Log Horizon
037 City of Akiba Sunday
He said God made the world a miracle on the 6th and then made it a holiday for the day. In other words, it is a holiday after working. So, more than anything, I think it's better for humans to be that way, too.
After labor there should be a holiday.
Otherwise, humans will break.
Even so, Shiloe has been too busy lately.
Of course, the Horizon of Records members are not mean. A lot of work comes from the Round Table. Even that job is not being pushed to work as a result of shady power harassment. And I think Siroe. Probably.
Rather, the blame lies on the side of the siloe.
Shiloe is thought to be the "Operation Staff Type of Around Wisdom" both at the Round Table Conference and in his guild, and he intends to be the same. But Siroe herself is deeply aware of it, but blessed with genius talent, she does not occupy such a position. On the contrary, Shiloe thinks his own abilities are mediocrity itself.
Himself in Siloe's self-assessment is a typical preview type. I feel that it is my ability to write scenarios by not gathering enough information in advance, adding reflection and consideration, and also putting improvisation in the field into calculations.
If you talk about it all the time, this type is not uncommon in itself.
All humans who read tactical books before playing games fall into this type if they are polarized. of Shiloe. That doesn't get tired of reading existing strategy books, it reads' all 'existing strategy books. What's more, there's just a trait in me poking around writing my own personal offensive book. It is true that the maniacity to that point is rare, but in the sense of "well-prepared constitution," nothing is a special method.
Such a character and method can be considered a beauty given the role of siloe. If you're going to do operational staff or something, it won't be a drawback, no matter what your strengths, to be cautious by the time you're somewhat biased.
But that also has the disadvantage of simply trying to be a 'worker' and taking too much effort to get over it.
There were too many siloe subjects in this other world. The more information you think about the future, and the wider the scope of that information, the greater the amount of information you have on the Elder Tail global offensive that lasted for 20 years, plus a whole other world. Moreover, it is not a stationary world, but an interactive world that is changing its appearance from moment to moment.
Of course, even Siloe is trying to prioritize to some extent and find out what information she needs while taking around. Though there is not enough intellectual or economic backup to make Shiloe free herself, she can come into contact with the public flow of information for the Round Table Conference, with a certain budget. It would be cloudy to say that access to information has become much more efficient than immediately after the Catastrophe.
But still, what you want to know and what you need to know is enormous, and your feelings of anxiety never clear up.
Siloe was nothing but curious about herself, and she wasn't collecting information about this world as much as she allowances or depends on it. Whether we aspire to return from this world or give up, it is no longer the common perception of the Adventurer in this other world that we must survive in this world before that.
To this end, there are not many phases in which information becomes a lifeline. The gathering of information is also essential in the exercise of autonomy. Just as sea-going ships need nautical charts, the Roundtable Conference needs information about this world. Whatever the situation, if we don't know the surrounding circumstances, we can't make a precise decision or anything.
That is why the collection and analysis of information is an official matter for Siloe.
However, if you are also the eleven guild masters of Akiba's city's autonomous organization, the Roundtable Conference, you will have a good amount of time just for routine contact and chores. It's a lot of work just to read the report.
If you're a major guild like "D. D." or "IOM," you probably have all the talent to assist such guild masters. A member of the Alliance has arrived at a backup system.
That, in a way, is tantamount to having a private secretarial corps, underpinning the administrative capacity of guild masters such as Michitaka and Krusty. It's comforting to have a companion nearby who can say, "Oh, let me see your opinion through this."
However, such surplus members do not exist in the "Horizon of Records" (Log Horizon), which currently has eight additional members. Clerical work is best at whirlpool siloes and Minori is the next point. However, Minori is currently in training, and even if she helps with Shiloe's clerical work, she will be able to open it to Toya, Lundelhouse, and Fifty Bells, so she will not be able to help.
As a result, the siloe is being crushed by a mountain of reports and a mountain of miscellaneous clerical work.
