Log Horizon
'... please help me. I need Mr. Shiloe's help.
Siloe intuited the strangeness to the voice that pushed and killed the sense of loss that locked her tightly in her chest.
Siroe is aware of Minori's aspirations.
Everything Shiloe does on the battlefield, that's the minnoli she was trying to remember by observing from walking to casual habits to thinking, so Shiloe wanted to teach her whatever degree of knowledge she knew.
And to that teaching, Minori always returned it with over a hundred endeavors.
Shiloe doesn't know what kind of life Minori has lived on his original planet. I've never even asked. But the sense of responsibility that you see in Minori is a virtue that Siloe could not finally hold. Siloe has the consciousness that she was running around. Because I said I'd make my own place.
Minori doesn't run away from it.
He hasn't run away yet, and he won't.
She is the girl who decides where she will fight from the start.
I'm glad you admire yourself, but I'm the one saved by Minori's certainty, etc., Shiloe thought.
So I don't think Minori ever "relied" on Shiloe. Trust me on the siloe, probably forgive me, try to learn, but I don't think you've ever sweetened me.
I guess that's like her own pride. Siloe appreciated a girl named Minori, including that much.
Siloe is played for relying on herself, not on anyone else, to say that Minori has been speaking with a voice desperately stopping the tears that are about to go away. The view outside from the entrance of the tent is already approaching purple at dusk.
'We have a victim. This is Mr. Lundelhouse. He...'
Behind Minori's letting go pronouncements, I hear disturbed breathing noises and screaming.
The reading function is like a bad cell phone.
The receiving side doesn't have to worry about the sound leaking around because the audio playback is near the tympanic membrane, but the speaking side also needs to talk verbally, and it picks up the surrounding sound.
Apparently Minori is still on or near the battlefield. The surroundings feel noisy, and I can hear women.
"He is."
"Rudy is a..."
Suddenly my voice interrupts me.
The voice, Minori said, Bird's girl, fifty bells, Shiloe hits. She should now be talking to Minori by touching her lips and talking to her all the time.
Siroe understood everything in one word.
Standing up to kick your desk, you jump out of the tent carrying one magic bag that you keep right around the corner. The whistle blowing twice spares time for the Eagle Lion (Griffon) to arrive and head to Equestrian Garden Central Square.
"Situation report, Minori."
Entering the square in three big steps and catching a nearby chanting officer, he yells at Karasin to call him.
"A fierce battle occurs during the defense of the town of Choushi. Although he won the battle, Mr. Lundelhaus was fatally injured in the process. Resuscitation spells fail, but they have both body temperature and pulse...... But I can't regain consciousness'
- Resurrection spells fail.
Siroe jumps unconsciously up more than half to the griffon that has crossed the heavens. Little did I realize that Akatsuki, who followed me perfectly like a shadow behind me, then stuck in his arm, and sent a light signal to Griffon with his belly strapped.
A well-trained large riding warcraft jumps up into the night sky where it begins to darken only relying on its little signals.
'The pulse is weakening... I think'
"Resurrection Spell Again"
"I did it twice. I won't wake up...... '
Resurrection spells are spells that revive dead people.
It's a miraculous spell to say this, but the difficulty isn't that high. Speaking on a level, I remember all the recovery jobs beyond 20. Speaking of fruit, resuscitation spells also have concepts like grade, and at low levels, resuscitation is successful, but experiential points are lost.
That would be the reason Minori put in a pronouncement on Siloe after trying that twice.
(No, more than that...)
The "earthlings" are not "adventurers". If he dies, his death is absolute and he will not be resurrected in the Great Temple. Beyond the reading, you can hear the sound of a sobbing sound like a push kill and a voice talking as a background sound.
"List places and members there"
"Me, Toya. Mr. Fifty Bells. Mr. Serara. And Mr. Lundelhouse, who won't resuscitate. The location is near the center of the town of Choushi, the Great Crossroads'
"No enemy shadows around. However, fighting is probably ongoing in the coastal area. When will goblins attack here too...... '
- It's over.
As a result of the damage inflicted by the Earthlings in battle, they are about to lose their lives. It may no longer be said that the situation is over. Indeed, according to Li-Gang's story, if the separation of the soul spirit (Kompaku) had not been exchanged for just a few moments, the "earthlings" would have liked the resurrection spell to have an effect, but when the resurrection spell did not work, they could have said that the situation was no longer "depressed".
"Brother Shiloe, no, I need you to help Rudy."
Suddenly I heard a strong voice in my ear.
"Brother Rudy doesn't. Stupid, dumb, but strong and well-dressed. Brother Rudy tried to help us."
"I'm the one who brought Rudy here. Yeah, it wasn't me, but I didn't stop Rudy from wanting to come. Shiro...... e. I wish I could do something."
The confused voices are the earlier girls, the fifty bells and the tower.
- Necessary.
Minori's words echo in his ears.
The word cools down Siloe's consciousness more and more.
