Log Horizon
◆ Chapter2.01
All in all, there was a leisurely flow of time in the Immortal Realm.
Crusty Hakamado, equipped with a cotton cloth cage hand (mittens), got it. In the earthly age, one-handed retention was a thick plate of forty-five centimetres square, which would be catastrophic, but in Cerdesia it was an indescribable weight. Pull it straight through.
There is a shallow pan on top of the iron plate.
The kitchen at "White Peach Temple" was quite spacious, as was the large convenience store. Cookware is in place, but there are still few variations compared to the Earth world. Still, only copper or iron pans differ in shallow or deep sizes, which is why there are about fifty of them.
Crusty's removal from the stone kiln is one of them, a bright, shiny pan of copper. Although it is used more as a confectionery type than as a pan.
What you can see from above is a fox-colored fabric. I beat the flour with buttery and cold water. The point would be to fold it up so that it has a multi-layer structure while cooling. Beneath it is a scorched stew of fruit sweetened with sugar.
In short, it's just something that I boiled peaches and pies sweetly, then put the wheat dough in the oven and heated for a while. It is a treat for children.
Crusty has no culinary talent, but he can cook.
Because it's a task.
A recipe is a manual, and a manual is one that is created in such a way that people without talent get results if executed according to the procedure. Cooking is a task and can be done by anyone with instructions (manuals).
Because the Cerdesian world is more "talented" than the Earth, even cooking requires subjobs (cooks) and "new wife aprons" (items). The value of a "make it workable for everyone" manual is low in that world. It would also be natural not to develop. From what Crusty has examined, there are few practical technical books in this world (Cerdesia).
With that in mind, it's only natural that "Adventurers" from Earth can make confectionery (tart tatans).
A genuine and delicious meal is beyond my control, but if the procedure has been found, there is nothing to say about the degree of reproduction.
I would chill it in the fridge for a while if it were, but Crusty got into trouble and flipped the pan over to the "large plate of cold air". The pie dough found on the top goes around the bottom due to its motion, and the confectionery removed from the shape of a pan looks like a cake with sweet stewed fruit.
Crusty thought for a while and handed out raw peach fillets and peach flowers on a plate. If it's true, I'd like to serve vanilla ice cream, but it's not on the spot right now, and it'll take a lot of work to make. It's a killing landscape, so I did a little decorating. In the common sense of the earth, there is no way that peach blossoms can be obtained when peach fruits are available, but here they are available in abundance in the Immortal Realm of Peaches, in their flowers and fruits of all seasons.
"Master Xian, are you in a good mood?
"I don't know."
"I don't know"
"You want a treat?
"I don't know"
"... I'm sure you'll think of it as mean."
I hear a whisper. Mink people. Most of them don't look blurred like blurry hot air. The touch of an official in the Tengu, but the reality seems to be spirit-like. Even when it is materialized, it is at best a hairy ocho or kawaso, and the flower mink (furdeaux) that can take a human figure is elite.
Crusty moved the large plate to the table after a few thoughts.
Turning his back to hide the dishes from the gaze peeking through the door, he sounds a chatter for a while with a spoon and fork, sees the time and turns into a "magic bag" (magic bag) for each dish, exposing the empty table to his gaze.
A voiceless scream sounded.
"No more sweets!
"I ate it!
"They ate me!
"Even the plate!?
"Sen-kun, it's you."
"Why? Why?"
A sad voice arrives to see if the western sweets I thought I could get disappeared and shocked me. I could see at the edge of my sight a shadow like smoke grated at the foot of the doorway that was also immense in materialization.
It's too easy to understand.
Because it's an animal spirit?
They say they are government officials of Tenmiya.
This is a different world.
So the decision to "be simple because it is an animal" is also frivolous.
Even humans are as simple as this.
ex1) With a fox monkey?
ex2) Isaac or something.
I mean unfair judgment because it's an animal spirit.
The possibility that I happen to be very hungry now.
It's always like this, so it's denied.
Little (vernacular).
Wouldn't you like to call it cute?
I'd rather have a bully already.
Meaning you want me to be a little more patient?