"Wow, I can't do this, what the heck!
Siroe mourns in front of a pile of messy letters. Of course, that's my nature, and the side I did what I wanted is strong, but that doesn't mean I can't stop, especially if I don't get out for a long time, I feel like I'm going to perish.
Look out the window.
Until the other day, the "window" was only a square hole in the wall, but now the window frame, finely worked with thin plates, is hung with a cover made of canvas.
The time is this afternoon, but it's raining outside.
Autumn rain is beating the earth in the city of Akiba. The thin silver thread-like rain hits a leaf called an ancient tree leaf that grows all over the city of Akiba, or wets concrete and makes a quiet noise.
Even when "Elder Tail" was a game, the weather engine was creating "weather" in the outdoor zone. They were beautiful compared to a hundred games, but if they were as good as the current city of Akiba, they would still only be games. It seems to me that the weather in this world today outweighs that of the planet in every sense.
Even with the same rain, for example, summer evenings, thunderstorms with lightning and sounds that allowed the air to play itself, light rain like autumn fog, all different to each and everything was beautiful.
The "weather" in this world looks like a complete drama to Siroe, where public transport developed, couriers lived on a widening planet, and only realized what seasonal festive poetry was like in NHK news.
When you open the canvas thinly, the city's atmosphere looks smoky with a white line that goes on indefinitely. It's an uninterrupted fall rain. Not until it's still cold. October, but after this, fall will slowly deepen. Around the city, there are people walking without rain or anything, and I can see (adventurers) putting their energy into cleaning the buildings and buildings they live in just because it's a good opportunity.
Two months had passed since the Zantreef Peninsula sweep.
It's already October. After the Zantreef Peninsula sweep, it was quite a hassle. No, I guess we're already in the step of building a new relationship with the Alliance of Free Cities Eastal after the end of the phase. The report delivered to Siroe also corroborates that. If we get this far, the rest of the relationship will surely be under the jurisdiction of a commercial guild rather than the appearance of a siloe.
To think of it, I feel like I finally got a load of shoulders down as a siloe.
- Only one, though.
What is now weighing Siloe's attention was the situation coming in from all over the place. Until now, the city of Akiba was all I had, so I intentionally ignored it, but I didn't want to go.
Things were moving a lot when I followed the handout, listened to it, put it together, hit my hand and gathered information. No, you should have said it was moving too much.
(Well, I wasn't expecting it at all. By the way, I can't believe this happened. Not over there and not here at all......)
Siloe throws her body out into the vine chair and looks up at the ceiling.
I can remember several maps, figures and reports in my head.
The 1/2 size Japanese archipelago reproduced in the "Half-Guire Project" … There are five player towns in Yamato here. Akiba, Shibuya, Minami, Suskino, and Nakas, inhabited by the Shiloes. Also known as the five largest cities, these were both cloudy places for Japanese "Elder Tail" players.
At a time when "Elder Tail" was an MMO game, these cities were connected by instantaneous mobility devices called intercity portals, which lacked a sense of distance, but their functionality has now stopped. For this reason, travel between cities requires a commensurate amount of time, and in this world where monsters roam, there is also the risk of movement. It is good to say that the interaction between cities is declining dramatically.
Five months after the Catastrophe.
The city of Akiba, where Shiloe and the others live, has changed dramatically. Appearances are still what they were, but the way they lived and people's relationships have changed decisively. No one will ever be able to say this is a game anymore, including how they interact with the Free Cities Alliance Eastal and the Grounders. Things have moved a lot so far.
Those five months should have flowed equally over anyone in this world. So just as this city (Akiba) has changed, change is inevitable everywhere else. Siloe thinks so.
But the change in the city of Akiba is influenced by the will of Shiloe. It affected me and I made a change at this rate. If so, is the will of "someone" influencing changes in other cities again? Given that will, Siloe feels the bottom of her belly getting heavier.
The least changeable would have been Shibuya.