The image is asphalt with winter night frost likely to fall. Myself lying in that asphalt and losing body temperature. ominous, but clear above this, that is the image of Siloe's 'opening'.
Thoughts that have been lifted restrictions begin to rampage. Verify the combination of possibilities (matrices) with fragmented images to explore all paths.
(If Minori depends, she has to help)
That's no longer a will, it's a premise.
To fulfill the premise, Shiloe continues to think fast.
"Instruct Serara. Chant resurrection spell"
I get a response from Minori without getting a haircut.
Why, but it didn't work, and there's no objection. Minori trusts Siloe completely. I've been putting in a reading correspondence, believing that Siloe would do something about it.
That would of course be a convenient assumption.
There are things that even siloes can't do. No, rather, there are more overwhelming things you can't do. You may say that you can't do anything.
But that's trivial. You can't do what you can't do. I couldn't. "Later." You just have to think about it. What matters now is that Minori believed that "siloes can do it," and if so, siloes have one answer.
I could do it myself, I tried to believe.
Reconstruct the combination (possibilities) that had removed the feeling of believing from the siloe and shine light from the new angle.
'I think my pulse is getting stronger...... But I'm not going back to consciousness.'
"Stand by for 150 seconds. Toya is on perimeter alert. Mr. Fifty Bells has an MP recovery song. Now Minori is the resurrection spell in 150 seconds."
Siloe reminds me of Li-Gang's story.
Lundelhaus died. Death is death, whether you are an "earthling" or an "adventurer". Death in this other world begins with the cessation of physical activity. First, the body ceases to move and the body and spirit are separated.
The side of the spirit should be in a state of darkness.
This phenomenon occurs because information communication between the soul and the prince becomes incomprehensible.
And then the spread of Haku begins.
Pu (Haku) is the root energy "chi" of the body. This process is called depression. The energy of the flesh becomes so great that it is strong and has a high level of flesh. In other words, it takes time to be depressed.
Lundelhaus was a physically fragile magical offensive position, and had not yet reached the mid-level either. The process of depression will proceed quickly. Probably...... Probably, but the resuscitation spell was slow.
The term "resuscitation magic" used in the restoration position refers to the magic of reconstructing the body during depression as a "vessel of the soul" that does not replenish the soul, and reconnecting it with the soul.
Gather the spirits that have diffused into the surrounding atmosphere, and use the healing technician's own "chi" to restore the flesh for the missing "chi".
It is believed that having a temperature and a pulse had a certain effect on physical regeneration. What keeps me from returning to consciousness is that I haven't been able to reconnect well with my soul.
If that is the situation, perhaps.
Diffusion of the soul - I guess the dissipation of the soul had begun. Soul is the vehicle of spirit by making it a spiritual energy. Souls who have lost their flesh begin to mist. Similarly, a spirit that has lost its soul is lost without preserving its identity.
Lundelhaus, who was still at a low level, must have even begun to scatter his soul in the midst of his depression.
If you are an Adventurer, you will be transferred to the Grand Temple, where your flesh will be repaired automatically, and your soul will be connected to your repaired flesh. If the flesh is not lost, no dispersion will occur. In other words, even if physical death comes, spiritual death does not. Resurrection by new flesh - immortality.
"150 seconds have passed. I'll cast a resuscitation spell. '
"Serara's resurrection spell again in 150 seconds. I'm on my way there now. Let me keep it for eight minutes with alternating chants."
I can hear Minori reporting. Minori and the others. The resuscitation spells around level 20 are pretty primitive. Due to the time-consuming and defenseless nature of the chant, its use in combat is practically impossible, and the reuse regulation time extends to 300 seconds.
Fortunately, however, there are two recovery technicians near Lundelhouse, Serara and Minori, even though they are still running out.
The 300 second reuse regulation time is reduced to 150 seconds due to alternating use of resuscitation spells. I don't know how far I can use the intense MP consumption resuscitation spell in a row right now Siloe, but I just have to leave it to the field about that.
The direct trigger for a scattered soul is the progression of depression. The loss of the body to be returned causes the spread of spiritual energy. How far can you stop the scattered souls that have already begun depends on the resurrection spells of Minori and the others.
And then...
"Akatsuki, support me."
In the words of Shiloe, Akatsuki, who was stuck in his arms, twists his body and turns back to Shiloe. The rider, who did not speak one voice from earlier, hugged the silhouette in the wind of a ripping night as he turned around in an environment that hosted the fear of Griffon's back.
When Shiloe closes her eyes gently, she inserts her hand in the image of the item in the bag. I don't know what items I need. I don't even know if I'll succeed in the first place.
But still, Shiloe searched for the “magic” worthy of what she was going to do. Ink formulated by Siloe over time. It was a shard of soul with only one bottle in the world.
In the evening, Rainesia, escorted by the female knight, arrived on the battlefield.
We have been contacted that this area of the valley is within the force zone of the strike force led by Krusty and that more than a certain level of safety has been ensured, with Rainesia on the move to the next observation point.