I don't know about the hobby.
Durability is required for entertainment objects.
Boredom is poison.
It's a baked treat I made for them in the first place, so I still have trouble throwing it in my bag. It's like a reflex that made fun of me, and I just have to shrug my shoulders.
"Yes, there is."
Crusty looked back and served a large plate.
"Please gather small plates in the dining room," he tells the breathtaking joyful reaction.
To Crusty's suggestion, the invisible shadow ran away at a glance. The only thing left was a little boy about a meter tall, a flower mink (Fardeaux).
As I cut the pie of fruit together with the sorry flower mink (Fardeaux), the translucent sprouts that brought the plates from nowhere make rows, so I slice them up into small pieces and put them on. Along the way, Krusty sat in an oak elegant chair, leaving it to the flower mink (Fardeau) who offered.
Chichichichi. I can hear the little birds snapping small.
The golden light was inserted diagonally through a window made of a cross wooden frame in a circular fashion to illuminate the white and clear sides of Krusty.
In the Immortal Realm of Evergreen, even a corner of the kitchen is like a paradise full of fragrances. I was raucous and had a time as calm as an afternoon's sleep.
Slightly noisy are the spirits of the Mink tribe, about which Krusty poured tea flashly. I hate to admit it, but it's Snow White's place to represent the chores of seven dwarves. must be laughed at.
Apparently there is still a memory deficit.
Should we deal with it?
Using common sense, it is a routine event such as forgetting memories.
Though I personally have little experience with it.
Forgetting is a fresh experience.
Shouldn't you take a bone break vacation at this time?
Something inconvenient? (Practical judgment)
The status quo does not exist.
How does it depend?
The reason for this is currently unknown.
Bad Status Caused?
Just circulate to unexplained cause of bad status.
Examination of the need to seek reasons.
"Looks like you need to get down to the public after all"
Flower mink (Fardeaux), with a strange voice, stared at Krusty in surprise. When I saw a black brown sugar stew around my mouth, I would have tasted the baked confectionery myself after serving.
"What can I get you?
"Master Xian. You can't go down to Wolf Mountain." Heavenly Wolf Dong "has many routes, but there are limits on rank and number of people. In the words of" Adventurer ", you can pass a six-pack from a foursome of levels 80 to 90. They say there are other routes from the mountain hem, but they have to go through the longest cave from the summit."
It is.
Crusty scrutinized the contents just a little bit.
I know what Fardejao is saying. Crusty once stole their eyes and went down to Heavenly Wolf Dong, where he sees a huge bronze door at the end of the line. I guess that's the door with the level review. The zone ahead is probably a level only dungeon area. Although relatively few in Yamato, it is a feature found in dungeons such as large-scale combat (reid) zones and instances.
Perhaps "Heavenly Wolf Dong" is a collection of dungeons of the same name. The approximate interior is the same, and a different monster will probably be installed there for each level band. Designing a single dungeon would be a waste of development resources if it were to be enjoyed only by a fraction of the users. Based on this idea, these multi-level compatible zones are created.
I understand the design idea, but it was also inconvenient for Krusty.
"Really? Then you can't go down the mountain."
"Yes. But Xian, you're Xian, so you're not in trouble, are you?
"'Cause Sen, you're Sen, aren't you? So I think Sen-kun would be nice at the White Peach Temple. … it's delicious."
Regardless of the last blushing whine, it means something quite unreasonable. If you're going to try to complement it, is it something like, "Immortals climb mountains and become immortals, so Krusty, the immortal, should live in mountains"?
Hi Nakahara. Apparently some of the server settings are influenced by Taoist mythology. If that's the case, Immortals = what you live in the mountains, because it's not a story you can't snort about. There must have been some scenes where the scenario of being ordered down the mountain in the Fengjin theology was told in a nuance similar to a broken gate. So it's understandable that we should stay in the mountains.
Except for the fact that Crusty is not a Immortal or something.
