Log Horizon
◆ Chapter5.01
"Wow old man!!
"Like, like! Don, you bet double!
"You're in good shape, sister. Hey! Chun Cui (Chun Lu)"
"But my arm was certain."
Of course, even though Fairy Ye Lotus disappeared from the battlefield, it didn't make the fight any easier. The opponent is a warcraft of the 12-man scale combat (half-raid) class, | (colored). There are only two Kanami and Coppelia who lacked Krusty, who dated Fairy Ye Lotus, and Leonardo, who challenged him to a showdown with Elias. We don't even have enemies.
But the fierce battle magic light and the collapse of terrain called reinforcements into the land.
"" Heavenly Sword Horse Daughter Out of Head "(Facefull Blade)!!"
"Fine, it's getting closer and closer, fill it!
A warrior-inspired man with the appearance of Chun Cui (Chun Lu) and the atmosphere of war made an unintended blow to the flank of , who was on the offensive.
Kanami is in the warrior position and Coppelia is in the recovery position. Even if these two were able to buy time, they are not offensive enough and cannot crusade . But Chun Cui (Chun Lu) and his companions joined him there with a level of 90. I'd say the loss is gone.
"Who is this guy, by the way?
"This is Wan Cavalry (Gilmouth) and Zhu Huan (Juhowan) of" Raku Wolf Cavalry "(of which). That's where we met."
"The Red-King Valve guys got hit by a massive battle (Reid) monster. After that, a monster appeared who was unfamiliar and made a fuss. I thought it was the Alliance War."
"No picking, no eating."
I guess Kanami, who made a heavy noise and put in a spin and kick, didn't think of anything, but Coppelia tried to supplement it with reasoning. It seems that , who is currently engaged, is also fighting externally, and that crusade troops have arrived following its trail. The leader of the crusade unit looks like Zhu Huan (Juhowan), who hits the boss of Chun Cui (Chun Lu).
That is convenient luck.
Coppelia and the others, led by Master Kanami, have extremely few connections in this Eured continent to obtain information. He was reminded that in order to continue his journey in a social situation that shifted from moment to moment, simple combat capabilities were naturally essential, as was the reinforcement of information and the forces to which he belonged.
Although there is no guarantee that their interests will always coincide, a certain level of cooperation would nevertheless be possible, as the guilds of the Kanami and the Chun Cui (Chunlu) (i.e., including Coppelia) are in a mutually independent relationship.
However, it should be noted that the word "Red King Valve" appeared in the words of the man known as Zhu Huan (Juhowan). If Coppelia's memory is certain (it's a human idiom expression. There is no such thing as Coppelia's memory is uncertain because of its lack of continuity), and the word "valves" indicates a political community. According to Zhu Huan's tone, it is likely that he was hostile or in conflict with the "Raku Wolf Cavalry" (Laku Broomstick) to which Chun Cui (Chunlu) belongs.
According to Coppelia's expectations (simulation) in such cases, Kanami (master) could also be involved in the conflict.
But there will be no problem with the suspension for the moment.
Although there is no denying the possibility of suffering some disadvantage in the future by affixing a joint front with the "Raku Wolf Cavalry" here, it is also certain that there is currently a shortage of more than eighty percent frontal power, and I believe that Coppelia's calculated high part should receive assistance for this fight alone.
On the other hand, in the part that has sprung up during the journey, the master Kanami ends up in some kind of trouble because he doesn't want to stick a joint front with [Raku Wolf Cavalry], so he felt both a giving up and a determination to just support it.
Although the number of samples is by no means high, according to the story in the first place, and the examples collected on the journey so far, the likelihood of Kanami coming into contact with trouble seems more proportionate to time than any other element (parameter). This means that a certain number of troubles per unit of time are derived, and there are no instances where efforts have allowed trouble to be avoided.
Fighting increases in intensity.
In the case of large-scale combat (Reid), where there is insufficient cooperation among the members, the first priority is the first shield position (main tank), which stops the enemy attack with one hand, and the second most important is the restoration position that supports it. There will be no sudden devastation if the target is attacked, so in the meantime, there will be room to think about the next stage of the battle: how damaging an attacking position can be.