Shibuya was a special positioning among the five player towns in the first place.
In short, the city of Shibuya is the last city created for the purpose of dispersing players concentrated in the city of Akiba. The city of Sibuya, fully aware of the inter-city mobility system "gate" as a distributed plan, is now largely paralyzed by urban functions with the gate dead.
For this reason, almost all of the "Adventurers" who used Shibuya as their root castle joined the city of Akiba. The city of Shibuya is now a place of treatment like a suburban villa in the city of Akiba, freely used by a handful of "adventurers".
The change in the city of Susquino was, in a way, as Siloe had a hunch. Suskino finally never got up because of the deterioration of security immediately after the catastrophe. Rather, it had become an outlawed city, feeding on its deterioration in security. Almost all the adventurers who wished to leave, who were in the city of Susquino, had completed their escape in the last few months.
Unless you escape as fast as Serara, even a group of middle-level Adventurers managed to hide and escape. It is also true, of course, that there was a follow-up to the expedition organized by the Round Table Conference.
However, Skino, who as a player town thought he would no longer be able to stand, still has more than 200 "adventurers". They were not left behind. I chose the environment of the city of Susquino on my own initiative. On the contrary, there existed a small number of "adventurers" who had deliberately moved from the city of Akiba and Minami to the city of Susquino.
There seems to be a certain need for "lawlessness" in the other world of "Elder Tail", which has become a reality. The city of Susquino has become dominated by a number of "Adventurers" …
Siloe felt no evil there. No, if I told you I didn't feel it, it would be a lie, but it wasn't big. Rather, Siloe, I was just scared.
There are two main reasons why Shiloe shouted at the Round Table meeting about the human rights of the 'earthlings'.
One is a clear way to survive. There are ten times more Earthlings in this world than Adventurers. The foundations of most consumer items are created by the "Earthlings". If we take such a way as to kill or control the "earthlings", sooner or later, there will be a dispute with the "earthlings". Whatever happens to that victory or loss, it's decided to leave a big scar. Defending the human rights of the "earthlings" was a means of protecting their rights. That was not humanism, etc., but a utilitarian calculation.
The other is fear.
Siloe still remembers the village of the "Earthlings" on her way home from the city of Susquino. In that village, Shiloe first felt that the "earthlings" were human. Feeling its warmth, its origins, its personality and its will, I started with them and saw them as "human beings".
For the standard educated Siloe of modern Earth, it was fear to "enslave" intelligent others. To be too taboo, it is directly linked to fear, jumping across rationales such as justice, evil and morality. Of course it was fear that I would become a slave, but there was even a physiological fear in the idea that I would have a slave, serve.
The chills felt by the siloe on the skino were the same thing as the roots.
But that's a problem that I hate to think about, but the number of [adventurers] themselves is only a few hundred in all Suskino. The small size of it still, there is salvation.
(Rather, it's this way...)
Minami is......
He was pushing at a rate far exceeding Siloe's expectations to a situation far exceeding his expectations.
"My lord, I brought you some clothes."
It was Akatsuki who came in cleverly pushing the door open with his back.
I still don't know how he feels about his obedience.
With that in mind, Shiloe moves to a table attached to one side of the room. The siloe room was about twenty tatami large spaces. It was only a building of plenty of size. As a result of several partition trips, it was now settled that nearly 1/3 of the eastern side of the second floor was the occupied space of the siloe.
If it's the original Earth, even if one computer has enough information to fit into a mobile device, it becomes a document that fills a number of shelves and tables in this other world. Make it a search, sort it out. It's not efficient, but if you don't, you can't even organize the traffic in front of you.
"You don't look well, do you?
As Akatsuki glances in from the bottom, Shiloe is still surprised. This little beautiful girl lacks the awareness that she is a beautiful girl. He would stare at me without distracting himself, so that his brushed black, large eyes and glossy lips like jelly could always be witnessed from the front, and Siloe would feel a stifling, unpleasant thrill.