If you say why Krusty is mistaken by Immortals, perhaps (Ancient Species), etc., in the first place, it is probably due to an anomaly in the display of status. The Fermented Mink (Fardeaux) will not have noticed, but it will also be the effect of the 180-level Bad status, which was named "Soul Curse" (Komenju). Even a chaotic world after a catastrophe is an extrajudicial strength of 180 levels. The upper limit of how "Adventurer" can do this is from 90 to 100, even Yamato. With that in mind, Krusty, who hangs such a bad-status icon, would have looked like an Ancient Species (special NPC) as well.
I am not hairy enough to blame that misconception, but explaining and solving the misconception is also a hundred million bucks.
You'll get a lot of questions in the process of giving explanations, but not even Krusty can answer a small percentage of them. In the first place, I do not feel that the current situation and the situation after I have solved the misunderstanding will change so much.
In the raucous sunshine, Crusty looked at the mink (Fardeaux) grabbing the wooden spoon without a thought.
"It's that baked sweet, but it's true that it's served with vanilla ice cream."
"It's a cold, sweet creamy ice treat. Don't you know?
"I don't know."
Really? Crusty nodded and continued.
"If you go down inside, you might be able to find that ingredient."
"Okay! We are here to help you descend from Wolf Mountain as a heavenly official."
Crusty thought as he moved in and snorted at the flower mink (Fardeaux) many times.
◆ Chapter2.02
"Wolf Mountain" is the name of the mountain.
I see, Leonardo thought but didn't understand so much otherwise. I see, only.
But that would be with Kanami and Coppelia. Anyway, the land around here is dry and too desolate. I've only seen the shadow of a bird like this one hour, cracked rocks and cliffs and amazingly high flying bean grains.
I think the more you say you're aiming for "Wolf Mountain," I don't know what you're going to consider that mountain by, whether this is it or not. I've been walking in places with high and steep altitudes for a long time, and I've crossed so many steps that I can't climb without using my whole body about once every two hours.
That's a mountain.
This is an admirable mountain for New Yorker Leonardo. Mountain nostalgia.
I'm not convinced they told me we were headed to the mountains.
This is a good mountain.
"Isn't that your destination already?
"Almost there."
It is also the fourth or fifth time in the morning that a reply such as that pushed by the judgment of Chun Cui (Chun Lu) on Leonardo's fed up inquiry.
"Is this Wolf Mountain already?
Elias visited me on behalf of Leonardo.
Nice. That's how I felt. Leonardo looked at Elias.
I really want to thumbs up (thumbs up), but Mountain Road doesn't take my energy away either. The Adventurer's body is a mass of endurance (toughness), but the topography full of heavily up-down rocks cuts mental power in one way or another.
Leonardo is an urban boy. I only have experience with fitness gym roller machines traveling on slopes with gradients.
No, well, if I were Marvel's spider man, I would have popped the skyscraper with adhesive thread Spider Strings out of my palm, but one way or the other, Leonardo is the type of guy who travels horizontally in the sewer.
Chun Cui (Chunlu), with a troubled grin, said, "We've been in" Wolf Mountain since last night. This side (here) of the other peak is - "I slowly shook my finger from foot to back, indicating the far western top, and said," It's roughly Mount Wolf. "
I see, Leonardo thought.
but I still don't interpret it. If your destination is Wolf Mountain and this is Wolf Mountain, you can already score a goal. No, it should be a goal.
I know. I'm so childish.
I mean, Leonardo's just sick of these mountain roads already.
Kanami, who walks in the lead, was in a good mood like an idiot.
I keep going as I sing my subtly out of tune nose song. Occasionally he disappears because he crouches on the side of the road with disgusting agility and looks at an unknown flower.
Following that was Coppelia. She carries the most gigantic luggage in a row - a trunk shaped magic bag. The thickness of a metre's square size makes it difficult to carry, simply because of its strength. The Therapeutic Cleric is the only main class that can be equipped with heavy armor outside of the warrior position, and she will also be equipped with Victorian Armor, a steel sheet metal samurai garment during battle. The Muscle Strength Value (Strength) is also set high for that setting. Enough to outperform Leonardo on the same level.