In that sense, the battle against was once equilibrium, thanks to the participation of members of the "Raku Wolf Cavalry" called in by Chun Cui (Chunlu).
Spring Cucumber (Chunlu) and Coppelia in particular are at a high level of professional recovery, and their front-line support capabilities are at a stage where they are also sufficiently common in large-scale combat (Reid).
's sneaky thunderbolt attack was also now on the verge of building an organized defense system based on professional attribute defense spells, rather than an evasive strategy with some or eight resources.
"Master. Enemy reinforcements. Sixteen monsters are approaching. Twenty-four seconds to encounter."
"Not close."
"Reinforcements are coming, don't get distracted!
"He came all the way in here...!
But at a time that didn't take a breath, the hall began to show new monsters. It is an avant-garde physically attack-type "Lunar Rabbit" (Slow) and a flying "Evergrande Moth" (Ginger) with an abnormal state attack.
They say these monsters are so powerful that they suddenly flood out of the foothills to fill the earth.
"The terrain is complicated and no enemy range can be taken. Forgive me, Sa."
"You're better than our Gasatsu!
It's a complete riot.
The large cavity also has the effect of collapse, with several bell cavities opening their mouths.
Maybe it is this underground cavity where several underground passages intersected and the intensely melted zone collapsed at once, connecting the nearby underground cavities.
The bell cavity varies in angle and size, not very much but impossible to be alert to everything.
"Second wave, enemies. ADD (additional) IX"
Now from one passage, a herd of "evergrown moths" is thrown out so that a hedron is thrown out at once from a sewage pipe clogged with sewage.
As the master put it, that was a troublesome opponent.
If you approach and inhale that scaly powder, you lose MP. Whether you're referring to some sort of combat number (parameter), the MPs you lose are varied and not fatal so far, but cumulatively, you'll be running out of resources that you can't ignore.
At the moment, the most efficient countermeasure is for some reason the "militant" (Kanami), who has strong resistance, to advance and carry out interceptions.
But it is, in a sense, to eat a stall in this hall, and given its master's HP management and versus (COLD) large-scale combat (Reid), Coppelia could not leave the scene again.
Unlike common examples, physical/magical attacking positions are important in large-scale combat (Reid) where enemies repeat wave attacks in this way. Because if you don't do damage and reduce the number of enemies anyway, you won't be able to hold up your shield position somewhere.
The battle grew more complex and more fierce.
In addition to that, heavy bass sounds like huge masses clash from afar. There are two other showdowns at the foot of this mountain, to the best of Coppelia's knowledge.
Admittedly, those battles are far from echoing speed and decay so far away that this one has no effect, but Coppelia's mind had a sense of impatience (cluster error).
The enemy appears one after the other.
It was as if this "Wolf Mountain" had been eroded by demons and conceived a herd of demons.
Although there is no knowledge of the young man called Krakun by the master, the female monster that the young man undertook (kited) is the "Typical Disaster/Papus of Treatment". It was the appearance that changed, but the likelihood is high enough to be almost certain from the tag stream. The output seems to be up, but even if that remains old fashioned, its combat capability should be roughly equal to the sum of Coppelia and Master, and Elias. One "adventurer" would be impossible to deal with.
Elias, who refused to heal Coppelia, is also worried. No reduction in combat capability was observed, but that condition seems to be under the influence of obvious Bad stats. I don't know if it will be restored by Coppelia's "Cure", but there is no way I can leave it alone.
Coppelia is a Therapeutic Cleric. As a healing expert, you are responsible for managing your fellow health and condition, and it may be said that it is more existential than that.
"Master. Sir Elias's condition was unusual, Ta."
"We have to go cover."
"Yes, I do. Eh."
Coppelia also strikes from the Holy Shield with a two-handed shield in front of him in the "Punisher". This stunt, which projects the magic of light attributes from a shield that dwells on the brilliance of the sun, has the greatest power in Coppelia's possession, but only the saddest (healer). Seems to have blinded the eyes of some "moon ravens", but it was far from opening a breakthrough.
In this way, the gap between the enemies who threw down valuable MPs will also be filled back in the sixth wave of landscaping. Coppelia only loosened her calmly strangled back teeth and struck a giant steel shield.
The prediction function warns that Leonardo is in crisis.
