Log Horizon
(Abyssalshaft) The offensive team prepared for the week.
Camp fortification and dozens of forced reconnaissance. And elimination other than crusadable boss enemies. Troops head to a rematch with all the support they can think of.
Federico noticed her shallow breathing and forced her to breathe in.
The sight is much the same as it was a week ago in front of me.
It is the intimidating figure of Luceart in the Seven Gardens, a giant statue of dark purple situated in a giant circular arena (Colosseum).
The arena, which fought a heavy battle a week ago, is in a tranquility where even sand and dust are not found.
Federico waited for the signal, aware of Siloe, the party leader.
Federico thinks this silent young man has changed a lot in the past week.
That defeat prompted me to talk a lot to all the members. I have always known myself to be a good "Granting Artist" (Enchanter), but this past week seems to have been even more eloquent. The Federicos quickly tamed with the appearance of equipping themselves with a new wand that they apparently pulled from their luggage.
It is not the case of four or five. Do whatever you need to do to increase your chances of winning. I think Siloe responded well to those Federicos.
It's also thanks to the Shiloes that the Reid team's food situation has improved this past week.
They spared no effort in providing food ingredients from the Magic Bag, so the quantity and quality of meals improved. Lugius, an amateur cook who keeps the team's meals, was grateful. "Didn't I spare you until now?" I also heard the opinion, "but it was small, and soon disappeared.
There is also the fact that the Silver Sword was treating them like customers. I'm not talking about being blamed unilaterally.
Besides, that whole extermination thing is huge.
“Death” is roughly painful, but sometimes it connects people. My high school friends and college friends were never close, but the reid team is different now. The fact that we shared that hard experience is huge, and I think it might be more of a relationship to call a warrior friend than a friend.
You can't be friends with someone you don't like.
I think Federico keeps his lips chewed.
You can't keep hating your comrades.
That was true for Siloe, and so was Demiquas.
Azalea, sitting with her eyes closed as if meditating, gently raises her right hand.
The Summoner (Summoner) 's stunt, Phantom Beast Possession (Seoul Possession), is used to possess the summoned squire monster and perform reconnaissance as it is. I guess I de-possessed him, keeping his head open two or three times, and he told William, "No waiting position change. No other enemy shadows," he said, raising a concise report.
It's the result of repeated reconnaissance this past week.
They've learned to cooperate, Reid Boss, but they have their thoughts and preferences, and that's not entirely indispensable. That's what Siloe said several times this past week in The Horizon of Records (Log Horizon). Talking about it, I'm a young man with a soft, thoughtful waist, but if you're going to believe the rumors from Akiba, he says it's an evil mastermind that even Hell's soldiers manipulate.
(Either way, that's not a big deal)
Federico thinks.
Indeed, the siloe is introverted. I feel the wall with an awkward look. It's also small and difficult to explain and hard to get around. But such a thing is a minor drawback. Even members of the Silver Sword are not brother-in-law who could have mentioned others. It's a bunch of abandoned people, more or less scumbags. Siloe may be a weirdo, but among Federico's people, he's a common sense classification.
When the siloe said the keyword briefly, the magic activated. It's an Ericseal spell. This Coverage Magic used by the Granting Magician will increase the healing spell's power.
My buddy Rugius seemed to try "Heartbeat Healing" with his left palm facing up. The bright green light and plumage poured down on Federico. It is true that the amount of recovery is increasing. Federico thanked Siroe for his back, which put a cover spell on him in turn.
Time for preparation is over. It's Silver Sword time from here.
It's the continuation of that night when William screamed to spit it out.
Small countdown. Running first to take the zero timing was a straight line. A second party "Guardian Warrior" strips away the other members and heads to "Luceart in the Seven Gardens" by himself.
(Not yet. Not yet......)
Federico stands still as he puts William's horizontally stretched left hand and battlefield in sight. Keep your eyes on your direct back and wait for the first integration (first attack).
"" Castle of Stones "!!
The direct line shouted that it would put up a shield just in front of Luceart. Absolute stunt of a Guardian Warrior that nullifies all damage. Using only ten seconds of invincible time, the direct line passed the first massive attack that Luceart waved, the blow of "Listen, Condolences Bell Under the Moon".
"Not now!
William rushes out with the hanging voice.
Federico followed suit.
"Listen, Moon Bell" and "The Great Pile of Dark Silver" are attacks that can be described as special moves of Luceart in Black Knight mode. Those two are top tanks full of cover and heels, and if not Dinkron, it's hard to defend. A fellow Shiloe called Direct Inheritance spent a single shot at it. The "Listen, Condolences Bell Under the Moon" reuse time (recast time) has been found to be 90 seconds in the last battle. In other words, Luceart won't be able to use the Bells Under the Moon for another eight or seven seconds. There is no powerful range attack on Luceart right now. "Kneel down, big pile of dark silver" is a threat, but it's a stand-alone attack. Federicos can safely and perfectly travel to a predetermined position in this gap.
It's a natural collaboration for Raider, but Federico's mouth angle led to the way the guardian warriors of the small and medium-sized guilds made him do it perfectly.
“Death” is still scary.
But my heart is exalted.
