Log Horizon
028 Game End (Bottom)
The news of the Goblin raid was that the Lords' Council was more ahead of the Shiloes, making its senses as soon as possible.
Just as the Adventurer has the ability to read, the Earthlings have magic that can only be used by the Earthlings. In the days when "Elder Tail" was a game, "The Landlord" was a non-player character. "Elder Tail" is an RPG, but it is also a story on the one hand, and in order to create that aspect, various sorceries also existed in the "Earthlings".
For example, it could be a magic item creation secret and a metamagic trick to escape the main players.
The vast majority of them were sorts of magic that did not help in battle, and although in many cases the gameplay effect was vague, in this other world they seemed to be used as a system of clean witchcraft.
Remote contact magic by crystal spheres exists in a form of such magic. Similar to the pronounced communication used by Adventurers, weaknesses exist, such as the need for crystal spheres, which are catalytic items, or the laborious effort involved in connecting them by ritual. However, on the other hand, it also has characteristics that are not present in the pronouncement communication, such as being able to send video.
In any case, such communication technology becomes a more effective weapon than time and, in some cases, the Knights, etc. The Lords of the Alliance of Free Cities understood it, and each territory often employed talent as a dedicated magician.
It was the local lords who noticed the presence of Goblin's looting army as soon as possible. From Mount Ou to the Zantreef region, the Goblin Marauding Tribes (Plunder Tribe) are moving around the mountains. It was only the really very small settlements in the mountains and the unlucky travellers who made the sacrifice because they did not carry out the kind of fortified cities the lords lived in.
The discovery was delayed because of it, but its marching distance is still not short. It was only natural, in a way, to notice earlier than the "adventurers" who stayed in the Zantreef region.
It was last night that this information was brought about.
The magician who remained in the city of Tsukuba immediately contacted Lord Kiliva Hou, judging it to be an emergency. After being lost for a moment, Marquis Kiliva examined the Duke of Sergiad for an extraordinary meeting of the Lords. He decided it was a small thing before this incident, such as the personal pride of the Kiliva Marquis, and asked for help.
The meeting thus initiated took place throughout the night as it was.
Why wasn't Krusty and the others called to this Lords' Meeting? - That depends on three reasons.
First, Krusty and the others are not yet officially members of the League of Free Lords Eastal Lords Conference.
Of course, the policy of acknowledging as a full member that there will be a medal ceremony somewhere during this period was consolidated, but the ceremonial awarding ceremony is scheduled later in the day due to the desire of each lord not to have plenty of pre-negotiations.
It is only right, by reason, not to be a regular member, beyond the fact that no award has been made.
A second point was the emotional theory that some Lords' Conferences were still unsettled about the Roundtable Conference. Some say, "Isn't the Goblin invasion itself, a plot by the Adventurers?" It is also true that there was an opinion that
Because the Goblins in Mount Ou have long been a headache species for nearby residents, but they have never invaded more outward than in the mountains in the last 80 years or so. As a dangerous forest zone, mountainous zone, the locals were not experiencing inconvenience or anxiety, but it was not a major problem for them to live at the foot.
The Goblins, so to speak, were sealed up in Mount Ou because the adventurers regularly raided them and shredded their power.
The Lords around the Ou Mountains had invested a small annual bounty in the Goblin Crusade because they understood the war stripping of the Goblins by the "Adventurers" and their need.
Quest requests have been made to adventurers in the form of "exorcising Goblins," "raiding Goblin settlements," "retrieving supplies from the Goblins," etc., and rewards for those requests have been used.
But that was different only this year. The Adventurers abandoned all the Goblins in Mount Ou. So the four Lords in the Lords' Alliance, especially those surrounding the Ou Mountains, uttered a conspiracy theory that the Goblin invasion itself was the work of the "Adventurers".
Of course, the world has undergone irresponsible changes since what the "earthlings" called the "May Revolution" and the adventurers called the "catastrophe". The perception was also on the part of the "earthlings". Rather, it is for the "earthlings" that it is good to say that the incident had a great impact.