Coppelia's estimate, but Elias' overall combat capabilities such as offense, endurance, and defense reach 140 percent of Leonardo's. Even if you quote less, yes. If you fight an area in a runaway state that has lost control of your body, Leonardo will lose that life in no time.
Elias is somewhat special, but even with that in mind, they both have the ability to be classified (categorized) as Physical Attack Positions (Merley Attackers). The battle between the Physical Attack Positions is characterized by being pressed while in a state of antagonism, but when it collapses, or when it reaches the critical point, both HPs drain at once and reach a settlement.
The flaps and pebbles fell from the ceiling.
Fighting between Elias and Leonardo is ongoing, close to the surface about 600 meters north. Although I know that, I can't check the status or HP of both at this distance.
Counting backwards from battle time, Leonardo's life is no stranger to being lost at this moment.
"It's okay."
Kanami told him without looking back.
"Kellogg said, 'Stay back, this is my prey!' Cause he said so."
Coppelia wanted to point out that there were no such facts, but it seemed that the reduction in arithmetic ability due to wonder and thought emptying (loops) had been reduced.
"I can almost push this one out. Defeat first. - And with Kellogg and Elieli. Then I'll pick you up, Klu."
"Yes. Master"
But the moment came as fast as I could think.
The hustle and bustle of battle all at once, as if they had been cut off, interrupted the reinforcements of the enemies that had been pushing us as far as Yunxia.
The silence visited had informed the end of the battle that had been taking place in the distance.
Coppelia and Kanami, facing each other, took a stance of assault to defeat at once.
◆ Chapter5.02
Crusty and Fairy Ye Lotus (on the spiral) continue their battle as they move through the underground cavity, where signs of death can profoundly enter. Near (colored), the fairy, who would use the giant as an obstacle, sought to move the battlefield to secure a ray to Krusty, who also responded to it because he could create a one-on-one situation.
"A cursed people - well groveled"
"As far as immorality is concerned, you can't do everything you can."
Crusty laughs thinly.
Of course I don't feel that way.
Even now, at this moment, Krusty is momentarily approaching the abyss of death.
Originally, the Guardian was an excellent defensive class, but does not have HP resilience like the Healer.
But Krusty's choice of growth policy (build) Scarlet Knight was the exception. Without a shield, instead, a two-handed weapon with an HP absorption effect - the Blood Demon Axe (Demon Axe) - is placed on the main Weapon and fought around stunts with an HP absorption effect to achieve an inherently impossible HP recovery in the Warrior Position.
In order to gain greater HP resilience, you have to increase the damage that comes from a proportional source, and for that reason this build, which often selects a two-handed weapon, inevitably loses its defensive gear called Shield. In other words, the requirement for this build to be established is that the simulated increase in endurance due to the HP recovery effect exceeds the defense drop due to the loss of the shield.
In contrast, the current Krusty curse effect "makes it impossible to recover HP by means of healing spells and facilities, articles, etc." thus prohibiting HP recovery. In other words, Krusty's Scarlet Night Build today can't use his shield's defenses while his HP can't recover, he's just a jerk with no merit whatsoever.
Of course, the high attack power of a two-handed weapon is available, but that's all. Even if it increases its attack power, it does not extend far enough to specialize in Assassins, for example.
"Scarlet Thrust!
With a deep red glow, Krusty's rolling attack knocks off the tentacles like a three-striped snake rolled out by Fairy Ye Lotus. Originally, that red aura should take the enemy's HP and restore it to Crusty. However, there has been no activation of that effect since earlier.
"One more thing."
A missed tentacle stretched from his feet and began to wear Crusty's lumbar armor. Not enough to penetrate but the impact remains and the HP is also slightly shredded. seventeen percent left.
That's a repetition from earlier.
Worse, it seems that the attack of Fairy Ye Lotus has the same HP absorption capability as Scarlett Build, which can also be synonymous with Krusty. As well as adding Attack to Crusty, he will twitch and heal the damage he inflicted. It seems possible to mitigate the damage she has suffered, although not so much so that it will be immediately intact. That also means that Fairy Ye Lotus's HP is more voluminous than it looks.
But Krusty sifted the axe with a grin like a hungry wolf.
I don't even think about winning or losing. I don't need to think about it.