(Plus, this guy's been...)
There have been signs of this from the beginning, but these days Akatsuki has been too good at coming in time. I don't know if that's because Akatsuki is tiny, or because of his self-inflicted skills by The Tracker or | Assassin, but it can exist surprisingly close, with Siloe sewing a fuzzy unconscious gap or a breathing gap.
It's such a distance that you don't even need to reach out and just give yourself a little bend and they'll tell you your temperature. As for siloes, they are often uncomfortable with their sense of distance, but Akatsuki doesn't seem to care about them at all, and is worried about siloes because of the seriousness of the small animals.
"That's not true."
Akatsuki replies without obsessing and starts lining up his clothes on the couch once and for all. Akatsuki curled back as Shiloe had his neck clenched as he looked familiar without clothes.
"Deliverables. From the Roundtable Conference."
"From a meeting?
The letter handed to me is certainly from the Roundtable Conference, and if you read it, it seems to be from the sewing production guild to the provision of prototypes.
Akatsuki left the siloe thing alone and began pouring black rose tea into the glass. I took it out of the Magic Bag, and it looks like it's today's snack. In this yamato, where wheat is widely distributed, bread is a relatively commonly eaten food. Of course there is rice, but bread beats rice in its preservability after baking. Recently, cooking research has progressed and various breads have begun to appear on the market. Bread with new ideas is expensive, but after a while mass production becomes cheaper. Such phenomena in commerce are the same in this world than people's habits remain unchanged.
This unadorned bread has been priced a lot, but to make it a snack, it's still expensive. Akatsuki gives Shiloe the other one for each small plate, holding the bread in his left hand.
"Are you sure?
"Luxury. I want you to eat."
Akatsuki replied with few words. As for siloe, it is quite a difficult recommendation to react to.
In other words, Shiloe has not been on the field recently due to a lot of administrative work at the Round Table. There is a reality that Akatsuki, who is out on the field to train Minori and Toya, is making more money. So, I'm not worried about Akatsuki's condition buying bread, but just because Shiloe is the guild master, and as a man of his age to say anything, letting a little girl (who looks like she is) luxury is ticklish and uncomfortable.
I feel like I'm a little pride myself, but it's a matter of feelings, so I don't like that sense of resistance. Weirdly glorious, though, would not be dressed up in reverse. Shiloe thanked me and received bread.
Akatsuki, who saw it, also flaunts his share of bread. The two sat side by side on a low low couch, trying to throw their feet out and enjoying the sweetness of Ako.
"Master, what's the letter?
"Uh. Providing a trial sample and, you see. from tomorrow."
Akatsuki nods convincingly.
October. The air is soothing and it's cold season with every rain, but the heat in Akiba's city still doesn't stop. Rather, the normalization of relations with the Alliance of Free Cities Eastal and increased commercial exchanges have led to an unprecedented positive economy for many production-based guilds.
When ingredients, cooking, chores, clothing, machinery, drugs, organic materials, and items of all sorts are imported with great momentum, they are exported. Now, the city of Akiba is a processing export city. Primary products such as ingredients and ores can of course be collected by the Adventurer, but they are easier to obtain in large quantities by purchasing from the Earthlings.
The "earthlings", especially the aristocrats and merchants, are demanding high-quality items created by the "adventurers", and various deals are active because they keep their eyes like plates trying to somehow get their secrets.
If the producer guild becomes active, the combat-based guild will also suffer its ripple effect. Especially since a massive quest request was made by the Fairy Ring (Fairy Ring) Clarification Project, which began last month, there have been more parties out there visibly.
In those circumstances, the topic that lifted up as if it had come down and sprung up was the plan for the Fall Festival. Many informal events by users were open, not originally planned by the "Elder Tail" or by the official side. They ranged from small objects like banquets gathered by a few people to huge events involving cities and servers, but of course this is the first of its kind since the Catastrophe.