In the past few months, the Adventurers would have been confused, but it didn't make any difference to say that they were confused because they were "earthlings".
The theory that the adventurers must have left the goblins unattended, not out of malice, but in terms of keeping themselves safe, is an advantage among the "earthlings". Normally, that's the conclusion. But emotionally, they also had the desire to resent someone by bringing up conspiracy theories.
And -.
"Okay, well, still serious"
"Well, the Knights of Izmo aren't here."
"Doesn't exist? By saying it's devastated!?
"We don't even know if it's devastated. No bodies, or any traces of combat, have been found. They just disappeared. If you call it hidden, you may be closest."
Facts they reaffirmed.
The information awaiting additional reports was about the Knights of Izmo.
The Knights of Izmo is one of the Thirteen Knights of All Worlds. He is the guardian of the world, making it the most powerful force created by the human-side race of good. A strange superhuman being, the Ancient Species, created today by lost and ancient magic and then still lurking in the blood of the "earthlings" and born like a miracle.
The Thirteen Knights of All Kingdoms is a group of heroes composed exclusively of their ancient species.
They do not therefore engage in a struggle between lords or [the earthlings] because they are the protectors of mankind. It also did not appear to the extent that the sub-humans attacked the settlements, but it should have been the brave men who, during large-scale disasters and the collective aggression of the sub-humans, had gone out and defended the human world so well that it was inevitable.
The Knights of Izmo disappeared.
This fact was discovered a month after the May Revolution, but the Free Cities Alliance Eastal has laid down information regulations because of the seriousness of the matter. The disappearance of the Knights was also initially suspected of a conspiracy by the (Ancient Dynasty Westlande), but it has been found in the meagre information conveyed by secret detectives that the (Ancient Dynasty Westlande) is also confused on this matter.
The only "All Thirteen Knights" that the Lords know specifically is the Knights of Izmo. The other twelve Knights should be on a World Guardian mission in exotic lands, but at least they never showed up in Yamato.
The Knights of Izmo have disappeared.
Some of the fortifications they used as their castles have all become stuffy shells. When I stopped by the scouts' report, they said there were no signs of combat or even signs of sudden preparations for the expedition.
I just went for a walk on a good, sunny day and didn't go back.
Apparently, the more such an impression I got, the more casual everyday signs left me frozen.
"But then..."
Several lords shake their heads.
Subhuman "Green Kid" (Goblin). Its large tribe, numbering about tens of thousands. This number, of course, is not one that cannot be repelled. If the opponent lays a formation on the plain and challenges the meeting with all the troops of the Free Cities Alliance.
But the Goblins are currently heading south through the mountain range, and they don't know where they're going to hit. It could strike the city of Hitachi, the city of Faubridge, or, in return, the castle city of Urmiya.
Like many of the cities in the Alliance of Free Cities Eastal, these cities are fortified cities with high walls that defend the Lords' Hall and all of downtown. Depending on the number of soldiers and citizens, a thorough defense would be able to protect itself from many enemies. But that's why if you're asked if you can protect the city alone from over 10,000 goblins, you're stuck with the answer. First, there's the problem of replenishment, and most importantly, it would break my heart.
The city of Tukba is currently the most in distress.
The witnessed Goblin looting tribe (Plunder Tribe) is believed to exist in the mountains just a few dozen kilometres from the city of Tukba at a straight distance.
Other cities that are likely to be the target point for goblins are the city of Hitachi, the city of Faubridge and the castle town of Urmia, which I mentioned earlier. The town of Choushi, which operates unarmed fishing without the presence of a lord.
"Or, myhama"
Lord Sergiad groans as he attaches his boned powerful hand to his jaw.
My Hama hits the other side of the abandoned capital, Eastal, from this "ancient court of Eternal Ice" towards Zantreef. From the spot of the witnessed goblin, the worst case scenario is that it can strike in two or three days.
In conclusion, the Goblins' army invaded the deep throats of the Alliance of Free Cities Eastal. No, speaking from the Alliance of Free Cities, you can also cloud that you have allowed that much invasion.
It is no longer possible to remove the thorns without bleeding. The poison is trying to rot near the Alliance's heart.