Need accessible resources.
Commands the gate present (image) in the center of the chest to activate.
Crusty's impression is that it is a magnificent temple gate with Dorian cylinders. Behind the marble doors filled with sculpture, there is a fountain with liquid light swirling around. If Krusty remembers it, it will create a rainbow glow.
The unique name "Arbitration of Memories" (Munemoshne Taboo) comes to mind. This technology seems to convert memory into energy.
The conversion efficiency cannot be expressed because it is energy that does not have the units to be written down, but it can be held in the subjectivity of Krusty. Just a teaspoon or so - for example, the taste of a boring party martini, the touch of a muffler accidentally wrapped around a walkway along a canal (Amsterdam), and the gaze of a relative caught in abomination - just bring them in and you'll get tens of thousands or tens of thousands of MPs.
Crusty immediately launched a large-scale attack in Onthroat from Townting Shuut.
MP is a rare resource in Elder Tail. The more non-combat you are, the faster you recover without the harder it takes, but under combat you only recover with dozens of orders per minute. Be as good and equipped as Crusty is. In battles without the support of the Granting Artist (Enchanter) or the Bard (Bird), you can be sure that you consider it a resource that will hardly recover.
Its precious resources flood the body from the microgate at the center of the chest. Its speed is tens of thousands of orders per second. MP does not fluctuate from maximum. The excess recovery alone overtakes consumption, so it doesn't seem to decrease from the maximum. On the contrary, rainbow swings appear to have risen from all parts of the body, reinforcing attacks, defenses, and even important elements in battle such as Stunt "Reuse Regulation Time" (recast time).
A sharp blade wielded with the momentum to burn the air deals steady damage to Leaf Lotus Fairy.
Hardened tentacles and Krusty's wielding weapon to be met with a two-in-one, three-in-one.
The fairy's beautiful face was stunned by the DPS (damage per second) output that was unlikely in the Guardian days of Elder Tail.
"What's this slaughter!?
"It's an entertainment art."
Answering with a sober voice, Crusty advances without concealing his miserable grin. It sealed the opponent's rebellion with a melee like a body hit, leading to a rush that makes the attack itself a defense. You don't have to worry about MP depletion in this situation. | There is as much fuel as there is.
It was also stiff to surprise that, in the meantime, the fairy began a desperate battle prevention.
An attack in this phase was more of an attack and a defense. Techniques such as recirculation and avoidance cannot be used. With one giant axe, the countless tentacles that come from one cuff or the other, it only strikes an attack with an even emphasis on maneuvers. The only thing that can be called defense is an attack on each other's attacks. A missed attack reaches the target.
In such a fierce storm, Krusty, bleeding from her cheeks, threw herself with joy.
Ye Lian Fairy (assignment) dies in his hand (Rubi solving:). Possibilities come to pass in the result of victory, or defeat. Every step of the journey was pleasant. Crusty is now trying to get new results.
"Why, why!?
But some did not make it good.
It is the fairy Ip Lotus who exchanges attacks with each other.
As she gritted her teeth with remorse, she turned her backs as if defenseless. Not that I ever hesitated for the soft curve of a woman, but a flash of clearance is created in Krusty's onslaught. It is the result of alerting the unknown counter-attack.
There was a fairy counterattack after all.
A gray tentacle that makes a sticky sound emerges like a tsunami from the feet of the Leaf Lotus Fairy, at once making a groan.
But that direction is not Krusty.
The angle shifts and kills into the shadows of the rocks, thrusting towards a flower mink (Fardeaux) that stands like a statue with a pompous look. In a time like it was postponed, the mink (Fardeaux) apparently tried to scream something.
Interfering with attacks.
I can't.
Replace damage with "Covering".
Range exceeded.
I tried to cover it up, but it was impossible for Crusty.
The strategy to protect the Guardian's allies is dominant in controlling the enemy (Hate), and the ability to directly cover the damage done to his allies is not far beyond the Combatant (Monk). If there was a "militant" (Kanami) on this occasion, the story might have changed, but she's not in sight. The battlefield is clear as we continue to move.
When she gazed at the mink (Fardeaux), she gave a troubled, apologetic look. At the next moment, it becomes invisible all over the gray waves that push it over like turbulence.