Federico's mind rose like a glider playing in the wind at a moment when he and his comrades stormed shoulder-to-shoulder, at a moment when a difficult collaboration was decided. That's probably a childish emotion to be ridiculed in the public, but it was "eat shit" if you borrow Federico's admitted guild master words.
As challenging as that night's cry hit this world, we're choosing to do it ourselves.
Federico has died many times since he came to this other world.
Many times I was brought back into those dark memories. It's a re-experience of regret and disappointment.
But I never had a fellow Silver Sword appear in those memories. Even if I talk to my friends around me, yes. I'm glad that's Federico. There may be voices that say it's natural because it was a game, but still, it makes me feel like it's proven to be a shameless companion and a place for myself.
- Friends.
It has been a long time since it became illuminating to use the word.
At this age, it's just a pain in the ass to think about how far friends you are, where you know each other from, and even if you decide to define such a verbal aspect, you just have to be in a relationship. Federico, a new American social worker, felt that it was just as useless to be close to each other and to keep them away from each other.
It was a startling experience to hear the word "friend" from a high school guild master and to get my eyeballs hot. I don't know how I feel about myself.
Maybe one day we can go back to the original world.
You might think it's ridiculous to go back and forth to your home and work every day to remember what's going on and be prepared to die.
That's not a bad thing, but that's why when it comes to being able to stop ourselves now, I could clearly say no. This is the Reid Zone, and we're Raiders.
Jumping high and scaffolding the dark purple cage hand, Federico slammed the Flaming Blade Sword (Flamberge) against Luceart's arm. The Viper's blow "Viperstrash" did not do much damage, but reduces Luceart's attack hit rate along with the bleeding icon. That figure is 4%.
Raider never says it's only 4%. This 4% is a chance to save just the same healing spell, 4% to keep MP consumption down and keep fighting going, and 4% to increase your chances of a battle victory if you let me say it with Federico's complacency.
Dinkron, who switched the defensive role from direct succession, comes forward.
He is one of the best in the Silver Sword, but he won't pull on “Black Sword” Isaac for his defense, which strengthens his whole body with a fantasy class (Fantasmal). The dinklon raises a scream that causes the tympanic membrane to wave in the back of the usual gentle voice. Walkley. extended by the effect of the item. It increased ambient state anomaly tolerance.
Federico's body also inhabits strength with a vibration that is vile.
I continued the attack with that force so that I could circle behind Luceart, which even seemed duller than the last time. It is the role of the Attacker to accumulate damage by rolling White Soldier Stunts vertically and horizontally. Given this operation, the starting dash was extremely important.
At the western end of the Colosseum, about ten meters from its battle over the "Luceart of the Seven Gardens", a metallic sound sounded modest, albeit modest, twice.
The samurai (Samurai) of Silver Sword, Luo Yaomaru, used the Iron Slash Sword.
As investigated in advance, one of the iron gratings was severed, revealing such a gap that it was relatively easy to get through if it was human in size.
Federico sees it at the edge of his sight but makes further attacks.
(Not yet)
The onslaught of the attack team, which raised its output at once, inflicts less damage on Luceart. There's not much I can do for Luceart right now. The Heavy Damage Attacks you need to rely on are deactivated by direct succession, and you don't have a combined attack that will allow you to break Dinkron's hold.
The Federicos would be kicked in the ass if they were to ask their people for help, but Luceart himself hasn't lost 10% of his HP yet. You can't possibly call for help. - Though, Federico was biting his fright to death inside.
There is no guarantee. When might those two Reid bosses break in? Or maybe another boss will show up - there's no absolute guarantee there. There is only a map of this zone and speculation about the guardians' system of cooperation, which we have confirmed through reconnaissance.
In too much time, the Federicos will hold out while attacking and wait for the start of the operation.
I wanted to win.
Just the desire to win made me desperately overlap my offense.
Federico's love sword, Muspel's Exhale, was shaken like a small typhoon by the rigidity of the Adventurer, hitting Luceart's armor many times. Heterogeneous armor cracks crystalline in such ferocity that it becomes red-hot that scattered pieces of vitreous damage Federico's beard surface. I didn't even care about that.
Federico herself, who had never thought she was such a person before, apparently liked the right thing.
That's what I've learned in the past week.
Wanting to win wasn't about wanting to defeat this mighty enemy, or getting honors and treasures. Not to mention the feeling of anger and hatred had no shards.
Only one thing I want is the right reward.
It's Reid that William wanted to beat to tears.
It's a battle that Silver Sword has crossed many dead lines.
I don't want to think that was in vain. I don't want to think we were continuing our stupid, pointless challenge. If it were, wouldn't it be too sad?
I have no grudges against Luceart. Rather, I even learn respect.
Federico just wants the Silver Sword.
You guys are not wrong. And I was right and strong.
All I wanted was proof of that.
William's sharp voice was accompanied by a backup (buffer) and a healer (healer) to bypass. "Luceart in the Seven Gardens" is changing. Remove the cracked armor and transform its body into a snowy color - into White Knight mode.
The crushed black armor spreads into a shadowy swamp, creating countless warriors. The trap zone used by Luceart restricts the movement of the "Adventurer" inside it. It's a sticky, sticky range attack on your ankle. Avoid that area, the Reid team changes formation.