"Are you all right?
The lady knight with the paperwork doesn't seem to care much, and still calls out. The death of sub-humans and "earthlings" comes quickly. If left unattended, the body will not last half a day and will be misty.
But this battlefield has just been produced.
The blood odor is also vivid and irritating for Rainesia. Fortunately for the summer wind to blow through between the greens, it was still better than I had imagined, but I still couldn't turn my gaze underfoot.
The female knight advances her steps.
Raynesia has heard that she will join Krusty ahead to confirm the report and operational details.
Female Knight - A woman named Sanzo Takayama had told Rainesia that she was a battlefield sentry (field monitor) squad.
In combat, especially in large-scale combat and in places with poor vision, it is extremely difficult to grasp the overall situation while actually battling ahead of it.
So, in "D.D.", apart from the large combat unit (Legion Reid) that actually fights, there is a squadron-sized battlefield sentry (field monitor) squad from the platoon. The main role of the battlefield sentry is to monitor the entire battlefield from a distance by optics, magic, etc., and to report battle information sequentially to the front-line commander.
Sanzo Takayama was known by Rainesia as a high-ranking officer in "D. D." This is due to the surrounding attitude towards Sanzo Takayama.
It didn't take much longer to get down to the bottom of the valley than I thought, thanks in advance to a route confirmation that wouldn't have to be too distracting. Snuggled by the knight of the escort, Leinesia reaches the Stone River Plains, where the gorge flows about 5 m wide.
Apparently, this place hits upstream of the battlefield we were looking at from the high ground, with no sign of goblin carcasses or combat. Sarah and the sound of cool streams seem to drive away the summer heat.
Relax around in thoughtful outfits, the faces of Krusty and his troops were taking a break. They include those who get naked and bathe in water, and those who take care of their weapons.
Although this place is in the middle of a battlefield, there are currently no enemy units deployed nearby, so he took a break except for the replacement scouts.
As a princess, Rainesia, of course, has experience in censorship of the Knights.
But they were often from the balcony, or in the form of greetings from the tops of the glued platforms. Sometimes he went to the training area and spoke to the knight as he walked, but at that time, the knight of My Hama and others aligned and aligned their spears.
Therefore, I have never walked around among knights who have lost their gratitude if I speak in such shattered, aristocratic common sense.
Of course, Rainesia is the daughter of the (earthlings) and My Hama. Even if the city of Akiba belongs to the "Alliance of Free Cities Eastal", there is no more obligation to pay tribute to Rainesia than there is no direct subordination.
As a Rainesia, I don't mean to offend you, and I'm gradually convinced that they're "adventurers" with different cultures.
Rather surprising is that they did not ignore Rainesia. As they walked by, the Adventurer greeted them out loud.
"Don't worry. It's the Princess. I'll clean this up soon. Come on."
"The Goblins are good enough for our advance party."
"Princess, are you okay to come here? Oh, are you with Ms Takayama? Kuwabara Kuwabara"
"Ha! Princess, our Admiral has just arrived."
"Watch out for flowing arrows."
It's such a rough word to wonder if this is what a mercenary is to hear, but Rainesia didn't feel strange or bad. Is it because the "adventurers" are not insulting and light-hearted about Rainesia, but because they know that such a tone is normal for them and that they spoke with familiarity?
Rainesia is a pull.
Basically, I don't like talking and communicating with others.
I've dealt with events of that kind so far with a mask called "The Perfect Lady" worn with a rigorous education, but apparently I'm already learning to say that doesn't work well for the [Adventurer] opponent.
The "Adventurer" is not familiar with noble culture, and this one doesn't move on its own with a silent, troubled face, a small nod, or just a sad cloud of eyebrows.
So as a Raynesian rare and serious thought led to the creation of Raynesian's own new way of doing things so as never to be ashamed as a courtesy lady of the Cowen family, but in keeping with the simplest courtesy of the [Adventurer] to the maximum.
In other words, raise your right hand to the height around your chest, and smile and flutter small. To the adventurer who advised me or spoke to me about something, I would thoroughly intrigue the content of the story and then briefly say thank you. It was Leinesia's conclusion that the vanity should in any case be abolished.
Aristocratically speaking, I suppose this means a rather clueless and disrespectful greeting with a pre-courtesy attitude, but since the other person is an 'adventurer' and this is a battlefield, isn't this good enough? I thought so.
Raynesia didn't think that way at all, but its adorable tricks and honest smiles seemed to have been greeted with great fondness by the knights of the striking force.
This Mixed Strike Unit is organized around the "D.D.D." unit so that its command is good as it enters under Crusty's command. But that alone is a mixed army that incorporates veteran players from outside of the "D.D." for reasons such as the "D.D." and Krusty's too strong a voice in the "Round Table Conference" and the fact that it should be organized to show the tie of the "Round Table Conference".
Cloaks and articles are fragmented because the members also include the Knights of the Black Sword and the Honesty. So that was a much strange sight for Rainesia, who regarded the guild as a "doorway" with an aristocratic feeling.
