Log Horizon
◆ 22
The light of dawn was illuminating Leonardo.
In the flat light the wilderness seemed slightly white.
The three Kanamis headed for the canyon.
Chun Cui (Chun Lu) and Ju Ha said they would notify the village of Sekek of their impatience, and after all this also traveled without waiting for dawn.
Leonardo sat alone in the wilderness of Aolsoy with the thought of drinking a stone. Eventually the blue dawn passed and the sun appeared out of the horizon, but only today did it feel so glorious or warm.
The light that illuminated the world without being universal only made everything look fake in reverse.
In that light filled world, Leonardo kept thinking.
I still do not agree with Kanami's policy at all. All the more so because I don't understand. I have no idea what the hell I'm getting in the face of more than 10,000 troops.
I don't even know what I'm looking at.
The Earthlings are the Earthlings. I'm not human.
Can't you see the reason? They are not human beings. Whenever that echoing question came to mind, Leonardo shook it off with necessity and tried to assume that he was right.
"Come on."
When swinging, there was KR (Kair) there. He breaks an elegant looking limb resembling a beautiful white horse and relaxes on his stomach on the earth like a giant canine creature.
"KR...... Didn't you go?
"Because KR is... an old pal of Kanami's, isn't he?
"That's right.... well, there are things that bother me."
KR narrowed his eyes and told him to relax as if to taste the temperature of the atmosphere.
I can't agree with the Kanami and the others.
I can't go out with a fool who throws his life away for no reason, but I can't even break that far if I say I can continue my journey east on my own. As Leonardo's lost sight, KR turned his bright eyes to Leonardo.
"Where are you going? Coming up."
"I don't know..."
Leonardo can't answer the question that was thrown.
I think I could have called Coppelia a little more if I knew that.
- fund recovery bot.
That's what Coppelia said.
What is BOT in the first place? The history of MMO-style online gaming, the ancestor of Elder Tail, dates back to the 1970s. Initially a minor hobby because of poor communication lines and computer performance, and the thin user base coming from their equipment prices, this genre was greatly developed by the luxury of the Internet.
In the 1990s, an ambitious title was released that creates the basis for the current MMO, leading to many fans over the 2000s.
MMO is characterized by the ability of a number of users to interact with each other within the gaming world. There is routine interaction where the owner of an item gives or sells the item to other players who want it.
When selling items, there was initially a barter between the money and items in the game, as the developer assumed. But MMO popularity has become overheated, as well as players who want to buy rare items and in-game currencies with real-world gold.
Whether that's real or fictional, even demand is well valued there and eventually becomes a market. The information that movable property inside MMOs could have real world monetary value became a new perception of online neighborhoods at a fast pace.
Assets inside the game were worth more in the real world than many still young players thought.
In the early 2000s, the announcement that the scale of economic activity in popular MMOs at the time was greater than the GDP of small countries in the real world if converted into real currency made this trend a global recognition. The game world is quite independent of the real world, but it cannot be completely free any more than it is linked to the real world through the desire of being a player.
The sight of currencies and items in the game being bought and sold in real money thus became routine.
Of course, this habit was accused of distorting the normal gaming experience and a small percentage of online gaming operators continued to pick. But the picking was more daunting than there were seekers and those who wanted to profit from it, and it was impossible to prevent it altogether.
BOT is a type of program devised within these epochal contexts. It's a kind of automated, artificially intelligent program to move MMO characters without players.
Of course, we cannot act as complex as the players do, but we can continue to act as simple as programmed for a long time. BOT is characterized by the ability to play, for example, physically and mentally impossible for humans, and to keep collecting money and items at the same hunting ground for twenty-four hours.
While there are no players who use these BOTs personally, the vast majority were used by vendors.
Angry societies, mainly in China and Southeast Asia, use Bot to make contact with the surface world to earn items and currencies within a large number of MMO worlds. There are no taxes or criminal investigations inside the MMO. It was the perfect stage to collect funds that were untouched or to convert angla money into sunny funds.