The meeting flows with silence like a push kill.
It was too bitter silence.
The meeting, which began in the middle of the night, continued even after midnight, exchanging heavy words. Rationally speaking, it's no longer like we're having a meeting. Enemies exist in many cities for days.
If this happens, all the Lords of the Alliance of Free Cities Eastal will have to work together unanimously to release their forces and destroy the Goblin army.
But to do so would require a terrible sacrifice. Riding troops are of little use in the less promising mountainous and forest areas. Heavy cavalry becomes powerless, using assault as the main method of combat.
It is also difficult to fight in large numbers. The allied forces of the Lords will be divided into different parts and many troops will be lost in the battle against the Goblins. There is no guarantee that the Goblins can be pardoned and exterminated in the mountainous areas suitable for hiding and hiding even after doing so.
Then if all lords should return to their respective territories and cage castles, that is no. Of course, many of the cities will be able to cage castles for months.
But the Goblins can raid nearby settlements and villages while continuing the siege that attacks the fortified city, burning down fields and hiding in the mountains before reinforcements arrive. Their purpose was food and property, and in that sense they could be likened to a group of armed refugees rather than to the military.
The weakness of the mountainous northeastern Yamato archipelago is its exposed form. Based on these terrain, it is extremely difficult for large groups, the military, to collaborate organically.
Sergiad circles his thoughts as he rubs his heavily stirred and painful temples.
(Will the conclusions at the Lords' Conference be a siege operation with the consent of all Lords…. We just have to adopt a stabbing strategy, ready to lose a lot of troops. … but in that case, the question is which lord will be the first arrow…)
The first arrow, if you say so, sounds good, but it is infinitely close to the throwing stone.
- First, some fortified city will be besieged. This fortified city strengthens its defenses and resists goblins. The Goblins will be exhausted to drop this fortress. Siege and destroy that Goblin army with the great army of the Lords' Union.
This strategy is correct in military terms.
It would almost be the only viable measure that could wipe out Goblin's army. But this operation needs a sacrificial fortified city.
Not to mention the city of Tukba, which is a candidate for this sacrifice. And the capital of My Hama, which Sergiad reigns over, will be called.
All the lords know that.
But putting it in your mouth is a long way off.
It's easy to say when you're besieged, but it's like saying to ashes all the neighboring villages and all the fields and orchards you've been desperately opening. It is also not unlikely that many of the lives of the inhabitants will be lost. Sacrifice it, it's not like it's cloudy.
"… we seek the help of the Lords' Council, in accordance with the Charter of the Alliance of Free Cities"
Tsukuba Marquis Kiliva shouts a screaming voice.
But even against that voice, many Lords only distracted their gaze in silence.
"Oh, yeah. It's Akiba! There would have been a city in Akiba. Ugh. Use their forces to destroy the Goblins. You should! They didn't cause it in the first place!
Marquis Kiliva screams as if she had abandoned herself halfway so that she would not be crushed by that silence. Several lords seemed interested in the next word.
Sergiad also remains a harsh expression, but meditates and thinks.
Previously, the idea was only one within the framework of being an existing Alliance of Free Cities. But now, as an unprecedented element, there is the city of Akiba - the adventurers. They might be able to take some effective measures.
(But, but-)
Their presence is a powerful weapon for the Alliance of Free Cities Eastal, as well as a sword of all blades. No one can guarantee that they are a controllable force.
Is it okay to ask for help with such an existence? If I were to ask for help, I would be dubious as a matter of course and would have to tell you everything. including the absence of the "Knights of Izmo", a deterrent, is.
As a Serbiad individual, I do not think it is a bad idea to believe the three young people I visited as representatives this time.
Michitaka is a man of great merchant style. I see him as someone who is prepared to suffer immediate losses for righteousness and his own way of doing business.
The young man named Siloe is a scholarly but well-trained sword-like man. Once unplugged, I feel the wisdom that I can't help but interrupt no matter what the difficulty.