Since the Catastrophe, the Adventurers, banished to this other world by survival and repeated incidents, have had no time to rest in their hearts. But Siroe understands that now that five months have already passed and a fairly stable basis for life is being created, requests for events like this have also been made.
Most importantly, Shiloe herself was busily killed by clerical work here, so I'm not that familiar with the "Fall Festival" thing. I just heard there's a big food tournament and a fashion show.
"My lord, that..."
"What are we going to do about the festival?
Siloe gets in trouble even if she asks that.
If you put your neck around it, I'll remember, but if you say so, the Round Table Conference should also be sponsoring it. I think there was some kind of greeting or ceremonial participation. As one of the eleven guild masters, Siloe also has a large budget to which one or two of the positions of some kind are assigned.
"I feel like I'm gonna say hello somewhere."
"Right.... I guess not."
"Mr. Siloe."
It was Minori who jumped in there. Minori had a brown paper wrap that looked important in her hands, but when she noticed Akatsuki at the door, she stepped on it and stopped.
The mouth-watering minnoli is a skirt in denim, in an empty blouse that I like to wear these days. Girls often dressed like this all over the city open their mouths after several hesitations to answer the inquiring siloe gaze.
"Mr. Siloe. Um, it's tomorrow's fall festival. Aren't you with me?
"Are you?"
"It wasn't, why don't you eat?
The flyer that Minori has offered says' Cake Vikings' in bright colors. The time limit is 45 minutes. The top two of the 20 teams compete in the main game -. Siloe has no idea why. In an attempt to ask for an explanation, he swung to Akatsuki, who also had a strangely serious look and a flyer written "Cake Viking" in front of his chest.
"Mr. Siloe. You don't hate sweets, do you?
"Yeah, you don't hate it"
"From the way you eat bread, I'm guessing that"
It has a relatively favorite flavour if it is moderately sweet.
"Master. Let's get out. This is free for both men and women."
"Mr. Siloe. Won't you answer? It's free, isn't it? Free."
As far as flyers go, heterosexual companionship - that is, a couple are eligible to compete, and if you eat more than eight in total, it's free. Apparently, the top two teams can move on to the main game.
It is a cake. To that extent, you'll be able to afford it. But I feel nothing more than enthusiasm between the two of us. I don't know if it's your fault, but both Akatsuki and Minori seem to be aware of each other, so I care about that as a siloe. But I wonder why you are hesitant to ask me face to face.
(Ah. Speaking of which, for a long time...)
Yes, it has been for a long time. Come to think of it, even at the Tea Party of the Prodigal. It was decided to say all about me that I was a female player, and I can cloud that the head of the player was "she". Thinking that far, Siloe took a deep sigh in her heart. If all women were to be oh so (and that's unlimited possibilities), there wouldn't be much left to do to defy them here.
"What do you think...? Mr. Siloe."
"Master, master."
As for the siloe, I had to fly a white flag to the two girls who stuffed me like a jerk.
Sinking onto the sofa with his comfortable flannel pyjamas, Rainesia is carrying a rice ball in her mouth. This food, commonly known as rice balls, is a take-out snack that is relatively commonly seen, sold in the city of Akiba.
(Wow. This calms you down......)
Long vacation.
Though sincerely immersed in its sweetness, Rainesia shudders as she sifts her feminine supple body when she recalls her intense duties here these days. Exhaling a firm, heavy sigh, Rainesia dropped her shoulder. Yes, they deceived me. To Crusty.
I regret the nagging of myself for riding sweetly with a three-meal nap.
If you think about it for a second, you'll see.
The Adventurer is now the key to the world. Didn't each of the Lords of the Alliance of Free Cities Eastal, where Rainesia's grandfather serves as a stamp, know it and try to take them in militarily, or politically, and use them? Being angry at the convenience in the first place was one of the reasons why I was cut off from the Lords' Council.
At that time, I was desperate because I wanted to protect my hometown and I didn't even want to push for a convenient wish that I had lost my respect for the [Adventurer].