These bots became abhorrent to serious MMO enthusiasts in order to raze the hunting grounds and game environment.
Intra-MMO fund recovery bot set up by the Funds Laundering Group based in China. That's what Coppellian means.
Coppelia's somewhere mechanical response, the hunt she has repeated to the point of blindness, and possibly her unconditional obedience to Kanami, can be explained if she was BOT.
There is no such thing.
She was the same machine doll as the Earthlings.
"It's K.R., don't go."
I don't mind.
"Kanami... you do what you want with that, don't you? So she's about to die, and she won't regret it. My brain's clear. Hey, that one. Come on. She's an annoying woman."
"Why are you so reckless, that idiot"
"It's not reckless."
The words of relaxed KR were always gracious.
"That's... that's all you got. It means we're taking everything we can. That one. That's what matters. You're gonna have to hang up. Kanami doesn't have the concept of gear or brakes. That's what they say."
"I mean, you're an idiot"
I didn't say you weren't stupid.
But that's how the nosy KR seemed satisfied.
"I can win, I wonder"
"It's not bad. You're going to the line. I think you're more anxious about that girl. Kanami has a lot of Reid experience."
"Did they say something?
At that time.
Coppelia, who was grabbed by the wrist, confessed to Leonardo that he was a BOT. She whispered in a transparent voice to Leonardo, whose words even froze.
- Coppelia treated eighteen (18) "earthlings" in that village. I blessed forty-nine people. Coppelia didn't know if that had any effect. Coppelia was told to thank him three hundred and nineteen times for these acts.
So Coppelia didn't say.
I returned the twitch and followed Kanami.
I know that. A mass full of thorns was in Leonardo's chest. This sensation is dull and depressing. This feeling of being rushed, which irritates me, weighs my chest and makes me blame you.
Leonardo knew this feeling of rotting this beautiful wilderness of aorsois, illuminated by a flat morning light, into a lump of stale texture.
It's the same feeling that little kids have been giving about the unwelcome, cute shards of that Sequek village, selfish, busy, and not discreet about this one.
That itchy warmth is flipping and blowing through Leonardo's chest.
I know.
The truth is, I've always known.
What would an indomitable Ninja hero, not a part-worker geeg, whom Leonardo loved more than anyone else, do at a time like this? I knew that from the beginning. Because he admired heroes more than anyone else. It was self-evident without even thinking about it.
What would the coolest 'he' in the world do?
You can't just turn your fingers around in this situation.
The other person would be a machine, but it would be bot, but he wouldn't hesitate.
You won't blame your cowardice on the value of your opponent.
If Leonardo wanted to help, it was worth it. Humans, but dogs and cats, but BOTs, but it doesn't matter.
Rather, that's what it is.
Wouldn't it be nice if one more idiot risked his life for AI? Leonardo is a geek and a hero.
to the risen Leonardo. KR leaked a laugh in the back of his throat.
"What the hell. Do you have any complaints? Hmm. You can laugh if you want. It may not change anything that I went, but I'm not going to get hit in silence. [M] I have new powers too."
"I'm not laughing. It's not an intuition."
When KR stood up with the body of the white horse, his neck was stretched out for a long time and he was silent. The voice sounded for a long time, and Nanagi eventually replaced it with a high-density chant - the white light filled the area.
"You're getting excited. It's a big deal."
When Leonardo opened his thin eyes again in that glow, a strange man stood there.
The young man with his total hair tied behind him was like an elf. He has a funny grin on his white face like a sick person. Characteristic is its gear, with a blurred hem, still jersey under the luxurious cape. Then he has one cane in each hand. The wand is not unusual as a wizard's gear, but its duplicity was unusual.
"Maybe... is it KR?
"Yeah, but?
"- Were you really human?"
"What the hell did you think you were doing about me?"
The young man, who hummed his nose, turned his free arm when he cleverly stuck his wand to the ground and stretched his back wide. Seeing the creepy sound leak, he apparently gave his body a small bow for a long time.
"How, what did you do?
"Replacement Transfer (Casling). … of the summoning creature summoned by his squire and the location of the surgeon, of the emergency evasion spell, see"
"Is that it!?