Well, even Leonardo's muscle strength in the numerical sense is thirty times that of the average "Earthlings," or New York Times self. Think about that as you jump gently off a big rock that exceeds your back length and support your weight with one hand.
I can't believe the mountain path is difficult and my body is screaming.
You know, you snuck around in unfamiliar surroundings, you're bored, that's what I mean.
I guess I guessed that, Chun Cui (Chun Lu) explained it to me with a bitter voice.
"It's a series of steep gradients when you go into the mountains, and it's complicated to go up and down. It is not easy to tell that you can clearly see the top of the triangle as you look up from a distant plain. Perhaps there's a peak to the southeast, but you can't see it from this position."
If I looked in that direction, I could see the shoreline that looked up and the alpine forest that twisted it out of its shoreline. It does seem like a hard time climbing that way.
"We're five warriors and weapons, and we're five recoverers. If it's a flying spell, it's a little different again, but I'm sorry for the halfway directions."
Chun Cui (Chun Lu) bowed his head a little sorry.
It was a lot more polite than I imagined in the beginning.
"You don't have to do that. I'm just not used to climbing mountains."
Leonardo said that as he waved.
I'm certainly not good at these kinds of nature. Kidnapping as a child. Ever since the Boy Scouts were forced to participate. The night dawned as I was screaming and killing in a tent filled with worms. I'm sick of memories.
That's not why it's not good for women. Then you're disqualified as a hero.
Leonardo knows we're the cause of her change.
That's right. There are hundreds of Grey Spotted Dog Ghosts (Knoll), a crazy group of just five people headed for the valley. After that, I reunited and talked about how it wasn't hundreds, but thousands, or how I had an aerial battle with a massive battle (Reid) class black dragon, or a big standaround with a new monster I might not be good at. I can't help thinking you're out of your mind.
(I mean, I think so, too. You're drugging me.)
I don't want to come near you, and if you do, try not to piss me off. In other words, it's a flat head (hacinteto). Leonardo scratched his head as he remembered the tactics taught him by the Japanese. Overwhelmingly we are bad.
"If we're going from Meadow Capital to Wolf Mountain, there are a few more mountain roads, and I ask about the prospects, because unfortunately we've gone from southwest into the mountains."
I guess that's why we have to travel around the valley without a path to yes. It's a convincing story. "He said he didn't care," Leonardo said when he waved again.
"Heavenly Wolf Cave is in the middle of Mount Wolf."
There's an Elias voice coming from behind.
It's a hard voice with determination.
The tingling sense of urgency has faded, but for that matter it is becoming as compelling as I assumed. Leonardo listened to the voice and felt a little troubled after all.
Yesterday morning, with the same look, Elias cut out, "I want to go to a place called the White Peach Temple". It seems that the same (ancient species) and local inhabitants are being abused by some kind of monster.
Really? And Leonardo thought, but not so much. That's about the point I stopped worrying about.
But that would be with Kanami and Coppelia. Anyway, monsters in this world are basically enemies (enemies) characters in the game. The action is based on attacking and killing humans. It's a battle game, so it's obvious. I suppose he's harming them alive by saying "abusive," but I doubt he'll behave that way around.
Nevertheless, there are some examples of "classical disasters" encountered the other day. From what KR (Kayar) called the "catastrophe," it's also true that the monster's behavior has changed visibly. So if it's called "abusive," is it? Maybe that happens. It's just the feeling.
That's a "catastrophe."
(Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey | Tamma Just a moment. Fight that disgusting again -!? You don't. Give me a break)
"Was it Ye Lian Fairy? Who asked for rescue?
"Oh. I hear there's a Immortal Realm on the summit of Mount Wolf called the White Peach Temple. It was occupied by demons."
"What is the Immortal Realm?
Leonardo, who wants to hold his head, asked.
"Probably similar to Fairy Town."
That's what I answered Elias, but you noticed Spring Cucumber (Chunlu) and Leonardo's gaze, and you kind of coughed up and went on.
"'Fairy Home' is some kind of hideout in my hometown. It is a special area managed by" ancient species "and exists in deep forests and mountains. A land full of fairy magic, full of powerful, old magic. Strange things happen, and it's a treasure trove of rare magical tools."