It is quite complex with "the family" in the aristocratic society. I can't say it in one bite because of intertwined blood relations and interests, but generally speaking, that relationship is full of hostility. That is also the context in which the Alliance of Free Cities Eastal is still not unified.
On this battlefield, however, we see no such conflict.
Of course, they seem to relax in small groups by the door, but some take snacks with mixed units, and others keep their weapons to see how they are doing. Is it Heavy Squad walking around early enough?
Rainesia noticed another identity of the discomfort she was feeling.
Despite all these knights, they do not see servants or squires. Sanzo Takayama explained to me, "A better elite unit", and if it's such a unit, I don't know if the weak ones may be clumped together, but what does it mean that there are so many people and not one servant?
(The Adventurers seem to be free from the identity system...)
I know I'm free, but when it came to action as a reality, every single one of them was Rainesia who would eat unexpectedly.
"Oh. Okay. Continue, please."
At the end of Ishikawara, it was Krusty who was sweating in a square where the gorge twisted and bent into the abyss. Crusty is only taking off his upper body of armor and wiping his sweat.
Even in the middle of it, he kept whining about whether he was in touch with the remote communication magic characteristic of the (adventurer), but when he saw a line between Sanzo Takayama and Rainesia, he looked back slightly.
Crusty is in no hurry, wiping his tight body with a tightly squeezed cloth. Familiar with such a cloudy calm with Krusty's eagle fried and calm, Sanzo Takayama began to report the report in one hand and quickly when he approached him.
Krusty is keeping her back to herself and listening to it.
(You're feeling pretty amazing...)
I didn't feel that much when I was wearing classy clothes in court, but when I looked at my naked back like this. It made me feel overwhelmed. The firm back of the muscle has some kind of wildlife twitching beauty, and Raynesia stares at it without my knowledge.
…… What are you looking at?
Raynesia shaking her head and snapping.
When you're with Krusty, it's all about getting out of shape.
I miss the serene Myhama's own room. Rainesia is a real pull, and she likes to eat and sleep in the botanical, lazy life. My biggest hobby was sunshine, enough to think that if I could be an old woman early, I'd enjoy it, etc.
Based on such a Rainesian doctrinal claim, I don't think I have any choice but to be told that I have been transformed or corrupted these days.
"Got it. Now, from the next point, in the direction of increasing the perimeter surveillance system."
By the end of Sanzo Takayama's report, Krusty had also finished dressing. The armor is the same, but they replaced the skin coat. The calming look is no different from what I was showing in "The Ancient Court of Eternal Ice" and it's as angry as it gets.
What about the battlefield?
Crusty approaching asks.
Because of the height difference, Rainesia feels unpleasant and uninterrupted when she looks up from the bottom. I can't feel the innocent, entertaining face in the middle of a fight and the disappearing flattery of it from the current Krusty.
I just have Krusty right in front of me, who is clear, polite, and the 'Monster Heart Peek' person who makes me wonder if that was an illusion.
"Were you scared?
Crusty utters words to Raynesia, who was captured by her own thoughts and delayed in responding.
"That's not true. I thought Master Crusty would protect me."
If Krusty is going to wear a courtroom-style mask, I'm prepared to do so here too. In the first place, Raynesia let it be said that she had more overwhelming experience if she spoke in aristocratic rhetoric.
- It seems to be very popular.
As Leinesia swung around, the group of "Adventurers" staring at Krusty and Leinesia in the faraway winding stood still. Even as Rainesia, it is a very uncomfortable situation, so if you smile with your hands small, many 'adventurers' seem to smile and return to their assignments.
"I don't think that's a good thing, Master Crusty."
With the frustration of being distracted from the conversation, Rainesia turns to Crusty. Because Krusty generally behaves like this all the time, Leinesia is also in trouble as to whether the court style is better or whether it should be adapted to the "adventurer" style of practice.
"Mostly -"
A howl echoed across the valley as Rainesia approached him to say another word. The voice echoed from the eastern ridge, and even though it could clearly be seen from afar, it blew a cold breeze into Rainesia's chest.
"It's the Demonic Wolf. It would be quite huge though. Huge species."
"... King Goblin, is it?
"King Goblin is not in this battlefield. That won't come out of Seven Falls Castle Fortress (Seventh Fall). This is General Goblin's Kingsguard."
I don't know about Rainesia, and I hold my hands together firmly in front of my chest. I saw Krusty and the others brave fight last night, and I'm buying that strength. But Rainesia herself doesn't know anything about the battle, so she feels anxious. Not to mention Krusty feels like he's going to melt away in the fight.
The fierce howl of the Demon Wolf echoes once again in the ears of Rainesia, who is cruising about whether to seek self-weight or encourage it. Hearing that voice, Crusty shrugged with a gruesome grin as she distorted her lips.