"Hurry up! Cut in is the Siloe Squad!
Following William's instructions, a line followed and danced into the aisle ahead of the iron lattice. Ahead is Ibra Habla in the Three Gardens.
This is where the Federicos fight back begins.
Demiquas was among the group that jumped first into the west aisle.
The granite passages with high ceilings are decorated with giant columns but continue straight. At the end of the aisle is shallow and sumptuous, but a reconnaissance showed that there was a flaming serpent Ibra Habla in the great cavity (hall) ahead.
Demiquas, who looked around slightly, but started moving again himself, following a direct line that ran straight out.
Protecting yourself with metal armor is like a blunt tortoise from a Demiquas standpoint. He's desperately in a hurry, but that speed is only about half his own, a light outfit. If Demiquas gets serious and uses Phantom Step or Wyburn Kick, he'll be able to leave it in one breath.
But if we do that, Demiquas will stick first into the Flaming Snake (Reid Boss). To avoid that, it's abominable, but we just have to move on after the direct line.
The line is straight ahead, moving in a column headed by Demiquas.
The first party retreats with the team's lead tank, Dinkron, at the rear of the line to prevent Shadow Warriors. There will be no speed. It will be the role of the Demikus to take the lead on surrogacy while their main defense party plays a subsequent opponent.
The beginning part of the operation was simple.
During that hellish devastation, "Ibra Habla in the Three Gardens" and "Tartaulgar in the Four Gardens" opened the gates of the iron lattice (,) and appeared.
Yes, they're not the size to be able to get through the gap in the iron lattice. And the gate, which can be called that giant cage, can only be opened from the aisle side.
Perhaps if this were the usual raid content, both gates would be unlocked after defeating (Luceart of the Seven Gardens), but not as things stand.
This operation uses its labyrinth structure.
That is, making Colosseum a prison that isolates Luceart will be the gist of the operation. Luceart cannot enter the corridor from the Colosseum side down the iron lattice. You can't come after a line that escaped into the west corridor. Of course, I can't say enough that it's unlikely to be intruded by methods such as sabotage, so I made an induction into white knight mode with low attack capability. If you don't defeat the Shadow Warrior, it's also woven that Luceart can't travel while in White Knight Mode.
We have already reconnaissance of the situation ahead, with a covert subpoena that let us intrude from the gap in the iron lattice. The operation is well communicated in several cases, but the most privileged cases of this are:
Luceart is virtually powerless because it cannot escape or destroy the iron lattice. Tartauger, the ice giant at the end of the east aisle, may also be able to open the east gate and come as far as the Colosseum, but the west gate cannot be opened for the same reasons as Luceart. They are virtually out of battle. The Demikus will destroy the Flaming Snake Ibra Habla and move on to reach the deepest end of this zone, becoming the champion of this dungeon.
- But there were no Reid members who thought they could simply win like that.
Even if you break through the Flaming Snake Ibrahabra, it doesn't necessarily mean you don't have a Reid boss further ahead. According to Siloe, the structure of this labyrinth meant that it was possible to get here without iron plaid, even from the eastern side of the aisle, as long as it was far enough. As soon as Ibra Habla struggles, the Tartauger of the Four Gardens must rush.
It is also only a hopeful observation that Luceart and Tartauger cannot destroy the iron lattice in the first place. The possibility of a breakthrough should be considered, although it would be to the extent of a stumbling block. And if they break through once, they will be destroyed and this operation will never be able to be executed again.
Yes, it is. Even though the Demikus (Adventurers) are revivable, the situation is constantly changing. The same opportunity, never to visit again. The face of the "Silver Sword", which I know, kept running down the aisle amid strong tension.
(Damn it!
But that's normal.
There can't be a completely predictable and stable future. That's common sense in the world even in elementary school. Every plan has an element of uncertainty, and there is always a risk that someone other than yourself will intervene. I wake up Sunday morning and have breakfast watching TV. How many times would that have been all I could think of? If you're alive, it's natural that it won't work.
It was this other world (Elder Tail) that completely lost sight of the obvious. I assumed it was a game and thought I could do anything I wanted. I was under the illusion that I could do anything, because I could do anything.
And then Siloe beat me up.
Demiquas thought. There are things that don't make sense. This place is indisputably real. But knowing that, I get the illusion again and again. I get fooled by the dicky game-style surface of this world. This time it will be. I tried again and again to keep my mind tight and never to be alarmed, but my vigilance leaked like a loose faucet of water, and I licked it.
(In other words, I lost my guard. I lost because I'm licking it.... I lost because I'm making fun of those guys)
Reminds me of a poorly fleshed daughter looking at this one with her hands on her hips.
That's a flashy look. I guess you despise Demiquas. That was also taken for granted. Demiquas did terrible things to the Earthlings. I didn't kill him, but I was sifting through violence, selling him out, forcing him to work. It can't even be liked. They just don't hit me because of the difference in health.
Lack of colour, she was like a chicken gala. I grinned sarcastically as I stared hard with my giraffed eyes. Kill me now, if only by mouth. That's the cliché. If you're not going to kill him, get out of the way, you can't clean him. That's what they said.
Demiquas lost perfectly, mostly.