"I just migrated from Japan to this server"
Leonardo was taken lightly.
I was also surprised that the spell worked over the server, but what was more significant was the breadth of the application of summoning.
"All right, all right. You're getting excited. I'm going out with you, too."
"Oh, my God."
"No, that's funny, isn't it?
"Don't ask questions."
"Then I assure you. Funny. Kanami takes it seriously. Stupid explosion. It's a blowing idiot. And then Leonardo takes it seriously. And then it's gonna be a big release."
Yeah, Leonardo thinks this guy's an idiot too.
"You can't even use a lot of magic when you're possessed. To experience live life, I knew it was a human body. Hmm, ho."
I can't believe you're coming from Yamato, which should be safe, to your hometown without insurance. KR in sandals has a slight laugh.
- Me, too.
A huge magic formation of light spreads around the wand protruded by its KR and begins to spin in 3D.
"I remember that mask. 'Cause I liked it."
The sound of the wind cutting and the resonance of the magic formation continue even while it leaks a glowing grin.
"I want to be proud of you. If a hero is going to show 'new power', there's no way he's not going to reveal himself this way, is there?
The brilliant lines drawn in the air are intricately intertwined, and the contoured lines portray a living figure through intricately knitted wirework during viewing.
"Wake up, Red Dragon. Soothing champion of the covenant, wake up from Garnett's sleep and dance the sky!
The crimson dragon who was summoned put it on its graceful neck as he gave up the panicking Leonardo. At some point when the KR that fits behind it whistles its fingers sharply, a moment later it rushes up to the sky with each of its appearances.
As if blending into Aolsoy's atmosphere, the dragon that put them on was high and winged high.
◆ 23
But at this point, of course, Leonardo had overlooked even Chun Cui (Chunlu) and KR (Kayar), who should be familiar with the vicinity.
The village of Sequek is not the only village near here, and naturally there are villages of the "earthlings" in terms of the ruins.
If villages in this other world are randomly placed in automated program processing, as Leonardo thinks, their placement has a certain equivalence. An independent village as small as the village of Sequek is dotted with many in this Aorsoi, which has been desolate.
At this point, the incident had already caused a lot of damage.
Crawling out of the Column Ruins Tone's Grave like tentacles, several Grey Spotted Dog Ghost (Knoll) troops swallowed several villages as they spread to the surrounding area as if it were wine spilled on a table.
The move seemed as if there was no will to control it.
Purposeless, irresponsible and irresponsible.
- That's why the move was horrible. Assuming the Grey Spotted Dog Ghosts have a leader or conductor, it's because their presence must be thinking 'I don't care' about the current situation.
I don't care if you try to win or lose thousands of "Grey Spotted Dog Ghost" invasions.
I'm not interested in that to live in sorrow, no matter how much the "earthlings" die in the process.
The will that seemed to be behind the invasion seemed to speak eloquently about it.
That's why Elias barked.
For him, the "ancient species", it was just unforgivable evil.
Elias is an ancient species raised by the Fairy Clan.
An "ancient species" is a mutation born in the "earthlings", whose origins vary. Often they come by chance from the lineage of the (earthlings), but few have a special background in their birth.
But in one aspect of life, to be born into a common "earthlings" family, to be born alive as an orphan like Elias, "Ancient Species" distinguishes "earthlings" from "earthlings".
That mighty ability to fight makes it difficult for them to live in a (earthly) society. Many Ancient Species have demonstrated their talents in their teens and are welcomed into the Ancient Species community before they reach twenty. Some gain consciousness as an (ancient species) in happiness, but many gain that consciousness in sorrow and suffering.
As a kind of giving up common to the "ancient species", there is a sense of isolation that we are still different from the "earthlings", even if we have one root. Their combat abilities and their treatment in "earthlings" society - the treatment that they are 'inhumans' while being respected - will probably give them that feeling.
Elias, the "Abominable Son" raised by the Fairy Clan, was surrounded by its solitude all the time.
