Chapter 25: Bullets? I’ve Got Plenty!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

No one could understand. Bick was the last to arrive. From the moment he shouted on the balcony of the Paradise Hotel, spies from various forces had come to watch.

How could such a large heavy machine gun avoid so many pairs of eyes and hide in the bushes that barely blocked the machine gun?

Mystery and the unknown were the things that most aroused fear in people’s hearts.

At this moment, everyone looked at Bick, no longer looking down on him.

A force that could hide from the eyes and ears of the entire free town and move the heavy machine gun at will was definitely worthy of their respect.

Bick twisted his neck and put the metal bullet chain back into place with a click. He aimed the muzzle of the gun at Gable and the others.

“We have to follow the rules in the town. Now we can finally test the gun!” Bick’s hands were trembling. It was not because he was afraid or could not bear it, but a hidden excitement in his bones.

“Damn it!” Gable cursed, but he did not panic at all. He quickly pulled the two lackeys beside him to block in front of him.

“Tong Tong Tong…” the crisp sounds of the machine gun connected together and instantly shattered Gable’s first subordinate into pieces.

The subordinate in the middle was also struck by a bullet that pierced through a human body, causing him to continuously tremble.

“F * ck! As expected, it’s all a lie in the movie. I told you that the power of the machine gun would definitely not be that small!” Bick pressed on the trigger, and as the muzzle of the gun trembled, his entire body trembled with excitement.

He did not have a shred of pity in his heart. These people wanted to kill him, and they also wanted to ravage Kate.

He had to show no mercy to the enemy, or he would be irresponsible to himself and his companions!

The bullets of the heavy machine gun flew over a hundred yards in the wilderness. After tearing a person’s body, its power was slightly reduced, but it could still penetrate the body of a second person.

Finally, like a storm, it hit Gable’s body head-on.

Gable was constantly pushed back by the impact of the bullet storm and fell to the ground.

Bick didn’t even turn the muzzle of his gun to fire at the other members of Hellfire. He just stared at Gable’s position and kept pouring bullets.

He understood that at this moment, he had to kill the leader, and it would be the most threatening way to die.

Using bullets to drown the other party was the way to truly shock everyone.

For a heavy machine gun that could fire at 450 rounds per minute, 250 rounds of metal bullet chains only took 30 seconds to finish pouring bullets.

The wilderness quieted down again, but everyone was stunned by the 30-second bullet storm just now.

It was not that the wasteland did not have guns, but heavy machine guns like the Maxim MG-08, which represented the strength of the industry, were very rare.

Any force that had one or two guns would be personally controlled by the leader of the force, so they would not show it to others easily as a trump card.

Think about the guards of free town. When they were patrolling, they mainly used cold weapons. Only the three leaders could carry a musket and act as a firepower group to deter all the people from the wasteland.

From this, one could understand what the musket meant to the wasteland world.

Just as everyone, including Bick, thought that Gable had already been torn apart by the bullets.

From the small mountain of meat piled up by the two hellfire members, a hand suddenly stretched out, and Gable crawled out with a cough.

“Cough cough… Hehehe haha!” He rubbed his chest and laughed maniacally. He tore open the clothes on his chest, and there was a whole piece of carburized steel plate inside.

“Dong Dong!” Gable was like a gorilla, using his hand to pound the steel plate on his chest, making a crisp sound.

“Oh!” The Hellfire members who had been suppressed also cheered loudly.

They had thought that Bick had relied on his mysterious strategy of hiding machine guns in advance to defeat the strong. The various factions that were watching the battle were considering Bick’s suggestion of “Making friends.”

When they saw that there was another twist, they immediately stopped in their tracks.

In fact, the various factions were secretly praising themselves for not moving fast enough and stopping in time.

Obviously, things were still changing. Bick didn’t rely on the machine guns he had hidden to take Gable away in one wave.

In that case, Hellfire would be able to complete a desperate counterattack under Gable’s leadership. After all, there were still fewer people on Bick’s side in terms of strength.

Now that the machine guns had finished firing, the remaining results were clear.

“His bullets are all fired. Brothers, let’s go and kill this damn guy!”Gable pointed arrogantly at Bick and roared.

The Hellfire people also shouted and waved their guns and big knives in preparation to drown Bick.

But soon, everyone was tongue-tied and looked at Bick in disbelief. Once again, they pulled out a large box of machine gun bullets from the bushes where the machine gun was pulled out.

“Who said I only have one cartridge chain?” Bick smiled disdainfully and slowly changed the cartridge chain, connecting the cartridge chains at the back.

This kind of 250-round metal bullet chain could be connected, allowing the firepower of the heavy machine gun to continue. In theory, before the barrel of the gun was destroyed, any number of bullets could be wantonly spilled.

Seeing this scene, the representatives of the various forces who had just stopped stamped their feet in annoyance.

Guns were precious, but ammunition was even more precious. A gun without bullets was worse than a poker.

What kind of force could prepare a large box of bullets for a heavy machine gun?

Of course, there were also some who were clear-headed. They looked at the bushes that were constantly being dragged out by Bick with a strange expression.

How could that small bush hide such a large box of bullets behind a heavy machine gun that weighed 60 to 70 kilograms?

Were the spies from before blind?

Soon, the representatives of the various factions thought of a possibility.

It was impossible for all the spies to be blind, but it was very easy for someone to make them pretend to be blind.

However, to be able to bribe all the spies in free town in one go…

And then to casually place the heavy machine guns inside and outside the town… What kind of intelligence and financial resources was this? !

At this moment, when they looked at Bick again, everyone’s expressions were extremely solemn.

“F * ck, bring the armored car here!” Gable’s expression was terrified as he shouted hysterically.

He had never expected that a moment of greed would actually provoke such a powerful enemy.

Unfortunately, the matter could no longer be resolved peacefully. Now, he had to risk his life.

Following the roar of the engine, an armored truck modified from a heavy truck slowly drove over from behind the sand dune behind Hellfire.

No one had expected that Hellfire actually had a hidden trump card.

This armored truck equipped with steel plates was not something that bullets could deal with.

Looking at the truck moving forward, Gable’s heart was bleeding. That was the gasoline that he had spent a lot of effort to accumulate!

The value of gasoline was needless to say. It would be too much of a waste to make a move.

“Brothers, charge! Charge and kill him!” Gable shouted loudly. He had the Hellfire men hide behind the armored vehicles and charge forward.

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Kate’s expression was ugly. For a moment, she was also in despair.

The price of vehicles and gasoline on the wasteland was very high, not to mention adding steel plates to make armored vehicles.

However, Bick was not flustered at all. he shouted loudly, “I don’t believe that a homemade armored vehicle can be compared to a tank.”

As soon as he finished his words, he quickly rushed toward the bushes that kept surprising everyone.

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