"The earthlings" die when they die. I know that, but I live with just that one life. It bets all of its existence without in order to pass its own will. With Demiquas cheap life, we can't make a match in the end.
I was licking this other world.
I thought it was just a game, and that's why I lost to Shiloe.
Before I could correct that assumption, I even lost to the "earthlings" of our time who were supposed to be helpless.
I also lost to the Silver Sword. It was beaten down that first time I encountered it in the tavern, and many more times after that, I was forced to lick the floor, and [Brigantia] was devastated.
And I lost to Reid Boss, and if that was all, there might still have been salvation, but William even defeated me as Alliance Master. In spite of all that devastation, there are twenty companions that follow that game obsolete.
There's nothing left for Demiquas.
White Asian passages made of stone assembly suddenly came to an end.
The higher ceilings were as large as a six-story building and popped into a large circular natural space. That was a large cavity in the account like an egg that stood about 30 meters in radius.
The perimeter is made of loess rock with bright orange spots. The ramp continues several meters wide like a helical descent down its rock wall. The puddles everywhere are blue. The large cavity, with its surprisingly bright colors, was illuminated by white light.
"This smell."
Oh, it's the Hot Springs Festival.
Demiquas also understood with a direct line that answered the rear siloe. Smells like sulfur. If these brightly colored rocks were also stained with sulfur and chemicals, it would be convincing.
One line runs down the peripheral corridor that spirals. At the bottom of the great cavity lies a serpent (Ibra Habla) lying asleep.
That's probably the standby for that Reid boss.
As per the previous meeting, the direct line jumped down the last slope towards that serpent.
I don't have much cover, but I can't afford enough time to prepare carefully. Acting as something that doesn't.
Assault with Tora's Reaction Activation Recovery (reactive) and Rugius's Pulse Recovery (heel on time) on his back. The figure was a stunning one that made me feel no hesitation from Demiquas.
Demiquas also leaps out into the air to shake himself off as if he were going to snap. The face of the Silver Sword is followed by one jump after another to participate in the battle.
It was a brawl at once.
Probably a cavernous downhill that runs further from the corner of this great cavity is the "right answer". Goal exists in the deepest part of this zone beyond that. But there is no convenient iron lattice at the entrance of the cave, and no further break-up is possible. Only the Flaming Snake (Ibra Habla in the Three Gardens) must be terminated here. That's also before Tartauger of the Four Gardens showed up as reinforcements.
It was too early to carry on the ice spell like a long-range attack party was in a hurry.
Demiquas got a bad attitude, but the direct line seems to have managed to take on Ibra Habla.
In a sight more like a disaster or accident scene than a monster, like a flaming storm looming in front of your eyes, Dharma, the festival of metal armor, screams anchor howl, desperately rolls out a sword to stir up enemy hearts. At this time shortly after the battle began, Demiquas was learning that Hate, who could be directed from monster to tank, was unstable. I know what you're saying about an offensive position that wants to do damage as soon as possible, but if you hurry, the target could be changed and it could be an accident.
"Fortress Stance! New shield and armor performance, let me try it."
Take a hip-drop position so that the direct relay carries the wall. A blue aura erupts from the foot. That move is a defensive gesture that the Guardian Warrior (Armor Kakashi) specializes in. Carry out an attack with a long sword from behind it while holding the opponent with a raised large shield. The move to increase defense instead of losing mobility was not available to militants (artists) like Demiquas.
But Demiquas also has a wing called ability, mobility, which is not directly inherited.
"Whoa, whoa! Aura Sabre!
Demiquas shook down a kick armed with a golden light from the air.
A blow depicting a large axe-like trajectory pierces the burning outer skin of a flaming snake. It can't be not working. Aura Sabre is a stunt that, because of its properties, can inflict less damage than its defense. Besides, Flame Damage has been considerably reduced with Energy Protection in the Forest Curse (Druid). At least not every time you attack.
Demiquas avoided the "Phantom Step" tail with as many small buses as the swinging "Ibra Habla in the Three Gardens". It leaps up into the air and releases the Wyburn Kick as if it were dragging the remnants.
Wyburn Kick.
And the Wyburn Kick.
From the bottom of Sturm Assault Sabaton Boots, a pair of boots dedicated to heavy armored assault like the one made by scraping metal chunks, a shock is transmitted that runs through the gatun, the gatun and the brain. If we do this in Suskino, it's a series of attacks enough to make an abandoned building an authentic pile of debris. Demiquas isn't the only one. Next to it, where Demiquas strikes out in the green light, Federico waves the Flameblade sword over and over, and if any other Melee Attack position on the Reid team comes from Ibra Habla, he's sticking around like a dwarf swarming with giants.
All of a sudden, Demiquas' legs glowed silver.
It is the Keane Edge, an enhanced spell operated by Siloe.
(Son of a bitch)
Demiquas tongued abominably. I almost wanted to spit, but because of the heat emitted by the flaming snake, my mouth is ragged. Instead Demiquas set up the giant agate of Ibrahabra that had circled in front of him. Tiger Echofist. Even with this move, which has a bad hit rate, a giant opponent of Reid Boss can slap it as he wishes.
Reptile eyes, white and cloudy as moonstones, have looked down at Demiquas and turned to inorganic killing.