"Why don't we clean the nest later, and for now, let's just say we raise the trash from Zantreef to a blood festival"
The long central street in the town of Choushi was an excellent runway for Griffon. On the back of a griffon that uses lifting force to slip in without letting the wings be slight, Shiloe gently touches Akatsuki's head and says, "Ask for the people around. No players, no monsters, no donating," he whispered.
Akatsuki snorts without returning a word.
Jumping off the griffon without worrying about a faster ground velocity than a sick horse, the two use the unique physical abilities of the Adventurer of Elder Tail to alleviate shock.
But compared to Siloe, who landed on the ground in the same way, but who broke his knee and reduced his shock, Akatsuki, still in the avant-garde position, walked forward in a motion that made him feel little gravity, jumped up to the roof of a stone building in a swallow-like motion, and disappeared.
When Shiloe confirms it, she rushes toward Towya, who swoops her hand.
There are five minnows gathering together, and their expressions have a dark rush color. If you stop by earlier, although Okupete has arrived, the landing does not appear to have been completed due to Safaggin's resistance. The direct passengers are on their way to defense against the Goblins to replace the Minoris.
(That's more convenient)
Siloe is alone.
I don't know if the "magic" I'm about to do will succeed. There is theoretical support, and as a siloe, experiments have never been repeated before. … there is a chance of winning.
But rather than the precision of the technique, the question is whether it will produce enough of its output because of the magic or - the soul spirit - it injects into it. Probability of success would cut 50%, even if quoted sweetly.
Is it a store or a tavern?
One young man lies in the shade of a house wide open on Central Avenue. I don't even see any signs of trying to leave, a girl wet in tears would be fifty bells. She was a scumbag but charming girl.
Around it is a line of siroe's discerning faces. Toya with a painful expression. It's a worrying serara, and a minnoli with a sense of purpose.
Siloe calms her mind.
The ambient temperatures were still high, but on the contrary, it seemed like a winter night sky, quiet in my head.
"Minori, invite me to the party"
Minori nods without asking for nothing. Both Akatsuki and Minori are thankful to have a smaller mouth count when they say this. Confirm what appears to be the Lundelhaus youth. Certainly a good looking prince. I have temperature and pulse, but I'm still unconscious. "Death" status was bright on the party menu.
"Was it Mr. Fifty Bells? Keep chanting" Nocturne of Meditation ". Use new magic now. I'm responsible for the consequences, but there's no point in saying anything else."
Siloe dared speak to the new player in a tight tone.
"If you're not convinced, give up, or get out of here"
To the words of Shiloe, the faces gathered there shake their heads without anyone flinching.
"Well, here we go."
Siloe selects a magic stunt from the icon. "Mana Channeling" is used. It's a so-called "I'm not sure what I'm going to use it for" spell specific to the "Granting Artist" (Enchanter).
The effect is "Sum and Average all MPs for everyone in the party".
(Yes... Soul is a vehicle of spirit. The vehicle is magic. If so……)
As the chant sounds, the MP is absorbed from all of the parties and gathered in the siloe. Siloe jumps through and is at a high level in this.
The "Mana Channeling" chanted by that siloe would be a tremendous pressure for the "Adventurer" who hasn't even reached the thirty level.
Minori, Toya, even Serara, her complexion gets bluer and bluer. The MP is absorbing more and more, and it endures a similar sense of loss to standing. Only fifty bells, with a pale face, keep mumbling pathetic ancient songs while holding Lundelhouse's hand tight.
Siloe experiences the effects of witchcraft with half eyes attached.
Most of the MPs recovered from "Party buddies" are currently gripped by Siloe. It's only a sign of ghostliness, but Siloe feels the lingering incense of others' spirits in the siloe. Signs of Toya's genuine, or Minori's, serious magic. They are no longer deployed in the magical field managed by Shiloe.
It should also include Serara's, Fifty Bells', and Lundelhouse's own MP, which is nothing else.
The subtly palatable MP is mixed as a root "energy of spirit" and, following the guidance of the siloe, forms a magical circuit and is connected to the "companion".
Siloe "redistributes" those MPs in equal parts.
Siloe is filled with anaemic sensations due to a sudden spill.
His MP is bigger than anyone else at this party. Originally also a magician, Granting Artist boasts a competing MP volume throughout his career. On top of that, the siloe is at 90 levels.30 levelsParty with the "adventurers" there and "redistribute" no longer meant the same thing as using the siloe to restore your fellow MPs in one piece.
"Minori is resuscitated, Serara is continuously heeled."
This far is the front seat. Siloe continues with the instructions. Time is short. Perhaps the chance is just once, just one word.
Lundelhaus is a "Landlord".
I'm not an Adventurer, so if I die, I won't be resurrected.
And Lundelhaus died.
Therefore Lundelhaus will not be resurrected.
This is absolute. I can't override it.
However, the Mana Redistribution Spell of the "Grantor" has restored all MPs… In other words, the spirit and soul are enlivened.
And failure to regain consciousness is a phenomenon that occurs because information communication between the soul and the prince becomes incomprehensible. You may say that you are a vegetable human being. If so, until you "force" that connection to resume.
