also ended quickly, only sporadic enemies were left to hide, and the left arm ordered to strictly guard the warehouses everywhere, sent people to count food and other materials, and strictly ordered not to harass the people, who knew that there was an accident that night, the largest warehouses were inexplicably on fire, and a large number of materials were burned.

Suspecting that the king's army was attacking the enemy, he sent people to search the whole city, and sure enough, he found clues in several houses, but the civilians in the houses were brutally killed, and the enemy fled in chaos.

In desperation, the two brothers sent their sentry horses back to Catlea to report the military situation.

The army rested in the city for two days, gathered the surplus food, and then returned to the division, and they had no intention of occupying the city, which was not far from the capital Albar.

If the king's army gets the news, it is easy to mobilize a large army to besiege it.

Early in the morning of the third day, which was supposed to be the day of the withdrawal, there was a sudden large-scale riot in the city, and dozens of rebel soldiers were killing civilians.

The right-hand man sent the military law team to strictly investigate, but who knew that the backyard caught fire at the same time, and there was a camp roar in broad daylight.

Before the disaster could be dealt with, the king's army appeared outside the city.

The chaos in the city continued, and the people in many places spontaneously gathered to resist, and there were strong enemies outside the city, and the left and right arms were anxious, so they had to choose to break through.

The king's army surrounded Sanque and let go of the west gate, and soon after leaving the city, they were ambushed again, so they had to retreat to the mountains and wait for reinforcements.

After hearing this, Kosha frowned and said, "In this case, the king's army deliberately forced you to go up the mountain, and what is the purpose of doing this?"

Zuo Jian replied: "I can't guess, in the chaos at that time, there were less than 2,000 people in our army who went up the mountain, but I suspect that Ying Xiao was a spy who did it.

Kou Sha did not move and said quietly: "Well, this matter still needs to be strictly investigated, and the people who went out with you have been strictly examined, but I didn't expect it to be mixed into the sand!" The

right arm suddenly interjected: "On the day we were besieged on the mountain, there were screams in Dia City, and fires broke out everywhere in the city, it seems that someone was slaughtering the city!"

Zuo Zuo shook his head and said: "It shouldn't be, the royal army arrived after two days, but there are some soldiers of the king's army who keep coming in and out, I wanted to send someone to break through the siege and report the news, but there are too many king's troops under the mountain." "

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