"Extensive, get away!!
Demiquas becomes royal within the front line, which leaves simultaneously by decree of William, crossing his arms in front of his eyes. Demiquas can prevent a flaming attack with both of his arms.
That was neither insulting nor alarming. It's a statement of determination to be Demiquas.
Demiquas did not even have one single blink as he was swallowed up by Ibrahabra's spitting whirlpool of flames.
The flames rolled back in front of my direct line of sight. Unlike what you see on the game screen, a poisonous crimson that even feels sticky breaks out and swallows a direct line like a mad beast.
But even in such purgatory, the direct line narrowed its eyes and maintained a forward leaning posture.
Sure, my whole body is hot. It's obvious because it's burned by flames. On the other hand, however, the heat was also to the extent of being naked on asphalt in the midsummer flames. Sure, my skin stings, but it's not unbearable.
The flames had streams and waves, and the direct line observed it calmly, breathing heavily when it found a gap. He stopped breathing like he was diving in the water. A precaution that kept my lungs from burning, but at this rate, inhaling might not have caused fatal injury.
(And that arrogant militant, don't you think?)
Rugius' "Pulse Recovery" and even East Lake's "Damage Blocking Barrier" to Torah's "Reaction Activation Recovery" are the direct successors. These pseudo healing spells are called class heels. Earlier widespread burnout attacks, The Feast of Purgatory Without Mercy, were powerful. Even if roughly 6,000 damage is disabled by the "Damage Blocking Barrier" of the "Divine Cleric" and about 900 damage is restored by the "Reaction Activation Recovery" of the "Therapeutic Cleric", the damage is too small to this extent. It was no surprise that the direct line was dying in an earlier attack.
It was Demiquas who replaced the direct damage.
Probably "Covering". It is a stunt that takes damage from close range group members on their shoulders. Indeed, Demiquas, a militant, is also more resistant to attribute attacks than direct succession, and has a higher amount of HP itself. If the damage is dispersed in this way, the direct line can still remain on the front line. The direct line reviewed Demiquas just a little bit.
"Oops, we're almost there! Towing Brow!
Direct line feeds Ibra Habla a specially made blow to earn Hate.
Surely this big flaming snake is horrible. The imminent head looks like a dump car assault, and the red and black open mouth is as powerful as a construction heavy machine. That's what's approaching at a speed like a train accident, so my legs shudder, and even my vision narrows.
But the direct line catches the lips in the form of laughter, as it shakes off its power.
Stop it. Patience. I really can't afford to laugh.
But spare time is always an ambiguity. If you think not, and if you think there is. I can't afford to polish and clean my kitchen even if I have plenty of time for three holidays, and even when I'm going to stay at the company in a closing training yard, I can afford to look for a newly developed private brand pudding in a convenience store. That's the thing.
So as long as you laugh, you can afford it. I'm born even if I didn't.
Believe that. The direct line waves the sword again.
Scream Town, put up a shield and take a defensive stance, not a step back.
And he's laughing invincibly. That's what Reid's primary defenseman, Prima Defender, is for his direct succession.
I guess I guessed everything with that short scream of a direct line. William said from the back row, "You can't damage it while you circle to the left!" and gave instructions.
Direct grin deepens. As I thought, William knows.
No, more than three weeks after breaking into this "Naruto" (Abyssal Shaft). That time allowed for communication of will. Now I know what William thinks in direct succession. Even William, you can see the hope of a direct line.
Recovery spells are showered one after the other in the direct body, and HP begins to rise.
Even though there has been a Demiquas operation, its total HP has dropped to about 30%. Unlike Demiquas, who was covered in a one-point relief, there is also a constant downpour of powerful normal attacks on the direct line. The scales, which were the other way around, like Kenyama, are fired many times towards the direct succession. To mitigate those damage and prepare for the next giant attack, restoring direct HP is also necessary for the safety of the entire team. So I wouldn't shy away from direct transmission.
In such a fierce battle, direct succession remembered the old days.
Of course, it might have been a good place to play if it had been for this (,), which was alienated, but even the direct line was the main tank at the Tea Party of the Prodigal (DeBeauchery). It's not like I don't have any Reid experience. Rather, it is the group "Tea Party" that has repeatedly made enough raids to make me laugh. In the first place, Kanami has a verse that even outwitted Reid's victory and defeat. Reid, the battle is a woman who thought about eliminating obstacles to tourism. I had to laugh because I even stuck my face in the Reid offense on an overseas server just to "see a new view".
"Here! Fine."
The new equipment, Silver Ridge's Sworn Armor, was worthy of reliance. I feel stable because of the smooth connection of the whole thing. There's no such thing as butterflies and bouncing parts anywhere. The Lion King's Shield is also outstanding. The shock transmitted to the arm was more relieved than before. This is going to keep us in this fierce fight for hours. If you direct the glittering light point in your sight to the center of your shield, you can bounce back without even retreating from the tail of Ibra Habla. I have a feeling my defense has improved a lot.
"We can still go. Ooh! It's more of a fucking festival!
The direct successor raised his barbaric voice.
"Hiya. Direct line, it's Norinori. Ah!
Soon I come back close and the Torah makes a mild voice.