The damage is too great for the Mink (Epilepsy), who are just non-combatant subspirits. It must have been fatal.
But it didn't.
Dog Wolf's questioning was leaping in like a meteor.
I guess I squeezed all my abilities to rush. With that agility that was showing the protection of the iron wall, it must have been easy to avoid the attack of Fairy Ye Lotus. But Gumon, who exposed his defenseless stomach to save the mink, received countless sharp blades there. The smart wolf who made the smart decision chose speed over safekeeping.
Instead, it was a questioning.
A wolf with a deep color of understanding in his eyes bled amazingly, and when he clawed the neck of the mink (Phardeau), he ran back to Krusty's feet under one flight, unloading her and becoming a rainbow foam of light.
The difficult questions you seek abound in the world.
Your world is easy because you don't want the world (treasure).
I think it would be better to be a little greedy around you.
People with abilities should be greedy for that, right? Hey, my Lord (Milord).
- I thought I heard a calm voice.
The bubble went to heaven, and what was left was the arm of a severed woman with a slender fingertip. It was an arm that was cut off from close to the shoulder tip, wrapped in part of the uniform of "D. D."
◆ Chapter5.03
Immortal Ye Lotus laughed flashly after sucking up the life of her questioning (Gumon) and greatly recovering her strength.
Crusty's remaining HP is only eight percent.
In comparison, Ye Lian Fairy's HP continues to recover even more than sixty percent.
That was unequal enough to be sure of the victory. Even if you could have had an almost infinite MP in the Arbitration of Memories (Munemoshne Taboo), there would have been no chance that Crusty, without HP's means of recovery, would have reversed it from here again.
"You won't remember, but that's the" Adventurer "that the Emperor, Mother Wang, asks of her nephew. - I ask you again, are you still not going to come down on us?
"You want me to imitate a shepherd dog?
"Guarantee a wealthy life in your dog."
Crusty left a cool look on the words, spilling a laugh.
She's a funny woman.
You're confessing you're talking to a dog, and you realize it?
Or maybe you want to believe the other person is a dog.
It was also troublesome to give a decent response.
Bukafi with the tiger's fangs.
"Huh!? - No way."
Katiri, and some pieces fit in, and the blood flow accelerated into torrents at the same time. Crusty plunged his thoughtful arm into the gate to his shoulders and wandered through a sea of rainbows as warm as his gut. The identity of a fever that makes your breath tremble is a complex emotion. It's both delightful and frustrating. Joy and anger live together.
It's hard to name, but there's only heat. I take it away so that I can pull it off.
"Curse - what happened to your curse!?
"I didn't curse you."
As Krusty floated, there is a curse (Bad Status) in that translucent window.
- The Soul Curse.
- Natural recovery of HP is stopped.
- It will not be possible to recover HP by means of recovery spells and facilities, goods, etc.
- The chanting function stops.
- It becomes impossible to move across the server.
- Memories are lost.
"Don't bring back lost memories, there's no such statement"
Crusty returned a fierce grin at the lost and wolfed fairy.
Memories that were dissolved in rainbow color were recovered over the gate. Retrieving it would also make it clear why I had chosen and let go of that memory. Crusty foresaw that he would get it back.
I gave it to the loan collateral because I was certain it would be taken back.
I knew I'd be back any minute, so I kept it temporarily with confidence.
Crusty, caught in the rampage of Calamity Hearts in the mountains near Seven Falls Castle Fortress (Seventh Fall), reached Konron, an isolated island in the sea of the rainbow. It was the alien witch Bukafi we met on that island. Krusty, who was asked to be a slave but turned it down, was banished to a wasteland in central Eured under a curse (Bad Status) that would deprive him of most of his combat abilities. They even took away the memory of meeting Bukafi.
That is the context in which Krusty came to the land.
But the memories are now back in Krusty's hands.
Along with the memories of the noisy guild's nominee, nasty sister, trusted deputy, and defenseless lazy princess. There was a small grin on those information flowing into the void that was different from the one against the fairy.
Because my romanticism filled me with thoughts close to laughing bitterly.
Even if there are memories and connections, the benefits are known, but even so, Krusty does not have the sexual habits to give away a part of herself (memory) and rejoice.