And Krusty. That young man who sums up the Round Table Meeting is not a knight. To describe it by the word knight, etc., he is a young man who has bestowed too much talent over heaven. But on the other hand, the depth of light and darkness of a young man named Krusty feels an unforeseeable book, even if it is Sergiad over sixty years old.
However, such a personal preference of Serbiad and his judgment as the largest nobleman in the east, the lead lord of the Alliance of Free Cities Eastal and Serbiad-Cowen, who governs the capital of Mayhama must be strictly separated.
(Not to mention that this situation must also be monitored by the "Ancient Dynasty Westlande"...)
Several lords, starting with Marquis Kiliva, who speak out and claim the battlefield input theory of the [Adventurer]. A handful of lords who argue that's not a good idea because of confidentiality, drawing on the case of the "Knights of Izmo".
But most of all, as for the battlefield input of Adventurers, that would be appreciated, but then, in fact, how do we bring them to battlefield? They were lords who expressed suspicion from a real-world instrumental aspect that there was no such reward or coercion.
The meeting disputed as if it had a hive.
And it never quieted down until the day after Shiloe and the others received a report from Nyantai on their way to the summer lodging.
The morning after I saw it from the Lords' Council.
Thoughts from Zantreef alerted the Shiloes suddenly.
It is not clear whether the report from Nyantai was the first. Almost at the same time, Michitaka and Krusty were contacted by Alliance members traveling with them during the summer.
The Zantreef Peninsula is under massive sub-human raids.
To that information, Shiloe and the others are returning to their living rooms for an emergency response meeting. There are just a few other members in the room: Siloe, Michitaka, Crusty. Other accompanying personnel are providing security in the meeting rooms and gathering information from outside sources.
In addition, as time goes by, an urgent Round Table Meeting should be convened between the top floor of the Guild Hall and the Round Table in the city of Akiba. Although it is somewhat inconvenient, even in these remote situations, the Roundtable Conference was somehow able to be held through a relay by way of reading.
"First things first."
At the request of Michitaka, Shiloe reads out the currently known information summarised in a note.
"Starting this morning on the Zantreef Peninsula, raids by a wide variety of sub-humans have been confirmed. Sixty-seven people on the Zantreef Peninsula, including new players from the city of Akiba, are staying for summer training accommodation.
The invading force is "Aquatic Green Ghost" (Safagin) at sea. The total number is unknown, but at least a few hundred. In the Central Hill Forest, a massive looting tribe (Plunder Tribe) centered on the Green Kid (Goblin). This is a minimum of 10,000 troops. "
Ten thousand at a time, but it was an uninterrupted number. Even taking it to the average player would be dazzling enough in number.
The basic unit of mass combat in Elder Tail is the party. This is capped at six on a tactical basis when [Adventurers] work together organically with each other. When going on an adventure or challenging a dungeon, Elder Tail's Adventurers respond by organizing this party.
Sometimes, however, events and quests occur that you can't handle at a party. In case you say so, Elder Tail has a system called Massive Combat (Reid).
There are several stages of large-scale combat, of which a platoon of six (adventurers), or a squadron-sized battle of 24 (full raid) with four parties, is particularly noteworthy. Most of the heroic battles in "Elder Tail" took place in this form.
The Tea Party of the Prodigal won Griffin in "The Necromancer is the result of a 24-man battle."
And there is a battalion-sized battle (Legion Reid) that binds these 24 squadrons as a unit that goes further than a 24-man battle. This is a small group unit in the history of Elder Tail to respond to supermassive live events, difficulties in difficulty, or national crises.
Collaborative action, reaching a total of 96, is difficult, and it is not even possible for the average player to figure out how the fight itself is going. It takes a lot of nerve and tactical sense to command.
The level of goblins is not very high.
For 90-level players, it is a miscellaneous fish (mob) monster to such an extent that it is even possible to deal with ten of them alone. But that's why I never even heard of a 100 times the total population of 96 Legion Raids.
"And this number is the lowest. If there are any more, I believe so."
"What do you mean?
To Siroe's words, Krusty reacts.
"It's about the cause of this invasion."
'Cause? Do you have any idea?
