"It hasn't been officially introduced to you before." Then, Zhong Yi first spread his hand to the left and said, "Mr. Zhang, this is the leader of Ladbrokes, General Liang Sili Liang, and will also be produced by Aesthetics 2 in the future. Fang and the producer, the main vote is controlled. "

Then Zhong Yi spread his hand to the right again, and said, "General Liang, this is Dean Jiang's most proud teacher. Zhang Xingzhi, Teacher Zhang, just got the Master of Hot Flow, and I will try to invite Aesthetics 2 in the future. Cameron's general guide. "

Liang Sili ""

Liang Sili ""

"Wait, what does this mean? Why look for a portrait to be the general director of the camera?" Liang Sili's eyebrows twisted up at once. He just didn't know how to do it, and knew that taking photos and taking videos were completely different things.

"People can win prizes by taking portraits, it doesn't mean that people will only take portraits." Then, Zhong Yi looked at Zhang Xingzhi, "Teacher Zhang, look at the options on the table to see which one is more appropriate."

Zhang Xingzhi "OK."

There are four options, but the only one Zhong Zhong wants is the most difficult to shoot, and the remaining three are alternatives that will only start if no suitable photographer can be found.

Although Zhong Yi's aim has always been to not do the best if he can't do the best.

Zhang Xingzhi picked up things and began to look at it. Liang Sili didn't recover a little. He confirmed to Zhong Yi, "So now it means that the extreme photographer Jiang Duoduo has always wanted to introduce to you is him."

"I also discovered it later. The old fox of Jiang Duoduo refused to admit it at first, and wanted to drag me to help him take the class out." Zhong Yi said that he only remembered another identity of Zhang Xingzhi, adding , "Mr. Zhang is also the boss of our first-class outdoor shooting team in China. Your variety show will be handed over to his studio."

At this moment, Liang Sili suddenly stopped sour, the imbalance in his heart disappeared instantly, and there was even a little bit of pain in Zhang Xingzhi.

How much Zhong Yi wanted to shoot aesthetics 2 He could n’t be more clear, no wonder Zhong Ye would be so special to him, and dare to be the key object that needs to be used

Although Liang Sili didn't understand too professional things, he still had a general understanding of these plans when they were drawn up at the time.

It ’s no wonder that Zhong Ye has been looking for photography for so long. Even the easiest of these four schemes has to jump repeatedly on various roofs and cliffs. Just doing it has already made him shocked. When I think of Zhang Before he had to stop, he had to carry a camera to record these scenes securely, and Liang Sili felt that his goose bumps had been completely removed.

This elm pimple is too miserable. After sleeping for a night, the blanket was not overheated and would be pulled out to see such a scary shooting plan. Rao Shi also had to say that Zhong Zhong was also unreasonable.

At most, he was sad, smoking two more cigarettes, but this man had to lay down his life with the gentleman, and directly gave Zhong Yi his life.

Too cruel, Zhong Zhong is really too cruel.

Thinking about it this way, Zhong also agreed to let him go in without wearing a condom as if it was not completely incomprehensible

Liang Sili is in a complicated mood now, and he suddenly understands why Jiang Duoduo has been calling him for three days in a hurry recently, and he confirmed, "It means he is more powerful than Leonard."

Zhong also nodded.

"But didn't Leonard have a team? You didn't find him in a group before you found him. How can he be alone?"

"Of course it is good to have a team, but in fact Leonard they are the most expensive one alone. Others are all auxiliary." As he said, Zhong also couldn't help but cough twice, Liang Sili and Zhang Xingzhi held their hands almost simultaneously. Stretching towards the kettle on the coffee table, Zhong Ye finally opened the hands of the two and poured himself the water.

He ate a lot of lozenges on the way back from Zhang Xingzhi ’s house, and then barely recovered to the present level. “A person is nothing more than a heavy workload, and other assistants are easy to find, and Teacher Zhang should have a lot of skills in the circle. A good friend may not be able to make a team by himself. "

At the end, Zhong Yi also asked Zhang Xingzhi "Yes, Teacher Zhang"

Zhang Xingzhi looked at the split mirror very quickly and was very focused. At this time, he pretended not to hear Zhong Yi's questioning and fell into Liang Sili's eyes, which made people feel very big.

Sure enough, as soon as he knew that Zhang Xingzhi was a fool, Liang Sili's attitude immediately changed.

Although he smokes fiercely, he still wants to live two more years.

However, Liang Sili was not like Zhong Yi who was relieved after finding a suitable camera candidate. Instead, he asked in a deep voice, "You really think clearly"

Zhong Yi asked slowly and slowly, "Look, I've been busy for so long, it seems like a joke"

Liang Sili glanced at Zhang Xingzhi who was still looking at the plan. He simply said it straight in front of him. He rarely said such heavy words to Zhong Yi, frowning. "I'm a little worried about you Zhong Yi now, you can't be too addicted." Prove yourself right. "

Zhong Yi raised his cup to drink water, but it was still a slow tone, saying "I am also afraid, ten years ago, I am afraid now."