- I mean, I guess that's the kind of special zone. Leonardo also visited places like that during the "Elder Tail" era as part of his adventures. Even though it's a fantasy game, it's a "Elder Tail" made from the Half-Guire Project. The design is more limited than similar to the terrain of the earth. Special zones exist everywhere for this purpose. Broadly speaking, so is the dungeon.
Among them, "Fairy Town" and "Immortal Realm" seem to be inhabited by "Ancient Species".
"That's the demon......? I don't know, but that Hentecommonster is attacking you?
"Is it a" classic disaster "?
Chun Cui (Chun Lu), who had heard from Leonardo and the others, asks with a serious look. The answer would be YES. It's sweeter to think that the guy who does something that I don't understand is a regular monster. Sales man-hours calculation.
"I'm a wanker than that. You're a wacko mountain!
It's not a dog, it's a wolf.
Chun Cui (Chunlu) answers to Kanami, who has two spins after looking back on the momentum. Kanami, who was at the beginning of the gradient, said with a floating expression, "No more mosaic! Oh, my God!" and leaping to joy. That's no good. Even Coppelia is faceless carrying a trunk. Leonardo dropped his shoulder.
"Oh. kanami. Doesn't that bother you? You were listening to Elias, right?
"I was listening. Keronald. You're talking about how hard it is for a monster to occupy the den of Mount Wank, right?
I'm not a Phantom, I'm a Demon.
It's roughly hitting...? Leonardo asks himself. Probably hitting it. I can't ask Kanami for accuracy. She's such a mess, like she's from Texas.
"Aren't you worried about the master?
"I don't know yet."
Kanami hangs his neck with his fingertips on his temples. It's rare for a pig rushing girlfriend. Knowing or not Leonardo's thoughts, Kanami climbed to bounce two or three large rocks with lightness that seemed as if there was no such thing as gravity, and looked back again.
"Isn't that hard to think about? 'Cause Elieli wants to go, and I want to see a wanker, too. Anyway, let's go and think about it!
It's totally a Texan idea.
Leonardo held down his eyebrows. I know exactly what it is. The one who says, "Let's think about it later," I won't think about it later. I mean, I'm not thinking about anything.
"YES Master. Offering Mass"
"Don't unconsciously stir up there too!
Leonardo, who put only a scratch of form into Coppelia's emotional thin consent, nevertheless followed that little shadow, in other words, following Kanami through his mountain skin.
◆ Chapter2.03
"Such an idiot"
A voice leaked like squeezing it out of Elias' throat, which had been struck.
"I don't care if they're stupid."
"I'm sorry. I didn't even know I had this setup."
At last, Elias was kneeling in front of the bronze door with the wolf's elephant eye, blocking the entrance.
Leonardo and Chun Cui (Chun Lu) give me a comforting voice, but I feel somewhere down the road. Elias struck his fist on the earth because he did not understand the attitude.
"Death for Six from Level 80 to 90 Quadruple"
"This is an instance dungeon."
Kanami, peering from the side through Coppelia, who confirmed the translucent window, also speaks out in agreement. It was a much cheerful voice for a verdict,
Elias knows. It was Elias who tried to jump first through the steep mountains. But the door sealed with magic, derived from the Adventurer, rejected Elias. I have authenticated it many times and tried my best to give it to you, trying to push it open and it didn't move.
According to the words of the girl cleric Coppelia, it is a sealing process by level - that is, combat position.
"Shall I not..."
"You shouldn't, that's not what we're talking about"
The words of my ally Leonardo with his hands on his hips are also somewhere empty.
The blue skies of winter are high and clear, with cool winds characteristic of mountainous areas, but the interior of Elias was bleak and miserable. Even the salvation promised to his fellow fairy, Elias, cannot be achieved today.
If the power of the 100th level acquired to help the world and the "earthlings" is rejected precisely because of its strength, what can Elias do? What the hell is the point of Elias' painful training and his ever bothering? Isn't this like what they say is worthless to exist?