That, in a sense, paid off. Supported by the favors of the Roundtable Conference, including Krusty, and the righteous hearts of the Adventurers, both the capital of Rainesia's hometown of Mayhama and the Alliance of Free Cities Eastal were saved.
But if the goblin raids converge in this way, things will return to their previous state. No, it could be said that the "adventurer" 's demonstration of his prowess to the Lords resulted in a clearer development.
Adventurers have shown not only their ability to fight, but also their technical, economic, and solidarity abilities in the Free City Alliance. Of course, there will no longer be any lords who say, "Let's occupy the city of Akiba," rather than show military strength, but there should be an explosion of lords who will somehow gain friendship, join forces with the "Adventurers" to smoke sweet juice.
No, in fact, Raynesia has watched so much that she's fed up with such examples over the past month. Rainesia is in a position where her grandfather tells her that she is on a mission to the city of Akiba… so to speak, halfway between prudence and martial arts training, but at the same time she is the first "head of negotiations who went to the city of Akiba" of the Alliance of Free Cities Eastal.
At the request of the "Round Table Meeting", I often attend ceremonies and other events, and as a noble lady, I am sometimes invited to a ball… a targeted gathering. I have nothing to say about these gatherings (and of course they are a pain in the ass) because of the ladies' education, which has been planted for so long in my life, but the problem is otherwise.
For example, he is asked by the heavy town of the "Productive Alliance" in the words of the "Adventurer", a doorman whose main business is commerce, and asked for commercial advice. Conversely, the merchants and nobles of the Alliance of Free Cities Eastal have asked me to introduce them to the leading players in the city of Akiba.
These kinds of requests can discredit you or sometimes bring in tremendous trouble if you don't thoroughly explore the content and think about introductions and advice.
Of course, if you say no to everything, you won't fail, but if you think about the aristocratic social world, there can be a "favor" that isn't very, but you can't refuse. No matter how much the daughter of the Duke's family boasts the largest forces in the northeast of Yamato, she is not the Lord, she is just a granddaughter. There is selfishness that can pass and selfishness that cannot pass.
On the other hand, the Adventurer did not speak or act as strategically as she could give up. It did not seem to them that her being a direct line of the Duke's family with only two in Yamato was a right that had to be taken in, if not an object of interest and courtesy, or an authority such that she had to bow her knees all the more.
They came to ask her, the "earthlings", their views as "earthlings" and people's connections, and they were less inclined to use her.
It is, she feels, that perhaps we, the "adventurers," are strong, and that Rainesia, even if it were "noble" - is the "earthlings" she thinks it is.
If that thing makes Rainesia, I regret it.
Of course I am glad that I am not treated as an aristocrat and that I can be recognized as a single person, but that joy and this remorse are utterly backward.
I was happy and sorry to be just a 'earthling'.
(But it is ~)
That feeling, too, no longer seemed like a trap when I tried this.
I had to learn about the [Adventurers] and the city of Akiba in order to satisfy my aristocratic relationship and face and smudges. What she says is that the "earthlings", especially the aristocrats and the powerful, really know nothing about the "adventurers". Words go poorly and it's something with the same appearance, so it's meant to be like I figured it out, but there was a huge separation between lifestyles and culture. There are countless situations where people collide if they don't know the least when dealing or cooperating.
Without such painful advice for nobility and luxury, it was imperative that if we just introduced the "Adventurer" or the "Productive Alliance", there would soon be a major problem.
Meanwhile, the questions of the Adventurers made Rainesia feel dark. "Adventurers" are a realistic race, and what they often want is practical knowledge. The Adventurer is highly educated and intelligent until he is in each of them. Talking to them, they realize that they know nothing about their country or their lives.
Because I'm not a military man, because I'm not a civilian, because I'm not a man...