Siloe takes the second means out of the bag.
"From here on out is a battle with time. It's strictly forbidden to waste questions or time."
Siloe uses the Yellow Springs Return Incense while her words are still in the air. A minor item that temporarily zombies and revives a dead ally.
"The Yellow Springs Returning Pluto".
It revives dead allies and organisms as zombies and is a special monster refined drug used in combat. Its effect is not resuscitation, but resurrection. But the effect is short, and in three minutes there will be a definite "death". For Adventurers, it is the return of the Grand Temple without question.
However, Lundelhaus, the "earthlings", will continue to diffuse his energy in this situation, which means that his HP will continue to be lost. If the effects of the Yellow Springs Return Incense expire, the flesh will perish, as will the spirit and soul leaning on the flesh.
"The Yellow Springs Returning Pluto" is a measure to forcefully connect the activated Lundelhouse soul to the flesh. In exchange for a definite death in three minutes, only three minutes...... Pull Lundelhouse back into this world.
I guess that turns out.
A fifty bell hand spilling a large grain of tears grips Lundelhouse's hand all the time.
Noisy. Lundelhouse opens her eyes as if she were dreaming.
Fifty bells hold its hand, spilling tears in a pompous manner. I don't know if Lundell House is conscious. Opening your eyes may also be just a physical reflex of conditions.
"Miss Fifty Bells...... Oh, guys. Right...... I guess I'm... dead."
Even after death, only the connection between the soul and the prince is broken, and consciousness remains. When you say it on the game screen, it feels like the screen becomes monochromatic and shows the scene of your buddy's battle. For the Adventurer, if he gets a resuscitation spell inside the monochrome screen, he will return to life, and if left alone for a certain amount of time, he will return to the Great Temple.
I guess Lundelhaus was in such a haunted state and grasped the circumstances so far. Laughing small, he speaks to his surroundings in a voice that has not yet returned in strength.
"Guys, I don't like it.... don't look like that. You deserve to lose your life as a result of the battle?
"- Totally."
To Toya's words, Shiloe feels her chest ache unevenly.
Yes, that's "natural" for the "earthlings".
"Still, I wanted to be an adventurer. Will you stop blaming Miss Fifty Bells? I'm the one who asked for it."
"No, I was aware, too. I was aware of it and left it alone."
Leaks his voice as Minori screams. In that word, everyone understood. Minori, who has acted so calmly, has been very upset on the inside.
"Ha ha. Yeah, Miss Minori. Thanks.... nothing to worry about"
"No, I care."
Siloe pinches words.
We don't have time for this.
Siloe thought about how horrible what she was doing right now. This could be a big mistake. It would also cloud an act that would threaten the laws of the world.
Even if we succeed, we don't know how the aftermath of this thing will affect this world. Also, there is no way to predict how this "proposal" will be received from the "world".
But the young man in front of him, who uttered the words of enlightened goodbye, called him an adventurer.
I said "adventurer," not "adventurer."
So, if there is, this young man is a "buddy" of Shiloe. He is also a descendant entrusted to him by "her”.
"No, I care. Lundelhaus-Code. Don't bother with the adventurer being named the one who gives up to this extent. That's not enough.... what did you learn to end up in an alley at the end of the day like this? What you learn in the dungeon is not only the strategy and tactics, but the indomitable spirit of readiness to survive and devise anything for it."
Brother Shiloe, no.
"Not ready at all, Lundelhouse."
"Tell me what to do! You!!
In the eyes of Lundelhaus is filled with remorse and cleansing, and it moisturizes and begins to flow.
That's why Siloe decides to use "magic".
Listen, listen.
Written up on Griffon's back, Shiloe pokes at Lundell House, picking up the disturbing paperwork.
"Contract, is it?
It was certainly the contract that Siloe took out of the buck. It is a handmade item with only one in this world, written in "Ink of the Incense Dragon Eye" on "Fairy King's Paper" created from the best materials used by Siloe.
Representative Shiloe, "Horizon of Records", concludes the following agreement with Lundelhaus-Code:
One. Shiloe welcomes Lundelhaus-Code into the guild "Horizon of Records" at the date and time the signature was made on this document.
One. Lundelhaus-Code serves as a member of the Alliance, the Horizon of Records, with the attitude appropriate to his position and mandate.
For one thing, the Horizon of Records gives Lundelhaus as much backup as he can in order to carry out his mission. This includes the identity of the Adventurer.
For one thing, this contract is concluded by mutual agreement and mutual respect, and during the contract, what each other gets is retained even if the contract is analogous and lapses.
As a testament to the conclusion of this Agreement, two copies of this document shall be prepared, each of which shall be kept by name. "
I can hear you breathing.
"That, Mr. Siloe. Ha."
The development of magic that is not absent from Elder Tail.
It dates back quite a while before Siloe realized the possibility.