One of the attendants in the audience will interact via a conversation. It would be Souzillow's opinion of the "Westwind Brigade". In response to that inquiry, Shiloe begins to preface and say, "This is my prediction, not a confirmed fact".
"Supposedly, in the context of this invasion, is the return of King Goblin."
To Siroe's words, not only do the rooms where the three guild masters speak, but both the "Roundtable Conference" in the city of Akiba and Marielle, who is attending the conference from the center of Zantreef in a conversation, lose their voices.
"The Return of King Goblin" was a regularly occurring gaming event in a time when "Elder Tail" was a game. Seven Falls Castle (Seventh Fall), a Goblin castle located in the deepest part of Black Forest, a deep dark forest in the Ou region.
In this castle, the king of Goblins is crowned every two years. Crowned are the more powerful chiefs of the six surrounding Goblin tribes.
If you say it in a game narrative, it is an event that happens every two months on Earth time. The entrance to the Seven Falls Castle Fortress (Seventh Fall) zone was an event in which only one week out of two months was liberated, and during that time, sneaking into the castle and crusading the King of Goblins was able to obtain powerful items.
This event was very popular, but for two reasons. First of all, this Goblin King dropping item is random from more than one, but it is quite powerful. Not so much a magic item as a hand in the throat for a large, ultra-high level guild player, but an item of performance emerges that can be described as an admiration among the general players available.
Nor could we overlook the strength of King Goblin as a more important point or the fact that the security of the castle was variable.
King Goblin, game-setting, has a powerful goblin in that position among the surrounding tribes. In other words, the Goblin forces in the Seven Falls Castle Fortress (Seventh Fall) zone are greatly diminished by raiding Goblin strongholds scattered across the Ou region and preempting Goblin forces. It also weakens the level and strength of King Goblin.
Due to this characteristic, "The Return of the Goblin King" was popular there as a toothy quest that could be challenged even if it was not a major combat-based guild. Of course, it would have been significant to have had a request to "defeat King Goblin" on multiple quests.
"- That's right. This is The Return of King Goblin, which you all know. In that event, there's an element that's forgotten because it hardly ever happened in reality."
King Goblin's crusade will require a massive battle (Reid), but if the Goblin forces are pre-empted, the difficulty will never be high enough to cloud for a mid-level guild. As a result, even Siloe does not know the case that King Goblin's crusade was not exchanged during the weeklong crusade period.
However, if Siloe's memory were certain, there would have been an additional mention in the event guide.
"Right...... That explains that if King Goblin survives during a week of conquest, he will raise the Goblin tribe in the surrounding area and become a multiplied army by dozens?
To Michitaka's point, Shiloe nods.
You were right.
King Goblin, who succeeded in being crowned, is supposed to become a Goblin hero and increase his power dramatically.
The Shiloes [Adventurers] have been desperate to create an environment to live in this other world since the Catastrophe. So much so that I spent no time thinking about the return of King Goblin, which was a popular event in the days when Elder Tail was a game.
"I wonder if the Goblins' power is completely conserved, too."
One of the attendants conveys a message from the reading. Siloe thinks a little, nods.
"Yes, there has been no attack on the six surrounding tribes at all this time, nor a corrugated attack on King Goblin's castle (Seven Falls Castle Fortress). I think you should consider King Goblin's Kingsguard unit or the level of combat unit to be the best you've ever had. Of course, King Goblin will be strong. … more than that, I am anxious to see how large the Goblin tribe is that it has integrated"
In the conference room, there is a silence that seems to have been pushed to death.
It wasn't like everyone wanted to shut up, it was quiet like they had lost the end of the word.
Nevertheless, it would not have been a massive blur because a certain sense of security had been ensured. Always on the way to summer accommodation, reports are coming up that the abandoned school building is currently being evacuated, and Marielle of the "Three Moons Alliance" is in the process of attending this current mindset conference from its abandoned school building.
Henrietta, who is in communication with Marielle, plays its surrogate role in the conference room, as the chanting function can only be used one-on-one.
Also, in the unlikely event that the abandoned school building where that line stands is besieged by powerful monsters, they will not be harmed if they avoid the city of Akiba with a return spell.