Rainesia has been kept away from the ostensible affairs of the Duke's family for various reasons before, and took that for granted. But talking to the Adventurers, they didn't know anything about politics, what the city's people and farmers were eating, what kind of houses they lived in, what they were happy about and what they were grieving about.
That's why if we seriously tried to answer the wishes of nobles and [adventurers], it would require a huge amount of knowledge and investigation, and the words, such as a three-meal nap, meant a series of intense duties that we could not find anywhere to look.
"Wow... It's really limitless."
The worst part was the fact that there was no "cap" on these kinds of learning. Even if you come up with some excellent ideas, advice, or combinations, no one will give you the assurance that it's "the best".
If you think about it a little more, or if you look into it a little more, you might have a better idea. Or maybe if you plan just a little more carefully, you can prevent the worst trouble. That kind of suspicion was in the corner of his head at 46 o'clock, and Rainesia herself admitted that with her "guru personality," she didn't let him get out of hand.
When I rooted and flipped the paperwork until it was really a snare and fell out of heat, Elissa just preached to me. But, well, I don't know what happened to that sermon, but this is how I got three days' rest, so it should be good.
"The best…. Rice Balls, Ohio no..."
Raynesia hits the rice ball with a cursory move. This is her favorite, one with the taraco in it. Some contain salted vegetables and vinegar, but as far as she is concerned, she concludes that rice balls of seafood should be given a high rating.
Eating rice balls with small fish and soy soup is what a calming meal. Of course, the meals since the revolution cannot be compared to the ones before in the sense of taste. Until now, the gray diet before the revolution cannot be remembered.
However, a qualitative meal eaten in this way can also be described as an unbelievable sense of happiness. It's a lot better than an indulgent course at a dinner party.
"Ahhh. I'm happy. I wish I didn't have a dress anymore. I want to spend all my time in my pajamas.... all meals are good with rice balls, already. Rice balls, cucumbers and miso soup are enough. Me..."
Drink hot soup. Eat rice balls. Eat a pairing cucumber. Excellent. Would there be the luxury of eating in a self-depraved outfit, especially in your own room like this fall nest? Rainesia can assure you it's not possible.
"Elissa. Elissa. Tea, please. Wow."
Leinesia, while sitting on the sofa with her cat back on her back, moves in her mouth, demanding tea from every maid.
Called the "Winter Rose of Eastal," the misty beauty is a slightly sleepy look as it is, and the stretchy, smooth style that everyone flatters has a somewhat childish feel surrounded by thick pyjamas.
It's a "speechless outfit and attitude" if you make a loud maid say so, but after all, it's a three-day rest. Rainesia is determined to miss this opportunity.
Skip as much as you've never skipped before.
That and this are bad crusty for that enlightenment monster (brain eater). Such feathers are deceived by that fine lying knight.
I really feel it when I receive a cup of tea and rub it on my cheeks while I feel the hot hot air. The joints in your body seem to feel sweeter and numb. It is a unique, smug fullness immediately after having had plenty of sleep.
Sleep time has been decreasing here lately. All I can say is that was a terrible abuse.
"Not at all. It's because of that messing monster. I can't believe you're getting so busy. … you have to remind them of the original power relationship for once"
It was at this time that Rainesia, scrubbing her tea and exhaling in a howl, heard a voice that should not have been.
"I understand you well enough to teach you."
Krusty, sitting on the couch on Leinesia's right hand, gives Leinesia back her words with a bare expression.
The tunic for walking in the city is dyed with some dead leaf colour in different tones. Combined with a jacket with a black edge, Crusty in an autumnal outfit had the impression of being snug as if she had just gotten herself ready.
A ruthless knight so tall that he can be called this giant, he does have a tall upper back, but he also doesn't give the impression that he's that "huge" as long as he's wearing regular clothes all over the city because his hands and legs are even meaty on the long side. Rather, the sidelines and the like are so idle that they look like scholars or researchers. Besides, I always wear a neat, clean outfit, and there's no such thing as a gap. Absolutely not. I can't find it looking for it.