Straight ahead leaning the tortoise further from the flames, he said, "Let it be, this is it! shouted back." When Tora jumped up with his hands on his direct shoulder, he hung a voice that often passed against the hall.
"Guys! Nori Nori?
The battle was intense and there was no return to Torah with a specific reply. But everyone is watching Torah. It's also natural, attacking the target to be defeated (Ibra Habla in the Three Gardens) means seeing a direct successor take on the onslaught with one hand, and Tora is now shouting to the battlefield at the shoulder of that direct succession.
The roaring sound fills the hall. That was the will of the Reid team, which responded to a small idle inquiry in the form of each exhausting their dying power. Swords and axes are swung down as they continue to stand, or ice and lightning strikes a giant monster.
When Tora spilled a smile at the sound, with a challenging look, she poked her right hand rod high in heaven.
"All right, let's go! Hang in there, guys! I can hang in there, hang in there!
It sounded so brave that Tora's voice made him forget that this place was underground. The voice climbs into heaven once before pouring down on its companions.
Seven colors of Aurora appear in the sky full of light. The curtain of light swayed, playing gentle music while holding countless meteors in it. Aurora Heels is a special spell. Of the three healing positions in Elder Tail and the many healing spells they have, Aurora Heels is the only spell that can be said to be dedicated to anti-Reid. Its healing range divides all allies gathered under Aurora, even if it is a hundred.
"Good economy, festival!
"It's too much, because I'm an angel!
With a full smile, the "Therapeutic Cleric" rolls around and arrows out the spell early. That speed even exceeded the "Silver Sword" restoration position, which was supposed to be a skill. I know you mean with Siloe's support, but it's full of grand raiders.
One attack after the other so that the direct line also gains momentum.
So far so good. Apparently, as Siloe predicted, Ibra Habla in the Three Gardens has fewer max HP than Luceart in the Seven Gardens. There is also no recovery due to morphological changes. Abrahabra's "trait" is the burning area that is stripped of health just because of its range attack and proximity.
The team that predicted it, however, has made changes to the original flame-resistant equipment from inside the luggage, and has been granted a corresponding cover spell. The HP of "Ibra Habla in the Three Gardens" is huge, but I've already shredded half of it. If you keep dealing damage at this rate, you should be able to destroy it.
Don't be alarmed.
The direct line gazes at the movement of the flaming serpent but pays attention to the surrounding conditions.
"Here we go!
"Let me do it!
I'm not only making you listen to Torah. I appeal to everyone around me.
We can trust our own shields. Reid's defenseman needs a sense of trust that he's still okay.
If the difficulty is solved by one of the feelings, "You can win," "You should win," no one struggles. There will be no need for measures such as siloe. But on the other hand, it is Reid who actually loses with one of the feelings that he "is going to lose" and "may lose".
If you want to inspire your buddies, you can shout out loud and take on a little play.
A soft plush spreads all over your body, completely different from the heat of the flames with your hands attached to your shoulders. A small healing of Torah is activated. To maximize the healing ability of the "Therapeutic Cleric", his little hand came to the front of the flaming swirl, and he served as his direct counterpart with the usual cheerful slack.
And I know it. That this crappy multiplication will help everyone. The direct line knew it and felt good. I could have a real grin that wasn't meant to reassure everyone.
"Did you fall in love with me, Direct Successor?
"No! No!
"Isn't this a scene where you flag things?
"It's all a festival without a platform with that line."
Flushing the tip of the tail protruded like a spear sideways at the light point indicated by the shield, it twitches and returns a denial to the Torah question. It's a question that makes me anxious if I really know. I want to tell you to give me back the warmth I had just had. I glanced at Torah sideways.
"I have a report for my direct supervisor."
"What the fuck, when you're fucking busy!
"'Cause it's hard to say it's not the right time."
Together, he twisted his body purposefully in his voice, but intense fighting continues. While the crushed sulfur stone bounced with his hands and feet to avoid flying in the direction of the Torah, the direct line said, "What the hell?" I went out with him.
I'm actually going into the Horizon of Records.
Beyond the stage of looking sideways, direct succession turns around.
There was a confident look there, as usual, with a tidy cheek.
"It's a lie, Festival."
"Why not?"
"That's to play with your direct successor". The self-proclaimed idol with a series of fine (heels) laughing and laughing is in a good mood. Every time I do a healing spell, I just can't get to tap my direct flank armor with a rod with a kitten-like modus operandi with a gatun, a gatun.
"That's more or less what we're talking about with whose permission!?
"It's Mr. Siloe, isn't it?
"Hey Shiro. Don't worry about the festivities."
But you can't just keep laughing like that.
Ibra Habla, upright like a theme park monument, opens her mouth wide and starts intake. atmosphere and flames that are sucked in by making loud noises. That was a preliminary action for the earlier Huge Damage Range attack, Purgatory Feast Without Mercy.
"They're coming!
"Avant-garde pull! Federico stays and debuffs continue. Reduce the damage!
The direct line and William's cry were almost simultaneous.
The formation changes once again. Melee attack unit of the Reid team that hikes like a tide.
To reduce overall damage by pulling it out of the flame storm's range of attack. Reducing damage isn't just about reducing the hassle of recovery, it's also important to keep MP warm.