The massive Goblin army around the base of the Zantreef Peninsula will flatten the surrounding villages and settlements while heading east or south, but Akiba's distance to the city is still there. And the city of Akiba retains the power to intercept them if they invade.
Even if King Goblin has never been more powerful, I can predict that level. The city of Akiba is home to more than 500 times as many Adventurers as the 24 Adventurers needed to crusade King Goblin.
(But this one...)
The city of Akiba is good. However, the Alliance of Free Cities Eastal will not be as peaceful as Akiba's Roundtable Conference. Where the number of troops of 10,000 remains intact, its strength seems to Siroe to be sufficient for a weak fortified city offensive.
Unfortunately, it cannot be clearly stated to a siloe with scarce military knowledge, but are many of the Lords of the Alliance of Free Cities blue-blue?
"What about the Knights of Izmo?
A common voice for Henrietta can be hung together.
The words are flooded with grunts similar to "oh," and "speaking of…" consent.
The Knights of Izmo.
That's the Knights by the Ancient Species that exist on the Japanese server.
An "ancient species" is a heroic being born of the "earthlings". It was the trump card of a humanoid race of good, with the ability to fight beyond the Adventurer. Since the adventurer appeared in this world, its overwhelming number has largely monopolized subhuman crusades and the execution of quests, but the Knights by the Ancient Species have always intervened in the battle to determine the fate of the world.
One of the thirteen Knights placed on twelve servers that exist in the world. It may be said that the Knights of Izmo is in the position of patron saint on the Japanese server, no, the Yamato Islands.
When "Elder Tail" was in the game age, Shiloe frequently heard stories about this Knights. More than just siloes, players will often hear of this mythical Knights heritage to the point where it becomes high level. Some quests often fight together or follow in their footsteps.
They will not be involved in the political struggle between lords, for example, because they are guardians of the whole human-type race of goodness in this world, but will raise their heavy hips if it comes to the matter of subhuman invasion, etc.
There is an air in the conference room that says "we don't even have enough hands down," but Siloe was skeptical. For example, it has not been possible to ascertain whether the Knights of Izmo are still functioning.
I self-loathe myself if it's the same worry again, but I care if the Goblin tribe itself goes south in the first place. If I had stopped by the commentary on the official website of Elder Tail, there would have been only a statement saying, "Abandoned King Goblin integrates nearby forces and builds a great kingdom".
(... really, is it good)
But there's not even a clear answer in the siloe. At a time when there was a problem with the Soul Theory (Spirit Theory), it was also true that there was hesitation to engage in large-scale combat.
"Princess, princess.... Princess Rainesia?
Rainesia turns to you in the voice the samurai calls for.
"I wonder what...?
Rainesia asks with a small neck. That appearance, if it were the knights of the court, was the only thing that struck me in the chest, and there existed so much love that I was likely to swear allegiance for the rest of my life, but there I was a maid who had been able to use it near my side for many years.
"Were you even thinking about something? Lunch is still ahead of us."
Elissa responds insignificantly badly.
Most importantly, it's still warm to point out. "Thinking" is unusual in Rainesia's behavior. Much more "creepy" than "thinking," and most of all "relieved".
"Huh?... did you see that? Elissa."
Are you accustomed to it? Rainesian people don't have to defy it. Ask back.
The samurai, called Elissa, begins to jerk off her stunning silver hair as she turns behind Rainesia, who sat in front of the vanity.
"Yeah, it looked that way. It's rare for a princess."
Rainesia in that word, really rare, sinks into thought again. The trick to discern is gaze. It is "when you are thinking" that you make your gaze feel a little down and the expression of joy and sorrow is disappearing.
The look on his face as he flushes his gaze downwards to the left, enduring agony and still trying to smile is "creepy". From Elissa's point of view, it's mostly like nothing, or why would you do that? This expression is given when the contents are doomed.
This is the identity of the "grieving twilight witch princess" -style smile that is greatly admired by bachelors, civil servants, etc. What worries me is, "Was I eating too much yesterday's meal on the boulder...?" or something like that.