So Elias does not intervene in the battle between [the earth]. That is true of the whole "ancient species" thing. With exceptional combat capabilities, they are not involved in any war or political struggle between the (earthlings) by virtue of their covenant. From their point of view, the "earthlings" are weak in all their existence, from civilians to royalty. There is no point in carrying that contention.
It is not evil for them to "kill" the "earthlings".
That's just "foolishness".
The weak, short-lived, weak (earthlings) die in contention with one another because of their stupidity. That was the general view of the "ancient species", beginning with Elias.
The "earthlings" for the "ancient species" were like foolish children who had to be protected. As far as viewing from afar, some feelings are loving and others are protective, but if we approach them, we are cautious and encountered with cold isolation. That's what it is.
Of course, some of them are noble and worthy of shoulders. There are also (earthlings) who are innocent and live righteously. Apart from not being shy in helping such "earthlings," lending strength to the power struggle between "earthlings" was unlikely for Elias.
They are the protectors of a species called the "earthlings" and not the inherent "earthlings".
"Shh! Spirit of fresh water, change its appearance to a thousand blades, and shine! Aqua Southern Dreing!!"
The roar of Elias becomes a thousand spears of crystal as it is, blowing away the stubborn "Grey Spotted Dog Ghost".
But Elias' sense of smell was taking away the "evil" he felt for the first time in this case.
Neither survival struggle nor predation seen in monsters is based on desire, like the territorial wars sometimes waged by the (Earthlings) powerful - they felt the first random evil that Elias encountered.
"I want to destroy", "kill" from "I want to take".
It's not such a familiar intent to kill.
"I'll kill you because I don't care".
- That disgusting touch fought off the (ancient species) Elias.
That's why he was fighting completely free of his abilities.
Cursed by a fairy, he can't stab a monster in the stomach, even if it's his opponent. His attacks cannot zero the opponent's HP.
But as if to make up for the weakness of that area, Kanami was running through the earth.
Kanami, who jumped into the enemy in a beastly smooth motion of the cat family, protruded his left and right fists against each different enemy. It leads from Dual Fist to Wildcat Stance and launches a series of attacks.
As Elias chooses an enemy who has shredded his health with a wide-area attack sword move, Kanami definitely adds an attack. Martial Artist (Monk) is originally a warrior position. The role was to attract enemy attacks to himself, but Kanami had abandoned the role.
The "militants", who originally have a wider range of capabilities, can significantly change their own performance due to the "structure" (stance). Tactical changes can be made to suit the situation using "Ironlino Stance" with excellent defense and "Tiger Stance" with excellent attack power are the strengths of "militants".
Kanami's "Wildcat Stance" was designed to enhance mobility and continuity. From a low-profile position like the ground to a fistfight with a surface kick or two hands, stab the opponent with a reduced HP.
Elias and Kanami were moving forward to compete with each other. Fortunately, this is a canyon. At the bottom of the valley flows a river rich in water, the edge of which is roughly ten meters wide, left and right. The dense "Grey Spotted Dog Ghost" pushes over there one after another.
Neither Elias nor Kanami were pushing forward without thinking about the rest.
And not so far away from those two, sometimes pushing forcefully forward was Coppelian's.
Coppelia is a Therapeutic Cleric.
Recovery job and low attack performance. However, the "Therapeutic Cleric" is a healing position where it is possible to wear heavy armor, and his defense in terms of equipment is second only to that of the "Guardian Warrior" during his twelve duties.
What Coppelia currently wears was also sheet metal armor that made me imagine made-up clothing. Moreover, it is heavier armor than usual and the skirt part is reinforced with a series of steel plates. Even the shoulder puff sleeves are characterised by a magically forged metal with lace embellishments on the backing.
Coppelia today was unusual, equipped with a large kite shield in each of her left and right hands. Called the Double Shield Style, its battle builds are among the hardest of the Therapeutic Clerics.
She didn't have much movement speed, but using the weight of the gear on her body, she pushed the "Grey Spotted Dog Ghost" and twitched.