- In other words, the "cook" does not use the cooking creation menu, and cooks according to the normal procedure. That way, it will be a dish that takes advantage of the flavour of the ingredients.
On the way home from the journey to Suskino, Chantha told Shiloe so.
And it proves to be true.
But this is not a phenomenon that stays with the "cook". At the Round Table, Shiloe persuaded her to do so.
It is possible that the owner of the appropriate creation skills can change this otherworldly rule if he uses the appropriate individual abilities to create something without relying on the game's item creation menu.
What the discovery of Nyantai really meant was "it" should have been.
Two months after its discovery. Siloe continued to study and experiment with what Siloe had in mind. Although it was prepared as a "hidden sphere" during the disturbance at the establishment of the Round Table Conference, further information has accumulated and evolved as a result of subsequent research.
And Siroe's research, inspired by Li-Gang's "soul theory," was trying to bring one fruit to fruition here.
Lundelhaus is a "Landlord".
And in three minutes, for sure, he dies.
The "Earthlings" cannot be revived.
Therefore the Lundelhaus disappears.
- Then.
Yes, the answer is plain: "In three minutes, make Lundell House an Adventurer".
Experiments have shown that a simpler contract or various types of writing can be created by the "pen writer". Even magical and binding items such as "Quest Request" and "Borrower" can be created with sufficient levels of "Writer" and magical materials.
But of those contracts, this one is the biggest.
The contract to join the Alliance and give it an "Adventurer" in that capacity is a con similarly modus operandi from a siloe standpoint. But that's why we used 90 levels of "Writer" skill and ink that consumed the finest magic materials collected during the "Elder Tail" era at all costs to meet that demand.
Siloe stuck a contract on the nose tip of Lundell House.
"My signature is on it. You're the only one left."
"- Ke... n... shah"
"If you want."
Siloe speaks to the muddy (sorcerer) youth who leaks a plundering grunt.
"This is a risky contract. You may suffer some kind of degeneration from this contract and become quite different from what you have been," Adventurer "is still a new face in this world, and I don't know what kind of disturbance he will get into in the future. Probably not as honorable as you think, Adventurer."
"I want to be..."
Lundelhaus returns the words without a single HP to be lost as he sees it, leaving the "death" flag blinding to the status.
"I'm an adventurer, not an adventurer. If I can help someone in need, I don't care about the details.... I'm an adventurer."
Lundelhaus, who grabbed the pen he pointed at with his trembling hand, removes the pen. The effect of Yellow Springs Return Incense is about to expire. Perhaps Lundell House is still uncertain about the communication between the soul and the prince.
"Rudy...... It's okay."
Fifty bells support that hand.
"With Rudy, I'll write too"
Fifty bells supported Lundell House so that it could be held from behind, and Towya helped it. Minori and Serara, who continue to chant recovery spells, watch Lundelhouse sign.
Trembling fingertips were warmed with fellow encouragement, and magical ink became the signature of Lundell House. The glow of the burned signature becomes a golden phosphor, and Shiloe's moves become new rules, approved by this other world.
"Die once. Lundelhouse.... you will be resurrected in the Great Temple"
Siroe talks as she feels the response of some big rule moving somewhere. In the dreamy sight of a spreading prince rising in particle form and being transferred to the city of Akiba, players other than Shiloe stared at it with a dazzling look on everyone's face.
Later, Shiloe got two new names, "East External Note", which was the development of the "magic" that caused it.
The battle was once again taking place in darkness.
Zantreef Central Hill, its centre.
As before, the battle is taking place in a certain valley. Will the difference from the previous one be the size of the valley on which it is staged and the scale of the clash? When I asked Sansa Takayama why the valley was chosen as the stage for the battle, the answer came back: "We need a place that's quite open for large troops to gather, and in the mountains where the trees grew, we can't leave the main force anyway".
With that in mind, I can convince Rainesia as well.
Even the "Green Kid" (Goblin) has minimal intelligence. If we act militarily, it would be logical to have to follow a certain Theory first and foremost.
And if the troops of battle also become valleys, naturally there are a number of ridges overlooking that valley.
This time, Sansao Takayama and other observation teams selected it as one of the ridges that can overlook the valley. Unlike the last one, today we only have minimal tables for observation, etc. It is also because of the unreadable need to move, and also because of the rhetoric of Rainesia. From the attitude of Sansa Takayama, who seems somewhere relieved, I presumed that as a Rainesia, he was still concerned last time.
But all of them are doomed.
Rainesia's interest was concentrated in the battle already taking place at the bottom of the valley. That would have been with Sansao Takayama and others.
The troops who followed the Devil's Wolf (Diawolf) countless times are Goblin's Tutors (Tamer) if you stop by Sanzo Takayama's commentary. The savage Goblins do not have complex societies like humans, but primitive divisions of functions and classes exist.
Most goblins are light warriors, or throwing spear soldiers, but some goblins may have special functions. Its epitomes are Tutor (Tamer) and Prayer (Sherman). Goblin tutors (Tamer) sometimes raise Owl Bears (Oulbears), Winged Eagle Horses (Hippoglyphs), Demonic Wolves (Diawolves), etc.