For this, he has paid the price, and in the future there is a high probability that he will always pay.

Leaving aside nothing else, Liang Sili is the person who knows himself best, and Zhong also knows that his worries are not only unreasonable, but even justified and crucial, but he has changed this matter for ten years and has not been able to change I do n’t want to change it.

"This may be my personality defect." Zhong Yiqing flirted to conclude this matter, and did not give Liang Sili the opportunity to continue the topic again, "but now Zhang Xingzhi is back in the circle."

Liang Sili silently digested "He doesn't have a studio"

"Being the boss, it's hard to understand if you don't resist the camera yourself." Zhong Yi, "He and Jiang Duoduo refused to tell me the name he used in the circle, but he has been teaching Jiang Duoduo for two years."

"So at least two years ago, I left the circle." Liang Sili meditated on this sofa without frowning, and he reasonably doubted, "I haven't photographed anything in two years, I can really shoot and you can even shoot He does n’t know what his nickname is, how do you know his level? "

As someone who has seen what Zhang Xingzhi looks like in the gym, Zhong Yi gave him an unexplained smile, "Can."

Yesterday I spent a whole day with Zhang Xingzhi can also be said to be a kind of inspection, so that Zhong also fully realized how much exercise this person has every day, and when he could n’t move a finger in the gym, there was no sweat. , Including the performance of this person on the bed, dispelled his same doubts as Liang Sili in an instant.

Zhang Xingzhi spent ten minutes before and after reading the four options, because these took out unnecessary plots and details, leaving only the most intuitive scene shooting design.

The answer he gave was simple, "I can shoot."

Zhong Yi raised his eyebrows, "All four can shoot"

"Well." So Zhang Xingzhi picked out three of them and put them on the table. "Lio can shoot these three."

Needless to say, the one still pinching is definitely the hardest.

Zhong Yi asked, "Can Leonard pat the rock climber in your hand?"

"It's hard to say." Zhang Xingzhi said with perseverance, "On technology and physical fitness, he can, but he almost gave Judi a hand-climbing when he almost had something wrong, so he was very cautious about this later."

After all, psychological quality is the most important part of extreme sports.

Zhong was also clear, and Liang Sili suddenly realized that "no wonder he was looking for him with this plan. He hesitated for so long and added such a high price."

When Leonard was found at the time, the consideration was that they had similar results in the past, and it would be easier and more quality and quantity-saving. Where did you think of this?

"So are you sure you can shoot?" Liang Sili is the essence of a businessman. In three or two sentences, he points out the issues he cares most about.

Zhang Xingzhi just said, "My hometown is Yunxian."

Liang Sili ""

Zhong Yi then suddenly remembered that the way he said before was to go to his hometown. Why didn't he think that Zhang Xingzhi was a native of Yunxian in Shancheng?

"Is all of you in Yunxian really climbing mountains? It's the kind of flying cornices." In Liang Sili's heart, this is a pseudo-proposition similar to that of students in Inner Mongolia riding horses to school.

Zhang Xingzhi "mainly the older generation, now all young people can come out, and those who stay in the local area also concentrate on studying."

Liang Sili subconsciously wanted to agree. Now he does not doubt that Zhang Xingzhi can shoot, but his reason shouted for him and calmly said, "Even if you don't have to wear a sleeve, then."

Zhong Yi ""

Zhang Xingzhi "Yes."

Speaking of which, Zhang Xingzhi looked at Zhong Yidao and said, "I just checked. The side effects of blocking drugs are very bad for the body. I really don't need to eat, or I will give you the test results tomorrow, and then you decide whether to eat."

Although Liang Sili emotionally feels that hiv ca n’t do the work of flying cornices, but it ’s because the hiv is so deadly

Liang Sili's tone was completely cold. "Then you should know if you check it. It's seventy-two hours, but in fact, the sooner you eat, the better. It's best to eat in the first two hours."

But Zhang Xingzhi didn't care about him at all, so he looked at Zhong Yi seriously and said seriously, "I only have these two **** lives, both with you."

Liang Sili ""

Even if he is unwilling to admit it in private, Zhang Xingzhi is really handsome, and his physical fitness is so good that he can make Zhong Yi like that ability.

Looking at the serious young man in front of the 821 flower, Liang Sili completely doubted his life.

But Zhong Yi only calmed down, "I already ate."

Zhang Xingzhi ""

Liang Sili ""

Hearing this, Liang Sili suddenly reflected where the focus was.

"No, Zhong Yi, you fucking, you have to explain to me clearly, you made a virgin and you are so rushed to take some medicine." He even swears out, and the volume is super double. " Do you think you did n’t eat enough last time? You ’re addicted to eating. You ’re so poor because of what you ’re doing now.