Treat the left and right shields as if they were walls, defending themselves and putting together monsters with dog heads as if they were bread fabrics. And destined to wait for the compressed "Grey Spotted Dog Ghost" was Elias' range attack and Kanami's series of attacks.
The combination of the three was functional and the number of "Grey Spotted Dog Ghosts" was decreasing. One reason for this would be that Coppelia is on the front line participating.
It is not clear from Elias' eyes, but from the "Grey Spotted Dog Ghost", where Coppelia approached and touched his hand, there is clearly a fogging of ferocious energy. Of course that's not the only way the enemy will fall. However, Coppelia is in the normal battle (,,,,) thanks to its participation.
But on the other hand, it also meant continuing to demand Coppelia, who was only a recovering position, to stand around at white soldier combat distances. Coppelia utilizes plate mails and two shields, but basic performance and stunts are not suitable for fleshbullet warfare. Even if the damage can be healed, the front may collapse when the MP runs out.
To such a situation, Elias deepened his impatience one by one.
The war situation is never bad.
Rather, it is advancing advantageously without taking much damage.
But it's built on a balance that the three of us do everything in our power. To the evidence, a tenacious yarn-like spirit struck Coppelia, who was showing her back as a "grey spotted dog ghost" ran past the side of Elias to a slightly out of balance gap.
A quick reaction Kanami kicks through that "Grey Spotted Dog Ghost" in the "Wyburn Kick" but still consumes the corresponding MP to repair the flaky front.
"Go away! Get lost! Get lost! Aquastream Hurricane!!"
Elias remembers the day his pals disappeared.
About the day his people, the Thirteen Knights of all worlds, collapsed. "Lunar eclipse" (Howling Moon) was a flash, but at the same time it involved a long sleep.
Half of his people travel and the other half probably never wake up from sleep. The Word of Death destroyed the Ancient Species.
From the deep sleep of disappearance, it was Kanami who rescued him. Kanami's brilliance warmed him, the light illuminated beneath his feet, and his fingertips showed him the way forward.
But he is still Elias.
Elias-Hackblade. Guardians of all worlds. The strongest "ancient species".
To save this world.
To protect the "earthlings" and the "ancient species" and all the souls.
Elias cut through his entire body into a herd of "Grey Spotted Dog Ghosts".
◆ 24
Leonardo shouted in a wind that seemed to break his ear.
The passing air is no longer even rigid and can't even converse with KR (Kair) unless it is.
"What the hell, Leonardo?"
"Where are we going? Yikes. The canyon is crawling."
"Anyway, I thought I'd scout the ruins and stuff."
The Red Dragon's back is not as wide.
He would be over fifteen meters long, but two-thirds of them are graceful, long necks and limp tails. Leonardo seems to be stuck to his neck as much as a KR that spans a well-positioned area.
But the first time he flew in the sky, Leonardo was completely fascinated by the land of Aolsoi passing at high speeds under his eyes. The wilderness, the wind, the light, everything was passing through Leonardo, fascinated by its speed.
Primitive pleasures existed there breaking through the membrane called air with violent pressure.
Just about enough, I see a black spire on the horizon.
Leonardo and KR instantly guessed that was the ruin in question: the Column Ruins Tone's Grave.
For one thing, it was an odd building that burst into a wasteland like nothing around it. And another reason is because a pitch-black dragon, flying from the very roots of the building, snapped the building with a powerful tail twist.
"Wait a minute!! Whoa!"
"Oh, wow, that. Could that be Reid Enemy, too?
"What are you talking about?!?
"Twenty-four (Full Raid) or forty-eight (Double Raid) Rank?
That was a sight as if the scale had gone crazy.
When KR summons the Dragon, Leonardo can win with this! So I thought, etc., but it turns out that I was just blind to how well the crimson dragon looked, just seeing the destruction done on the far side.
Though the same dragon, there was an overwhelming difference between the black dragon on the other side and the red dragon spanning the two. Different from size in the first place. I can't make an exact comparison because of the distance, but the size of that dragon is two times bigger than the red dragon.
"What are you gonna do, you know what?!?