My people would never understand. I couldn't even hit the pain, and Elias groaned.
"I, Ichiban!
"Coppelia will also serve you"
"Huh? Huh? Hey, what's that gaze? Am I going too?
"Does that mean I'm in numbers too"
My buddies answer to Kanami, who was pointing and checking his chest one by one in a jumping step. But Elias, who looked up in the same mood for salvation, got, "Elieli's leaving a message! We don't have one, but you're away. BANG! It's a merciless proclamation."
"I have a mission to protect the same [ancient species]. We must go to the White Peach Temple on the summit and defeat the Demon."
I desperately complain, but Elias' wishes are unbelievably revealed.
"No, no, but you can't let the dungeon in."
"Leonardo!? Weren't you my comrade?
"How much did you say tomo, hey?
and Leonardo doing his gaze sideways and asking for consent, but Kanami is in a good mood and Coppelia has no spare time for equipment inspections for dungeons. Elias is more on the side of denying it, so I don't want the committee to. You figured that out, and Leonardo said, "It's okay. See how it goes. Because if that's the case first, I'll be back," he contracted.
I mean, reconnaissance.
"Yeah, yeah, reconnaissance! Sight Seeing!"
A faceless coppelia next to a languidly screaming canami follows "Master, it's s in tourism". It's subtle if you're following me.
Either way, I can't help but be told that much.
The heart that sends out the magic with the heartbeat hurts perfectly, but that's why it's not good to push that pain on your buddies. The Elf Knight pride is not cheap.
Elias is also a one-serving elf boy. If you ask me if I can't be satisfied with one standby assignment, let's do it brilliantly and put it in your sight, I have no other response. I let out an unconscious sigh for it, but I was able to drop off the Kanami waving their hands in the boom.
But when it did, it was Elias who would be free.
It's not like I should have said I was on standby duty. The Adventurer, who routinely operates the Magic Bag, puts everything in his luggage. This bag, which can hold a lot of luggage in disregard of weight and volume, is a must have for the Adventurer. And Elias, the Ancient Species, also possesses a Magic Bag with higher powers. The Kanami and the others deserve it.
So a line that went into the dungeon did not leave some of the luggage or equipment with Elias because it was heavy. I have never relied on riding animals such as horses since I broke up with KR (Kayar) on my journey here, so I have no mandate to take care of them. If you don't have luggage or service animals, you don't even have to build a camp.
I mean, we don't need a setup or a defense.
Elias jumped up to one of the rocks that seemed spectacular, and as he lowered his hips, he stretched one in sight with the bronze door, the entrance for men and women, and "Wolf Mountain". The signs of winter are thick and the surrounding area is cold as it stains the center of the body, but the fairy blood flowing through Elias (Fairy Blood) did not draw it.
Time slowly passes in the afternoon in the mountainous areas. I guess it would be early if the sun eventually hit the ridge, but it's still to the extent that it's a while past noon.
"What a..."
Elias grinned bitterly as he distorted the edges of his lips. Indeed, Elias is wearing fairy blood, and he is cursed. So strong. It has high resistance to cold air and can even withstand the spell of freezing everything using "Misty Giant" (Yottoon), which makes such a mountain breeze seem warm.
But I never thought about what the hell that was or what a fairy was. They were trying not to think about it.
Cold air of different dimensions that cannot be prevented even with the (ancient species) area, which is neither cold air nor cold air of the harsh sea of Rondenium, it was self-derision, nihilism, and a renunciation. Every time Elias remembers the Word of Death, a different dimension of cold air sneaks up on Elias. That cold air takes the amount of exercise away from the spirit of Elias and tries to lead him to a slow state of stillness. Everything Elias perceives is blurred and he loses touch. It is a prison for untouched souls.
"No, no. Absolutely not. That's not gonna happen."
Elias shook his head to refuse.
Golden hair adds color to the foothills of the desolate Tianshan Mountains.
"Kanami gave me the flame, didn't she? I can't let the cold air in" Normal Disaster "do that. We have to protect this world by putting together the few surviving ancient species."