It is said that Zhang Xingzhi's eyes immediately sank, and he looked at Zhong Yizheng earnestly and said, "You have also eaten before"

Zhong Yi lowered her eyelids and did not answer. She only said, "I want me to take two fewer tablets. Before I take the medicine tomorrow night, I just put the test results in front of me."

The implication is nothing but verbal support, and I will not believe anything.

Liang Sili was shadowed by Zhong Yi last time taking medicine, but he must admit that Zhong was right.

The blocking drug has great side effects, and can kill half of his life after taking a course of treatment. He can't stand it alone, not to mention himself, but now you let Zhong Yi take it a second time, he is also unambiguous.

It's a good idea to make the most complete preparation for everything.

Liang Sili held his forehead to Zhang Xingzhi. "I will call tomorrow morning and have an inspection in the afternoon. I will go with you and join the team. The result will be signed on the spot."

Zhang Xingzhi "what contract"

"You can't sign a contract when you enter a group to shoot things." Liang Sili looked at this man with unreasonable eyes.

Zhang Xingzhi ""

Liang Sili ""

Zhong Yi calmly interrupted the two people's eye contact and said, "Mr. Zhang has not yet agreed to join the group, Mr. Liang."

President Liang ""

"Hy" Chinese is not enough to carry his shock.

Zhong Yi gave him a scornful glance. "Are you really in a bad brain? They all say that people have been out of the circle for two years."

General Manager Liang expressed his contempt for this answer and calmly said, "When it comes to retreating, all the money is not in place."

"Speak, what's your price." Mr. Liang is the quickest to do this kind of thing every time, and the straight shot is properly done.

But Zhang Xingzhi "I am not short of money."

President Liang ""

Mr. Liang "Young people still have to be humble. Listen to me. You are lacking. You live in a school dormitory all day long. You can't even do your own house."

Zhang Xingzhi "I am not short of houses."

President Liang ""

General Manager Liang "Young people still have to pursue a little bit, but don't need anything else, the house is really lacking."

Zhang Xingzhi ""

Let a person who has never shown off a rich cell now directly say that he lives in a thousand-square-meter mansion with a back garden is really a bit embarrassing him.

Still, Zhong Yi finally couldn't stand it anymore. When he opened the phone album, he put the screen on Liang Sili's face, which showed the photo he sent to Jiang Duoduo.

Zhong Yi looked at Liang Sili like a fool. "Do you understand? Mr. Liang, this is the ceiling of the bedroom of the other person. Is it bigger than the entire ceiling of the living room of your apartment? Why don't I always go home?"

Liang Sili was blinded. "Did he say you sent Youan back to school last time?"

How is this different from saying good?

Zhong Yi "Shunlu is to live together because there are so many people you take for granted. China needs to step up logic education."

Liang Sili, who was always smashed every day

Zhong Yi often feels that Liang Sili is pitiful as he is now. If he doesn't have himself, how can this person owe so much money to his IQ to stabilize his position.

However, this time Liang Sili soon had a bad taste, dissatisfied and said, "Then he doesn't need money, meaning he wants you."

Zhong Yi took a cup and drank. "This is about to ask him."

For a time, all attention was focused on Zhang Xingzhi.

As a person coming over, Liang Sili is now a bit incomprehensible. In front of Zhong Yi, he sincerely persuaded this elm pimple to say, "Anyway, this kind of person ca n’t be kept. If you want him, it ’s all vain. Get some real money. "

"More money, less money, at least they are really yours. There really is no need to choose a clock to worry about yourself."

During this period, Liang Sili even issued a soul torture to Zhang Xingzhi and asked, "How can a man have money to rely on"

Zhang Xingzhi ""

Why didn't he find that Liang Sili was actually a sand sculpture before?

Zhong Yi saw through Zhang Xingzhi's thoughts in a second, and gave him a look. I was used to it. This person's business is all so blind.

Anyway, after Zhang Xingzhi sat there as steady as Mount Tai, Liang Sili still tried his best to lobby for a long time, and finally even "Zhong Yi he used you to understand that he sleeps you have no love at all, just want you to give him life" All the strange and strange words were pulled out, and Zhong Yi heard his temple jump, and finally interrupted unbearably. "So this is also worth speaking out. I thought he should have known it. If he wanted to engage in a sweet love wholeheartedly, he would not Thinking of coming to me. "

With that said, Zhong Yi forced Zhang Xingzhi to say, "Is that Teacher Zhang?"

Zhang Xingzhi quietly moved his throat knot "Yes."

Liang Sili ""

Teacher Zhang, if you are kidnapped, you blink

In just one hour, Liang Sili's emotional turn to Zhang Xingzhi can be described as ninety-eight bends.

Now that there are more layers of working relationships, Liang Sili only feels that Zhang Xingzhi is really miserable, which is more miserable than he smokes so much.

With regard to this elm lump's personality, when he met someone like Zhong Yi, it was hardly alive.

The author has something to say s really can't remember Zou Chao's goose, you can update jja, upper right corner, full text search "Zou"

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