"Leonardo wants to show off. Look, what. With the new power of a hero."
"Don't be silly! You're a massive combat rank monster!? How can you two defeat each other? Or is this dragon, even if Nari is small, high performance like HONDA?
"Gartan is a squire rank."
"In other words?"
"It's cute."
No. Leonardo glanced at me.
In Elder Tail, there are two axes that represent the strength of a monster. One is level. This is the same as the Adventurer and has unique numbers by monsters.
The other is called Rank, where the strength of that monster represents how many people deserve to fight.
The rank of a common monster is' Normal '.
This is a rank that supposedly deserves to be fought one-on-one against the same level of Adventurers. For example, Leonardo at the 90th level deserves to fight the same level of "Normal" rank monsters.
Of course, even though the same ninety level of "adventurer", its strength is wide due to its skill in equipment and stunts. A level of Normal Rank Monster is designed to be the first level of mid-level Adventurers to win without a problem. For skilled (adventurers) like Leonardo, hunting for a few level (normal) ranked monsters is not so difficult.
The next thing you'll often see is a rank called "Party." This is divided into x2, x4, etc., with up to x6 present. When it comes to "Party x 3," it means you can fight each other with three adventurers of the same level. These enemies will mainly be dealt with by adventurers who have partied in dungeons and such. Even if the level is the same, there is a difference in HP and Attack between Monsters of the Normal rank.
What's more, it's the "Reid" rank that exists on it. "Reid" Rank Monsters require the same level of Massive Squads as that Monster for Crusade. Twenty-four (Full Reid) for x1. Ninety-six (Legion Reid) for x4, the highest Rank.
Being a monster of this rank makes it difficult to meet each other because it lurks in the depths of high difficulty quests, mega dungeons, etc.
On the other hand, there are ranks that are weaker than Normal.
That's the rank they call the Minions. The existence of this rank is mainly found in the monsters invoked by the Summoner's Summoner's squire summons. Assuming the Summoner can summon a Normal Rank Monster of the same level as himself, he will possess twice as much power as any other Adventurer of the same level. That's an unfavourable game balance.
So a rank called "Minion" was created. The Monsters in the Minion rank are one-third stronger than the Monsters in the Normal rank. "Summoner" has only about two-thirds of his abilities compared to other professions at the same level, so it is the design line of "Elder Tail" as a game that can be balanced for the first time by summoning a squire.
The red dragon with the two on board said it was its "minion" rank.
"I mean, you're weak!
"That's what I'm saying, Garden."
"Why are you other HR at all? - Uh-oh."
Even while the two of them were talking crap, their dragon riders were arcing in the great sky of Aolsoy, flying closer and closer to The Column Ruins Tone's Grave. And naturally it was to be discovered by the Black Dragon and the two shadows riding on its back. When the pitch-black dragon wings heavily, he throws up several "Grey Spotted Dog Ghosts" (knolls) in his mouth on the earth. The dogs and ghosts on the ground fleeing the wind pressure of their wings were blind, and in just one breath, they fleshed out on the Leonards.
"I'm gonna bite your tongue."
Leonardo's heavens and earth flip.
The red dragon with them on it folded its garnet colored glowing wings perfectly to make its body look like one dagger. Its speed, spinning but rapidly approaching the earth, is like a bullet shot at the earth, faster than falling.
That speed saves them as a result.
It was the black smoke charged with lightning that blew too much of the space that Leonardo and the others had occupied earlier. A monster with powerful powers classified as a dragon. The Legendary Attack is called "Dragon Exhale" (Dragon Breath).
As a skilled player too, Leonardo had seen that offense many times, but it was only a well-made CG of the wide LCD monitor he was working on.
A child often draws a plane with a car in that crayon, but seeing the illustration doesn't give him a taste of the fear of being crashed into a car or a plane crashing. Leonardo really understood that.
Thunderlight and black smoke rush through a space that is not three meters away, causing air to catch on, and the smell of burning ions. I thought Leonardo was a liar about past gaming experiences. Whoa, whoa, whoa. The air just broke down. I knew the thunder roar was because of it, but I didn't think I could feel it at the tip of my nose.