It is an anomaly that warriors who were even visible to giants with such disastrous signs on the battlefield appear to be quiet all over the city.
Rainesia, who emerged at this time, protests with her mouth pounding.
"Ah. Ah. Ahhh."
"You can scream or rave, but I think you should put this down,"
Crusty quietly received a ceramic cup from Leinesia, who shuddered with a smugness. In that calm attitude, Rainesia's brain boils at once, unable to do decent thinking.
Meetings don't come together. Why are you here? Who did you get forgiveness for? What is it about stepping into Lady's bedroom (though subtle because it's also the clerk's office)? Such angry questions come to mind, but at this point they are behind us.
As Rainesia escapes to crawl, she pulls the blanket from the covered bed just behind the couch. Being a nobleman, she has, of course, a number of private rooms in My Hama. Speaking of aristocratic culture, it is unlikely that bedrooms combine living rooms. But this is where she's been dispatched, it was a new official residence, and not as many rooms. Desiring to live a pulling life, she said herself and had one room packed with a covered bed and sofa set, a paperwork desk to carry out her official duties, a closet for dressing, etc. (of course, the intention was to skip and grab a job).
That was lucky this time.
Running off the couch, there's a bed ahead and a new blanket that she's making her favorite. Wearing it from her head and consolidating her defense first was her chosen tactic.
"Yes, what the hell"
"In time, I thought it'd be ten o'clock."
"Mr. Elissa put me through normally,"
"I heard you were resting, so I harassed you."
Raynesia is stunned.
I called it harassment. This snug monster has told me to harass you, no matter what!
"... ah"
"Why are you harassing me? Awesome!?
"Excuse me. I accidentally misspoke because I don't have noble ears around me. A visit from Princess Rainesia, who was busy doing her job. I'm just here to encourage you, so to speak."
While carrying the same tea served to Rainesia in his mouth, Crusty treats such words with a serene voice. Painted with lies from anywhere to anywhere, it's like untrustworthy words.
Speaking of Raynesians, they put on a blanket in a bed with a canopy. This is anagma's offensive attitude… or an attitude that references the habit of defending the nest and represents an absolute indomitable will. - At least as far as Rainesia's mind is concerned, that's the expression.
If Krusty says anything more or comes close, wear more futons and block the outside world. Even at night, he is resolutely going to castle in bed and ignore it.
It's my vacation. On top of this, you have to avoid being pushed to work or involved in trouble at all costs.
But Krusty's pushing (which made it look like a seemingly easy job) impossibility challenge never came against Rainesia's expectations. Crusty just sips tea quietly.
In the room, time flows slowly.
My favorite blanket I bought from Adventurer is much lighter and smoother to the touch than I used in My Hama, waxing and loyal to Rainesia in a light rainy fall room.
(What are you thinking? This monster...)
Time flickers even as I think about it that way. The air, like melting the yawn in, comes with a melt. Both the rainy backdrop that blocks the sound of the city and the monotonous sound of the column clock are like vicious sorcery that invites you to sleep.
As for Rainesia, it is on schedule that she will be sleeping all day. Where I want it to be, then, Crusty is the only problem.
Looking at the sofa from the blanket gap, its crusty looked at the cup at the sofa table, looking out the window at the rain-wet city in the fall.
Excellent side. I can't get rid of a killer like Krusty who fought Goblin right now.
(Think about it, this one is a monster, so you're spreading everything, right?)
Rainesia searched for a comfortable posture in the blanket. My body is wrapped in the indentation of the futon to calm and ease even the air in my lungs.
(Well, then, I can't help but say I've been seen in a sloppy place. In the first place, why should I shy away if this guy who came in on his own is bad?... irrational, isn't it)
Just a little.
Just meditate a little on your eyes.
With that excuse, Rainesia sank into the mellow.
Crusty shrugged his shoulders, saying nothing and enjoying his tea peacefully while sitting on the couch for a long time.
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