Troops deploying in the valley beneath them are taking hundreds of Demonic Wolves (Diawolves) just from here. The appearance was a sight of nightmares, similar to the darkness of the willed ground.
"Apparently, that's a specially bred mutant species."
Sanzo Takayama calmly continues his words.
"I have engaged in previous large-scale combat (Reid). It is a diawolf with poisonous fangs, raised in the wake of the undead obstacles. When it came to centralizing this number, it was said that there were tribes with tutors in the tribe under King Goblin.... Interesting. I didn't know Elder Taylor had such a detailed back setup."
"So, are you okay..."
"It sounds silly to worry about."
Sanzo Takayama is only a thrust attitude, but Rainesia can't be that optimistic. Goblin's troops spread out into the valley still look like hundreds, and there should be a Goblin general at its center. I guess that's the exotic tent or the moving fortress with the giant wheels.
Even Raynesia is not worried about such a monster knight, but his men are knights for doing so. I know you won't die in this battle... but if you get hurt or suffer a lot, it's painful.
However, regardless of such a Rainesian concern, the end of the war was lightly cut and unloaded.
Crusty and his striking battalions form a formation close to the square.
"Square...... Beautiful."
"I'm talking to the party. And then the formation."
Did Sanzo Takayama have his hands free or came close to Rainesia?
"You're relatively popular in the formation of a massive battle (Reid). Reid's troop formation is based on a multiple of four, so the direction is easy to assemble, even in terms of command. There are four sides to the square.
Formation is roughly a formation of defense. It constitutes the front with melee attackable talent centered on the warrior position, from which the ranged attacking position carries out mainly magical attacks.
It's a dense formation, so when the enemy has a powerful ranged attacker, it's a bad idea, but when dealing with an enemy like a group of beasts, you'll see the defense of the iron wall. "
"Well then..."
Rainesia's imagination had been met.
Powerful fronts easily trigger Diawolf attacks, and bows and arrows and magic are fired from the rear row. Raynesian vision is secured in the dark at night with ointment for dark vision, but so many firepillars begin to rise all over the battlefield that even that is not necessary.
"It's time to move."
Sansa Takayama points straight at the battlefield.
It was the entire party that moved to be guided by its fingertips. While slightly disintegrating its shape like a trapezoid, the square area begins to advance while surely shredding the opponent's force.
The defensive formation and Sanzo Takayama said, but that was a completely incontrovertible assessment.
Rainesia was the first large-scale battle I've ever seen, and I've never seen a defense battle by a castle knight in person, so I can't compare it, but the sight in front of me isn't exactly like the word "defense".
If you dare, it's a square hole.
Crusty-led large units (Legion Reid) are like pitch-black holes drilled into Goblin's army, and whatever touches them, be it goblins or diawolves, they are "processed" without any delay.
Rainesia's impression was that the "hole" was offensive enough to make even the madness feel.
"Now, take a good look"
At that time, four burning flaming birds flew out of the central part of the formation, like a giant burning fire. A giant bird scattered with radiant oranges and deep red flames is clearly a subpoena creature. But Rainesia doesn't know such a subpoena. A summoning creature is as big as a puppy from a fist grip as Rainesia knows, and I've never seen such a fiercely elegant creature.
"You can contract at the 86 level, right?" Immortal Bird "(Phoenix). It's a superior spirit with flaming attributes, and that's why qualified people among summoners who have completed their quests can contract.... What's wrong with you?
What's the matter with you and these things?
Is that thing burning or not?
(Nah. How can you do that, adventurers? The irregularities are not a good place either!?
Leinesia has finally figured it out over this period.
Crusty's attitude is never vanity, that's what it is.
It is also natural that Sanzo Takayama said, "It seems as stupid as worrying".
I certainly don't know what happens on the battlefield. But there was also a man in the world who stood "like" on the battlefield who didn't know what was going to happen.
Splashing along with the explosion was General Goblin's giant armed car. Heavily armed Kingsguards and tough goblins with huge bodies pop up from shattered tanks, but Krusty's army is even more pressing against them.
Raynesian ears capture voices they're not supposed to hear.
- Then let's just say I'll scatter some food. That voice, whispered with calm, but with the pleasure of putting honey on her lips, certainly belongs to Krusty.
Raynesia, who is incapable of speaking, cannot capture Krusty's words at this distance, but she did hear her voice.
As Krusty's huge double-edged axe, waved down, pointed at the enemy, like a pitch-black spear stretching out of the formation, an attacking unit popped out. A group of warriors with two swords cut the goblins apart as easily as a thin cloth.
Looks like Goblin's general is waving a decorative gorgeous spear and yelling, but that was also until the shadow of Krusty, who stood to hide the moon, swallowed him.
"The main dish is over. … and then whether the siege net at the staff headquarters will function well."
Sanzo Takayama's voice was calm as if to make a discerning report.
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