A "relieved" look is very popular with physical figures such as knights and martial arts officers, and this is a slightly tiny, dreamy look with a smile of presence or absence. When the degree of relief is deeper, the eyes become more attractive with loudness.
In this case, I'm just saying "relieved," and when I ask, I really don't think about anything. It's good and "Oh, nice weather" or "I'd like to take a nap in your room" to that extent. That's all I ask, it sounds stupid, but from what Elissa sees, there's no factual misconception because the Rainesia you're serving is stupid.
At least in normal life, though.
(Absolutely. Beauty is unbearable. Really)
As for Elissa, I have nothing more to sigh about.
She is a lot more beautiful from an average than Elissa is a princess samurai. The more you go out to Castle Town on an occasional holiday, the more you will be sure to speak to a stranger.
But in Elissa's consciousness, I am not so much a "beautiful woman" as a "beautiful, beautiful woman". Beauty in the true sense is like Rainesia. This level of beauty is a kind of independent being whose effects no longer seem to work in a different dimension than Leinesia's own personality and thoughts.
(I don't even think I'd be very flattered)
Elissa sighs small and puts on her luxurious silver waterfall-like hair. A bunch of hair flowing cold through your fingers, even in that one room, would be a treasure comparable to gold of the same weight.
"... I'm not coming today"
Feeling like teasing her a little, Elissa slips the words in.
"It's Master Crusty."
"- Why?"
"No. Recently, you and I had a good lunch. In time, I was wondering if it might be time to invite you and visit."
"Well, I guess..."
Rainesia returns the words as if she was somewhat panicked. Rainesia, who is slightly wolfy, is not the "beautiful princess" that the knight admired.
Of course he is a wonderful princess of beauty, but rather than pretentious, he is badly beginner and clumsy...... You look like a bad girl if you say it badly. Elissa liked her husband.
"Yeah, I am. You can't care less about things like your lords at any time. This is a traveling closet, and even though it's a total struggle, it won't even consider the convenience of discipline.
Not at all. Oh, boy.... Yesterday's luncheon was a pearl-colored dress with a vine stall and an amethyst necklace, right? Yesterday it belonged to a pale rose purple satin… yes, it belongs to a bunk cut back "
Rainesia stares back at Elissa with a decent look in the mirror. They don't really know what Elissa's talking about.
"May I? Princess, this is not" Ash Princess Castle "(Castle Cinderella) in My Hama. Therefore, the princess's wardrobe also has its limits. When luncheons are held with certain priests in a row, there are limits to the variety of dresses in combination.
I can't wear an evening like dinner party more than it is a luncheon, because there is something called moderation to expose my skin from daytime. Of course, if you're going to eat in the courtyard, there are quite a few shapes of cuffs, and if it's indoors, there are color combinations with wallpapers… "
Rainesia, who had been chewing on Elissa's words for a while, cuts them out as an aside.
"Nothing, even the same as yesterday"
"No. What kind of country girl eats in the same dress for two days?"
Elissa shrouds the language of Rainesia.
"Well, on a silk dress shirt, a quilt Highland skirt..."
"That's room wear. I mean, it's not a costume for the princess."
Raynesia clings her mouth to Elissa's sword screen with a scolded puppy-like look. Beauty is a horrible thing, because even that looks like a distressed, distressing affair to endure.
(But you can't be the one in your head. Highland skirts on quilts aren't dressed to look like that. She's not a liquor store girl.)
"I don't think Master Crusty would mind saying so..."
"No. I don't care about the lords at the tip of my mouth, I hope I don't care, but in my heart they are callously grading. It is so decided."
At that time, the sound of a knock blocked the sword screen of a samurai about to begin her sermon again.
It was Fennel, Raynesian father, who came in with a family order, sparing no time while Elissa, who received Raynesian signals, made the confirmation.
"Oh, Rainesia. Please calm down and listen."
Fennel scowls the wolf, squeezing out the words as he swells wide open the glass of water handed to him.