But that formation movement was disrupted.
Fourth party, falling where there shouldn't have been anything (Summoner) Azalea, who was supposed to be on a long-range attack, doesn't sound like a direct line but shouts something. On that warning, William said, "Dinkron, rear!!" and skipped the instructions.
With so much momentum to spare time for a hasty reorganization, a new battle begins.
There are two exits to this underground large cavity. One is the upper white granite passage where the direct successors came in. Another cave passage extends from the lower part of the cavity.
It was now from the cave aisle that a giant barbarian warrior with wild fur and a blue giant, the Tartauger of the Four Gardens, entered the war.
Speaking of which there was no upset in the hall, it would be a lie.
That would have been normal if we had experienced the last total handache annihilation. But such momentary stiffness is summarily lifted with William's scolding.
Dinkron, the proud "Guardian Warrior" of the Silver Sword, used Castle of Stone to storm the frost giant when he popped out like a bullet. The elf warrior jokingly knocks off the sideburn of a stick that is a few meters in diameter alone and sets his own position at the entrance to the aisle. There was no such thing as futility in the movement as a raider of war.
Siloe pushed up her shifting glasses with intense exercise and then wiped the sweat off her flowing forehead. For now, the second prediction is medium.
It seems that the iron lattice of that coliseum cannot be opened to the "Luceart of the Seven Gardens".
But Ibra Habla and Tartaurgar, who defend their positions east and west of the Colosseum, can enter the Colosseum, or travel to each other via another deep passage that is not the Colosseum.
Even if you slipped through Luceart, it was only to be expected that you would have to deal with two Flaming Snake Ibra Habla and Frost Giant Tartauger at the same time. Normally, that means blockage. There are no Twenty-Four (Full Raid) who will not be devastated by the attack of the two Raid Bosses. Because their attacks are too overwhelming.
But really would it?
Siloe doubted it at that moment of awakening and came up with this plan.
The total annihilation of the (Silver Sword) and the Siloes in the Colosseum showdown was partly due to confusion and disrupted cooperation due to the unexpected event of Reid Boss rendezvous, but if you focus only on the damaged part, it depends on the simultaneous flame attribute wide-ranging attack of Flame Serpent Ibra Habla and the cold air attribute wide-ranging attack of Frost Titan Tartauger. Even though it is a lethal attack for the rear guard, whether one of them or the other, you have to be deadly if you get both of them at the same time.
But couldn't the avant-garde have endured if it was one?
Remembering Luceart's offense, Siloe didn't think the same zone of Reid bosses had much more offensive power than that one. It may be more than that, but it wouldn't be possible to double it. Whether Ibra Habla or Tartaurgar, Siloe concludes that it is not impossible to withstand that attack.
It is Siloe's conclusion, and the bone of the operation, that it is only possible to endure, if we do not overlap the | offensive range between Reid bosses.
This underground cavity is large enough to do it. On the southwest end of the wall, a direct line stops Ibra Habla's attack, and at the northeastern aisle entrance, the "Guardian Warrior", who has supported the "Silver Sword" called Dinkron, nails Tartaurgar.
Two shields adjust their positions to protect each other from range attacks.
Positioning is pretty cynical. The two have their own dedicated healers, but that's not enough. Some recovery jobs need to recover both direct and dinklon in a playful way, but it's too late for the two of them to be too far apart. The further away you go, the safer you get from Range Attacks, but most of them stop getting healing spells.
It was anticipated that if we were to maintain a tight distance, there would no longer be a "safe zone" inside this great cavity where we would not have to go into either range spell. For the wizards and bowmen of the rear guard, it will be a roundabout battle that must continue to be finely positioned while avoiding ranged attacks from which it always strikes.
But William answered with a spectacular grin when he heard about Siroe's operation.
You'll win, Mr. Siloe, and.
As I now prove the word, “Mithril Eyes” is skipping an early arrow instruction, even as he repeatedly fires enough to appear on a line without resting his hands.
Siloe was also fighting at all costs.
It is no longer a case of reluctance.
I could indeed take the blow of two reid bosses to fear. But it's using Dinkron's special attack called Castle of Stones. For that reason, in the first war, we took the maneuver to keep it warm. To stabilize the war, you need to support the two shields with a healing spell, which is synonymous with consuming a healing MP with only six people on the team at a high pace. Members who have suppressed spells so far in anticipation of this situation, but will lose avant-garde lives in this poor saving orientation ahead. Now that it's a tightrope battle, the collapse of the shield means the collapse of the front, and that leads to immediate and total annihilation.
And that means more hope in this zone.
"Federico, Attack Decreasing Buff, Attack Range Decreasing Buff"
"Torah, raise the recovery output"
"I can't raise it any more."
"Support. -" Force Step "!
Siloe projects a special cover spell into the Torah. Accelerate all the "Reuse Regulation Time" timers in the Torah. The speed increase is just under 20%, but that figure is never small. The Aurora Heel Reuse Regulation Time is normally 600 seconds. If the Force Step is not interrupted, it can be used again in 480 seconds. Even the MP, which consumes heavily for that matter, is supplied by Siroe in Mana Siphon. It's an administrative stunt of the Granting Artist who gives his own MP to his peers.