When you use your strength at the bottom of your belly to hold the pattern of the Love Sword tightly, the faces of your [Ancient Species] warrior friends float. Everyone was a good fellow. I haven't heard from the Void Transmission Device since it disappeared, and I don't know what happened, but I'm fine - no, at least I want you to be safe. Somewhere on your journey to Far East Yamato, there should be a means hidden to save your people.
"Dear Elias"
"Miss Ye Lian!
When Elias lost consciousness of time in his thoughts, his abrupt voice belonged to a soft woman. If you are a "Earthlings", the thin enough costume to freeze belongs to Fairy Ye Lotus. I see a smooth outline and red lips, whispering from the veil that hides them to the sight of a nun. It smelled slightly sweet like cloudy in the wind.
"Well done. You've come this far. Now that there is no" Circle of Fairies ", the journey must have been extremely harsh. Desolate Middle Plains spine (Heavenly Mountains), demonic realm (Black Stone Desert) tread. I can't thank you enough for this leaf lotus."
"Ha. That's not true. This is a beautiful place."
Elias replied.
It is indeed a vast and indifferent space. The journey through the meadows from central Eured was a series of itineraries reminiscent of the immensity of this world. Wastelands leading up to the horizon, rocky deserts leading up to the horizon, snowy meadows leading up to the horizon. But there was also a harsh beauty there. I saw a glowing morning burn as even the earth sank into the shadows in too much contrast. It was a burning iron-like sight that could not be seen in the northern sea.
"I am relieved that Master Elias is here. Who's with you?
"Inside the gate.... It seems that this gate sorts what enters by battle position floor. So... the fairy's blood was rejected."
Elias continued to devour the leaves.
"My people have taken on the scouting of the White Peach Temple, but what happens?"
"Without Heroic Elias, your knights are in danger."
Elias thought, "I don't know about that," to the worried Ye Lotus voice. Kanami defeats any obstacle with that bottomless ability to act (and cobble). Coppelia following it silently. Friend Leonardo running at the end of the day. And if we were to be even hand-crafted Chun Cui, I don't think we would fall behind the half-baked threat. Elias Confidence, a thought that was poked at the void because he wasn't worried about that kind of thing.
"Those of you who have lost Master Elias will take it personally."
"I guess so."
Yes, but Elias thought it might be more like denying it to Ye Lian, who nodded gently. The desire to rush to Kanami and the others at this moment is true, and it's not that I wouldn't be happy to be expected that much.
"... but then I have an idea for this leaf lotus"
"Do you have any means to unseal it?
Elias took the fairy's hand as he jumped off the big rock as it began.
"No, this seal is the backbone of Heavenly Wolf Dong. It's not easy, but there's only one way to get to the White Peach Temple."
"Let me hear it. If there's a way to help the Ancient Species at the top of the mountain, I'd love to know.... to rebuild the Knights of the Red Branches. And to pluck this anomaly from the earth."
I don't doubt the Kanami and the others.
But this is an ancient species crisis.
Demons are enemies who plunge their people into the sleep of death and rock this world.
If I can, I want to destroy that demon. And...... I want to shake off this pitiful and horrible, demonic cold air that's stuck in Elias' own mind. Even though the flames of Kanami are protecting us, as long as we have this cold air, we will not visit in the morning to shine light on Elias.
If we can defeat the Demon God, Elias can grasp it. Elias feels that verification is essential in the fight against the Classic Disaster in order to break the fairy's curse that we cannot destroy our enemies.
"Yes, Master Elias. It will come true. If you are one of the thirteenth knights' brilliant stars, you will also be able to fight that murderer from the east."
Elias nodded to Ye Lian, who offered to show him respectfully, and walked out according to his sneaky hindsight. Only then did the mountain skin of "Wolf Mountain" stand up with a white mist crawling up from the foot. In the mist that reflects the sunset like a wave, the fairy and Elias march on.
It was the very figure of a hero with a fairy and sword inviting him to an adventure in Sengo.
In front of the big bronze door that had lost both of us, there was nothing to flatter it about, and eventually the stars lit up and just frozen cold air blew out.
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