"There is a huge group of Green Kids (Goblins) looming in the capital of My Hama. That number approaches 10,000, he said. Enemies will continue to grow at this time and will probably become a great army in a few days. Worst case scenario."
Elissa can't grasp the meaning of the word for a moment.
Ten thousand is ten times a thousand, ten times a hundred.
The capital of My Hama is also the largest settlement in the Alliance of Free Cities Eastal. Its population is about 30,000. But that is a figure that includes all peasants and merchants.
The strength of the capital of My Hama, combined with 1,000 guardians who provide security for the capital, 400 castle-packed My Hama Knights, and other vigilante knights, will only reach a total of 2,000 or not.
The moment she thinks about it so much, Elissa feels her blood draw away from her body by making a lot of noise.
If the enemy were to become a sub-human, the citizens' prostitutes would have little teeth. I've heard the words Cage Castle Battle, etc., but I don't know the details. It also sounds like there's not much chance of winning for Elissa, not 10,000 to 2,000.
"Of course, it was not decided that the ugly demons would be attacked by our treasure, the capital of My Hama. The city of Tukba and several neighboring aristocratic territories have also entered the crisis zone. But the situation is not allowed to be alarmed. I'm going back to Mayhama in a hurry."
"Father. So will I."
Rainesia floats her hips.
The look is serious and sharp.
Rainesia is certainly a woman who doesn't like to hang out with people, who is lazy, blurry, and doesn't seem like a grand nobleman's courtier after all.
But "I don't think I'm the daughter of a great nobleman" doesn't mean "I don't deserve the daughter of a great nobleman".
That's definitely not true. The princess is one of only two princesses left in Yamato, Corwen's blood-drawing daughter. Elissa had never doubted only the princess's blood line and its potential to take care of herself.
"No, it doesn't extend to that. You stay in this court."
"Why not? As the clan returns to the crisis of the territory…"
"No, my father-in-law will remain in this court."
My father-in-law is now the owner of the Cowen family, the Duke of Sergiad. The father of Rainesia strikes Salaria's son-in-law, the mother of Rainesia, as the daughter of Sergiad.
"I don't know what I'm good at this subhuman invasion. Again, on that scale, it doesn't mean that things will come down to one of my Mai Hama capitals. If My Hama is going to get attacked, that's still good. … In the worst case scenario, the Goblins may ravage the prints of our land, the Alliance of Free Cities Eastal.
To this end, too, the Lords' Council must make good its cohesion. My father-in-law is not leaving this ancient court. You must support your father-in-law.... you know what I mean?
Probably just came to tell you about it.
Fainell left the room early, without even trying to wait for her daughter's words. Elissa can only bow her head deeply and drop it off.
If you try it on her, Fennel is a direct employer. He had the impression that he was a person who seemed serious, although in far less contact than Rainesia, who cared for him, or his mother, Salaria.
Speaking of the capital of Maihama, its lord is Lord Sergiad.
Sergiad, young and in the status of lord, has a high voice of wisdom and is deeply admired by the people. His daughter Salaria, Rainesia, who hits her granddaughter, is also very much loved in the capital.
It is undeniable to point out that this immediate lineage of blood, so to speak, the daughter son-in-law, Fennel, is somewhat less impressed.
Elissa had heard from her parents that when it was decided that a young man who came up from a field of practice, not from the blood of a Knights general or a lord of another country, would enter the royal family, the people of the capital of My Hama, although not disappointed, felt somewhere like a shoulder blur.
However, I could not feel any sweetness in the rear of Fennel, who thus showed no hesitation in order to rush to the territory. Besides, if you're that weak, you can't possibly even wear Sergiad's glasses. Elissa was so convinced.
To a whining voice, Elissa turns her consciousness back to Rainesia.
There was Rainesia to think about.
No, the look was completely different from what Elissa had just described as "thinking Rainesia".
The eyes that were brought forth as if to foresee the unseen burned with a quiet flame, and from the appearance of standing quietly, there is often a temperament that the bullshit of sorrow, etc. does not even appear in jokes.
"Princess... Gimmi...?
Raynesia kept blushing her lips so that she could not even hear Elissa's query.
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