In party combat where hunting is common, MP recovers relatively easily by taking a break. For this reason, the Grantor (Mana Controller), who manages and recovers MP itself, is easily undervalued.
But Shiloe loves its rare properties and has been raising them ever since.
Along with the creeping intoxication of MP reduction, Siloe attacks, measures, and continues to supply MP. Reinforce resilience for resilience jobs like Toragius and offensive jobs like Federico and Demiquas. While experiencing the battlefield in everything nearby that spread, Siloe turns her consciousness to its details.
"Here it is!
Lugius sticks one arm in one of the boiling puddles of sulfur odor to unleash a long chant. It was particularly peculiar among the subordinate summonses used by the Forest Curse (Druid). The light stretched from the fur armguard stretches high to seek the atmosphere and suddenly materializes green. Among the "Forest Curses" that could follow nature and the Spirit, it was a subpoena "Sequoia of Life" that could be contracted with a high-ranking Reid.
"Four spots, pull over!
Even William's command is still in place, and the wizards gather in the shade of the great tree.
Known as the Sequoia of Life, this subpoena reveals a broad leaf with magical powers. The shade of the tree is filled with green light, which continuously restores the health of the companions around it. The amount of healing is a few steps below the heel used by the Mori Curse himself, but it is a great advantage to be able to continue healing for a long time to all of your friends who lean in the shade of the trees.
Siloe calculates.
Minori stretches her thoughts towards the future with her sharp eyes in the back of her glasses, staying ahead of the battle arithmetic that she made her play.
Twenty-four people are four times the number of six parties handled by Minori. But that combination of stunts and actions exploded just because the number of people increased fourfold. Consider each of those possibilities, shrug them off, pick them up, or combine them, "read" them.
Give your buddies a wave of attack, or a drop of healing.
Change the threat level of enemies with Weakening Magic (Debuffs) stacked up like Rage Tao. the invisible Hate residue and the plasticity of the behavioral options in that margin.
My fellow constantly changing HP was like an equalizer panel in a siloe.
Feeling the tide within the decreasing battle timeline, Siloe differentiates it.
"Direct, accelerate!
"Aye, wow!
"Mr. Bolognese, back off."
"I understand."
Every single one is just a "sentence".
It becomes a continuous, purposeful "sentence".
A straight face floated behind Siloe's brain. And the laughter of Torah and the bitter laughter of William. Federico, Lugius and Demiquas. Silver Sword faces too.
Siloe was nodding deeply without my knowledge.
I know what William said, even to Shiloe.
The battle has now become one "story" and arrived at Shiloe.
That's one marching song that excites the mind that's about to screw up.
William called it a "secret". Shiloe also touched something. That was the same thing as that nostalgic tranquility, where the siloe was wrapped up at the tea party.
A mumbling spell flies from Siloe's "White Wand of the Destroyed Wings," which unleashes all of the operations known as Full Control Combat (Encount). Similar to the big birds that cut the air, Karma Drive landed on Flaming Snake Ibra Habla, causing him to play countless glowing icons.
(15% … 16% … 18% …)
Siloe bites her lips and concentrates her spirit.
Lugius' "Subpoena: Life Sequoia" was a favorite. That spell can restore a total of ten HP by more than 30%.
The Flaming Snake's widespread attack "Purgatory Feast Without Mercy" appears to be approximately every 180 seconds. Overtake the next one with Lugius' "Marcy Rain" and "Lifeburst". The next step is in 360 seconds. This blow is nullified by Castle of Stone, a restored direct line of Reuse Regulation Time. Then again, after 540 seconds, Torah's "Aurora Heel" has recovered.
In so much concentration that his vision loses its color, Siloe reads through.
It is possible to sink the "Ibra Habla in the Three Gardens" before taking 720 seconds. The effect of Siloe's "Karma Drive" restores the MP of a buddy who gave that Flaming Snake a critical hit. If you change the damage with this output, you can stab Ibra Habla at the latest in 700 seconds.
Afterwards, invert all the power to the frost giant Tartauger and discuss this.
I can't say it's a very spare fight given the MP resources left, but it's possible to win a critical one.
It may be thin ice, but that's a winning possibility.
There is a siloe to wring it around.
I will not interrupt the operations that I can do for it until the end. Siroe asked me to put my mind in the ice box that was going to overheat.
"Keep Damage Output"
"Did you guys hear that? That's what belly black is all about! Get in the mood, crush it! Sorry to spare you!!
At that moment when William hung the decree to that effect on one line, an ominous black mass fell into the hall.
It rearranged its weapon in inhuman motion when it rose from the snagging ground.
Shadow Spirit - a warrior, arguably a splinter created from the "Luceart of the Seven Gardens". Its combat capability is not far from luceato, but a few [adventurers] can still easily deal with it.
What Shiloe saw when he caught a scream and gazed up loosely was the pitch-black darkness that smudged out of the corridor leading to the Colosseum. Its darkness, which spreads over the ceiling, drips like heavy oil, giving birth to the Shadow Warrior.
Surely Luceart will not be able to pass through the iron lattice gate.
But the black spirits of the great human race that he created made their appearance on this battlefield, as Shiloe and others did so, through the gap between the gates.
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