It also found the cause of burning enemies in his body.
I was already confronted by the leader of the enemy at the crossroads. I got my memories back. Now I know clearly. The witch who appeared in this matter of looking down on this one is already subject to annihilation in Krusty. I had no intention of forgiving you.
Both Ye Lian Fairy (Normal Disaster Papus) and West Royal Mother (Normal Disaster Bukafi) in front of her. Crusty and all those who bow in his memory are enemies. Now that the memory has been revealed, its true name is also displayed in the status window. I guess that's where the limits of her fiction lie.
Perhaps Fairy Ye Lian and one of his parties are even connected to the mystery of the Catastrophe.
I wonder if they have useful information about the world's present.
But it didn't even dust the reason to keep them alive.
"To the extent that my memories have returned - nothing has changed."
But what does that mean?
Crusty hasn't even put it on his teeth since the beginning.
The important thing is to come to a conclusion. And motivation to seek conclusions.
He compressed the ground with one drop of foot and slammed an axe that scattered rainbow colors instead of blood. Had Shinya Tai watched, he might have felt the same thing as Kazuhiko in that move, which even exceeded the limits of [Adventurer]. Now, however, Crusty trembles at the joy of his birth, waving his blade like a singing voice.
Crusty had an intuitive understanding of where he was.
It is on the other side of heaven. It's out of reach in Krusty right now.
But there was an enemy there, and he was determined to destroy it.
That's why they'll stick their fangs out there.
I was tired and pungent that I might not get it for the rest of my life, it was a challenge (enemy).
The people who whispered to give up may have always been kind enough to say to Hongchi Qingqiu, but they didn't admire Krusty.
But the people who admired Krusty told me they could. My sister, Alpine, Reese. Lonely monkeys and richo too. When I think of it, I used to have eight balls. Raynesia was prepared to throw herself into the flames and showed me that she wanted. Even if it was something I knew was hard to do with my own abilities, that mighty princess didn't give up what she wanted.
If you're going on an adventure, you've moved to an exotic country. Isn't this a situation you don't even wish for? Enemies, companions, difficulties, and treasures exist firmly in this white earth.
I wonder if Siloe and Isaac, and even William, were trying to engrave themselves on this earth.
Hongchi Qingqiu "Crusty" is just right and free right now.
That sense of realism breathed the kind of vitality that I wanted to rush right out into the joints of my arms and feet.
Of course, I have to go back to Yamato. "D.D.D." is a cozy place. That's Crusty's treasure, even if you never were aware of it. I'm not going to be taken away from you.
But it looks like we need to take down all our enemies to get there. Or maybe it's quicker to pick him up.
Were you distracted by the colorless vitality that quietly descended in Krusty, Fairy Ye Lotus gave the directive with a voice that often passes. A rainbow bubble gathers in the space where nothing was supposed to have happened, from which several giant moths appear and strike Krusty.
"To that extent -"
Crusty slashed.
No, the giant two-handed axe was as light as a paperworker. No, the limbs themselves were filled with inexhaustible vitality to slaughter enemies as Krusty willed. Even the air flow was fresh, as if it had been exfoliated, and the sharpened nerves could be regarded as easier for the enemy to move.
"Summoned and the army of the moon is infinite. No matter how out of common sense you are, how can you fight this number? Not to mention your life is no longer a windy light."
The hasty fairy orders an invasion early in the arrow.
Pulling together a couple of humorous Moon Rabbits that shake his fat belly, Krusty jumps the Rabbit Rabbit as it continues its momentum.
While manipulating the microgate, Crusty accidentally stuffed the time.
Half a step, and another half.
A heavy sounding three-moon axe finally deeply damaged the fairy's bound tentacles.
Its tentacles, cut off with rigidity, turn rainbow, sucked into an axe and turned into a red pulse. That is the HP absorption capacity that should have been lost.
"-!? Recovery in every way should have been sealed."
"It's full of holes. How dare you curse?"
A translucent window where Crusty runs his gaze. Red glowing characters are added to the display of the Soul Curse. "However, it is possible to reacquire memory" and "However, it is possible to take away the HP of the (Dictionary Disaster)".