OK, let's admit it.
This may be the game world, but I can temporarily pull that opinion in.
That kind of philosophical question is going to evaporate if it hits that lightning.
(NYC geegs don't know a lot! Maiga!)
The red dragon, which carried the two, fell in stiffness, but spread its wings into a cup as it approached the earth, slamming the wind. It glides away so that the lifting force is maximal and uses a layer of air generated on the slopes of the hill to jump back into the sky as if it had been fired with a catapult.
"What the heck, that!?
"It's a black dragon, so it's a black dragon, right?
"Not those two on the back. Yikes!!
Leonardo's excellent vision was burning those two figures into his eyes, even as he fell into stiffness. A skinny shadow like a hooded sorcerer and a blonde girl as luxurious as a biscuit doll.
"Seeing you in there doesn't seem like you're on the right side."
"I just saw that you were a villain."
"To investigate, isn't this the mastermind of this case?
Even while Leonardo and KR have a yelling conversation, many strips of electric light blur the two of them. The trajectory of the electric light was linear, but it reached as far away as possible, and the gas of the rounding black smoke only reached as far as the medium distance, but there seemed to be a characteristic that it was spreading and difficult to avoid.
The Red Dragon is smaller than the Black Dragon, but has a small turnaround, and so far he has succeeded in dodging it in acrobatic orbits he hasn't thought about the rider or anything else from the start. But the Red Dragon is a ninety level "minion" rank.
Even though he is downgraded at eighty-five levels, if he eats the attack of the Black Dragon of the (Reid) rank, he will probably be desperate with one blow.
I guess the Red Dragon knows that, too. Or maybe KR gave the instructions in a way Leonardo doesn't know. While avoiding lightning several times, Red Dragon circled in large and took the back over Black Dragon.
There are also drawbacks to "Dragon Exhale" with its powerful power and range of attacks.
That means that the attack direction is limited by the characteristics emitted from the dragon's mouth. Not to mention the Black Dragon is in flight. If you bend that long neck to the detour, it will swirl. Whatever it is that stands like a turret on the earth, an attack on the back is physically impossible.
"Alright, good position"
"Looks like acceleration performance is higher here."
"I took it back because of you. Attack me with a brace!
"No braces."
"There is no" Dragon Exhales "in Gartan. You said" minions. "
"Oh, my God, you're useless!
The Red Dragon makes a vile squeal as if to argue against Leonardo's curse. Leonardo had no choice but to do a sudden roar, clinging to its neck muscle.
"If you say so much, you should attack."
"Don't be silly, it's in the air like this"
"You can do it if you exchange it. No, you have to."
"It's old. Yikes. Oops!"
Leonardo shrugged his neck and avoided the tentacles smelling like sewage.
It is not a black dragon.
Black dragons are winging up, down, left and right, trying to kick the red dragon out of its own blind spot. But the small, graceful red dragon tracks perfectly, like a well-made trace macro, keeping its back up.
The attack was manipulated by a Hood figure on the back of a black dragon.
The shadow of the hood stood on the back of the dragon, giving Leonardo one hand. KR rarely poisons that attitude, which is insane in places like how wide the black dragon is. The yarn from the man's fingertips has clearly targeted Leonardo and the others with a burning smell of acid.
"Cut me off."
I didn't even have to be told by KR.
When you know the yarn is no good, a tentacle shaped like the gut of a bumpy animal is stretched out for a red dragon. The distance between the black dragon and the red dragon is ten meters. Their aim is clear.
If you can do damage with an attack, good, and even if you can't, if you hate that tentacle attack and take a distance, you're going to switch to a Black Dragon brace attack.
"Don't be ridiculous!
Leonardo pulls out Ninja Twin Flames and trumps the tip of her tentacles. Additional effects activate and flame trajectories are drawn, as well as tentacles burn down and flow backwards.
To the right, to the left. Leonardo spanning the dragon's neck slaps and slashes the tentacles that are stretched out one after the other. Fortunately, the tentacles seemed less durable. Fly a thousand cuts with one machete. But the tentacles apparently, the pipe to carry the acid was its role.
When the red dragon, which avoided the debris that had been cut off, was exposed to its wings, white smoke rose along with the sound of the flesh burning on the iron plate.
Leonardo remembers his respect for the red dragon, who pushes and kills low ringtones but does not disturb his position. The wings of the dragon are similar in structure to that of the bat and are composed by a thin dermal membrane. For the amount of acid that hits the body and neck, it may be somewhat bearable, but if the part of the skin membrane breaks down, the avoidance performance will drop. It would crash into the earth in the worst case scenario.
This red dragon perceived it and deliberately received acid with his neck muscle to protect his wings.
Leonardo felt that willingness and repeated the cut over and over again in an attempt to do even more intense damage to the tentacle owner.
Rolls, sithers, and intricate orbits. The two dragons rush through the Aolsoy sky. Waving his sword over its back, Leonardo now forgot the thousand slices of flying clouds and the earth, united with the current battle.
Leonardo's sight clearly saw the two figures spanning the dragon's back.
The girl of beauty with a bruised grin is Russphere. eighty-nine level "normal" rank. The presence of a hood that repeats an obstinate tentacle attack is Papus. Equally eighty-nine level "normal" rank. Neither profession nor affiliated guild. The notation is human, but monster's.
If you fight one-on-one on the ground, you won't lose, but when you combine with a (Reid) rank monster in this situation right now, you won't get annoyed.
In the crossing that upside down heaven and earth, Leonardo truncates his impending tentacles again. Even the liquid of acid to be scattered, Leonardo evaporated with a protruding flame.
The battlefield moves, and at some point the earth becomes a valley like a narrow green road. This great river that stretches across the wilderness has shredded the earth and created a canyon. With a stream of water at the bottom, the canyon grows bright green forests to the left and right of the river.
To sprinkle the red dragon, the black dragon flies faintly through its green periphery.
From among the trees that shined wet in the light, the astonished seven-colored birds flew in unison. Two dragons rush through a scowl of little birds stretching out into the sky like unleashed arrows.
Countless bodies of "Grey Spotted Dog Ghosts" roll down the riverbank. When Leonardo, who saw it, lowered his gaze to be guided, his gaze crossed with Coppelia, surrounded by a group of [grey spotted dog ghosts] looking up at himself like a miracle.
Coppelia's clear, sunken eyes reflect the red dragon flying against the background of the blue sky.
There was something in Leonardo's mind, and a serious decision was made.
"Without those two, can we pull these black dragons apart?
"What are you doing here?
"I'm asking if those reclining pairs can drag this dragon around to the end of the earth without it off the back of the Black Dragon."
To Leonardo's cry, KR seemed to lose his word for a moment.
"I just arrived in Aolsoy."
KR punctuated the word and spoke clearly to convey it.
"So if I die, my body will be resurrected in Yamato, or the Great Temple in Japan. Win or lose - this is probably goodbye."
"Fuck Yes!"
Leonardo slapped a knife-grabbing bush onto the chest of KR behind him as he turned around. KR slaps the mage's luxurious hands against Leonardo's chest.
It was a sent ale, an encouragement, a friendship.
of New York's Geeg. That's not it.
Heroes promise each other.
Severe rises and falls were repeated.
No matter how he twisted himself, Black Dragon, who was stuck behind himself in a red dragon that would not leave, rolled around in the sky as if rubbing his wings against the trees of the forest or throwing himself into the sun.
Eventually, as a flash of space crept through the motion, Leonardo gave in to save his strength over the Red Dragon's neck.
"I know!
I couldn't afford to have any more conversations.
He jumped out into the air poking at the moment when the flickering black dragon wings hid Leonardo's appearance from the alien pair.
"Ka wa ba n garh!!
of legendary heroes. Simulate that.
From the back of the black dragon, Leonardo clinging to both of them, as he hit his body, fell to the ground as he was expected to be burned to the ground by acid.
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