An arithmetic device called life (a curriculum) is driven by life. The rainbow crystal bay using that principle is even an external arithmetic device that is easy to connect to for Krusty. We're reusing that energy to add to the curse.
Memories of Siloe explaining to me that she was pompous in the service tent are regenerated.
"Contract Ceremony" and the outline and possibilities of the technology he called.
The key is to match risk costs and rewards with the weight of the contractual act. The enormous cost of materials, including Fantasmal (Fantasmal) materials, is consumed to guarantee the effects obtained by the contract, and mutual agreement is the key to ignition.
"What are you talking about...?
"Maybe you don't get it. Simply put, I overdid it. Thy Lord is."
Yes, it is.
The enormous disadvantage that Soul Curse (Komenju) had on Krusty would certainly have been convenient for the attacker, but the effect was too great. It is too unfavourable to Krusty on the one hand, and that is the fragility of the contract. "There's room for Krusty to add favorable conditions."
Whatever Krusty agrees with, it's only a one-sided push, which so far has only been held in the bend because it was strictly burned in the MP of the distant superior (Witch's Dictionary Disaster) Bukafi, the one hundred and fifty levels. But now Krusty has just the means to counter it, even though it comes from a doubling level of superior.
If you have trust.
If it's reciprocal again.
If only we had an agreement.
The covenant, which would never have been broken, became just a curse by malice.
There is not as much cuteness in Krusty as shards to follow such irrational.
Half the panic stirs me up and sticks out my sharp hook nails. I squeeze the arm of the Ye Lotus Fairy with a caged hand like an iron mass, and if I wield it at my disposal, it will tear away and fly.
With no mercy whatsoever, Krusty immediately unleashed an "Armor Crash" that wiped out every substance that constituted the arm of the fairy. Now Fairy Ye Lian is as one-handed as Takayama. Now Crusty's attacks are all magically enhanced with overflowing MPs (Empathioms).
"Behold, such an unlawful attack..."
"I don't want you to take someone else's memory and denigrate it to a puppet."
Blocked with the harshness of the freezing wind, Crusty carves the wound into a fairy without loosening his hands. One, another.
Krusty and Fairy's HP approaches, antagonizes, and equals.
"I learned about the Adventurer and the Ancient Species. You should have corrupted Elias, entangled you, and had a definite victory in this hand... There was no alarm, you were well aware of your violent nature. Why, because..."
You'd be alarmed at that point, Crusty thinks.
How out of hand are you at a time when only the other person's violent nature is included in the assessment?
Were you even going to buy it on Manhattan Island with glass balls?
Krusty doesn't know that it was just a line of kanami that broke the Ye Lotus Fairy (Normal Disaster Papus) once. Nor does it mean that the response will change if I know. Even then, I didn't intend to explain the cause of Fairy Ye Lian's defeat.
While in battle, I just shrugged my shoulders.
At any given time, there are piles of corpses of "Lunar Rabbit" and "Chang Moth" dyeing rainbow colors around them. The aftermath of the battle between them left them dead without even paying off an arrow.
The army the fairy was expecting is also apparently out of seed.
"You must be mistaken."
When told in a sarcastic voice, Crusty wields the blow of suing and dying.
It's not worth postponing either.
Countless possibilities have just vanished into darkness.
The path of things converges and the results are integrated into one.
It's time for an answer.
"I wasn't tangled up, I was just taking a bone break, and he (Elias) would just have been lost."
"With lies -!"
"Woe to you."
The Bloody Demon Axe (Demon Axe), which made a heavy noise and swung down, cut straight from the top of the leaf lotus fairy to the groin and devoured deeper into the stone floor of the stiffer breast cave.
The area was surrounded by silence and the hustle and bustle of battle were as if they were illusions.
In that quiet darkness, Krusty, who sounded a heavy rubbing sound and pulled out the axe, saw what had been the Ye Lotus Fairy with her disinterested eyes.
A few moments later, it turns into a boiling rainbow bubble.
As with all the questions, it only made sense on the road to answering them, and when it was over, it was just a past that had already faded.
"Win or lose judgment (lizardt). - That's all."
Crusty started walking to turn back the bell cave where he regained his tranquility. There was no more mad enthusiasm for the look I walked back through a few steps, and I held up Fardeao, a flower mink that rushed over and cling to me.
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